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Just posting some of my pics, all taken with a game boy camera in the past month, feel free to join if you got game boy camera pics
How did you take color pictures? Color filters and channel merge?
yes but I also had to add an IR cut filter because unlike film the sensor is sensible to infrared, IR washes out the image too much otherwise
How are you getting these from the camera to the computer?
a couple of ways:
>Dump the save with an analogue pocket
>Dump the save with a gbxcart RW
>A printer emulator made out of an esp32
After that it's just a matter of using an app like "game boy camera gallery" to extract the photos from the save
Finding the filters is actually the hardest part, barely anyone even bothers doing trichrome with film too nowadays
these are so cool, thanks for sharing
this is real photography
no expensive gear or latest and greatest clinical lenses
just be in the moment, and shoot
Love these, really feels like they are screenshots from a game

Thanks for the kino anon
>just be in the moment, and shoot
No these are carefully planned out and thoughtfully composed, as far away from snapshits as you could get
Regardless of what camera OP took these on, they would have came out great
I just shot at random things
What fiters did you use? Doy you have a link?
Finding the filters is the worst part, people have been recommending flash gels but it's impossible to know if they'll be of the right color beforehand, lens filters are hard to find too.
I lucked out and found a set of filters that work at a photographer's shop.
Roscolux swatchbooks also work but they are hard to find outside of US.
For IR cutoff I ordered a set of these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003886211401.html
and placed one between the outer and inner plastic shell.
It removes the "IR glow", makes vegetation not appear white and allows trichrome with sunlight, but it gives a weird swirly effect at the sides unless it's glued right on the sensor
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I take photographs of the GBASP screen. Smallest aperture, experiment with the shutter speed, then clean up a little in an image editor (deskewing, contrast adjustment, etc)

Personally I don't care too much for the super-defined pixellation when blown up. I like the dots to bleed a little.
Just goes to show center frame composition is king
damn this nibba trichroming gameboy snaps, thats actually pretty cool

these are real fire.
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Did some more today
Did a remake of that today on a similar gate
Is that a Frieren cosplay, what the heck. I wonder are you the same person who imgur dumped bunch of convention cosplay photos taken with a GB camera? Good stuff
Kinda like the first one better, but for the tones rather than composition
one of the best threads on pee in a while this is so cool
the first one is great because the outer darkness melds with the frame making the image appear larger
I doubt it, I know some other guys go to furry conventions with the game boy camera but that's just not my thing
Anyway that was indeed frieren
Would play this game for sure
>trichromed, well composed GameBoy camera pictures
Nigga you the coolest dude in this entire site right now. Good shit.
And the coolest part is that you can scale these infinitely to whatever res you want.
thank you for making real pictures.
Very nice. I did a series of color photos with my gameboy camera when I was in college circa 2006. The teacher let me borrow some RGB squares that I put in front of the lens; I didn't think about adding an IR cut filter.
I think my images have been lost to the ether; small chance I still have them on a hard drive somewhere.
>these are actually excellent and very cool
gear bros our response?
Apply gb camera filter to your images in software
Beautiful like a dream
>that swirl aberration
So nice
Gear really is the most important thing to /p/
I taped a square of transparent plastic with thirds lines drawn on it to my game boy's screen so I can do pictures on thirds
I took these before the IR filter
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Took this today
Is it an anime doll tho?

What happens if you put the lens in front of a normal sensor?
What lens are you talking about?
This is the stock game boy lens with a IR cutoff filter, every camera sensor has one but the game boy camera didn't back in the day
Good composition is basically cheat codes.
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My new gear just came in
as someone who is usually obsessed with focus and detail in my shots, some of these photos are genuinely inspiring
Took some pics with the new lens, I really hope the higher clarity won't make the feel look worse
Same building as before, new lens
I couldn't take this shot with the stock camera
Seriously cool, OP
great photos, with a cool aesthetic, but I am afraid it would be far to cringe to walk about with a Game boy color as a man in my mid 30s, I simply cannot make myself do it.
holy kino
Oh, WOW! These photos are simply AMAZING because they were taken with something I remember my dad talking about having. I literally can't look past the camera used and notice the photos themselves are shit, I'm just TOTALLY amazed! Great job OP!!!1!
That said, he's out taking photos and having fun, which is something I have no issue with
>photography is the art of making images with equipment
>the equipment has an effect
*soiface* not the heckin materialrino! the freakin wordily possession bois!

