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Previous thread: >>4392821

You ever feel like you have too much gear?

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>>4401886 (OP)
>Post All Your Gear Edition
Doesn't fit all in one picture, would have to get it all out of dry boxes too. I have posted a spreadsheet with it all listed before.

>You ever feel like you have too much gear?
Sometimes, but then I remember if I don't buy up every single cheap camera or lens someone else might get some
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>>4401886 (OP)
I just bought a GFX 50r from a non photographer friend who never used it.

My plan for it is to digitize film, but I've taken it on a photoshoot and rather like the results. I might take it with me to the mountains next week to do some wide panos.

Would never recommend a to anyone as a first camera but from the two I've handled the gfx series is great fun.
I ordered a chinkshit camera bag so I can EDC my camera. I'll probably regret it because it's too ugly and get a Pgytech Solo v2 4L instead.
I also ordered the Viltrox 56mm f1.7 lens to fuck around with for $100 usd.

I wish Chinese lens makers would make compact constant aperture zooms.
Considering selling my vintage glass collection because I always come across new crap anyway and it is not like I use it. Perhaps downsize and buy more expensive glass instead.
This is the way. You are experiencing "Degearfagging", where anons finish their "experimentation" phase and start shedding off the less used gear they have accumulated, in order to consolidate into a select few lenses and body(ies) that suit their style and weight/bulk limitations. Quality > quantity. You ether end up with two or three zooms or primes (any combination of) and a body that will last you 5+ years.
>$10 bag
I mean... surely you could have sprung for like a... $30 bag? My local camera stores sell actual branded small camera bags on sale for that much. This chinkshit is going to sandpaper your ass with its' coarse linen in a matter of weeks.
Imaging springing for any bag. purses suck. the redpill is carrying your camera on a strap and keeping accessories and spare lenses in a little case in a backpack or normal messenger bag if you hate your spine.

It's not truly degearfagging until you stop having focal length FOMO.
A bag is not the way to EDC a camera.
You need a pocketable camera or just wear it around your neck whenever you go outside.
It's pretty similar to this $22 one on Amazon with 4.7 rating so maybe it won't be too bad.

If it's shit, I'm only out $9 and I can remove the strap and use it as a camera cube and then look for a new cross body sling bag.
I have a boatload of camera bags I have no idea what to do with. When buying used cameras online you often get these things as freebies. Usually just generic crap from the retail store, but if you don't care about being fashionable out on the go it is rather easy to get them for free if you are being thrifty.
Based normal ass backpack user
>buy compact camera sling bag off amazon for $10
>use it to carry 2 lenses+flash+batteries
>throw away the strap and put it in my backpack
Slings are for prime lens autists shooting events. Aka retards.
I already wear a sling bag and keep my wallet, phone and keys in it. (Not having to fish things out when switching jacket / pants is great.)

I just want something slightly bigger and slightly more padded to fit my compact camera too.
>"yap yap yap you have to this this and this to be a REAL photograpaher because I said so"
Lol hang yourself I'm going hoard gear
Isn't it funny how every hobby has "AIN'T NO REPLACEMENT FOR DISPLACEMENT" people
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I like bags
From last time I was re-organizing, forgot to include 3 more backpacks (2x actual backpacking/hiking, 1x for snow sports)
Bellroy makes my favorite of the compact sling options, the straps really cinch down the bag to fit whatever's inside

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>I wear a purse
Thank you for economically enriching the local impoverished people.

Because there is no replacement for displacement. Physics are physics But if it were not for the copers I don't think anyone would care, it's only when cope appears that discourse gets more size queeny because the copers are irritatingly stupid and invite bullying with their pathetic nerd nature. This only happens on the internet because in real life the copers are either staring at the ground and stewing in resentment, or back down quick after the typically more masculine non-copers tell them to fuck off (including people who could have been their fellows in less-nice-stuff-having had they not been obnoxious retards about it).

