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Still Summer 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4322870

Quick FAQS
>what’s the best camera available on a “budget”?
The blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, or the Panasonic gh5 (can pick one up for like 500 bucks atm)
>what’s a good beginner video camera?
Anything that works, shoots at least 1080p and preferably has interchangeable lenses. Any recommendation beyond that will cause arguments so read the fucking sticky if that isn't satisfactory.
>What's a good sound solution that won't break the bank?
Zoom h1
>Can I use a zoom lens for video?
>Do I need cine lenses?
>Do I need 4k?
No. It will make your footage look sharper if it’s in focus, and it gives you breathing room in post. But 1080p is still absolutely fine
>Can someone tell me if my video is any good?
Yes, but be prepared to receive harsh criticism. If you're going to waste 5 minutes of our time with a shitty out-of-focus montage of nothing then we'll tell you that it's crap
If you stick with canon, the natural progression above an r6ii is the r5 which will cost you between 2500 and 3500 dollars/pounds.
The r5ii is about to be announced in 6 days though.

I personally couldn't afford to buy into it. The problems with the r6/ii that I have are only ipb recording, only uhd 4k (no dci) and needing an external recorder for 6k prores raw even though canon literally have their own internal compressed raw codec that they happily put into more expensive bodies.
The r5 solves all of these.

If, like me, you leave canon, then it depends what features you want.
I went with the panasonic s5ii. I probably should have gotten the s5iix but it was a few hundred more just for some better codecs that I didn't really appreciate at the time.
Compared to the r6ii, it has dci 4k, open gate 6k, and a decent preamp (though I don't know how good the r6ii is in that regard). It's also around a thousand bucks cheaper. The downside is that 4k60 recording is cropped. As far as I'm aware, those are all the major difference. (Also, I much prefer the way autofocus works in canon cameras).

Other contenders are the sony a7iv, the blackmagic cinema 6k and the nikon z6iii (don't choose the nikon).
Do some research and figure out what it is you actually want from your camera.
So, on Canon C100-bros AF, I did read the manuals but I'm not wathcing hours and hours of YT videos with 50:50 risk of false information.

>No AF at all in base model, with update you get a centre-point DPAF (the focus point can not be moved around) with no face detection

C100 Mark II
>Centre-point DPAF in base model (the focus point can not be moved, similar to C100) with face detection, *however* with certain STM lenses the camera can focus(?) and track faces all around the frame
*Damn, sorry for the inverse green text.
>YT videos with 50:50 risk of false information
This is unfortunately true and I recently experienced a shitload of it. Trust your gut and if you get a “bad feeling” about a certain account/video, you’re probably right to ignore whatever they’re saying/endorsing/criticising
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*tells you what you should think about F1*
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Oh shit, shouldn't keep multiple blue boards open at the same time, say hi to /f1/
Is the max brightness difference between an rgb light vs a bi color enough to warrant bi color over rgb? Specifically in the context of the aperture accent light bulbs.
Depends on which light, depends on what you’re shooting, depends on alot. I own both, use both for different occasions.
Thinking of getting some Amaran PT2C tube lights. Set of two with a bag and rigging hardware is $300 on sale right now. Seems like the best option, I can’t afford to ball out on Astera Titans. Anything I might be missing? I tried some Godox TL30s and don’t like their diffusion. The individual LEDs are very visible.
What does Trump's special child think of the attempted murder?
Is there a preferred /vid/ brand of slider?
>A7s III
>S5 IIx with the newest firmware
Who wins? Why?
Nikon ZF

good enough codecs for 100% of professional work
autofocus that actually works
I think it's a brand vs cost thing. I'd probably say the s5ii because it's newer, has 6k and is cheaper. But the a7siii has better af I think.
>buying a nikon for video
lmao good one
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>Nikon ZF
I'll take a look, but if I went with Nikon, I'd actually consider the Z6III.
>But the a7siii has better af I think.
That's why I was asking like a dummy. The newest firmware seems to have put the S5 IIx ahead of the A7s III in all categories according the YouTube, but I want to hear it from more people than influencers who've been sent a camera to by the manufacturer for the sole purpose of reviewing it, even if they say they don't get to keep it or no money changed hands.

