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>buy analog camera
>go take photos
>look inside
>no photos
>no photos
welcome to the board, you'll fit right in
>visit photography board
>look inside
>no photos
To derail the thread a bit, how do we actually save /p/? This is a timeline of posts per day and it's cratered since 2021 and only seems to be losing more people since then.
Even with all the gear threads I still think this is one of the better places to discuss photography, so how can we get more Anons in?
Disable names/trips and add IDs
well why would anyone come here?
constructive criticism that goes beyond "do x better" is scarce
I only see people getting advice for like analogue photography and on how to use flashes
gear discussions are by far the most common and also where I see most newbies (what camera do I get guyz)

if like to see some more interactive content that's about photos. like edit threads and photo challenges idk
hey where do you get access to these graphics?
would you mind sharing it please?


how would adding IDs improve the board? honest question
I remember using some board with IDs a couple years ago, I can't remember whether it was /n/ or /p/ itself, but it was kinda shit
no one liked it at all and we lose what is the strength of an anonymous image board which is the liberty of being no one
if you post a photo you won't be judged whether your last one was shit or great
not having a trail is what allows people to leave honest feedbacks without fear of backlash, for example
to me the problem is that people in this fucking board do not WANT to actually engage in giving detailed feedbacks or actually post photos
it's a gearfaggotry board with some photos here and there
>I only see people getting advice for like analogue photography and on how to use flashes
as someone who only shoots analog and regularly is at the /film general threads/, I don't see much criticism and interactions in there concerning actual photos
people reply and engage in conversations about gear
you can post photos all you want and they'll almost always be ignored, or someone will comment something bland like "cool", "nice colors" or "snapshit", nothing much more profound than that
well, I do my part and post photos and comment on other people's photos, but i'm just one guy
>people leave honest feedback
90% of all responses, irrespective of content quality is along the lines of
However you are correct in saying most people don't actually want to partake in actual feedback, so fair.
Don't really see how that would improve anything.
I see your point there with constructive criticism, I try my best to actually provide that but it's still lacking here.
I do think there is stuff worth coming here for though, unlike other sites it does feel like there is actually a /p/ community, with people who are genuinely passionate about photography.
Some more interactive threads would be great yeah.
I do find the film general honestly higher quality than the rest of the board, there are some great photos posted there occasionally.
Yeah it's a shame.
>how would adding IDs improve the board? honest question
With the new 15 minute timer or email verify per new IP it would cut down on samefagging schizoposters

Though they tend to be obvious regardless.
i don't think samefaggotry is such a huge deal here, save for a few notable examples (iS tHiS eNgAgEmEnT bAiT?)
there's some schizzoposting as well but those things are not what's fucking up the board

what's fucking up the board for quite some time is how people themselves engage with it
people don't actually offer in-depth feedback, they also don't post photos, and they get mad at those who actually do
I've had complaints of nophotos telling me I should make my own thread because I posted like 20 photos in a /fgt/ (and not in sequence, just 20 photos in the course of weeks)
people here like to seethe and complain about gear instead of actually talking about photos

I don't know how to change that, though
>>4400810 (OP)
>takes photos
>doesn't return photos
be kind and rewind, anon
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/p/ had a resurgence during covid during which everyone who came here slowly realized most people into photography suck, and have always sucked. before that it was dead and their dreams of "art" died. Their dreams of publishing a photobook and attaining success because they took photos of kudzu vines that looked vaguely like people and animals, their dreams of being seen as creative because they focused on warehouse fronts with peoples shadows on them, etc, dead. Why? They realized it was fucking stupid. Cinefag and cANON weren't even the cause, everyone was already becoming redpilled by their own failure. Cinefag and cANON were just two "exes" that had noticed how many people who succeeded with bullshit were the same ethnicity as publishers and gallery owners and born into wealthy and well connected families.

The only genres worth anything are #1 TOP TIER: portraits of attractive and famous people, #2 CHEAP DECO TIER: unusual landscapes and prestigious architecture, and #3 WIKIPEDIA ID CARD TIER: Wildlife. All of these are inaccessible to /p/ because yes, it is a fact. Taking worthwhile photos is inaccessible to most people. This is immediately disheartening and quickly brings egos back down to reality where the purpose of a camera is documenting your life, friends, and family, and you will never be an artist.

because a photographer can never be an artist.

they can at best, capture rare and significant realities.

the ONLY way to take good photos truly worth sharing that other people will admire is to go somewhere most of those people have never been, or meet someone most of those people will never meet.
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Didn't read lol

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>a photographer can never be an artist.
>they can at best, capture rare and significant realities.
It's a blackpill, but it's good for you.
>photos of kudzu vines that looked vaguely like people and animals
Who the fuck would expect to get anywhere doing this lmao

