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>be me
>spends 10k+ on camera gear the past 2 years
>turns my end game setup is a Pentax LX and the 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5
>a fucking $30 lens on a $300 body
Gearfaggotry burnout, you got sick of trying to solve problems that didn't exist
>trying to solve problems that didn't exist
it really do be like that
You should feel happy. Now you know what you want, and it's cheap
I am happy, it's just hilariously annoying after all that money and worry and obsession that the answer was something simple and inexpensive like everyone says the whole time. I just needed to spend the money to figure out they were right I guess.
10k? What did you buy and why?
>be me
>spends 15k+ on camera gear in the past two years
>turns out my end game setup is the same as my early game setup (x100v) which i never bought because i couldn't bear to pay above retail
>beat around the bush instead and now have a pile of not-quite-x100s
I'm similar. A compact zoom gets the most good shots because it is convenient and captures the right focal length versus a prime when walking about or on shoots. Switching primes is just too slow and the increase in image quality is almost nothing because post processing editing and the quality of light in the shot contribute far more.
>compact zoom

>learning photography on a cheap digizoom
>buy into 5k mirrorless system
>return to £100 digizoom from 2015 and use it 90% of the time
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>mfw bought x100v thinking it's my ideal
>it felt too bulky for me
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What didn't I buy? I've owned at least 11 cameras, shot full frame, aps-h, aps-c, m43, medium format film. I've used foveons and ccds, I've chased color science and noise character. I've bought very large tripod cameras and very small pocket cameras. I've had single lens zoom setups and multi prime setups. I've had clinically sharp and perfect lenses and lenses of character of all kinds.

I've had it all, man and eventually you just realize that the thing you were missing was right under your nose the whole time, you were just too lost to see it. Trying to fix problems that were never really about photography at all..
yup that has basically been my conclusion as well. I know what focal lengths I actually use and I've never been punished by the floating aperture. It gives me just enough flexibility to compose exactly how I want it without needing to change lenses. It's lightweight small makes it easy to grab when I go out without it being a big commitment. My only complaint is that it's not internally-focusing, so it's a pain to use a CPL.

it do be that way
give it to me.
You start small and chase the highs. By highs I mean the best quality, sensor, image, colours, sharpness. Then when you reach that you start chasing in the opposite direction. You know where you're willing to compromise and that most of that stuff doesn't even matter. So you start searching for the cheapest, smallest, most comfortable, most portable/pocketable, most whatever setup, where your compromises won't be affected too much.

Currently still in this stage and don't know how to stop.
>Currently still in this stage and don't know how to stop.
It ends once you realize that photography was never about the photos.
>endgame is a mediocre camera retro larp fashion gadget
Grim. We really share the board with these types of people.
Ah, you must be autistic
Grass was always greener until I could actually afford what I wanted, only to realize how little I actually needed. Getting over the high MP desire was big for me. Now I chase features, not tech specs.
In hindsight, renting stuff I wanted to try for a week or so would be all I needed to cure the GAS.
Also now in the min/max phase for size/perfromance/joy.
Same. I’m listing $20k worth of vintage & current bodies & lenses i hoovered up & dont need.
1. Old Z7, bc its just fine jfc, + olde 18mm Zeiss Batis on megadap & Z 80mm
2. Nikonos V, + stock 35mm lens for taking out in the ocean, mud & snow

Once i sell this heaving mountain of shit off ill see if i want to spend more than my entire setup is worth on a single lens & do the 180-600 supertele to shoot birdies & surfers with, but otherwise jfc nobody even sees my pics but me, why d i have so much $ into documenting my surfing, biking & snowshoeing? …so when I’m old i can look at my pics of trips in my youth & be sad i cant go anymore? Or because i hope that the pics will be lasting evidence of my life and that someone will see them and care that i existed. Either way, f.
>when all your shooting is walking around the park midday
unironically on this building corner cat board
>35mm film
So you found out you were an amateur hobbyist all along and it only took you $10k to get there

Nice pics btw (not)
>everyone itt with no pics
itt: turbo gearfags trying to talk themselves into the "retvrn to" minimalist phase of their shopping cycle. they havent actually done it, they're trying to convince themselves to.

