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File: 20240623_202832.jpg (1.66 MB, 4320x3276)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB JPG
>Mamiya RZ67 Professional
>Mamiya-Sekor Z 90mm
>Mamiya RZ67 Pro II Magazine (120)
>Extra magazine
>PD Prism Finder
>Original Mamiya camera strap
>Mamiya RZ67 Extension Tube 82mm (No. 2)
>polaroid back
>lens hood
How much would you pay for this given the gear is in good condition?

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File: 20240623_211312.jpg (1.72 MB, 4320x3044)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB JPG
The picture is from the add, and this picture is of the extra gear. He is asking for around $1268 roughly converted from my local currency.

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Camera SoftwareAndroid UP1A.231005.007.A546BXXS6BWL3
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The gold standard answer to this is go to eBay, search for these items and turn on “sold listings” option. It will tell you what things are actually selling for and if you’re over/underpaying.
>but this exact kit doesn’t exist on there
Yeah well this exact kit has lots of extra shit you don’t usually count or dare for no matter how much they say it should be worth. Condier lens, body, back, and finder. The rest is cruft.
Oh and Polaroid backs, there is no film anymore that will work with them aside of very expired fp100 or other pack films, otherwise are worthless, count that for 0 even if it’s selling on eBay.
about tree fiddy
$650 maybe
Camera matters
Lens matters
Film backs
600usd max. RB is shit. You want RZ
Do you know how to read?
>The camera that works until the end of time is shit
>You want the failure prone asian electronics
You are very stupid.
RB rustbucket owner cope.
>noooo you need to *shutter sticks* oh no another paperweight
The only people coping are those that could not afford a hasselblad (both of us)
Lmao if you think that Hasseblads require less visits to camera repair than a Mamiya. You must not know a lot of photographers.
a mechanical camera is always repairable even when parts are dry because intact references can be copied, electronics except for dead simple circuits like in a canonet are not. it takes far more manufacturing expertise to replace an out of production IC or replace a whole board - and fit the new one into the camera.
Both rb and rz are mamiya
man u are dumb..
Again you don’t know any hassy shooters in real life. Lol.
I do. An uncle has a 500cm.

He gets his film backs serviced yearly but thats it. The bodies and lenses seem pretty well made. Service once every 50 years and they're good. It's not a ticking time bomb like a bronica sqa
>once this circuit fails it is literally impossible to rebuild or replace
I said hassy shooters. Like photographers. You know, published?
>serviced yearly
Thank you so much for verifying what I already said. My RZ has never been to camera repair in the 11 or so years I’ve been shooting (remember that means paid work anon!) it.

>serviced yearly but that’s it.
Again, just lol anon.
i'm not 90 so i dont know published medium format film photographers

>serviced yearly
a small price to pay for using those godly scheiss lenses on such a smaller body (1cm off the film takes a few pounds off the camera, german engineering is so good)
You don’t know any published photographers, lol. But you do keep images of a camera system you don’t shoot so you can qualify another camera system, that you also don’t shoot, lol.
arguing on the internet while goldberg thinks he's paying you to wage is fun

deal w/ it
>I said hassy shooters. Like photographers. You know, published?
You do realize that when you try to hold him to standards we all know you yourself can't meet it makes it pretty obvious that you're the one spewing bullshit?
Rough life

>If I can’t have it no one can! Hmph!
nor does it change that classic hasselblads are more repairable than a electrified 1990s mamiya or bronica
>mechanical camera repair worst case scenario:
>copy this gear/spring/lever/plate from a working one
>electronic camera repair worst case scenario: this IC is out of production. we have to redesign the board.
By the way, servicing yearly doesn't seem big to me, from what I understand it's just being autistic about compressed light seals and lubing shit to ensure it lasts longer.

If you can afford to shoot 6x6, and I mean shoot it, several rolls a day sometimes, not use it for special occasions, you can probably afford to invest a few hundred bucks a year in your gear lasting longer.
Whoa anon! Did you say several rolls?!? In a single day?!? Sometimes?? Damnnn
1-2 rolls of medium format a day is actually a reasonable amount for an active photographer or someone traveling
2-4 sometimes is too

just leave the house with your camera literally every day, go places and talk to people, and it’ll happen

professionals used to go through 50+ rolls of 645s for small gigs when film was still the dominant professional medium, running up bills for processing hundreds of rolls per week

do you even shoot? these are 12 exposure rolls. 12 photos just for one new location is almost not enough
Yeah, nothing quite like spending $25+ a day on photography. It's definitely above average.
Damn dude!!! 25 dollars, plus?!? In one day????
Pentax needs to give us half frame 645 its time!
Yeah 9,250/yr for something that's usually included for free with your phone is odd.
Lol 90% of my film gets written off. I always forget this board is entirely gwcs.
my dad's elon musk and he pays for all my film so its free to me checkmate poorfag
90%? I shoot for magnum everything is comped, ya pleb dadographer
IKR those scheiss lens are out of this world. Coping japcrap users.
Tell it to a mirror dadographer. You do not shoot for magnum. Your film will never be comped.

Japscrap users will never stop coping about zeiss and leica superiority
>but muh mtf chart!
Cosina voigtlander? More like iseea thirdworlder lol
Lol I have no ideas what comped means. Try starting a business or shooting for brands (you never will, ever).

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