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File: Canon EOS R8 used .jpg (221 KB, 1080x1180)
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Would I be retarded for buying this for filming?

I borrowed a Canon R8 and 35mm f1.8 for my YouTube channel. I absolutely loved using it over my old EOS-M.
I had zero complaints after filming about 4 hours of automotive repair footage.

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It produces the same 4k as the r6mk2 and looks better than the r5mk2 4k fine so yes. If you have a stabilized lens it should work fine. If you are just gonna film yourself from a tripod it will be more than enough with even an unstabilized one.
99% of my filming is on a manfrotto tripod.
And I think that 35 mil lens had image stabilization built into it.
So I'm not retarded for buying a used R8?
>>4401568 (OP)
are you planning to use it as a hybrid camera or only use it for video?
if it's video only you are better off with a used cinema camera for that price
No. It will serve you well.
>>4401568 (OP)
Well at least its better than a snoy
The 35mm f/1.8 is image stablised to 5 stops. Very good, honestly. As long as you don't fall into the meme retard vlogger trap of using pancakes with focus breathing and no IS, you're golden. The R8 is the best value-oriented full frame setup for stills atm, and is a very decent video pick if you're doing hybrid shit. Maybe some faggot-tier copeosonic G9II could do marginally better video thanks to IBIS.

I use an R50 and honestly, between the very good IS of RF lenses, and the "movie IS" set to standard, you end up with very workable video even handheld.
>>4401568 (OP)
>Would I be retarded for buying this for filming?
yes, buy a camcorder or vidoe camera, faggot. hybridization ruined photography and if you do this you are part of the problem and i hate you.
Definitely not for stills. Stills is still ruled by sony.
>5 stop IS
IRL it’s 3.

Canon is the blatantly superior video brand.
those are shit though.
never used one that wasn't regardless of price

Wait for a sale on the s5ii and get it for $1500

>but L-mount

Buy an MC-21 for $180
That's in Canon R6 Mark II territory though.
The Canon is a much nicer camera.
The S5II has nothing important over a comparable canon. Just some codecs that youtube color grading/chinese anamorphic brahs think they need, but no actual professionals need or want.

Canon leads panasonic in everything that actually matters, ie: autofocus, color science, lens quality, post purchase support.
>buy a janky adapter that makes panasonics already bad autofocus even worse so you can use outdated, out of production, often non-serviceable canon lenses
Ooooor, you can just buy a canon. 3-4 stop IS on the R7, 8 stop IS on the R6II. Autofocus as good as snoy’s. Superior color science to panusonic. And better build quality. Panusonic is STILL shipping s5iis with the battery drain bug.

I laff when they bring up dci 4k
>bro i would have to crop out like 1 megapixel to get the aspect ratio without muh panasonic
Enjoy your overheating during video sessions.
Its spelled Color soience, dumbass.
FUD based on early firmware.

Enjoy your drab colors and missed focus
I used that R8 in a 70F car shop for hours and hours without overheating.
idk how hot it has to be to overheat a R8.
The overheating was with the first R5 if I am not mistaken, not the R6MK2.
I think there have been YouTubers reporting of the R8 overheating when continuously filming outdoors.
but if you need to film like that, ur probably using the wrong camera.
Just bought one. Arrives later today. Honestly the only thing I see a problem with is battery life, but whaddayaknow if you just carry a spare you're set for twice as long. Gonna go shoot some rocks and leaves as is tradtion.
>Can't shoot 5 hours of 4k60 in arizona heat
>garbage camera
>*buys panasonic*
>*colors get duller and footage is never in focus until they go down the rabbit hole and turn it into a cinematography larp rig with a follow focus and chinese anamorphics*
their footage? very dull leaves moving slightly, dull cars driving past, dull creep-footage from the skate park
and then someone comes out of left field with an actual feature film made on a pentax k-1, the worst hybrid on earth
such is the life of a gearfag jewtuber
It does feel like camera YouTubers try way too hard.

The R8 battery life was better than my EOS-M while filming. so 30min+ of non stop filming is plenty for me. I mostly do 30sec-1min runs for cars
>>4401568 (OP)
Anyone here uses adapted EF glass on their RF body? Any issues that you found with this setup?
I want to buy an R62 to use with my L glass. The new RF L lenses are overpriced af. And if I understand correctly Canon doesn't allow Sigma or Tamron to make glass for their new mount. It sucks but it's not like I need new lenses for what I do. My 5d3 is showing it's age though
canon claims that their adapters provide 1:1 compatibility, more or less the lens and the body both believe they're connected to native hardware. and focus performance does suffer a bit but its pretty good, i've found every lens i own on EF worked fine on the adapter, even some oddballs like the old old L zooms from the 80s and specialist lenses like the TSe and MP60 lenses. no issues. and this is on an original R, the newer cameras focus old lenses even better. but still not as fast as new lenses due to the motors and whatever else.
This sounds great. Thanx anon.
>be me
Omfg the overheating issues are real. 30*c weather and it's halfway up the warning bar before I even turn it on. I was shooting for like 20 minutes outdoors in a combination of sun/shade and it was not happy, sitting only a bar before the red overheat warnings would start. Ergos are fine but buttons feel mushy. Battery life is way fuckin worse than I thought; I was using an R10 beforehand and it gets like 50%+ more life than the R8 (yes I know it's powering a bigger sensor).

