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>>4400655 (OP)
Looks like you get all your opinions from the mindless contrarians and paid shills on 4chan and youtube.

Can we see your photos?
If you refuse, we will assume you are a paid shill.
>>4400655 (OP)
You forgot to put Sinar in SSS tier.
speak for yourself pseudo hivemind shill
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A look into a Chad's fantasy world: the post.
>>4400655 (OP)
>S tier
This is correct
>>4400655 (OP)
terminally online retards
Sony, Canon and Nikon should all be the same tier.

Please don't underestimate Canons ability to make absolutely trash cameras, made of kiddy toy plastic, with horrible ergonomics.
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God guided your phone to compose the correct post

Ok nophoto. Imagine not even having a snapshit. Lol.
You posted dog, so I can live with it. Still no Sinar in SSS tier, which is kind of a big fail.
that would be SSSinar then
Exactly. Leica purchased them a while back, but I still count them as a seperate entity.
>>4400655 (OP)
I've only used four.
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>>4400655 (OP)
Only rating bodies I actually owned
this but with my camera
this nigga has a point, camera is just a tool and in good hands it can make wonderful pics, fe2fucker made a camera outta garbage bottle caps and duct tape and it worked.
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If you disagree you're gay
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>>4400655 (OP)
Sike, it's all Cosina. Always has been always will be
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>>4400655 (OP)
My $0.02, don't shame me, I'm immune.
Interesting, Canon has the highest average rating so far...
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I wasn't going to reply but...
OP here. I’m using the data gathered itt to compare how gearfags and professional photographers (in another forum) view camera brands.

So far, gearfags have a lower opinion of sony and nikon (pros consistently rate both as S), a lower opinion of fujifilm (pros havent placed them lower than A), and have a higher opinion of small and obscure brands. canon, which pros are rating closer to B and C tier, is also well likes here. Probably because they have impressively long spec sheets. I wonder why pros dont like them? Probably because they are forced to use them for some employers?

Keep it up. We need more data.
>Talks shit about Canon
>his tier list has Snoy colours
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>>4400655 (OP)
I genuinely keep forgetting sigma makes bodies.
Does anyone use them? Any anon's here own one?
Sinar and Rollei are the same thing now
The Hy6 is the only thing they still make
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Sinar still makes digital backs and professional technical bodies for those digital backs. Incredibly expensive, but it looks like pretty nice stuff.
>horrible ergonomics.
Isn't ergonomics one of the things they are good at? Even Snoy started copying them in their later models with more rounded edges and deeper grips.
>Any anon's here own one?
>Does anyone use them?
Lol no
Unless you're talking about their mirrorless L mount bodies, those are just like A7C alternatives that cost more. But their Foveon stuff is a meme
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Digital Rev Tv had a great segment called "Pro tog cheap camera" that proves this point.
As I can tell based on your comment, you can discern that most people thats been posting here have probably shot one or two brands of cameras and they are just ranking by how they have been influenced. Not even talking regarding the fact most dont even take photos.
Imagine a painter ranking brush brands and getting into arguments about it.
Its just dropping names, feeling important and larping photography.
Painters absolutely argue each others ears off about paint brands, canvas quality and the relative merits of synthetic vs. various kinds of animal hair brushes.

Also... The one you have with you.
Eastern side of cascade mountains in WA?
I think metaposting about shitposting like this is more of an issue than shitposting.
Spamming it is kinda crazy.
>soft as balls
Pattern: noticed
>>4400655 (OP)
The manufacturers of the gear I own.
The manufacturers of the gear I wish I owned.
The manufacturers of the gear I owned but don't anymore.
The manufacturers of everything else that I don't like.
The manufacturers of everything else that I don't like and that has better specs than my gear.
>>4400655 (OP)
Consider suicide
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Fixed that for you OP and added one you forgot
Note: always do the opposite of what sugar says
If zenit has better specs than your gear you must have built your camera at home
Wow, reddit tier response from a tripfag, what a shocker.
>>4400655 (OP) (OP)
Fixed that for you anon and added one you forgot
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>flip it upside down
>now its correct
/p/ never disappoints
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from the gear I've used myself
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>>4400655 (OP)

Are we talking about Khrushchev Zenit or Breznev Zenit because the first Zenit was an absolute banger. All the one's made after this model were trash, although the 122XP was okay for an M42 camera.
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I really like the Kiev cameras, the Helios 103 is a lovely lens.