Also because the really expensive cope that comes with the worst copers (like $2000 full frame sized micro four thirds gear) is rarely enjoyed IRL, it only sells to a minority of internet geeks who appear more numerous by congregating on one forum to be obnoxious and delusional as a crowd. In real life no one cares about your sensor size if you stay quiet, and in real life you will never run into a g9ii user who pretends its anything but a massive video over stills compromise.
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here are my bodies rn. i have about ten lenses besides, plus a tripod and two flashes

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That's an unfathomable amount of words to say "I can only take good pictures with an expensive crutch camera"
what's the most I can spend on a camera without it being a crutch?
It's only a crutch if you take the same photo with your phone and it would suck.
The only good crop sensor shots I have ever seen on /p/ or elsewhere came from people who also use better cameras. It's because they aren't copers.

You're just the impoverished loser version of the trust fund kid that thinks buying a ferrari makes him a good driver.
anti-gear gearfags are always faux-poors with irresponsible spending habits in my experience, they actually are the trust fund kid but after the expensive car, large house, and collections of apple junk and video games they start running dry as they get into real hobbies, so

1: they are so used to living check to check they see owning nicer hobby items sacrifices and feel threatened and confused.
2: they are bitter that their life is so fucked up and are too much of an NPC to stop being an aimless consoomer
3: they actually see a person who lives within their means but owns a nicer hobby item as pathetic, because surely everyone must want to have a bigger house and a more expensive car first (note: a nicer camera is $1k, a nicer car is a $80k depreciating asset that continuously sucks increasing amounts of money out of your wallet)
You guys should have a photo battle.
You interpreted my words almost exactly to the opposite of what they say. American?

>money money money
I hope your wife boyfriend gift you an instax next :)
snappiness tier fujibald
being a tech aescetic instead of a financial coper is a sure sign of being a porn addicted virgin. most tech minimalists are fetish addled freaks - furfags, lolicons, and hentai addicts. at least financially unhealthy people have a decent excuse, like not being good at math and being bullied by their peers for not having other new shinies.

gotta cop some virtue to make up for how often you whack it to weird shit amirite? but to a REAL aescetic, you're a soulless subhuman for owning a camera instead of drawing with charcoal you made yourself.
What did he mean by this?
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>muh snoy

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>anti-gear gearfag browses enough chinese tranny porn to have this picture
kind of proving him right ngl

tech minimalism is an ideological contradiction. technology is a replacement for ability by definition. worse technology is just slower and makes a lot of noise while it works. it has never mattered how pretty the screen on a calculator is, how long its battery lasts, or how nice its buttons feel, that's just a luxury - it's still for people that can't do math. it makes no sense to claim that people with nice cameras aren't skilled enough to take nice photos on shitty cameras. it's like claiming that people with retina displays can't type out good novels for refusing to use a pixellated winblows machine from 2005. maybe they just don't like looking at excessively lo-fi digital looking crap, and both of you have awful handwriting.
Oh no no no
I wish I'd learned to use the focus/distance scale on manual lenses earlier, but now I am also disappointed at how often that scale is vague at best and wrong at worst.
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>>4401886 (OP)
>Post All Your Gear Edition
I don't think I'll ever move on from F-mount
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Also have these, and a couple of speedlights, tripods and fluff.
Still lacking a big tele
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snoy and proud
You jerk off to this mayne? Looks like it.
>The perils of being #1: Everyone, even bad people, are in the same club. No self esteem or identity? Better find something more obscure
My god, the Time To Shitflinging in this thread was not bad this time around. Made it onto the leaderboard somewhere down the bottom 50, but still fast nonetheless.

Gearfagging is buying shit and spending money either because:
>You think spending money makes you a better photog
>or You think owning expensive things is impressive
When the real problem is both ways since:
>Refusing to spend money on decent products can and will land you in a shitty spot in terms of gear
>and Complaining that others are better because they have access to higher-end gear is a rope-tier cope
The reality is, both parties are insufferable faggots, and you really should find the level of financial investment that satisfies your needs.
>come to /p/ for advice for phone photography
>anon tells me to buy a dinosaur dslr
>other anon suggests an rx100
>I pick up an $800 rx100 and get interested in photography, despite its limitations because I didn't want bulky gear
>start gearfagging and buy a full frame mirrorless because frustrated at the noise and softness of the rx100
>realize I enjoy holding a big chunky camera in my hands, it also gets more people interested in my camera and it = more photos
>rx100 collecting dust despite costing $800