2 years later they'll have $5000 in gear again because better gear is in fact better
Endgame is a notebook and pencil and you writing a detailed description of the scene rather than taking a photo.
What kind of pics would you like to see? Why did you not also include pics?
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>mfw I realized the RX100IV is the ultimate compact camera
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>Hurr durr, irrelevant argument because nophoto
>Proceeds to also not post a photo
My favourite thing to see on /p/.

I'd like a photo of an onion. Cut in half. In an environment you should not find an onion in normal life. It also is not allowed to be anywhere near your ass or dick.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R50
Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.3.0
PhotographerCody Avery
Lens Size18.00 - 45.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0
Lens NameRF-S18-45mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM
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Image Width1620
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Color Matrix132
You didn't have any particular goals or were you just chasing trends? What cameras and lenses did you own and what does the Pentax do for you that the others didn't? Like if I could only own one camera/lens, it wouldn't be that. Not saying it's a bad choice because 35-70mm happens to be my favorite range.
I’d say close, but actually the va. Phase detect af improves so much over the old contrast detect af, at least in my usage.
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Confession thread?
>i have a prolem with everybody doing ir saying everything, let me interrupt ur discussion to tell you about it
>then you will all realize im the smartest and goolest guy in the room
>then you’ll all finally want to be my friend or suffer humiliation
>u r dum
>i m kewl
>everybody lookit meee

Ok retard, we’re all looking at you now, waiting fir you to wow us with your amazing photo posts that are so awesome bc photography is actually just displays of consumerism, art as mere reflection of what gear you bought from a store. You fucking dope.
posts this seethey only follow trvth nvkes
name a phrase more gearfag than "endgame camera" ill wait.

the dissertation:
every photographer WILL become a gearfag because gear is fundamentally influential in photography, in ways that skill can not reasonably compensate for. it's optics, you can't outskill physics. but every gearfag has two paths to take. the first is staying a gearfag, which is where they develop the idea of an endgame camera and spend a significant amount of time researching cameras and minmaxing cost, experience, and specs to meet an on paper ideal before trying again at buying the perfect camera (this will be endgame, this is endgame, i promise, this hit got me so high i can quit). the second path is realizing all cameras are either frustrating pieces of third world junk designed by uncreative greedy mimics, or frustrating pieces of first world junk designed by uncreative greedy snake oil salesmen, and just using whatever you have at the moment you reach this realization until it breaks or you legitimately need something else for a job or something.

its actually ok that you havent bought "le endgame camera" yet, it means you still have a chance of cutting the cycle short before you switch systems again, and you might take photos in the future :)
that doesn't look like a photo to me
your pre-existing seethe tells me you wont listen to reason, you'll just find a reason to hate any photo i post to avoid having to face the fact that i'm right, so all you get is irrefutable logic.
wasn't the one that seethed, was just hoping to see photos since you made a big deal about it
i do have a different opinion, but thats okay, different people have different priors and preferences
I wouldn't say that I was trend chasing, as in I wasn't just copying what I saw on the internet. I just followed my own interests. Some things like mft lasted literally a day before deciding to return it and others like Foveon, I spent almost the entire two years with in some capacity.

>what does the Pentax do for you that the others didn't?
Technically it doesn't do anything other cameras haven't done, but it has a specific combination of characteristics that I find appealing. In essence, it's not that much different from my first camera, a fuji x-t3. I like it because it's easy to carry, it's slow, it's small and it's film. I'm sure there are many other cameras I could have landed on that would be similarly satisfying, but it happened to be the camera to arrive with those qualities first.

>Like if I could only own one camera/lens, it wouldn't be that
You do realize we are, in fact, different people and being different people we are.. different? Photography is not objective as much as people online want it to be, it's entirely personal and subjective.
Already sold it for more that what I bought it for new. Buyer was some guy who wanted to "upgrade" from his iPhone. Didn't want to tell him that his shots won't be much better, since x100v is very comparable to iPhones and there's no real difference when uploading to instagram or WhatsApp
Is this where all the kids are posting photos now? How do I get in on this?
maybe the next version foolji comes out with will have a half-decent lens
They could probably license one from Ricoh and just keep quiet about it
who hurt you
So you bought a bunch of cheap useless shit instead of getting quality expensive things to begin with and then settled on low level garbage because you ran out of money.