Ironically corroborating his point. A photo of something interesting taken with the shittiest gear on earth is better than yet another GFX100S snapshit of the corner of a generic american building.
>hobby board filled with DUDE WE ALL GUNNA MAKE IT tards during the genetically engineered wuhan flu pandemic and them died again because no one was gonna make it
Many such cases but really the WAGMI self improver/hustle bros (future failures and r/antiwork posters) were a thing starting around 2016
He said while posting on a photography forum.
Fuck off you whiny doomer faggot.
Of course something interesting is better, but interesting subjects can be found anywhere.
The people who "made it" kept taking photos, and got somewhere with their work and they didn't do it for any other reason than loving the art form.
Photography does suck. The chances of you being anything more than a trade photographer are almost zero because photography has almost zero value. Just taking pictures is an excuse activity for people being placed in favorable financial positions by a corrupt friend or family member. You will never become a successful artist through photography if you are not one of those people.

Your only way around this is to be more of a journalist if you want real success instead of an unsteady wedding photography gig. Just look at everyone who is a successful photographer who isn't a trust fund kid or jewish. They all blended their photography with actual journalism instead of assigning arbitrary meaning to random snapshits of pedestrians and walls.

Everyone realizes this eventually, so whenever a photography forum has a large influx of newfags it's going to have a large outflux of disillusioned people who thought they could replace their day job, since everyone wants to get out of their corporate office and shift work jobs these days
This is the terminally online brainrot take.
>The chances of you being anything more than a trade photographer are almost zero
I constantly have people asking me to do photography work for them and I've never accepted because
>i don't wanna turn what i like into work
>i wanna shoot what *I* want to shoot
>i'm already successful in my field
you're brainrot to the point of thinking you're only successful if you're commercially appreciated
i'm a successful photographer because i'm pleased with the photos i take and people are pleased when i gift them photos as well
and i have the liberty to do as i please
anyway, you know you're allowed to leave this board, right?
Bring isi back.
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photography is less of visual art and more of storytelling. you're combining pieces of reality like writer types words on a page, not a caligrapher. if the story sucks noone will care about perfeclty embelished letters. the story will suck if you don't create something compelling. easiest way to create compelling story is to document your life. easiest way to live your life in a way that makes it interesting to others is to party with rich people or go to exotic place.

it's hard as fuck to create a worthwhile story with one sentence (or one photo in this instance). if you try to cram as much info into one photo it will have the same feel as overintelectualised sentence that goes on and on and on with no point to it. you can tell thrilling stories about regular places and regular people but that shit takes skill and imagination that I don't have and i doubt many of us on /pee/ have.

>This is immediately disheartening and quickly brings egos back down to reality where the purpose of a camera is documenting your life, friends, and family, and you will never be an artist.
wait you guys weren't doing just that? picrel went to model train display, satisfied my autism, took camera with me, left with nice pictures to have as a souvenir

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>A photo of something interesting taken with the shittiest gear on earth is better than yet another GFX100S snapshit
And thus, we're back to pocketable compacts and phone cameras BTFOing even the highest quality foolframe and Large Format film faggot, because at its heart, photography is primarily a format of visual archival medium, and not art. Photography CAN be art, but it is uniquely rare and requires tenfold as much luck than technical and theoretical skill.

I've actually found the most "artistic" looking things I've created with photography are the hanging frames with multiple slots for smaller photos, where you can combine several shots to create a theme or a story. But then, that means the artistic part isn't even the photography itself, it's the presentation.

Back to the idea of keeping /p/ alive, is the unfortunate fact that for every halfway decent photo, most people have dozens of shit ones at least, so things become a bit of a numbers game. You go to a place, take 100 photos, 5 are alright but you then realise mistakes, get input, and otherwise aim to make better photos the next time you go out... two months later.
The result is the reality that good photographs are a trickle of gold splashing upon the faces of shitstains sitting in their airchairs, calling you a faggot for using a snoy.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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A photographers success is not just commercial success. I take photos because I enjoy taking photos, I enjoy going out on photo walks, I enjoy seeing that I've actually got some good ones, and I enjoy sharing the ones that I'm proud of. If I never were to sell a print, or work with a client then I'd still do photography because I actually like it, and it honestly sounds like you don't Anon.
But in the process of doing photography simply because I enjoy it, I have actually sold prints, and worked with paying clients.
It's a combination of visual art and storytelling in my opinon. It has a direct connection to reality, and yet is still subjective because that reality is mediated through the eye of the photographer and their decisions regarding framing, settings, and editing.
I think compelling photos can be made with what you have around you honestly, even if you're not rich or in an exotic place. One of my favourite photos I took early in the morning as the sun was rising over a bunch of misty fields close to my house.
There are beautiful moments to be found in the most mundane places.

