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Spoopy Edition
>Post the spookiest shit you've ever emprisoned in a silver halide cage for all eternity

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

Previous thread >>4325784

Thread question:
If you were to be dragged to an alternative reality, which camera body, lens and film stock would you bring?
>1 camera body
>1 lens
>60 shots
The camera and lens I had with me when I got dragged to the other dimension. It would probably be my M4, APO 35 and whatever film I had loaded.
Damn, you would really bring the inferior format to an alternate dimension?
How does over or underexposing film work? If I underexpose one shot will it just look dark compared to the rest of the roll that's properly exposed? If I scan it can I bring it back up like an underexposed digital? Could similar be done when enlarging? How do I think about this practically speaking, should I just always aim for perfect exposures or don't press the shutter if it's impossible?
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Expose for the shadows, develop for the highlights.

-2 EI is generally how you would spot meter for shadows when shooting film if you still want to retain detail.

With 35mm you kind of have to deal with averages because you have 36 individual exposures instead of 1 sheet of 4x5+, so it can be tough. Generally speaking you would pull your film if you want to reduce contrast and try to preserve some highlights. Thankfully good quality b&w film is great at retaining highlight detail even if the negative is super dense. You just have to burn in the highlights like crazy.

Here is a somewhat extreme example of what b&w film can do.

Recipe: Contrast filter 0, 1:15 seconds, dodge bottom half for 45 seconds, 10 seconds at +4 contrast filter.

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So are the chinks going to put Leica out of business or is it all poorfag hype? For something 1/10th the price of a Leica lens or more, they seem to be pretty good...
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I've shot 5 rolls of film and don't have a single photo I'm proud of
wtf why is it so slow?

welcome to photography
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Git gud.

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this is ass, at least he has the self awareness to know his photos are bad
Went to the mountains in NC couple months ago. Had a good fog from the rain cloud while being up in the mountains

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also went to the biltmore estate

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grand staircase inside. so far i assume every photo ive posted has been done to death at these places. They are pleasant and mine so im satisfied with them for now.

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Post yours, faggot.

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That guy was crying on IG the other day because pentax didnt send him the influencer camera lol
when i went to sydney my friend waited in that kfc for like 20mins just for a burger at like 11pm
he was also complaining on reddit about a film lab i know failing to deliver on some camera they were making. really ironic since we are waiting for him to release his color/slide film, oh wait
How could be possibly make color/slide film when his already produced b/w cant even be stocked on his own site??
I guess he will just stick to shilling ugly hats
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>Why is it so slow?
Because the original was. Not the same optical formula tho.
If you're daily carrying anything other than 35mm, you're weird.
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I carry all these stuff around everyday in a backpack, along with books, notebooks and everyday stuff that I use
>2 extra backs
>often a Rollei 35 as well
I like shooting stuff on the street and I like medium format
How the fuck am I supposed to procceed?

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I don't know man, I am not on the spectrum
Sell your kidney for a 67/69 fuji folder or a mamiya 6.
aaaaah jesus mother fucker what the fuck
ive put three rolls of film through the last camera i bought (rollei 35) and while its nice and all i wish it was something different
rangefinder maybe, 35 or 50mm lens, 40 is just an OK compromise
1/1000 i might live without sure but would be cool, really sunny days im literally going 1/500 at f22 on this lil nigga and still overexposing with 400 iso film
guess i've yet to pass the gas
sorry for blogposting
>people waster their life wavecucking to spend their jew coins on film for such shots
>medium format
Damn and I thought I was retarded
Sounds to me like you’re getting along just fine anon, ignore the seething formatlets
>I like shooting stuff on the street and I like medium format
>How the fuck am I supposed to procceed?
Probably by shooting stuff on the street with a medium format camera. Make some fucking art, anon.
>here is your film camera bro
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honestly tho, this also looks eh