Have friends and family, live in EU
nope, quite the opposite. I've had some very high end gear (within reason of the 10k budget) and it was the stuff I've enjoyed using the least.

I am not broke, I have a few grand burning a hole in my pocket and I have no gear to spend it on because I've finally found the kit that works for me.
What would be some examples of quality expensive models that they should've purchased instead?
Sony A7R4
and if they had that and similar, and still came to the same conclusion?
I had an a7r3 and it was easily the camera I liked the least out of the cameras I've used. The image character was plasticy, the body was uncomfortable, the menus aren't as bad as people say, but they are not well organized and put things in confusing places.
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I had an a7riii too and it was loads of fun with great high ISO performance

but the colors do look weird sometimes. and it broke. apparently the broken IBIS mount issue because halfway through a trip it was like it could never get half the image in focus

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Fujifilm GFX100RII
But that camera doesn't even exist yet
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I know but i'm saving my $5k for it

I need 100mp dog snaps at least to authentically preserve how soft my dog's fur looks. Please understand. Maybe even 4x5.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 7_2
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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)33 mm
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Go 4x5, his coat is losing it's luster daily. We are all rotting in meat cages warding off entropy. Simply waiting for a digital medium format is absolutely a waste of time and money
you can already buy a hasselblad 907x with the 100mp back for JUST $8000
you really do need 100mp for dogs
I dont have gearfagging syndrome because everytime I even begin thinking about something new and shiny, i spend months researching what i want before judging if i really want it, or if it was just some baseless wish that would yield no tangible results. The gear i was firmly sure i wanted to get were my first camera (entry range dslr) and an 50mm f/1.8 (which were not the first lens), and I took about half a year to buy the latter one because I didn't really needed it at that time.
These posts are the results of consooming ad nauseam. I'm so sorry for you guys
>buying things bad
money was created to be spent. hoarding money is unchristian. you should be supporting businesses and charities so the working can earn a living and the poor can get working.
gross, at least clean your dog up before taking pictures, that's just nasty on so many levels
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>dog has two micron sized eye boogers
>retard spergs out

Capture one leaves a lot of moire in, along with a lot of fine color transitions and saturation
Camera jpeg does not, but some things look smeared/desaturated
Lightroom (defaults) do not, but some things look smeared/desaturated and the grain is sharpened harder than lab scans

This is good in theory, but I'm always too lazy to zoom in and edit it out. The moire is hard to see zoomed out (4k screen feels), but the extra color detail is always visible, so, whatever

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 7_2
Camera SoftwareCapture One Windows
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)65 mm
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You're an undiagnosed retard. The photos are what matter here. Fuck off over to /biz to preach your faggotry
>spending money bad!
>photos cost money
Everything costs money dickhead. The actual argument is that people can and should reach a level of sufficiency.

Take all your savings and dump them in the nearest slot machine by your logic.
>everyone should be happy with a canon rebel
>everyone is as poor as me and cant afford to try out gear
some people make do with such shit cameras fren, quit being a fag
Wait, do you people actually buy and keep gear?

You actually analyze purchases? You don't buy nice gear with the intent of selling it?
Lensrentals = $100+ a week
Resell = $150-$300 for 6 months, sometimes break even, sometimes profit
>I just followed my own interests.
What were your interests? So you started with the X-T3. Why? What did you switch to and why (and so on through 11 cameras and 10k)?

>Photography is not objective as much as people online want it to be, it's entirely personal and subjective.

People online run the entire gamut of the human experience - you might be focused on a narrow set of people here. In any case, the very existence of photographic metrics and their relation to physical phenomena mean that there is always an objective component and thus cannot be entirely personal and subjective.

>You do realize we are, in fact, different people and being different people we are.. different?

Obviously. It's just that the LX and 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 is more one among "many other cameras I could have landed on that would be similarly satisfying." rather than an "end game setup" in the traditional sense of that phrase. Maybe your criteria were weatherproof lightweight film SLR with moderate zoom. I don't know. You just mention that you spent a bunch of money and bought a lot of stuff without any specifics as to what drove your decisions.
zv-1 for me. Want a hot shoe for my usage. Ironic that the hot shoe is only on the vlogger focused model.
One of my favorite cameras of all time that I've owned was a 1 inch Panasonic superzoom.