Many such cases ! At least I listened to /p/ and didn't buy a shitty crop camera
You have the ideal setup:
>Beeg bulki profeshhonal blob for maximum IQ
>Teeny tiny 1" compact for EDC
>dinosaur dslr
Let me guess, you bought an A7?
>realize I enjoy holding a big chunky camera in my hands
there is a point after which technical limitations were not inflating camera size, but anatomy of human hand. flagship mirrorless are becoming just as big as flagship dslrs because you need something to grab on to
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I have slightly smol hands and prefer the smaller bodies just werk for me. It tracks though since I travel with it and don't really want a bunch of bulk. I am however, a massive faggot and not indicitive of the regular anon.
The X-T2 is ideal for me. Small and light enough but substantial enough to hold.
My micro four thirds is based because I can put it in my pocket with the 20mm lens
>muh bigger
I can get good DoF/subject separation with the 75mm f/1.8. you have to be a gay no photos retard to think 150mm f/3.5 wont give shallow dof and if I for some reason want more I have a 35mm film SLR and a 645 film SLR, both of which are better than digishit
nah I got an a7c for about the same price as the rx100

Mirrorless FF bodies are so cheap now idk why point and shoots and fuji crop are so high in price
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Fujis are expensive but I prefer them for general useability. I had the A7C but did not like the EVF or general feeling of it. Image quality was great but the 35mm 1.4 on the Fuji is perfect for me and compact (roughly equiv to 50mm 1.8 but smaller).

Pic unrelated.
>big chunky
Literally fits in a pocket with the 35mm f2.8 senior.
>-in focus images, good controls, worm free pictures, color detail, dynamic range
>+moderately nicer evf
Fuggifilm :DDDDD
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>had a cheap magnus tripod that sucked and was never worth using
>got a new tripod for christmas that's actually sturdy and stable
>tripod + camera weighs 13 lbs now
The EVF is night and day compared with the A7C. The A7 EVF is good though.
Focus is completely fine with my X-T4.
The other shit isn't really important to me. I like my results.

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>I had the A7C but did not like the EVF

yea I think I saw you post before

Like I said I picked it up for like $800 used. It was this or some ex-beater a7iii that cost 1k, but I read their weather sealing is pretty shit. Fuji crop bodies are at least 1.6k where im at, so double the price for crop.

Whats your middle camera? an xpro?

nah a7c is still big, and the sony compact primes are overpriced for what they are.

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>Autofocus is fine
>underexposed af-s creepshot from behind
many such cases

big compared to what, , a camera that can't shoot over 1/500 or focus accurately?

sony compact primes are in the same price range as fuji glass, despite being superior. people just ignore the actual cheap compact primes (noletter sony lenses, samyang, tamron) because they're not all fancy and weather sealed. but fujifilm isn't weather sealed either so it should be fine for everyone here rite?

the 85mm f1.8 is deffo not a compact prime either (and its not weather sealed btw)
I never said fuji glass was cheap, they're both expensive.
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>anon's hate for fujislugs is so strong he's having to argue with anons that already own sony cameras to why they should never buy fuji (they never mentioned buying a fuji)

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>Compact first party sony lenses are the same price as fuji lenses
>are the same price as nikon lenses
>are the same price as panasonic lenses
Are you one of those people who thinks everything is overpriced because "omg guise the materials only wuz $100"? None of the brands are overpricing their lenses. Their bodies are another story (fuji is definitely overcharging vs the a6700 and EOS R7 since they aren't even made in japan anymore).

You do realize that facilities, labor, training, healthcare, sick leave, settlement payments, R&D, logistics, etc cost a lot of money? The lenses are not overpriced. They are actually underpriced. Japanese companies are more popular and have the economy of scale going for them - they sell their products with tighter margins because the amount they sell results in a large amount of profit.

