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>Please buy my 4 hour video of 4k Steph nudes
>>4400568 (OP)
i will, sir
It's literally the coomer meme guy
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>>4400568 (OP)
>Take my money! I'll take 10!!

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePENTAX
Camera ModelPENTAX K-5
Camera SoftwareRawTherapee
PhotographerAndrew Wade Eglington
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)19 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width400
Image Height600
Compression SchemeUncompressed
Pixel CompositionRGB
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Data ArrangementChunky Format
Image Created2010:12:01 09:54:16
Exposure Time1/100 sec
Exposure ProgramShutter Priority
ISO Speed Rating400
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length13.00 mm
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeMacro
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1.26 MB
1.26 MB PNG
>this fucking face
absolutely wild
>>4400568 (OP)

but sir 720p only sir
>>4400568 (OP)
why is he built like that
The fucking coomer stare my god
>average mft enjoyer
I'm in awe of this specimen and how this is the photo he fucking decided to choose.
Musta been windy out with how far back his hairline got blown back.
>>4400568 (OP)
this fag's voice makes me want to redacted myself
>>4400568 (OP)
What the fuck is going on with this cunts body? Taking female hormones to try and stop hair loss or something? That arse is expanding at a rate of deep concern.
>>4400568 (OP)
his body is fat but his head is still skinny. like he's really not supposed to be fat, but he is. fat
>>4400568 (OP)
>boomer photographer
>vaguely south asian woman
Goes together like peanut butter and jelly.
peak performance, fagola
>>4400568 (OP)
What is this phenotype called? Why do they always look like this?
asian and its cause they are asian
nah, he has a full frame
Fuji user for sure too.
Im talking about the thing on the right
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1.37 MB PNG
With the help of his $300 course, one day I will be able to take a photo of a pussy and asshole sticking up out of some milk-like liquid. Sorry, an "art nude body scape." I was being vulgar.
>white bald onions cuck
>yellow fever chink
also nice trips satan
Rent free
>noooooo don't repeat the meme!

>>4400568 (OP)
How the fuck you all know who this guy is and even discuss overtime changes in his body composition?
He's on the you tube thing. I honestly don't even know if he's a good photographer because I can't stand his gay cunt voice long enough to see what the pictures he takes. I can tell you that he wasn't always that fat though and the way he carries it kind of looks like woman fat indicating some kind of hormonal problem.
how do you feel about Mr Leica?
his speech always sounds... mucus-y
NTA but I agree, I can't listen to his videos for more than a few minutes. His photos and choice of subjects also feel a bit off to me, like you can almost feel the imprint of his boner on the frame.
I can’t even make it through the rambling and fragmented articles. Dude needs to take a college level writing class. But if he did, the IQ boost would turn him into Mr Sony featuring leica Q.
boner imbued photos are just a normal leica thing
he has been a youtuber for over a decade and as far as I can tell people only care about his nudes he does because its hot asian girls
do kiwis REALLY
Matt Granger, I have no idea who this guy is or why he's famous though.
Checking out his facebook/portfolio seems he takes half decent photos but is mostly focused on asian smutt. Apparently sells courses and shit.
youtuber for like 15 years. famous enough nikon sends him free shit. only semi popular because most of his photos are naked asian chicks
>>4400568 (OP)
is he having el sexo with that semen demon? absolute fucking winning at life if so.
she is mid af my dude
yeah but look at him! relatively speaking, it gives me great hope.
agreed, but it is always fun to see a random nude. she has strange nipples.
matt granger sextape when
>>4400568 (OP)
This guy has the strangest proportions
they aren't dating. he has a wife and she has a husband
Call me whatever you want, but I'll never understand how either spouse is ok with this
It's about setting boundaries and trusting your partner not to break them. If you're comfortable with your partner being around a naked person they aren't allowed to touch while getting paid $500-$1000 for 10 pictures, then you're good.
>sextape when
Alamby has a sex tape?
the lack of response is disturbing

but IF it existed, likely will be someone who looks LIKE her. eh
He was a really fat planet beast, american reality TV-tier, bought some premium gear to become a photog just to see smut but starved himself for years as a result until he found the YT gig.
Honestly a good example to follow if you are at the very bottom.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah is he really a jew please say no
Is this real
Where do I pirate it?
I'm curious about the content lol
Those 4 cucks that bought those are treating them like family heirloom, no chance they are somewhere to download freely
Zach simps for this guy big time.
born with birthing hips
>>4400568 (OP)
say what you want, he keeps it real without bs.
>If you're comfortable with your partner being around a naked person they aren't allowed to touch while getting paid $500-$1000 for 10 pictures, then you're good.
Yeah and that $1000 can easily turn into $5000 to fuck her throat and ass. It's a slippery slope and an absolute dangerous game to be playing.
show his wife
This is the only one I've ever seen, mainly because of >>4405730

I've always assumed that he and his wife are some kind of swingers.
Is that a magnet link or something? And is it of this one? >>4400666
It's the infohash.
Here is the magnet link anon:

>And is it of this one?
Nah it's an old one.
I'm still baffled
Who is the Asian girl
Why is she in a link outfit
Why is there a big black man there
Is he going to watch them fuck?
Work is work.
>Who is the Asian girl
>Why is she in a link outfit
because she was paid to wear it
>Why is there a big black man there
because he is paid to be there
make sure to delete episodes 3 (its just dicks) and 9 (fatties)
Is Steph his gf?

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