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>And thus, we're back to pocketable compacts and phone cameras BTFOing even the highest quality foolframe and Large Format film faggot
This has consistently proven itself to be the opposite. You take these with you everywhere and tack the "IMPORTANT!" sticker on every inconsequential haystack, pet, dull landscape, back of head, street clown, and car you see like everyone else with a phone or PNS and the end result is you have a diary and no one cares, not even you. You basically forget what a good photo is after the fifth snapshot of your cat. Look at whats here or in the ricoh GR reddits or the fuji reddits, diary excerpts by people that forgot they werent important.

The big camera CHADS only take their cameras out when there's probably going to be something worth photographing and don't drown what might be quality work in nonsense or dilute the most important aspect:
Consistent quality. That's how lewis fucking baltz and stephen fucking shore made something out of junk with their big large format chad cameras.

Also, their pics dont look so bad that only edgy counterculture teens who have learned to despise wealthy people and associate good quality with "le bor goose sie" would go for them over something less digishitty because low tech and poverty = soul and high tech and wealth = rich arent people hail marx. You won't learn this here though because 4chan is just the counterculture teens. Older, but still jobless mostly.
Absolute midwit opinion.
Whether you have a point and shoot, or a full frame (I use both) the quality of your photos depends on you.
If you only use your camera to take dull snapshits, you'll do that no matter what camera you use. It's easy to see examples of people with the bulkiest most expensive gear take extremely derivative and dull photos.
Ricoh and Fuji unfortunately both have a lot of amateur users who get memed into street photography, but there are still people making incredible work with those cameras.
Having a camera on you all the time != constant snapshittery. One can exist without the other. Often times snapshitting is independent of the kind of camera you have, but sometimes you get people who will see a good photo or an opportunity, and will take advantage of the fact they have a camera, without the snapshits. It's less common, but is the ultimate photog path.
if you cant know in advance if there will definitely or probably be something worth photographing in 8k ultra hd mtf lens quality with off camera flash and a 69mm f0.24, you probably aren't qualified to carry a dedicated camera in the first place.

for everything else there is the phone.

an rx100vii is really close to a modern android phone with built in telephotos just because the lenses are kind of shit by that point no matter how hard you pixel peep the noise, and no pocket compacts are any better. there's no point. you already have a good enough camera with you. it's called a smartphone. compact digitals are a waste of time. just get an android phone, instead of an iphone with their super shit smeary AI cameras.
zoomer or cia nigger?
Do you ever leave the house lol?
If I'm going out, either with friends or just on business I've often never been to where I'm going, and some of my best shots have come from just walking to my destination.
Also phones are shit, including android. Soft lenses, pre-processed RAWs, touch controls.
>phones are le shit, le too soft
Stop buying iphones. Pixels have the best cameras.
I own a pixel camera you retard, it's still shit.
>picrel is an unedited DNG

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>dont clean or protect the lens, dont use computational photography
>dont make any effort to compose a photo or avoid flare (also a problem up to $1000 lenses)
>hjalp guys my phone camera bad
It is visibly sharp enough even for a mild crop. User error.
>complains about AI smeary shit in iphones
>encourages the use of computational photography
Choose one.
Yeah this photo is shit, it's not a photo I would ever claim is good, and I chose it because it gives a good example of how shit this camera can be. I've had some decent photos on this phone, but it's an uphill battle against a camera which is outdone by most decent 2008 point and shoots.
Really cool image can you post more?
>because a photographer can never be an artist.
Dishonest post. True photography is art, the rest is photojournalism or worse, random snapshits.
Based comment and based photo, thank you anon.

>if you cant know in advance if there will definitely or probably be something worth photographing in 8k ultra hd mtf lens quality with off camera flash and a 69mm f0.24, you probably aren't qualified to carry a dedicated camera in the first place.
If you are a sports photographer, maybe ; if not, this post is garbage.
The old trips are what made the old /p/ so special to me. We used to have genuinely good photogs, and a real sense of community (meetups, photo books, challenges, thoughtful threads). I used to be inspired here often, and actually learned some.thingd.

I was pretty active 2010-2015, and came back in 2021, but it's very different. I've tried to contribute, posted hundreds of photos and several dozen example and comparison type images.
I've tried to offer practical, real world advice and experiences, but it all just never feels worth it here anymore.
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Too many shitflingers and not enough people actually willing to go take photos.
Taking photos requires effort. Fagging on about what brand of plastic goes around your sensor is infinitely easier.
>2023/2024 /p/
Wasn't exactly great but there was more activity and more threads with specific intent
>2025 /p/
Ahaha go fuck yourself, this place is a husk. Continually calling everyone who posts a photo shit has probably driven away the few semi-sane posters to reddit (yuck).

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Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingUnknown
Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance1.400 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed160
Color Matrix129
exactly, thats why people keep telling me my photos are bad

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