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Got this for a gift. What should I know before I start shooting

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>>4400566 (OP)
who you gonna peep on you perv
>>4400566 (OP)
It's the BIS for shooting mirages and related atmospheric phenomena. Other than that, it's a superzoom camera (small sensor, big lens) with ludicrous reach given enough light so it annoys some gearfags. Go out daytime and shoot some birbs with it.
You see that bird?
You can zoom in on it

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Camera SoftwareGoogle
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>>4400566 (OP)
People either extremely hate this or extremely love this camera. There's no in between
>>4400566 (OP)
It's better to get as close as you can instead of zooming to max, high end will be soft from diffraction even if you can get subject in frame and take a shot without shake. But sometimes you can't get closer.
>>4400566 (OP)
There are literally hundreds of videos on youtube. What do you wanna know? Also, fuck you.
>>4400566 (OP)
Share some pics you took with it!!
It pisses me off that this thing has no weather sealing. I guess it'd look like garbage on overcast days.
>>4400566 (OP)
How is the picture quality? It might be alright for snap-shots but I don't really like this kind of non-modular camera. If anything on this breaks you're screwed. I guess it's ok as a second camera when lugging around good optics isn't worth it.
>>4400566 (OP)
Lucky. It's being banned because it helps prove that we don't live on a ball floating through space. It's engendering (((their))) whole agenda. Be careful, anon.
>>4400566 (OP)
here is a small p900 zoom test, but don't take it to sandy beach on awindy day
Won't be long until long telephotos are considered a terroristic threat.
bruh of course
>>4400566 (OP)
what the fuck is the aperture for that thing at max zoom? I imagine it's a 1/2.3" sensor, so that thing must be super dooper soft at that focal length.

does d-lighting auto mode work in movie mode might improve creep vids
>>4400566 (OP)
I understand you’re disappointed but gun violence is not the answer OP.
>>4400566 (OP)
It's a Nigkon point and shoot. Expect the controls, dials, buttons, ect. to fail and become buggy.
incredibly creepy and pervy of you (haha)
I kneel
Nikon are pants-on-head retarderd for dicontinuing this and not announcing a successor shortly after.
It was 800 to a 1000 new and now it's 1500 used, fuck scalpers. The P950 is almost as good and also considerably smaller but the P1000 was slightly sharper which is crucial with a sensor that small.
Still waiting on the P1100, someday...
anon pls
You can thank EU for this, the new usb c law requires that cameras with in body charging must have USB-C port.
lol nice
based EU
I like how canon wiped ass with regs and shat out Canon SX740 lite or whatever with no charging thru usb at all
Wtf, it can't even do 4k/60fps?
>>4400566 (OP)
rule of 3rds
What is that?
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In photography there composition guidelines that the person can follow to make the image looking appearance simpler. But like how one person told me, an arrangement of objects does not make good composition. As evidence by my imgur page, I followed the guidelines, but the creative feel and creative intention has to be there beyond it, which is why when my paycheck comes in I'll be getting the Filmmaker's Eye book. Notably I'm still trying to figure out what counts as composition.
Based yesphoto Zach post. Nophotos absolutely seething.
bro just use the fucking camera
Ehhh... I still got a long way to go, and please don't make assumptions about other users.
It's a fact that you make the nophotos seethe. Don't assume that I make assumptions.
Alright I'm going to for real be taking a break from 4chan on /p/

I'll be back in a few months. I got this Stats course to focus on and if I fuck it up I'm fucked my entire college career.
shit like this is why i dont post my photos here
>omg posted photo = good
there is no meaningful critique, photos are just ammunition and tripcodes.
the loudest voice will be some retard like zach or the talentless german shepherd gearfag.

might as well post on 500px

Opinion discarded. Your poor man's attitude is really quite sad. Seethe and cope more. Your photos are objectively beneath zach's.
Hey nice photo. Looks like you got someone that is too scared to post a photo really really angry. Keep it up kid.
>>4400566 (OP)
clean yo lens
Zach, your life was over before it even began. Just like everyone's. Don't take it too seriously. We're all headed for the coffin, or the crematorium. Whatever your preference.
This photo is an improvement over your other stuff Zach. There is hope for you yet.
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2.55 MB JPG
>>4400566 (OP)
Should I get P1100 or P1000? Right now I have Snoy HX100V (800mm tele, idk what wide 1/2.3 f5.6? tele)
yep, it is real true what /p/eople say, many cams internals are outdated right off the bat
>>4400566 (OP)
How to purchase a tripod and a location away from light pollution
Whore yourself out to a rich old woman that has a nice property you can live on.
neither, m43 awaits you.
This looks so much better than mft.

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