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>ITT: apple store and starbucks hipsters rank tool brands
Watch out, you feelsy bugman alec soth wannabe cucks. Real man who does real work coming through.
Can we see some of your work?
On arguing with fujislugs
>You can take a dump on anything and never hear a peep, but take a dump on something hipsters like, and they cry and beg for your work
>An attack on hipster junk like fuji, kodak, and leica is an attack on the foundation of their belief that they are not just a photographer, but a real or good photographer
>They will denigrate anything and everything you post simply to neutralize the threat and reclassify your opinion as unqualified
ONLY hipster gearfags do this. No one else.
jokes on you, I shoot fomapan
based and things that actually work pilled

>the virgin hobbyist: well im actually skilled because i shoot manual, only manual, because thats the only setting my leica has. i am skilled enough to zone focus and estimate distance. you are all using crutches. you can't even do this simple task. i can. if you could, you'd use a leica like me. i don't need your crutch. you dont want to? cope. you can't. my film is 500mp btw.
>the chad professional: you take photos of backs of heads.

that's their intent when they never go first. if they did you'd get
>back of head
>rocks and leaves
>building corner, or front if they're feeling spicey
>they cry and beg for your work
Kinda odd to bring up Fuji for no reason, almost comes off like you're crying about Fuji
> Real man who does real work coming through.
Man enough to brag about doing real work, but not man enough to simply post an example of said work
Many such cases, nophotos gonna nophoto
How do chefs feel and talk about food critics with other chefs?
Do chef's actually make food, or only ever talk about making food?

You know what.

This one fucks, except Vivitar they made some really cool shit with the OG Series 1 lenses I've got a couple and they are amazing even by today's standards, but also built by other manufacturers.
You can't deny, the pattern has been noticed. It's almost like its just one guy who likes fuji and leica and gets mad when people dislike them.

But only guy on /p/ who actually has a fuji and a leica is also a terrible photographer, most good photographers IRL use sony/canon/p1/hasselblad/nikon, and the guy who always says post photo but only for people insulting fuji/leica never goes first so there's no way someone could be bullied into falling for it

This is more like chefs yelling at each other over whether induction or gas is better

I don't have a Fuji mirrorless, just a compact XP waterproof cam.

I do have a Leica IIIb though, and I am terrible so I own that.
No one who says post photo without posting photo has a photo to post
>the pattern
Yeah, its just fuji. Theres a fanboy on /p/ 24/7. Its probably the one that fervently defends fuji’s unreliable weather sealing by insisting no one actually needs better sealing because they could put their camera in a waterproof purse. I wonder what he thinks of their shit autofocus
>post your amazing sports photos that fujis autofocus couldnt achieve. you just cant manual focus/prefocus!
Fuji and Leica both suck, can we see some of your work now? Why bring it up if you are unwilling to show?
I post all the time, and always provide when asked, always. What kind of image would you like me to post?

Enjoy the larping nophoto.
Big booty ho please.
>why yes, I am a nophoto
I'm an impartial observer simply requesting a picture you've taken of a big booty ho. Nothing more, nothing less.
Oh hell yeah, gimme a few min
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Closest that I've posted before
Hey thanks, yesphoto.
I put them all in C or B tier. All cameras are okay. What matter is how you use it.
Been a while. Have you been improving your photography?
I'm trying to photograph a possum. Lately too, I've been focusing on getting my college degree in Business Analytics. I've been slow on my photography and filmmaking lately after losing my grandmother. I don't feel the same joy after losing her. Her and my older brother were the two main people why I got into this artwork. Now, with my older brother not interested and my grandmother was the only one, I feel empty with this artform. I originally was planning on making a silly peanut butter and jelly romantic comedy in my kitchen, but I just can't bring back that old joy I used to have.
at least fuji has SOVL
Did you just try to type out a chad vs virgin meme?
Fucking hell...
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>>4400655 (OP)

It's not the hammer - it's the carpenter.