I'll add another thing to this:
I'm just getting into this hobby so I want to read your opinions (with reasoning if you're willing, I'm always interested on more points of view) on which camera to get if I want / need:
>Full-Frame 4K60 and 1080p120 WITHOUT A CROP
>Great Autofocus
>GOATed Low light performance
at these price points for the body:
>up to 1000€
>up to 2000€
>up to 3000€
I'm willing to pay more if the camera is actually worth it ("dynamic" budget). Keep in mind, I have 0, in words: ZERO, equip. Means I also need to buy lenses and other stuff as well, but I'd rather buy new lenses than new bodies over time. BUT, 0 gear also means that I have literally 0 brand loyalty and all bets are off.
>Correct me on anything if I'm talking shit
Correct me on anything if I'm talking shit
>Rambling thoughts:
I like what Fuji does with the X System, I even considered getting one with wider angle lenses, but after testing the AF in-store with both an X-T5 and an X-H2S, I was left with a very bad taste. Yes, I know, Fuji-X is APS-C, but the concept is still nice.
>The newest firmware seems to have put the S5 IIx ahead of the A7s III in all categories according the YouTube, but I want to hear it from more people than influencers who've been sent a camera to by the manufacturer for the sole purpose of reviewing it, even if they say they don't get to keep it or no money changed hands.
The youtubers review cameras in terms of how good they are for vlogging and wedding videos, assuming your audience has 8k super sharp ipads they consume media on.
So when they look at something like af performance, they're not evaluating how good it is at racking focus, or how good the ergonomics of actually using it is. They're evaluating how good the camera is at finding a subject and sticking to that subject in a daytime outdoors environment.
The s5ii, in my experience, is a great camera and an unbelievable steal at its price compared to the competition. But the a7siii (which I haven't used for the record) seems to me to be much better designed for actually shooting video.
(Having said that, the zv-e1 or whatever it's called is an a7siii but cheaper and with better ai autofocus on the trade off that it's more prone to overheating)
(And from what other anons have said and what you can see yourself in comparisons, the a7iv (or a7cii) gives sharper video at a cheaper price than the a7siii)
She’s mad. She’s scared. I’m using sounds of helicopters from a sfx sound/foley library I own so she will think that the secret service is protecting her. So far it’s working. Is it even legal to do this? I think I have permission to use the sounds anyway I want to use them, but I doubt the company that sold me the library expected anybody to use them to trick a delusional person into thinking that the secret service was flying a chopper near their house to protect them.
Is she aware that the shooter was neutralized?
She’s bat-shit crazy and thinks that Soros and B dog have snipers in the bushes who’ll kill her because she’s Trump’s child, but sounds of helicopters and drone aircraft from my foley library makes her feel safe. She doesn’t know what a foley library is. She thinks the Secret Service is using real helicopters and drones to protect her from imaginary snipers hiding in the hedges near our house.
>So I should snag a used A7s III for somewhat cheap?
The a7siii is sony's video-focused-hybrid flagship camera. Sony have more experience making cameras than panasonic.
The s5ii is an amazing camera, I don't want to downplay that. But the impression I get is that the a7siii will be less likely to crash/break, has better build quality, has menus that are better designed for functionality, and was designed with professional filmmaking in mind as opposed to content creation.
I would talk to someone who actually uses the camera on the regular before pulling the trigger though.
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Why the Fuck was my post deleted? Hey FAGGOT MODS, give me a reason, I didn't break any rules you Hurensöhne.

Jannies do it for free.

>Sony have more experience making cameras than panasonic.
I'd guess so as well.
>I would talk to someone who actually uses the camera on the regular before pulling the trigger though.
I don't have friends who're into /p/, that's why I'm asking here. I'll see if I can find someone willing to enlighten a newfaggot thought. Thanks Anon!
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>Verification not required.
Verification not required.
Rent both cameras and see which one you like the best, or go to a camera store and test both cameras out to see which one you like the best.
I might do that, thanks!
double the hotpockets for deleted posts
Anyone picking up anything from the sales going on right now?
canon r5ii to be announced tomorrow
>"240fps in 2k" (according to canon rumours - weird that he said 2k instead of 1080...)
>active cooling grip (like a battery grip but will also cool the camera allowing for longer recording without overheating - presumably for 8k60)
>stacked sensor for very quick readout
>better dr than the mark 1
>costs over $4k
I just hope this brings down the price of the original r5
Apparently canon has claimed more than 15 stop of DR

Which probably means better noise reduction
I got great deals on cinema lenses, but I will need to wait until my next gig pays me before I can get anything else.

The next thing I want to add to my kit is wide angle macro lenses.
One of the rumours is that there won't be an r5cii, and instead the r5ii will be the successor to that camera too (in the same way the 1dxii was the successor to both the 1dx and 1dc).
I mention this because the r5c had better dynamic range and noise reduction than the r5 for reasons I don't fully know but probably something to do with the active cooling in it.
I have no doubt it will be an unreal camera. But we're also at the point of diminishing returns. When your $4k hybrid does 8k60 raw, there's not much left to do and the focus shifts to how good your $2k cameras are (and on that front, the panasonic s5ii makes the canon r8 look like a crippled joke).

(Of course, I'm really just waiting for blackmagic to get their act together and release a 6k ff mark ii with ibis and autofocus)
>I'm really just waiting for blackmagic to get their act together and release a 6k ff mark ii with ibis and autofocus
This. Are there any rumors to models like this in the pipeline soon?
>I got great deals on cinema lenses
Cool, are you the anamorphic anon or what lenses did you get?
Selber Hurensohn!
Just dived in and bought a canon r10 with the 18-150mm kit lens, never shot anything before, what am I in for and what should I learn first? I was going to just start shooting some clips without bothering with audio and messing around in davinci first and watching youtube tutorials (any channel recs) as I go, then buy a microphone
Schnauze Hausverwalter, du machst es allen kostenlos

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