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I mostly shoot digital on a Leica Q3, but recently got a film point and shoot for fun.

My favorite camera in terms of looks/features is the Leica MP, and I also like that it's mostly mechanical and it'll last a long time as opposed to the Q3 which will become obsolete as new models come out.

Should I try the MP out? It's an expensive combo with body and lens, plus you have to buy film and develop which also costs money, whereas with the Q3 I can shoot a ton and send directly to my computer.

I don't know, I feel like it's mostly GAS.
weak bait
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iunno man i catch fish just fine in my dads handmedown rowboat with a generic rod and reel bundle i bought at big 5
>tfw wants a bessa to use my contax/kiev glass in a more modern body
>but I will miss the accuracy of the long rangefinder

Autism is a curse
Sure, buy it. What’s the point of your post, to convince your faggot ass not to buy it? You’re an adult man, it’s your money, do whatever the fuck you want with it. Imagine needing consensus from the acoustics on a Jamaican kettlebell swinging forum. Couldn’t be me!
The MP is a rich man's plaything. Other than that if you're ok with the limitations of 35mm film, it's the very upper echelon of mechanical cameras. Except for the FM3A ofc.

But I'm curious, why not any other camera?
>muh japshit
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No way you really want to shoot the micro four thirds of film, on the sony of europe, do you? Would you truly lower yourself so?

Hasselblad: has been on the moon
Leica: has been up someones butthole

I know what I'd choose.
For me it's the Rolleh
For me it's this Rollei e110.
Too bad they're all ruined and no one on earth can repair them. I've bought the last 9 of them that were supposedly "tested working" only to find the seller never actually put film in them. They all have a spring that went soft a couple decades ago already, and jams on advance, so the film has to be removed and put back in to advance every frame which wipes each frame lol

But man are those the most beautifully designed and made cameras.
>No way you really want to shoot the micro four thirds of film, on the sony of europe, do you?

Are you having a fucking stroke?
Worse, he's a gearfag
Based mini appreciator. If you like the e/a110 aesthetic a Minox might be for you
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i will either buy an MP or an MA or an M6 or an M4-2 or an M4-P depending on which camera presents itself to me in a random shop somewhere in japan which i don't know yet
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the MA is probably the best looking camera i can think of
Based and ‘bladpilled. Leica is cope.
>i need to snap more, its street photography, you dont understand im actually a really bad photographer
Look, if you have Leica money, you literally don't lose anything by buying a Leica. You already want one and anything else is going to a secondary, derivate experience. Just get it and stop asking fucking le 4ching advice for this bullshit.
>price a 501cm, 2 film backs, replacement focusing screen, CLA, semi-regular maintenance, 80mm and 150mm scheiss lenses, and add it to the cost of shooting and processing a whopping 12 exposures a week
>order a leica instead
im too poor
Would having a Leica be like buying 3oz of gold or are you better off just buying gold/crypto? I know if I had one of these it'd be more of an investment cus I would be deathly afraid to take it outside.
Dont buy the most expensive model and get one thats not in pristine condition.

The M8 is perfect for bringing out n about
Idk if you need mechanical sure, but the hexar rf is an excellent alternative.
>getting a Leica when the Pixii+ exists
>paying full frame prices for apsc
Smells like fujislug in here
No rangefinder 4 u i guess
>putting a lens on your viewfinder to match your taking lens
TLR girls we are so fucking back??

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