Cosina Voigtlander can not even make an autofocus lens and prices slow all manual primes on par with sony GM/nikkor S/etc lenses. That is the actual normal price of a lens (small brand, no economy of scale, no chinese slave labor or QC cutting to cheapen it). If they made a simple autofocus 50 like the nikkor 50mm f.18 S, it would likely be $1500 just for them to turn enough of a profit to justify making one in the first place. Lenses, outside of the smaller premium makes, are underpriced!
See this is why I don't shoot crop sensor / small sensor cameras anymore. This just looks like a phone photo.
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recent kit I took for a small travel wedding / vacation
the new sirui is pretty cool, and solid weather sealing
can't sell my 35 f1.5 nokton fast enough
Your phone isn't sharp at 150mm
>base iso of 800+40mm f3.4, shit autofocus 16mp pns body from 2013
>base iso of 100+35mm f2.8+better color fidelity in low light due to bigger pixels
>base iso of 100 (fuji labels 50 as 100 but its 100 in normal camera terms anyways) + 35mm f3 also garbage autofocus and 12mp of actual resolution between wormtrans and the soft lens
These cameras are nothing alike and all of them can only fit in coat pockets
So? It still looks like an iphone photo
>actual camera
>plastic toy, will break before 5k actuations, extremely likely all the buttons will just stop working, which happens on ALL sonys
>plastic toy, if a leica was made from stamped tin foil and a disposable camera lens. somehow slower focusing than an MF rangefinder
>tape over the names
Why? Anyone who is going to yap at you about gear can already tell what those are, it's not going to stop anyone from stealing your shit and your photos aren't good enough that your methods must be gatekept.
this is your brain on gearfaggitry
>>base iso of 800
not noticeable on a screen without pixel peeping, not even noticeable in prints
> f3.4
that's only like half, maybe 2/3rds of a stop slower than f/2.8, assuming you are even shooting wide open on a 35mm/40mm anyway
>16mp pns body from 2013
20 mp, 2016, you sure are seething
>better color fidelity
snoy's colors are shit
again that's like maybe a quarter stop
>all of them can only fit in coat pockets
look at this fat fuck ham planet
this retardo thinks all photos need to be shot wide open all the time in all generas all photos need to be taken in the middle of the neight and cropped by 400% and then blown up into bill board sized pics
good post
You are absolutely right, makes no difference for recognition or theft, and I do post about the gear I use all the time anyways.
I simply prefer an "unbranded look" over bright white branding, wish every camera came blacked out like the S5IIx or mono. Maybe you have a better suggestion for me? I have chiseled out the white paint instead, but wasn't worth it over some tape.
Doesn't seem too crazy to have aesthetic preferences of things you own, especially things related to a hobby entirely based about how things look, but if you don't give af about it, more power to you!
I know I'll hate using it and I don't need it but I want one of these. Someone tell me I'm retarded.

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But it's not blacked out, they're still covered in white lettering and numbers as are the lenses.
It's an X-E2s. Actually loved that cameras but I wanted IBIS so got a X-T4.

What is the concensus on the RX1Rii? Seems prety small for a FF but painfully expensive. The EVF is bigger than the A7C yet it's in a much smaller space.
I don't mind the small lettering, most of it is functional, I just don't like big white branding on bodies
The Sirui has since been covered too since pic was taken
Do Sony shooters really?
why don't >muh fullframe snoy cucks shoot medium format digital or large format film? both have objectively more res. the national park service and library of congress both require large format film because snoys just can't. a snoy camera would need to be 2 gigapixels to match 4x5
where does this 35mm has six gorillion megapixels myth come from
real life. you've probably never seen a real 35mm print before but they capture more pixels and dimensions than digital. digital = reductive, simplifies, 35mm = artistic, emotive, hyperreal, captures literal soul etc
Every frame of 35mm has billions of silver halide crystals, which are what form the image
the urge to buy weird manual chinkshit lenses is rising again, bros
No, they don't require large format film.

Pseuds scanning shit on mirrorless and thinking that if you can scan it at xx mp it's xx mp. It's about 12mp, if you use very good film with a very good camera. 4x5 is actually lower resolution because diffraction limited aperture doesn't change with crop factor. People just enlarge 4x5 less so it's less visible. Circle of confusion.
I said large format, not 35mm, fagola. 8x10 has so much resolution that one youtube fag needs to take 12 pics with his snoy to "scan" it. film has better dynamic range and renders colors better. its why old movies look better than the digishit trash in theaters now. 8x10 is 60 times the area of 35mm. so if 35mm is like 12mp 8x10 is like 720mp.
that's also like just regular film. they have crazy high resolution professional films that can resolve more than that, hence the national parks wanting shit shot on large format
gay retard
>the national park service
To the extent they do, they also require black & white, but that is only for creating archival images related to:
>Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
>Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)
>Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS)
Saying the NPS "requires" it is kind of misleading for the general sentiment.
Do it. Worst case scenario you sell it for 70% of what you paid and in the end you've spent $50 on "rental fees"
You're completely wrong about 4x5 being lower resolution. Go shoot some and see for yourself or 8x10 if you can handle it.
Would the olympus 300m f/4 pro pair well with the panasonic g9ii?

