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p1000 or 300mm (same price range) of quality lense?
Do you already have a camera body for the lens?
Do you enjoy less than micro four thirds image quality (ie even less than a modern cell phone)
Do you wish to prove the earth is flat?
do you need far or mega far
1. yes
2. Don't mind in 90% of cases
3. It is?
>Do you wish to prove the earth is flat?
used to work camera shop, sold a fair amount of P900's to flat earthers
>infinite money glitch
It is flat, there is literally zero evidence it's a sphere.
Sunsets are impossible on a Flat Earth.
sun essentially a projected beam of light which phases around the flat disc, thus creating the "sunset".
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why? Could it just be that since you are fundamentally opposed to the idea you have been lied to by a scientific priesthood that you choose to aggressive misunderstand the nature of the flat earth by imagining its a disc floating in space like reality is a cartoon?
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I really hope you're trolling and arent actually this retarded
Do you know the top map is correct? Have you been able to personally verify it? It's another instance of you just blindly trusting that the system isn't lying to you. You take it's word as fact until it is disprove, rather than holding it in suspicion until it is empirically proven. You don't even realize this process is happening, which is how deeply asleep you are.
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>you should trust yourself and not take the word of an authority figure until it's proven
>souuurrrecee??? you got a source for that??
The earth is round
Christianity is fake
God is a giant space raven
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people have known the earth was round since ancient times while you on the other hand propose that it's all just a globe (lol) spanning conspiracy stretching back over a millennium because...?
>yeah but the authority has been saying it's round for a long time! It doesn't need to be proven, because they said it a long time ago
Keep trying, you'll eventually be able to think for yourself
it has been exhaustively proven for over a thousand years. you're just mentally ill or taking the piss and I'm starting to lean towards the latter
>it has been exhaustively proven
Then surely you could provide the proof, and not just keep repeating that it is true with basis at all?
He sells bridge cams to flat earthers. Let the man keep his income, jeez
better get reading schizo
>the proof is other people saying it's true.
I give up, you literally will not think for yourself. I don't get it, but here we are. I'm not sure why you defend your own irrationality on this point. You trust the earth is a sphere because other people told you it was. You cannot double check them, they have no proof, but you insist that it is true. I wish I could get a straight answer as to why people get so hostile when this specific topic is questioned. Is it because your conception of reality is being challenged and your faith in the scientific priesthood is really that devote? I'll never know but I'm sure the response to this will be some retard shit not addressing anything and just be yet another character attack
And you trust it's flat despite all the evidence to the contrary because somebody on the internet told you so? you also haven't explained why there is a huge global conspiracy to cover up the "truth" nor have you explained how such a conspiracy would even function.
>And you trust it's flat despite all the evidence to the contrary
First of all, there is no evidence to the contrary, as you have demonstrated. Second of all the eath appears flat. It is a plane. I have been up on mountains and very high up, when you look out it looks flat. A human based on his senses and experiences alone would reasonably come to the conclusion the earth is flat. If you are going to propose that I need to ignore my own senses and experiences it is you that needs to prove that I am wrong, not me that needs to prove I am right.

> you also haven't explained why there is a huge global conspiracy to cover up the "truth" nor have you explained how such a conspiracy would even function.
It's irrelevant, if the earth is flat, it's flat and as to how and why they would do that makes no difference to the material outcome. I don't need to explain the conspiracy in order to be correct.
>it is you that needs to prove that I am wrong, not me that needs to prove I am right.
not how it works schizzy-kun. you made the claim so the onus is on you to prove it
>doesn't respond to any of my points and just says nu-uh
I thought we might actually get somewhere, but I see that you have nowhere to go. So I actually do give up now.
what point? "i saw it" is not a point. plenty of people claim to speak to god and other wacky shit like that, claiming you saw something isn't proof of anything.
>The earth is flat because i selectively discard proof that disagrees with me
Why? Geometry. A sun above a flat earth would never set because nothing is I. The way to block it.
That’s quite the claim.
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Why does Mars move so weird?
Holy shit, this thread is schizophremia
>sold a fair amount of P900's to flat earthers
Never happened.
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Not sure how I could prove it, but here's a sales email from Nikon. Was able to find one saved P900 receipt back from 2018, but that wouldn't really prove it went to a flat-earther.
For those that don't know, all brands pay out commission for products sold, and it typically involves saving copies of the receipt and submitting them to the manufacturer.
The P900 was kind of a popular camera in flat earth circles, people would see "tests" done on youtube and come in to take a look at the camera, and sometimes get their own.
uh, might be asking the wrong question.... I pack around stupid heavy glass.

Bought the p1000 for my wife.... lol i am jelly for the fact that its super lightweight and doesn't have to fuss with changing out glass.
Stop referring to lenses like this, it's cringe.
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>La di d Mr faggot
what do you call it?
>The shiny bit.
just FYI this shit is unironically a CIA/globohomo/ZOG psyop to plant schizos or just trolls everywhere to say things like this and this cast doubt upon actually true "conspiracy theories" like the USS Liberty incident or fractional reserve banking or all sorts of nasty shit just like how they manufactured schizos to talk about 5G and thus discredit people who doubted an experimental vaccine that made a select few wealthy elite trillions of dollars stay vigilant bros
>what do you call it?
NTA but I'd assume he calls a lens a lens
It's not a lens, it's a lens assembly or something like that. Or glass for short
the only real person in this thread
the rest being literal spambots
Cass Sunstein disapproves of this post.
Do you get mad when somebody says rubber instead of tyres?
Not that anon, but rubber means condom in my (wrong) speak so that would confuse me in certain contexts
>or glass for short
Try harder, tryhard. You just sound like a dork, and say it because you heard some other dork say it and are so dorky that you thought it sounded cool. Dork.
Reccomend me a 300mm
150mm on micro 43
On a pl7 body
>Chefs kiss2ph0x
you got the captcha wrong huh

could go focalmaxxing just adapt a canon 50mm lens to a 1/2.5" sensor for maxium faggotry
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The Pentax q has lens adapters, it is possible, and has been done. I imagine the iq would be mid phonelike at best lol

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Can it prove earth flat?
Camera for niggerfaggots

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