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File: pentax_645n_system.jpg (850 KB, 2500x1704)
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Anyone here stick a 105mm f/2.4 pentax 67 lens on a pentax 645 body and was it worth it?
>>4400910 (OP)
No way, I can't justify spending $3 a frame just to shoot with the equivalent of a 36mp DSLR and an f1.2 lens. No one here can except people who are shooting large format or digital medium format anyways.

Shooting MF film is a very personal and emotional thing because it makes 0 sense now that a $350 used nikon outdoes 645. Just do what you think is cool.
Can you post examples? Sounds like you may have fallen for a bit of meme.
digishit looks like ass compared to film
>now that a $350 used nikon outdoes 645.
But Anon, it doesn't?
>a $350 used nikon outdoes 645
Seeing as a 2000 dollar nikon doesnt even outdo MFT I find this hard to believe. There is a reason why they don't sell many cameras, you know.
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Are you saying micro four thirds outdoes a presumably full frame nikon IQ-wise? I may be misunderstanding something.
These charts are irrelevant unless broken down into ILCs only, preferably FF ILCs only for the big 3 brands.

People who post BCN data are even more retarded
>japanese retailer sales numbers matter!
No they do not.
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>$3 a frame
That's the price of 35mm Kodak Gold...
go count pixels some more
OP here. in looking at photos online of this set up idk if only retards shoot it but the bokeh looks way too panicky and it annoys me
>Triggered by the truth
There is no rational reason to shoot film
learn to constrain the color palette and dynamic range of a photo and add a grain sim instead of paying kodak to do it for you
Insane cope.
>add grain sim
look at what the digicucks need to do to mimic our power
you will never understand
just let it go
>>4400910 (OP)
i want a blue camera...

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