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OCD. Like I said, weird. I've carried LF for street but only when it was a special occasion and I knew I was also shooting someone specifically. You're just obsessive and indecisive. Like I said, weird. I wouldn't be surprised if you wore a suit vest or a newsboy hat unironically.
Please stop projecting,
Can you post one of your LF pieces? It would be fun to see!
Sure soon! Actually I'm expecting another batch of the 60 or so sheets I sent in for scanning back soon.
thanks, anons
yeah I'll keep hauling this big boy everyday, no doubt about that
>I wouldn't be surprised if you wore a suit vest or a newsboy hat unironically.
find help, anon
stop projecting
I'm doing just fine in life, it's just that I'm not a faggot who thinks hurr le 35mm is le best
it's just a big camera, so what? you're the one who's afraid of strangers you'll never see again judging you
I'm going out and taking pictures I like in a format I'm pleased with
Upgrade to 6x9
you were the autistic fuck that mentioned lugging a retarded camera along him, no one cared before nigga.
thank you bro
Sweeeeet. We need more based and largeformat pilled posters on fgt.
is that you? >>4329133
hint: I'm not the person you were quoting there
I just quoted you because yes, I carry a big ass camera around everyday and found your comment utterly retarded
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any conceptual critiques? I took some photos during the cherry bloom, an encampment showed up protesting I/P conflict and I took photos relatively in the same spot a few months later. I then returned a final time to document the aftermath. About 4 months time span. There's some inconsistency in quality because of lens/film choice.

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I don't think any one photo is particularly "good" artistically.

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derev pan 400. ungodly flat

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NEW DISCOVERY. This one is obvious if you think about it, but not so obvious with our conventional thinking of ground glass.

The clear glass does not work like a ground glass! All it does is provide a precise plane(film plane) for the loupe to sit on and complete the correct light path into your eye!! The ideal precision focusing ground glass is actually just a high mag loupe that sits exactly on the film plane!!!! No need for additional glass to get in the way.

You can look through the loupe and "focus" your image by moving closer or further away from the lens plane and aligning the loupe with the lens in the front.

This could prove very useful for figuring out where your rear standard needs to go to get your image into rough focus! Nice!!

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Not sure what stock do you used but it reminds me of overcooked GP3.

And well, I get your idea and angle but the photo itself doesn't transmit in any way or shape that it was a protest , its just a bunch of people standing there looking at their phone, you could have done something with composition or even look for something relatively interesting happening (People with Palestinan flags or whatever)
I like this one just in particular because of the glow and emptiness, but again by itself it doesn't speak about a protest. If you are going to show them all together well it will be different but by themselves they dont say anything.
yea the idea was to show them sequentially from top to bottom to show a passage of time so to speak. I have more from dif. spots.

this was the protest pic.

this was the aftermath. the tents you see in pic 2 killed the grass.
does the loupe actually include ground glass?
if not, then this setup is not working how you think — the light wavefronts are still curved, and changes of focus in your eye are still changing your perceived focus
the loupe is just part of a large optical formula in that case, one long lens
the point of ground glass is to basically launder the curved wavefronts coming through the lens (finalizing the optical formual), so that no matter how your eyes focus, the image you're looking at does not change focus
you can see this with split prisms, if you're careful you can actually focus to different depths with your eye without changing the lens focus
it works as a focus aid because the prism section is so small compared to the focus screen, you don't really notice the difference
if your whole screen is clear glass it doesn't work any more
now clearly there's a reason clear glass is used in LF, but it's not because it's some kind of
>still overexposing with 400 iso film
use slower film damn nigga do you even know the triangle
Oh no someone is disagreeing with me, it's gotta be the same person.

Take your own advice and seek help. I haven't even been in the conversation since I made fun of your probable wardrobe choices.

Yeah I'm excited, tomorrow morning I'm expecting some scans back and it's very important film. I'm a little anxious because the quick socket release on my Linhof lens board broke on one of the shutter fires. Apparently it's a common failure-- it cracked along the seam made by the injection mold. Shame, but I bought replacement parts until I machine my own socket out of stainless. Anyway, it broke on the hike and I'm a little worried but I checked and there was no light leak but you never know until you develop (or in this case get the lab scans back first).
No. No ground glass at all just no glass or clear glass. I think that the eye relief of the loupe is so small it forces consistency when viewing the projected image through it, maybe.

I see what you're saying, but the thing is is that it has provided me very consistent and precise focusing that I wasn't able to achieve before. I have not tested focusing without any sort of glass to take a picture. I only noticed that the image was unchanfed when I went from looking through clear glass to no glass.

