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What's your favorite 35mm roll?

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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
fuji superia 1600
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For me, it’s the old black label ilfords.

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t-the one i have with me..
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The Earl Grey by Lomography (pic rel).

It's just so classy and crisp while still being very affordable.

Never been disappointed of the results, even when I fuck up my camera parameters
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for me, its Lomochrome Purple

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The cheapest decent color roll I can reasonably find.
In the current year that's Fujigold 200.
XX, BABY! Embrace the grain, and reject the pixel peeping. It looks fantastic when you make silver gelatine prints all the way up to 800 iso.
Oh I thought op meant like which canister design, not which stock. We talk about films stocks all the time that’s a gay boring question, join me in my error and post your favorite film cans. Would make a more interesting thread than “muh portra muh trip” version 101919191
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Not even a question
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Gimme that “No-name” dharma initiative aesthetic like picrel

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Kodak "olympic gold" they made for 100 year anniversary with athletes on them... printed on the canister and the roll itself.
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ilford delta 400
fuji across 100
velvia 100
literally foma 100

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happy pride anon
>he likes something I don't like
>must be gay
It was because of the color bands, you massive sperg
It's clearly a romanian flag
What does those 3 colors have to do with pride you mongrel?
Its coincidentally an upside down pansexual flag.
So sick and fucking tired of the millions of flags representing mental illnesses
That's not how film loads into the camera.
Thats how your mom loads film into a camera.
>What's your favorite 35mm roll?
One that was exposed to light bouncing off some booba.. if you know what I mean.
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Kodak tri-x 320
Kodak Technical Pan

Daily use
Ilford fp4+
Fomapan 100
Kodak Tmax 400

Agfaultra 50 / 100
Fuji Superia 200
Fuji Natura 1600

Fuji Provia 100F
Fuji Provia 400X
She loads it upside down then
>My mom thinks my passion for film is stupid because she was alive when it was all there was.
Generic kodak roll aesthetics

Makes me proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
My favorite 35mm roll was the Studio 35 200iso film. It was sharper than all the name brands. It hasn’t existed for ten years. Never tried it just because it was a store brand? Too bad. Even the Walgreens 400iso disposable camera was sharp. Studio 35 200-800iso film was all sharp, and sharper than name brand.
>if it was so sharp why don’t you post examples?
Because this faggot ass board will never allow high resolution photos even though it’s the photography board.
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Upload it to catbox.moe and post link.
You never even check out my pictures when I post them on /hr/, so why should I?
I don't browse /hr/. I'm sorry. :(
i really liked dubblefilm daily color. i suspect it is rebranded kodak but i don't know which. it's not gold for sure.
i like streetpan 400
It's the fake Ilford fyi.
What do you mean?
Unironically, the one I have with me :)
why are boomers obsessed with sharpness? No matter how sharp that film is, it's not going to be as sharp as even an 8 year old digital camera. If your so obsessed with it, just go buy digital. Having sharp photos isn't impressive, it's boring and gay (just like you)
>F3+Rollei 80
>0 results
Yeah, keep on plebbin, fags.
Blocky isn't sharp. Edge contrast isn't sharp. You don't know what sharpness looks like.

Go to an optometrist and spend a day away from screens, out in nature. You will find out what sharp really is.
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oh hey I just found a roll of that in my mom's old camera. it only had a couple of shots on it so I finished it up myself

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he means its not the same ilford that makes the black n white film, its the sister company that has the rights to make and sell colour film under the ilford brand.

its some bullshit like the kodak/kodak alaris deal, or agfa-gevaert/agfaphoto, just dont worry about it and shoot what you like the most shit doesnt matter anyway

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wish there would be a good equivalent thats made in the eu though
1976 Npan21 of course
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I don't like that soulless light font
the old Ektar branding looked WAY better
Scan it in high resolution, post ‘em on /hr/, then link to them here.
We could only afford amateur film and that shit was blunt back then. Also, 800 iso film was always recommended back then, exacerbating the situation; there was no internet to warn us about that. However, my uncle preferred Kodachrome 200 and most prints I’ve seen in his albums are crappy.
Am I retarded for buying 10 rolls of kodak gold? I'm just learning film and wanted a color film that was semi affordable but learned afterwards it has a ton of "character" that can't really be ignored.
the lab does the scanning but I can post a few here, it'll probably be ready some time next week.

ammo is ammo m8, you learn by taking the shots
I would've gone for half that amount. Even if it's a more affordable film stock, I bet that added up real quick. Good news is that it's considered pretty solid overall.
Here in the clown colony of Canada, homie just dropped 150 bucks on practice film. It’s not that much but at the same time it also feels like a lot.
man of culture
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got my scans sooner than expected, but only 21/24 frames. I'll need to wait till monday to pick up the negatives and see what might have happened

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this one and several others have that black bar on the left, not sure what's up with that

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3.22 MB JPG

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Fucked scan, they stuck it on auto mode and didnt check if anything actually lined up.
Also the fact the bar is the same sickly orange as the rest of the image means auto mode boosted the shadows probably due to underexposure.

a rescan or a home scan would make these pics look so much better.
Push it one stop and enjoy.
Fujifilm velvia
Fomapan 400.
The best and the cheapest, literally $4.50 per roll. Massive grain though, so it's not for everyone.

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