Im currently using g9ii + panleica 100-400mm f/4-6.3 for birds and wildlife.
right now shooting in low light rainforests is a bit hard.
i want more light and image quality, but still need good video stabilization.
i have used 300mm before and its definetly enough for me.
They demand film because of its authenticity factor. In terms of resolution it takes $6-12k of scanning gear to get about 60mp out of 6x7. Beyond that, you’re just enlarging blurry line pairs.

4x5 and 8x10 dont have resolution that scales because of diffraction. They just have less apparent grain.

Weather sealing, ois, autofocus accuracy/speed, and some dumb shit like sensor flare suppression arent cross brand compatible. Consider: a bigger sensor.
any kind of film draws the retards who think it has infinite megapixels. a 700mp drum scan of 8x10 is as retarded as a 50mp snoy upscaled to 700
People get confused because a film scan, done properly, has "true megapixels".

Bayer output without 4 shot pixel shift actually has about 75% of the claimed megapixels, if megapixels were line pairs, in real world scenes (but its dead on with line charts if your camera has no AA filter) and can be downscaled slightly. Xtrans is even worse and can be scaled down 50% on non linechart subjects.

This means a typical 60mp MF film scan will actually be noticeably sharper than a typical 60mp photo, prompting the belief it has more resolution left in it.
I noticed with hasselblads pickleshift that the pure resolution only increased by like 20-30%, but the file was much much cleaner in terms of noise, color, and all moire effect was gone.
It has a 4 shot pickleshift to be clear.
If the point of the exercise is to retain good reach, you're going to be spending an absurd amount of money to replace the camera with a FF model and a 600mm lens
No, actually. It would be about the same.

An X-T5 with a sigma 100-400 would mog the g9ii in a lot of noticeable ways. It's no snoy but snoy cripples their video features hard because snoy literally despises video. Snoy hates it. They hate anyone who wants to take it seriously. They want to fuck them as hard as possible. Snoy is, secretly, a photography brand that actually wants to make a modernized leica but isn't allowed to by the gay zoomer-filled market.
>An X-T5 with a sigma 100-400
Maybe he doesn't want xtrans worms or his pictures to look like an iphone photo. He might also use autofocus which is effectively absent from fuji models. It's also not full frame which is what we were talking about.
He might not necessarily need 600mm as it would be less demanding on the lens, he might not be getting the full resolution from that 4/3s sensor. If he went with one of the greater than 24mp bodies he'd also have some room for cropping if needed. Also because f/4 of 4/3s is equivalent to f/8 on ff (in terms of depth of field and taking into account sensor performance) even one of those 150/200-600mm f/6.3 zooms would be faster.
i looked at getting full frame but it would cost about 4x as much and be far less portable than my current setup
im also invested in m43 and have other lenses

400mm is not enough for what i would be doing
need at least 600mm equiv

>Also because f/4 of 4/3s is equivalent to f/8 on ff
isnt it still f/4 in terms of light performance, i know DOF and bokeh is f/8
why is the advice with m43 telephoto always "get a shit FF body and a lens 200mm less than what your using"
woudlnt the obvious solution be switching to an olympus body so the lens works instead of changing sensors completely
People here don't usually like to give good-faith advice. Most people will tell others to get what they have (shilling), or what they are paid to promote (paid shilling).
The actual ISO number on m43 would be double what it would be on full frame with the same scene and metering. This doesn't actually mean much though because different cameras have different ISO performance. You can't really compare all of one sensor size with all of another sensor size, it would make more sense to compare one camera with another.
Panasonic autofocus is worse than fuji and 40mp xtrans oversampled beats 25mp m43 in every single way

100-400 on fuji = 200-600

The light is thrown away at the sensor level.
>Panasonic autofocus is worse than fuji
I have a G3 that autofocuses faster than my xpro 3. Not sure where you heard this but it's wrong.