Stop splitting hairs and start enjoying photography FFS
>wood analogies
Carpenters have to choose quality lumber that suits the project they are working on
Cameras aren’t hammers. But I’m sure a dull saw and warped wood can be used to build a decent house! Skill issue git gud! (Poorfag cope)

You can get beautiful pictures out of a 15 year old DSLR the same way you can build a house using Harbor Freight tools instead of Hilti and Fein

Just take pictures
To be fair a 15 year old DSLR is much better than any micro four thirds and more durable than a pre-a7iv snoy
>buy 15 year old dslr
>autofocus works more reliably than a nikon z
>weather sealing beats a fuji
>better built than an a7iii
>less buggy than an eos r or a leica
>cheaper lenses and higher quality than olympus panasonic
>only real downside is no ibis and kind of big
>only real downside is no ibis and kind of big
Yeah... old DSLR's are really great. My problem is I really like the ergos when using a battery grip but carrying a camera that big means it can get in the way.
>only real downside is no ibis and kind of big
works on my pentax :^)
>Nikon been put constantly in high tiers
What the hell happened, I thought they were dead and buried by now.
No one would actually want to use a nikon, but they use sony sensors, can adapt sony lenses, and are full frame, so they're what the anti-sony gearfags here need to settle for, due to being unable to afford, or lift, canons.

After all, most of /p/ only buys cameras to impress or "trigger" other people on /p/ instead of to make themselves happy.

In real life, 55% of FF users use a sony, and the other 45% use a canon. The compact market is almost entirely dominated by canon and fujifilm with sony taking up the #3 spot. Nikon doesn't really factor into it outside of weird internet gearfag forums like this. You almost never see them. The only less common cameras are made by panasonic. Real life is 100% canon and sony.

In other words, nikon is like linux. Very popular, vastly preferred to windows and macs, and stated to be blatantly so superior only an idiot would disagree and only because they couldn't figure it out... among basement dwellers.

Canon is like windows (just werks ERR 20 lets pretend that never happened ok) and Sony is like apple (gives up some dumb thing or another to be small which only bothers "gamer" personality types, gets endless trolling over a defect that existed 5 years ago)
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>>4400655 (OP)
Look into your hearts, and you will know that its true
Nikon makes the best gear for people who read lens reviews with lots of charts
>by now
There's Praktica and Zeiss Ikon in the graph.
I miss those niggas like you wouldn't believe it
Hisitronic /p/ gearfag opinion.

Nikon made the best DSLRs when photography and camera sales was at its peak. Even to date it's still really hard to beat a D810/D850 or even a D500/D750. The mirrorless trend happened as the market transitioned into videomaking/blogging where Sony made the better product.

People don't buy new cameras every year like /p/ and Nikons are fine if you're not doing any video or sports shooting (even then I'll probably be fine with any of the DSLRs mentioned above). I guarantee your average Nikon buyer probably wasnt reading any reviews before buying his camera.
*Canon made the best DSLRs
Everyone has always just bought a canon. No questions asked. Professionals use canon. Canon means camera. Everyone just gets a canon. Cameras: solved.

Nikon has always been second rate junk for pixel peepers. No redeeming qualities otherwise. Canon had the better mount, the better tech, the better lenses. Nikon just repackaged the sensors from sony SLTs so gearfags and landscape dweebs like ken rockwell went for them.

This hasnt changed. Sony just got a few redeeming qualities after over 20 years of failure (ie: being perfectly average, smaller, and less ugly than canons) so now nikon is even more irrelevant.
They have good film cameras. Would skip their digitals.

Yesphotos and Boomers still use them. They're decent cameras. Honestly everything these days takes the same picture so find what you're comfortable with in your hands and go take pictures.


touch grass
This is too good of an opinion for this board. /p/ only exists for gladiatorialesque gear fagging and MFT chart goon sessions
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Sony shooters will never recover from this
You can't be #1 in FF market share, especially as a japanese company, without at least one or two trannies using your brand

i agreed with you retard

the only thing nikon product that actually DID suck was their early mirrorless (z50/z30, z5, z6 mk1). crap AF + expensive lenses and wasn't equal to even their older DSLRs)

the other factor we forget is brand loyalty. the avg boomer buying cameras grew up shooting either nikon or canon = they're gonna buy either of the 2, both are household names when it comes to cameras. sonys only recently thanks to their camcorders in the 1990s. think about what brand point and shoots or camcorders your parents/family/friends bought in the 2000s growing up. it comes down to whatever they can buy when they go to best buy/circuit city/frys. canon in particular has excellent product placement w/nikon not far behind. i can pick up a rebel t7 or r50 at any walmart/target in the country
(10 years ago add nikon d3000/3200/3400 to that).

again, your average nikon shooter probably never read any reviews until after the fact.
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unfortunately fe2fucker made the most peak camera on the planet

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