I think it's cool specifically because he's trichroming it
Wtf are you even saying
This one's cool. Nice lonely, empty vibe.
post one pick with an apple filter that has more soul than any of these gorgeous game oy pics. just one. right here in this thread. let's go.
you are so mad no one gives a shit about your soulless snoy snapshits
I thought this was unironic until I read the comments
cool shit anon
Carry a real camera along with it?
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Walking around with a game boy camera is not that weird or cringy nowadays, most people will have no idea what that is anyway and people who played with a game boy when young would be like "oh man that's so cool".
>Zoomers can't bully you because they have no idea what that is
>Millennials are adults and don't care about bullying you anymore
>Gen X probably won't give a fuck
>Boomers are too preoccupied by figuring out how to open a photo on a smartphone to care about you
>Silent generation hates you anyway
>letting a manufacturer live rent free in your head
Things angry snapshitters do. You obviously don't know what soul is. You're a casual noob who sees pixelated images and gets excited.
You should make a rotating food gif, plz.
How much did this setup cost you considering all?
It's hard to measure, as far as I remember:
>used game boy camera: 50
>flash cart: 100
>lenses: 50 total
>3D printed shell: 20
>gbxcart to dump the saves: 40
>IR cut filters: about 2 bucks
>RGB filters for Trichrome: I must have spent at least 100 bucks on trying different lenses and filters
>3D printed tripod adapter: 20
Then there's the incidental stuff that's way more expensive but not strictly required:
>replacement shell for the game boy color
>new screen for the gbc
>analogue pocket (useful for exporting photos because the GbxCart does not work on mobile)
>link cables (extremely cheap on aliexpress)
[Eurobeat Intensifies]
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the flashcart with the custom camera rom is awesome, it allows me to do bracketing and produce HDR pictures without fiddling with settings too much, it also has a lot more storage
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Cool pics, OP
what even is this? looks like a phone photo sent through an app filter that is not even accurate
At least use a proper converter of you for to do it
Hey OP, I just ordered a gameboy camera off ebay. I already have an analog pocket and read all your other posts. Can you share any other useful info? I don’t think I’m going to trichrome but other knowledge would be useful
>make a savestate
>go to https://herrzatacke.github.io/gb-printer-web/#/gallery
>drag the .sav file from the memories folder into it
>enjoy your game boy pics
You can export them, do rgb, average multiple exposures and all sort of fun stuff with them
Plugins (add them in the settings):
>Average: https://herrzatacke.github.io/gb-printer-web-plugins/average.js
Other random knowledge:
>Stock camera automatically sets exposure and cannot be manually controlled, before getting the flashcart I used this: https://github.com/breademan/silih/tree/v20240616 to get manual controls, it involves loading the rom in a regular flashcart and hotswapping it with the real camera. Does not work on analogue pocket because it automatically resets itself on insertion for some reason
>panorama mode keeps exposure constant if you need it, great for RGB trichrome, filters work best in auto mode because not all of them may have the same exposure
>as soon as you receive your camera immediately do a save backup before shooting ANYTHING, deleted photos can be recovered and you may find pics from the previous owner, it's always a fun find
>the back of the camera head lets a ton of IR light in, if you feel like disassembling it you can use electrical tape on the inside of the back to mitigate it or even tape the exterior if you don't feel like opening it
>There's a chance the backup battery still works after all these years, if it holds the save you're good
Most based thread on /pee/ in years
I obtained new filters
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Tried one with dithering disabled, it came out almost real
Thanks! The japanese seller left a photo of this dragon quest slime on it.
Good thread. It was actually a pleasure watching these.
Made my mind wonder a little bit.
That was nice of them!
Is pretty.
Check for deleted photos in the save
Love these photos, OP. Incredibly inspiring, really gets the point across that you don't need the newest full frame bigshitter with gorillion megapixels and 69 stops of dynamic range.
Some of these look like visual novel backgrounds and i really like that.

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