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How the fuck does literally everything stay in focus with this camera?
It doesn't. The lens is just so bad that you can't tell the difference between in focus and out of focus
because its basically a pinhole with a clear filter infront of it
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Fixed f/10, 1/100th, 30mm lens with ISO 800 film means its trying to cover as many situations as possible while maintaining a relatively sharp shot, but the lens is plastic, and kind of shit, so its always going to be a little soft and soupy.

Kodak do have a Tri-X disposable camera, which, with the flash on, makes for a fun street carry.
I miss going on vacations with these and reliving the experience when the photos get developed
it is likely ok-ish at distances 1,5m - infinity
Nothing is stopping you
He's lying, he never did that. He's imagining what that would have been like.
>He's imagining what that would have been like.
internet poisoned zoomer
are you 12? this is a universal experience for anyone born before 2000
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People born in the year 2000 are 24, two years out of college.

Last time I naturally saw a film camera was 2009 as wedding favors. Got into film myself but for all intents and purposes film basically died in 2008 for common purposes.

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I appreciate you posting this for the insight it gives into the zoomer mind
my gorlfriend at the time worled in snappy snaps and we took so many photos. i only have a show box full of old prints but that was a cool time. free photo printing for life on the most expensive paper they had, kek. have a photo of me and my dog with miniclip in the background lmao
Film cameras are everywhere if you don’t live in the middle of nowhere.
The key term is “hyperfocal”. Look that up. There are apps that calculate it and manual focus lenses were intended to help achieve it.
Get an old manual focus lens that has a distance scale and focus lines.
Example 28mm lens, f/11, focus to 8ft. Everything from 4 ft to infinity will be “sorta” in focus, or at least good enough for 6 in prints.
In other situations where you are guaranteed to be a certain distance from subject just set the lens to infinity and forget about it.

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