I noticed that when I put my fresnel over clear glass it gives the image a 3D effect and everything comes into focus. It looks really cool, but is only useful for rough framing.
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It's quite a one-liner as this three image series. Either need 10+ more images of the same angle in different scenes or
more general context of why these things happen at this particular place.
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>2 rolls from a trip are being developed from the lab and so excited to see them
>just received my new sovietshit camera today and going to test it tomorrow

Film photography makes life fun!
>sovietshit camera

Good luck getting through a full test roll without spontaneous combustion
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which one. pic related is FED 5. it's an awful, clunky experience.

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Feels like I lost a couple months off my lifespan cracking this thing open and breathing in decades of dust, mold and disintegrated felt. Managed to get it fairly cleaned up, seals replaced and the battery check light working at least, still need to figure out why the meter isn't working though but I'll do that this weekend or something.
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I'm new to this shit, is this grainy (and greeny?) from the scanning (idk how good a job they're doing) or the camera? It's a minolta 404si, on normal auto mode with whatever kodak film they still sell in supermarkets. Also
>Photography board
>5MB file size limit

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If its Ultramax 400 then the grain is pretty much on point, but yeah the scan looks weird and contrasty as fuck.
Could also be the cameras auto mode seeing that 90% of the image are highlights and deciding that its now middle-gray, underexposing the image which could explain the zero shadow detail and blue cast.

Post the negative under a backlight/diffuse lamp/a clear sky, I wanna see the density.
>this was the aftermath. the tents you see in pic 2 killed the grass.
I see what you were going for, but only after this explanation.
This is something I struggle with personally. Ideally, I would like a conceptual image to speak for itself. But what how do you do that when the context is so important?
Perhaps I just wasn't looking hard enough, but now that you mentioned it I do like the before and after.
I think you did a good job
Looks overexposed to me friend. I'd lean off the auto-mode
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I think it is just that, other photos came out quite normal (e.g. this one with the same lake in the background just a few minutes later) so I guess in the future I'll adjust the exposure if there's a lot of bright bits it might pick up on (the sky and it reflecting in the water in the centre?)

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Camera Softwarepaint.net 4.1.5
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Color balance is affected a lot by the scan, and in negative film there is no correct setting so it's "artistic choice" on the part of the intern working at the lab that day. Looks like there is some NR in the scan too so I dunno if they're the best quality.
But there are limits to what can be accomplished, which depend on the film, developing and exposure. I would check the negatives to see if they're particularly dense or thin since the colors do seem a bit off there.

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What did you do to make it look better like that and how do I check the negatives? What does thin or dense mean here?
Also if NR means noise reduction that may be because I had to crop it down to a smaller size to fit on 4chans filesize limits
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Imagine pouring dye into water, a thin negative is little dye, a dense negative is a lot of dye.

When you underexpose film you get a thin negative which leads to poor shadow detail.
When you overexpose you get a dense negative which is generally preferrable, but too dense will mean you're losing highlight detail.

A perfect exposure will give you a medium dense negative with both shadow and highlight detail.

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>there is no correct setting
Yes there is. Color neg consists of actual dyes, each of them has their absorption spectrum, as well as both masks. So it is possible to scan a film properly, recording all the dyes and subtracting the masks.
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Do you have a treated scan of that bottom most frame, anon? If so have you posted it, b4? I remember seeing an image really similar to it that I liked, but never saved. Buncha trees covered in snow.
Cannot recall, probably not.
lmao look at that goofy ass nigga
Oh, I see. probably some other anon.
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Still gets more sheep pussy than you tho.
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Nice. Only one that fits the thread theme.
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checked and spoopy, only camera id need is a pinhole... im bringing the Pin

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Hellya sheep bro. Another mju2 snap
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this un

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Newbie here. I am finally getting around to replacing the foam light seals on my father's old Canon F1. I'm thinking about taking it on a trip to Hanoi, but am dreading it due to the weight of the camera.

Been looking at getting an Olympus OM-1N that has been 'restored' from Kamerastore (Eurofag). What are your experiences with it? How resistant is the OM-1N to wear and tear?
Tested the clear glass plate with a 720mm lens. Game changer for large format. Even more general work will benefit from the precise focusing. You can actually see how diffusion reduces sharpness with smaller apertures, and at longer distances you can see heat distortion.