Small, crazy reach, enough image quality, good video, and 6 stops of internal ND. Great camera.

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>What were your interests? So you started with the X-T3. Why? What did you switch to and why (and so on through 11 cameras and 10k)?
The exact details about which camera's I used and why I did or did not like them is irrelevant to the point I was making and I have no interest in detailing those steps.

>People online run the entire gamut of the human experience - you might be focused on a narrow set of people here. In any case, the very existence of photographic metrics and their relation to physical phenomena mean that there is always an objective component and thus cannot be entirely personal and subjective.
You likely have autism

>Obviously. It's just that the LX and 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 is more one among "many other cameras I could have landed on that would be similarly satisfying." rather than an "end game setup" in the traditional sense of that phrase. Maybe your criteria were weatherproof lightweight film SLR with moderate zoom. I don't know. You just mention that you spent a bunch of money and bought a lot of stuff without any specifics as to what drove your decisions.
All I know is that when I put that lens on that camera I stopped thinking about gear. I just take photos now.
you went on a frantic shopping spree and gave up on it when you put a kit zoom on a fashion camera

the description of your whole shopping spree and the part where you started with an x-t3 instead of a better, normal camera says you wanted to buy your way into being a mid 20th century photographer. you wanted to look like one, you wanted your photos to look like they were taken by one. so, you weren't satisfied until you picked up gear that was more authentic to a mid 20th century photographer. shocker.
>you started with an x-t3 instead of a better, normal camera says you wanted to buy your way into being a mid 20th century photographer.
Actually I bought it for the video. I wanted a video to shoot 4k60 back in 2018 or whatever it was. I had no interest in photography at the time. But that's a nice projection though, it's good to know that your view your camera as integral to your identity. What do you shoot? I'm getting Canon vibes
I view your camera as integral to your identity because of the way you talk about buying cameras

I don't like cameras. I only take mine places because I like pictures. Cameras piss me off and I have to try to ignore them.
You sound miserable maybe you should paint instead.
>I don't like cameras. I only take mine places because I like pictures.
Which is why you hang out on a gear board instead of a place actually centered about photography? What camera is it?
It's a healthy way to vent
>fuck this canon
>fuck this nikon
>and definitely fuck this sony
/p/ - we like photography, we hate cameras
Which one?
FZ2500. Panned in reviews for a soft lens which I didn't find, but it's not super sharp in general. Didn't stop me from taking photos with it that are hanging on walls lol. If you can find it for a reasonable price...worth it imo.
forgot pic.

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>The exact details about which camera's I used and why I did or did not like them is irrelevant to the point

Actually it is relevant. You wanted a 4k60 cam and got an XT-3. Your interests obviously changed because a manual wind SLR is objectively not an end game solution for that.
My impression in forums was that it was the best 1" super zoom bridge cam for the money beaten only by the RX10.
The rx10iv is the ultimate 1” camera true but it costs as much as a full frame setup, it’s insane. Even a penny fz1000 will get you 90% of the way there for like 1/5 the cost. I’ve owned both, the rx10 series and the panasnoynic, and I kept the pana.
if he JUST want hfr 4k he’d have bought a lumix not an oversized wormtrans POS. the larp was already showing.
I would say that for photos the fz did lag a bit, and the zoom was slow because it was optimized for smooth video pulls, which it was amazing at actually. But, the RX10 series by Sony are amazing too. I am still always idly considering one. That said, I currently shoot on a G9 and LX100 and desu I think they'll be with me for a long long time.

As for the other people fighting in the thread kek. Gear does matter. For some things. IF you want to make money, get the gear for the job, don't half ass it, you'll be annoyed. And for fun - get something that makes you WANT to shoot.
Even if all of it were true (it's not) , you and we all are a drop in the bucket for massive megacorps, which are very unchristian themselves. You're just a bafoon
>money was created to be spent. hoarding money is unchristian. you should be supporting businesses and charities so the working can earn a living and the poor can get working.
oi vey goy, you better be out spending in the economy! Savings?! You think you need savings? For what, to build another gas chamber? Rabbi Yeshua -I mean Christ would want you to keep your money in circulation to umm... help the homeless, remember how he washed that beggars feet? That's exactly like getting an 80 month loan on a tesla! SPEND GOY SPEND
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i hate town hall, place always smells disgusting especially near the woolies

