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>weird autistic shit
fuji had a point and shoot with a 38mm f/2.6 for some reason. 2.6 is a quarter stop faster than 2.8 so basically no point in existing
is a faggot
I was listing weird autistic shit like OP asked us, but that also works.
there are like 6 or 7 threads on the board with op photo's I've taken
>>4401614 (OP)
>Fixed lens
I bet retarded fuckheads go nuts for this one. Can't wait to see "THIS RARE OLD COMPACT PRO FILM CAMERA FROM JAPAAAAAN IS A STREET PHOTOGRAPHY BEAST" in my youtube feed in two weeks.
I only know it exists because I have a reddit to look at amateur solo porn of girls because I don't like mudsharks and I have some of the photography stuff liked on there as well so some dude got a bunch of likes using this camera because they were of a half naked asian or latina girl and I mean half naked as in she had a tank top with no bra and that was it. the guy was also black and fat, has a fat black wife and apparently some atlanta museum exhibits his shit. like a photo of some trailer trash.
there was one girl who was pretty good. literally 100% of her photos are her naked and I think 1 or 2 of her friend naked
>130 words
>4 full stops
Fujifox tier post btw
>full stop
hey, esl
I can't be ESL though, I didn't end my post with 'though', though.
prove it faggot
>the guy was also black and fat, has a fat black wife and apparently some atlanta museum exhibits his shit. like a photo of some trailer trash.
oh fuck i think i've seen that guy pop up on here before. does trashy shoots with strippers and hookers, man i wish i could remember his name. Some of our namefags even said his stuff was decent which made it all more lolworthy.

found him. his posts are very funny because he always posts his photos and then a photo of himself to let the redditors know he's a black man and to give him all the updoots kind stranger.
ahaha yeah, that's the guy. i rememberr now, it was the heroin chic picture of the shitty prison tattoo he was getting that was posted here. classic quintavious
Didn't someone say that was taken with a leica???
you look at his posts and they're very much all about bragging about which gear was used for it. he belongs here lmao.
This photo is disgusting
Oh it would have been really funny if a troll said it was leica, but it was fooji.
all of his photos are just him taking pictures of gross poverty porn stuff and redditors eat it up
There's that much of an audience?
Yes, liberals love photos of degeneracy.
there's some characters on reddit for sure. this guy obsessed with the agfa opitma and crack whores is a treat
I have a basket full of agfas (I'm not even obsessed, I just like them) but thank god I never used reddit
at least the women in this guys pics are slightly more attractive than the black guy from atlanta
i owned that klasse, it sucked to use because my cuntry is too cold so the batteries and electronics would fuck up. barely got any photos with it
14-bit raws

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