This bottle was over 50 feet away, and to get it in perfect focus took millimeters of precision. It looks perfectly sharp in person. My phone picture makes it a bit blurry.

I'm going to use my 1060mm lens to look at the moon tonight! Should be really awesome.

Sorry if this is boring for you. I'm working on a new 8x10 wetplate, so I'll have an actual picture to share soon enough. Maybe today or tommorow.

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sorry i never read thread theme. just excited that its a film board. Since you mentioned i do have the same photo of this >>4329000 but i exposed the 50iso film wrong because i forgot that's what i was shooting and got this Frankenstein mansion looking image

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how do you get contrast this good damn
Yeah that un
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>What did you do to make it look better
For what it's worth I don't like the greens even after correction, they're kind of washed out and lack hue detail. That's the sort of thing you can't easily correct for and why I suspect exposure or dev problems.
You can scan properly to capture maximum detail sure, but then you'll have a digital negative. Converting that to a usable (positive) image is not a right or wrong process. The "correct" way is through RA-4 prints which includes color adjustments that are up to the discretion of the tech doing the printing.
Just drunkenly purchased a 2x3 speed graphic for too much money. At least it has the roll film back
thats exactly the point. it didnt go through
>intentionally provoked Fuji because of some stupid joke
>caused everything to crumble
Good going dipshit.
noob here. I want to shoot film at a con im going to i have a pentax super program and a 50mm lens what film should i get?
>Kodak Vision 3 500T if you have access to ECN-2 process
Best possible result, in my opinion, for this use
>Portra 400 pushed to 800
if you wanna pay a little more for a pretty good result and only access to C-41 processing
bring a flash with a light diffuser or a rebate (if your flash flips up, it can be homemade with a cut out TetraPak and rubber bands)
Theres always lots of light in those events, but that also means lots of overlapped shadows
The flash will blend in and make light even across people's bodies and faces and costumes
Pls just don't make everyone glow in a weird bright white light while in costumes with your bright ass flash
Kodak Tri-X 400
HP5, develop in pyrocat
who are you quoting

kodak ultramax 400 24 exposure, you might even get to change rolls
He's using green text to delineate the different films and their descriptions you pedantic rube
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is small diffuser
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Have you gone to the venue before? Do you know how much light there is it? At least in my experience those places always have horrible light so you need something like Vision3 500 or Portra 800, or well if you have a flash already you can just run with Pro image or Gold 200 I guess
Unorthodox but also can work, pic related HP5 pushed to 800

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digital capture
yeah my point is he is doing it wrong
shut up nerd who cares
it's a resource in an imageboard, it has many uses across all boards, you arrogant newfag

The 28mm ones go for literal peanuts, what gives?
It’s the universe telling you to stop sucking dicks and embrace the superior focal length.
I already have a 28mm didn't like it too much
are they? last time I looked they were really cheap unless you want a zeiss or something like that
wow rude
I complain bc he did use said resource in an ugly and retarded way
>lost the diffuser that came with my Minolta 360PX flash
>replacement is like $20
>mostly feel bad I lost an original part

Do they sell generic flash diffuser panels? If I could get one and maybe cut it down I could 3d print a piece that'll clip on to the flash and glue it together so it looks somewhat OEM
I think i was shooting Ilford hp5 plus. I metered the mansion and the water in the composition and picked between two results the best i could for exposure. Wouldn't think it would be gear but i used a rolleiflex 3.5 with Zeiss glass.
>Converting that to a usable (positive) image is not a right or wrong process
Yes it is. Again, each dye has it's color that can be measured and described digitally, and there's a finite range of densities that can be recorded using a scanner as well. In fact, the only way to get the true to negative colors is to scan the negative.
Printing is not the "correct" way even tho it is the one that films like colorplus, c200, portra 800 and other older stocks were designed for. When you have a pair "paper-negative", for example, it is possible for the manufacturer to choose spectral sensitivity and dyes for the paper, so that the print is very close to the image on film, but even then it's not perfect. Close enough tho, it's very easy to determine what films were intended to be printed on what paper. For example, 2015 Fuji Superia 200 has the same shitty red as CAII paper.
Today, with Fuji being the only paper manufacturer, but having almost 0 negative stocks it's almost impossible to print a photo onto the paper it should have been printed to. It's Aerochrome type of deal, paper transposes the colors in the same way. For example, it may be sensitised in such a manner that it sees every color up to 550nm as Red, and then it's cyan dye is not exactly cyan, but more on the greenish side->colors will be shifted
A con on film is not going to look good. I would pick different subject/setting
It's not the plane, it's the pilot
For someone not knowing what film to use i disagree
They could have a feel, but still be bad at technical faggotry
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why tho