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
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honestly based, for me it was buying a mamiya 645 and then not having enough money for any other lenses other than the 80mm that came with it. was looking at fuji for film emulation, snoy for AI nonsense, literally anything to get me out and about taking pictures. but man is medium format great, only 15 shots so you aren't blasting away trying to use up the roll, digitising is piss easy since the negative is the size of the fucking moon, every single photo has something nice about it and it's aesthetic as fuck to use.
I bought 3 flashes and a remote trigger, I don't do any portraits or professional photog, so it's basically just for fucking around, these are going to sit on the shelf 99% of the time, it is pretty siq being able to properly light shit tho.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D Mark II
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.0
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:06:25 18:05:08
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FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length50.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Nice shot. I like how the highlight gently blooms on the top right. Is that a lens effect or are you using a filter?
I also have 3 flashes, triggers/receivers, which I very rarely use.
I have mostly embraced the natural light pill and sometimes, just the in-camera flash pill.
this is exceptionally accurate though
Agreed. I've been thinking of buying the Sony 16-35mm f4 PZ but it's $1200 and it's bigger than my Sigma primes. But I really don't enjoy shooting with the primes.

Think I should buy the lens?
>24-120 2.8 s
>MC 105 2.8 s
>180-600 5.6/6.3
>40 2
>bag misc gear
$10k will get you all you need if you’re smart with your research.
Gear queer can go two ways
>good ending
Finally realize that you don't need all that shit and sell it off down to a respectable collection that can be carried in one or two bags
>bad ending
Every time your wife tells you to sell something, say "yes dear I will soon", hold onto it til the day you die, then your son is morally obligated to take three days off work to go through and catalog everything to get it listed on ebay before going back to the city
Your wife is left to deal with communicating with and shipping to the ebay buyers
Those are both good endings

bad ending is neuroticism cycle because you're a literal jew and worried you're not getting your money's worth like you bought company stock instead of thinking like a normal person and just enjoying your new toy
>Sony A1
>no, this is stupid, i dont need this, this is overpriced, i'm not getting what i paid for
>i am selling this garbage and going back to basics

>Leica M4
>no, this is stupid, i dont need this, i can afford to do better, i will get my money's worth
>i am selling this garbage and getting something nice

>Canon R5
>no, this is stupid, i dont need this, this is overpriced, i'm not getting what i paid for
>i am selling this garbage and going back to basics

>Nikon FM3A
>no, this is stupid, i dont need this, i can afford to do better, i will get my money's worth
>i am selling this garbage and getting something nice

>Fujifilm X100vi
>no, this is stupid, i dont need this, this is overpriced, i'm not getting what I paid for
>i need to be making money off this
>my parents would be disgusted. i need to make money off this.

>canon R6II
>no, this is stupid, i already have a real job, this is just a hobby, i need to try and be normal
>i am selling this garbage and getting something fun

>ricoh griiix
>i wasted so much money i should just quit
>fuck it! i'll buy whatever i want!

>Sony A1
shit man no need to go all existential.
I hope to be able to show my pirctures to my grandkids one day and show them what the world looked like "back then"
Better print them then
A funny radio wave can wipe out all your backups

Before anyone ends up like these >>4329598 >>4329595 you need to print, or you'll never be happy, because you'll be spending 4x the time fiddling with the camera that you do looking at the photos and therefore focus on the more important seeming activity

A good monitor, editor, computer, and printer are more essential to photography than your camera. Remove the online panel of judges and it doesnt matter if your low res crop sensor POS sucks, because it's shitting out 300dpi 4x6s which look way, way better than the same photos would ever look in a web browser.
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Alright, people on /p/ don't usually do this but I am.

Y'all told me I got too much camera shit and I need to have one camera and a single prime lens and walk around with it and I would get better, well I did just that in Dublin for a week and fuck, /p/ was right. Shit changed my life, god damn.

I walked around with a D800 and 35/1.4 Sigma ART almost exclusively until I raided John Gunns for film and grabbed a Tokina 100 Macro and used it on my last day there.

