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File: lumix-gf1.jpg (442 KB, 4032x3024)
442 KB
442 KB JPG
What is the most you've spent on bits for an otherwise cheap camera body?
>>4400291 (OP)
does studio rental and lighting gear count?
I am not an employee at a camera accessory manufacturer.
On an unrelated note please tell me third party accessories you prefer so that I can put r&d forward accordingly and afford many philly cheesesteaks.
Anime figurine hot shoe covers please.
>Thread discussing cameras on a photography board
>Nooooooooo this is data mining
>Ahhhhhhh this is paid shilling
>>4400291 (OP)
i spent $25 on a set of macro rings
Fuck discussing gear
Post a fucking photo
Just make your own focal reducers already
>>4400291 (OP)
I bought a broken epm1 without knowing it and bought another to try to fix it an ended up with two broken entry level piece of shit bodies
>>4400291 (OP)
bout tree fiddy
>>4400291 (OP)
600 dollars so I could have a more violent camera.
do tell
I ran two (2) full rolls of film through a soviet rangefinder camera, being delusional that maybe this time the shutter will not be absolutely fucked
$150 on a set of D4 grips for a body I got for $400
a gimble tripot
>>4400291 (OP)
$16.35 for spare grey market original battery.
I've spent 30 dollars for a 70-210mm F/3.5. I've got a T2i I've been using for over 10 years too. To be honest every equipment I have is dirt cheap. Down to the Weifeng 717ah I own.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D Mark III
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2016:02:25 17:20:38
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating160
Lens Aperturef/14.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModeSpot
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length75.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Image Width1000
Image Height1000
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
>>4400291 (OP)

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