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:) I like small, cute, animals. Alotta sheep on my recent family vacay.
>Olympus OM 4 (Love me Sovshiet cams, but this one is always peak performance)
>Zuiko f 1.8 50mm
>CineStill 400 D
Other guy was right that's cringe AND he got the proportions wrong.
>each dye has it's color that can be measured and described digitally
ok, but who gives a shit? You're not printing negatives. You're not posting negatives to instagram. You're converting them to positive images. There's no rule that the primaries and density curves on the positive have to match the negative. The rule is it has to look good, and looking good is subjective.
Kissless virgins in costume standing around hotel conference halls isn’t exactly something I want framed on my walls. I don’t care how well executed the photo is
Is there, or has their been a zenzanon?

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My friend's father is a photographer and is selling his cameras, they're all working, he's been using them until now and is selling them to buy a mirrorless. I'm thinking of buying his Nikon FM2 along with 4 lenses:
>Nikkor 24/2.8
>Nikkor 50/1.4
>Micro-Nikkor 55/2.8
>Nikkor 105/2.5
I also have two good F-mount lenses (28-200/3.8, and 70-300/4.5) that I also don't get to use because my only Nikon camera is a F50 and it's fucking huge and electronic, which I don't like (I love mechanical cameras tho)
I don't even know yet how much he's asking, but it'll probably be a reasonable price
My SLRs are a Pentax K1000 with a 50/2, and a Canon FT QL with a 50/1.4 and a 50/1.8
So it would be good to actually have a system with different focal distances
And I know FM2 are reliable and good as fuck
Should I get it?
I'm mostly shooting medium format nowadays, but it would be handy to buy a complete system and I have a bunch of 35mm film
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that and ultra turbo whores who are also at the same time still autistics, just a sad gay gross state of affairs all around.

Waste of dye clouds if you ask me

nice photo but the scan's colors seem way off
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Make a print, but crop it like crazy. It will have that nice film look.

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>nice photo but the scan's colors seem way off
the water is supposed to look brownish if that's the issue

i was mostly testing my new long boi zoom lens at 320mm. I'm glad it came out good considering I was shooting off hand

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>it's fucking huge and electronic, which I don't like (I love mechanical cameras tho)
You sound like the only reason you are doing this is to be fake and gay. Very gay.
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Light leaks reee but here's my corn

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>the water is supposed to look brownish if that's the issue
I doubt it's supposed to look THAT brownish, and even ignoring that, the sky and clouds are slightly off. I guess you can flame me for my color correction work but here's a quick thing I did, I did a white balance off of the boat assuming it should be white then I pulled the shadows away from the greenish tint they had and I tried to pull the highlights away from the yellow/reddish tint. I wouldn't call it perfect but I think it is a bit better.
damn I think my shadows are still a bit green
might have to become an hero
I've been shooting for 9 years and I like mechanical cameras for personal preferences, not because of what other people will think
nice projecting tho
Ok, now you're just performing mental gymnastics, poorly.
Good luck.
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the boat was definitely gray, still looks good though. i have no idea how to do any of that stuff

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I didn't either, I still kind of don't, I just use Darktable to make some minor color corrections by eye so my things look better. After doing it a bit I found myself being able to tell slightly more easily how something has color shifted and how to correct it. Darktable is free, give it a try. Small learning curve but probably worth trying.
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I've been messing with it a bit, but I often feel like I make things worse

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this one looks less tinted so you're on the right track, I think
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lol that one is unedited