/p/ was right. Sugar thread coming soon. You guys were right and I take it all back. time to thin the herd.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D700
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.7
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern808
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)28 mm
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:05:24 23:19:26
Exposure Time1/400 sec
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
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Lens Aperturef/2.8
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Focal Length28.00 mm
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Sugar was in Gunns! This feels like a very small world right now.

Did you have a good time in Dublin? Do anything interesting?
Cute, what’s his name?
>gear addict could not stop himself from buying more waste
take that jokina to a recycling center ffs
>24-120 2.8 s
you mean f/4.
You are a fucking joke
Can't wait to make fun of you and your pictures more soon

Offer helpful critique*
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I wouldn't be massively inclined to share people's photos, here, unless in my own (?) "shit style". picrel.
You know the drill. f/8 and pose corpses.
Also, I think shit style needs to take off.

It's an aesthetic rule basically like "prevent cyber- stalking/bullying"

Hell yea, I got one of those leather straps for my Leica that their customer who does leather work makes for them. I also got two bricks of Kentmere 400 and 100 for 5 euros a roll, good luck getting that price in the States. I did walk out with the Tokina macro only because it sat on their shelf for 10 years and I felt bad for them, plus I've been wanting a 100 macro prime lens because the 180 is too long for insects in flowers and the 55 won't let me get close enough. I do like it very much and it was an absolute weapon in the street.

Dublin, we did Cliffs of Moher which got fogged out the second I got there and I even rented a Polo for it, with a manual gearbox! Was still fun driving and seeing the country side. We stopped at the Obama plaza on the M7 and got some food and petrol. We were in town for Rammstein at the RDS and they put on a hell of a show and I got fucked up in the mosh pit, some dude in there was like 70 and yeeting kids across the pit lawl. I'm a fat kid so I used that to help pick up people who fell and to protect them from getting trampled.

We did Tenters, and I got plastered at Luckys and we ate at a few other places, we did the McDonalds just for the lulz and they had like 4 vegan options I couldn't fucking believe it. I ate like a fat fuck and still lost weight because you have to walk everywhere. I spent a day on that street Gunns is on shooting street and I ran into that Richard Whelen dude who shoots from the hip on an APS-C Fuji with an 18mm lens. Apparently he's locally famous or something, real cool dude.

We had a bunch of stuff planned for the day after Rammstein and we were both so sore from the show and me getting bent in the pit we took a recovery day, we were only there like 5 days but I'm coming back for 3 weeks before the end of the year. We stayed at the Destiny Mill student place by Teeling Whiskey Distillery. This trip changed my life I'm not kidding if you haven't traveled international, do it.

It's my first street set so I'll welcome it. Wouldn't be the first time I got my ass handed to me lol


I really got it more as a souvenir but I will probably keep it and sell my Tammy 180 I liked it a lot more than the 180 and it can do everything the 180 does, better, in a package half the size. I think 35 and 100 is the optimal street walkaround carry piece.
This is sort of true. Printing is a hugely important thing that a lot of people don't do. I would argue you don't need to own a printer necessarily. You can get 8x10 for example from walmart or vistaprint for pennies if you get a batch. Just send out an order every month, and you'll barely be out anything. Personally I like making a photo book at least once a year.
Thank you and must just be the characteristics of the jupiter 8 i was using when i shot this
Because you're fucking insecure faggots, I use my phone camera and make photos 100x better than yours
lol no one cares
Post them/

I used my Pixel 7 Pro as a pocketable walkaround in Dublin, it's actually fairly decent for a phone.
>spends 10k+ on camera gear the past 2 years
Can you post some photos from the high end gear?
What gear did you end up buying over time?
What did you like about what you bought, and what didn't you like?
How did you end up liking the Pentax combo the best?
Just curious on the mindset, and your findings.
Any services you recommend that aren't bottom line? Trying to decide if I want to snag a epson ET-8550 to do printing at home at 12x19 and 8x10/11 or if I want to go through a dedicated service personally
Post 'em, I've gotten some half decent photos with my s23 ultra and was a great tool to start leaning the histogram before I got my standalone.
Congrats anon.
>be me
>similar 10k+ situation but 5 years ago
I sold everything after the pandemic and only kept my Fuji X-T3 + Contax Zeiss 50 1.4 + cheap adapter.
People praise my jpeg sooc portraits and I enjoy photograpy.
Gear buying syndrome kills creativity.

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