Now, the positive side is the image upgrade going from APS-C to FF is tangible and seccy, but I genuinely think the R8 might be a cop-out. The unfortunate thing is, I enjoy lighter more portable cameras, so even though the R6 makes way more sense, I can't be fucked dealing with the bulk.

Fuck this, amazon return window ftw.
Yes. I use an EF 100mm IS L Macro and the 55-250 IS STM kit zoom (because fuck the RFS 55-210 and its lack of controls). The extra weight and length added by the adapter is a bit annoying compared to native, but it's forgivable considering what I gain instead.
Optical performance is at or near similar to DSLR performance, with the added bonus that mirrorless can AF way easier than DLSRs ever could. The Macro lens will sometimes in unfavourable light hunt between 1:1 and infinity, which was never a real thing with my older 70D, but that lens has a focus limiter built in so w/e.

There are also lots of EF lenses with no RF counterparts that could be of genuine use for rather cheap.
>EF 100mm f/2
>EF 180mm f/3.5 Macro
>EF 135mm /2.8 Soft Focus
>EF 50mm f/1 (okay not cheap but fuck you it's an f/1 native mount lens)
EF glass often performs better on RF.
The 8-15 fisheye.
EF made what... 80 lenses in the lineup? RF would have to be going for 20+ years to meet that, so even with double-ups and straight upgrades, EF is going to have some unique options for a long time.
and i doubt theyll release TS lenses anytime soon, so one of the best EF lenses ever made the TS-E 17/f4 remains unmatched.

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>$3600 AUD New.
Holy fuck, that one lens is as much as an R6II. How is a 15 year old lens retaining so much value? I guess it is unique.
>>4401568 (OP)
You borrowed an R1 classic you scrub.
it's a fantastic lens, but also pretty niche. If you don't need t/s the price will nevver make sense.

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>>4401568 (OP)
The R8 is great for video, and while the rf35mm 1.8 is great for photos I would not recommend that lens for video. the STM motor in my opinion is just not fast enough for video and is kind of noisy. Also it doesn't seem to have enough precision for video and "clicks" between further and closer when trying to focus for video. (I think it is due to compromises on a macro lens) Lovely lens for photography, and in photo mode the STM motor is plenty fast.
I preordered my R8 and I don't know if mine is built different, or if youtubers are trying to get more clicks, but my R8 does not overheat like others say it does. I've used it to take photos in 113f outdoors all day (I am an insane desert man) in direct sunlight and maybe 1-2 heat bars come up but has never stopped me from shooting. One thing that helps a lot is you need to turn airplane mode on so Bluetooth and Wifi is disabled. This helps a lot with battery life and heat. For video I've never had overheating issues in hot temperatures, but I never shoot more than a few minutes at a time with 4k30 video. In hot outdoor conditions it will overheat if you shoot video for 30min continuous, but for the average joe in normal weather it will shoot 4k30 until the battery is dead. Now 4k60 is a different story, it will overheat much faster and is not dependent on outdoor temp. I don't use my R8 for 4k60 so I haven't been able to test how far it can really go (my sd cards thank me).
>looks better than r5m2

What do you mean?
I shoot with an R6. Been picking up more RF glass (the 70-200 2.8 is expensive but nice as HELL and I found it at auction for a bargain). Otherwise have shot a lot with EF 24-105 f/4 and EF 70-300 USM using an adapter. These lenses work great with the adapter. Perfectly, even. They work better on the smarter RF body with adapter than they have on slower EF bodies. Just know that the adapter adds some length which will make the total setup slightly longer than the unadapted lens on EF body would be.
>I don't know if mine is built different, or if youtubers are trying to get more clicks, but my R8 does not overheat like others say it does
I cannot get over how quickly mine was overheating. It was fucked. I legitimately must have gotten a lemon because that thing was 2/3rds up the heat bar just taking a few stills out in 30*c weather.
>>4401568 (OP)
With a proper rig, it will be as good as RED One was, when it comes to dynamic range.

Solid sensor. I have r6mii, its excellent. There are some pretty mind blowing reels online.

SNOY of course has better dynamic range, thats why everyone flocks to them on the budget.

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