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oh. lol. good compositions though IMO.
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Om1N is definitely lighter/more compact. If you're after a more tight package then go for it. Lenses are comparatively the same or cheaper on the used market. You'll have the same issue with metering (using 1.5v cells in a 1.3v system, adjust -2 stops on your meter) but they're nice cameras. If your hands are on the smaller side it's probably perfect. I liked mine but my hands are big and I like chunkier stuff so I sold it to a friend. Absolutely a solid system though. Bumped it off tables/ledges a few times with no big issues.
>picrel taken with Om1N, 50mm 1.8

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Should I into film?
What benefits?
Color good
Digital plebs seethe
Feels good
There's a sort of visceral sense that comes from engaging with physical objects instead of digital abstractions. Exposing silver, pouring chemicals on it, and then having a negative you can hold in your hands and scan or print concretizes the process in a way digital doesn't. Plus that physical record can be stored such that it will last for literal generations, long after the last backed up digital copy is accidentally deleted- that tangible object just... exists. It's good for your brain to have something to do and interact with in meatspace if you're online enough to post on 4chan.
You get to use weird and obsolete camera designs noone would even dream of building today.
I'm a large man with tiny hands, so it sounds perfect (lel). How big of a problem is the foam in the prism? I've seen a lot of talk on forums about having to open up the camera and replace it. Not that I mind too much, I just would prefer not having to deal with extra maintenance.

I love the photo you took.
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Nice koяn, anon. Leaks aren't too bad.
noice triple repeating numbers
depends on how much he asks for it, but it's always good to have a fully functional system, and FM2s will last a lifetime
it was in mine as well, definitely a common issue. It didn't really affect shooting but if you like a clear finder it could be a sticking point. It's kind of a bitch to get it pulled apart so I never bothered cleaning it. Check with whoever you buy it from to be sure. It didn't get worse in the 8ish months I owned mine, and I shot it very often, but mileage may vary
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Man what the fuck is up with these speeds?

Im always having to round up or down because theres no 60.

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just woke up. thought i was looking at a leica for second but I did a double take when i saw that stupid asa dial. Looks cool though. Is that thing any better than FED?
>stupid asa dial
Yeah that thing is pointless

I've never used a FED or a Zorki, but I'd imagine this is much better. I've always heard the tips that if you change shutter speed before winding the Soviet clones then they will get fucked up, but this doesn't have that issue. Its probably not good to make a habit of it but if you forget it doesn't seem to be detrimental.
Other than that its nice, clean, and it runs smooth.
It's my first rangefinder though so Im still learning. Im much more comfortable with an SLR.
>go outside
>leave all electronics at home
>spend a few hours in a place or multiple places with my fully mechanical camera taking photos
>feel good
I’ll be the only honest one and tell you there are no benefits (if the question is comparing to digital).
It’s just fun to do is all.
the technical benefits are limited and are just bragging rights
the sentimental benefits are more of a thing
Got myself couple rolls of Neopan SS 100 dated 1988
What iso should i shoot it at?
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Here is my latest 8x10 wetplate. I may still attempt a couple more to improve the lighting. It is tricky with only one strobe.

In person the stick has more detail, but it is quite dark, and the highlights are blown out in some of the white feathers. I was struggling with weird artifacts that were ruining my plates prior to this and a higher exposure + shorter dev time seemed to remedy them, which is partly why the lighting has been so challenging.

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What's the fundamental difference between wetplate vs diy emulsion?
Depends what sort of diy emulsion you're talking about.

With wetplate the colloidion has the iodide and bromide, and the silver nitrate bath sensitizes the plate. It must remain wet through exposure and development or the plate will fail.

A gelatine based dry plate emulsion has all the stuff mixed together.
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>tfw Pentacons Six in good condition with lens go for 200 bucks in my cuntry
I think I am gonna grab one next month

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I wouldn't make fun of him too much or you'll probably end up on one of his wet plates lmao
Film if better for beginners because you don't think about exposure triangle since your film is locked ISO?

With digital you have to be a bit higher IQ to shuffle all three + exposure compensation, while you only do 2 with film

Chat is this cope?
Do it, i love mine
Get a grip for it too, you wont regret it.
Kill youself filmcuck
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that's pretty neat

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