>40mp xtrans oversampled beats 25mp m43 in every single way
Is one of those ways looking exactly like an iphone 15 photo? Because it definitely wins at that.
doesn't change the fact they explicitly want it because the resolution is better than digishit
>They demand film because of its authenticity factor.
gay, illiterate retard
>The large-format negative is preferred for two reasons: longevity of the film and clarity of the
image. The material stability of cut sheet film satisfies the archival requirements for longevity
Photography Guidelines, page 2
(500 years), while the clarity of the resulting image comes from a high level of resolution not
possible in smaller film formats.
>Consider: a bigger sensor.
and there we go again with the tiny dick tiny sensor snoy fag pushing for "full frame" for everything and denying the fact he too is on a crop
he is being a gay retard snoy who is trying to say that base ISO on your camera is 2 stops worse than the full frame while at the same time suggesting for some retarded reason you buy a full frame and then crop. which is the same fucking thing as just using your m43 except heavier and more expensive.
an f/4 m43 lens has the same light gathering capability as f/4 full frame, with f/8 dof. Which I would assume is something you would want taking photos of birds. If you are shooting base ISO and aren't looking for muh shallow dof and aren't pixel peeping a m43 is indistinguishable from a full frame especially if you are just posting to the internet or doing small prints and if you are shooting high iso, so what, no one is going to give a shit about the noise on your cool bird photo. there are a bunch of do it for a job and get published on the cover of major magazine photographers on youtube who point out no one actually gives a fuck about noise in your image if it looks dank.
8x10 is significantly more resolution than digishit. the parks department in their guidelines explicitly say digital isn't capable of the resolution large format film is. you are also being a gay retard and talking about 2 different things. you are talking about the resolution of most consumer grade film and theoretical resolution of some of the professional/scientific extra high res film most people wouldn't be shooting but is a thing like Adox CMS II ISO 20
8x10 is the true full frame format for 8x10 prints?
The xt5 got a firmware update, its superior to old nikon now.

What is this schizo babble? Are you illiterate? Are the voices in your head telling you what things really mean?

4x5 is demanded for the archival readiness and original character. The clarity of the image, despite the huge sheet, is only as good as a fuji gfx100. That’s still great and shooting a hundred sheets is cheaper than buying the fuji and some T/S primes but your claims are ridiculous.
the xpro3 is NOT representative of the current state of fuji autofocus. you’re saying nikon cant be good because the z6 sucked basically, or sony cant be #1 now because they sucked until the a7iv.
>an f/4 m43 lens has the same light gathering capability as f/4 full frame, with f/8 dof.
thankyou, that it what i thought
the g9ii has pretty decent ISO performance and lightrooms AI denoise works well so its not a concern
No, thats not how anything works
It would only gather as much light if it had an FF image circle, and even then the sensor would only use 1/4 of that light. Thats why panasonic m43 colors are always dull and its always either super grainy or AI smears.
>Thats why panasonic m43 colors are always dull and its always either super grainy or AI smears.
you are so bad faith you cant even hide it
>and original character.
they literally don't give this as a reason you gay retard. they do mention clarity specifically as a reason.
here, peta pixel did a test and also came to the conclusion that large format still btfo's any current production digishit
you are using a crop camera and then complaining about others using a crop because you think it makes your no pictures superior
you can get bigger than 8x10 too
>muh colors
>shoots digishit
again, he is doing the gay retard thing where he is trying to tell you to buy a snoy and either spend way more on full frame glass to get the same range or to get glass that is way too short and then massively crop as though a super cropped snoy image will look better than your Panasonic at the appropriate focal length
>uhhhmmm full frame is the real crop and adult women are still gay because they have armpit hair!
Yeah sure, schizo.

If 4x5 = 100mp 8x10 = a very inconvenient 200mp. Tracks.

Do you have eyes, and a calibrated 4k/8k screen that’s 100% dcip3? Or a decent printer?
No, paid panashit shill. I said to buy a fuji xt5/xh2 and a 100-400 for
>FF SNR when downsampled to 24mp
>NO moire
>better colors
>sameish/slightly better autofocus
>better shadow recovery
>living lens mount
Speak of bad faith, FFS. That’s you, shill.
>isnt it still f/4 in terms of light performance, i know DOF and bokeh is f/8
Yes, but a 4/3s sensor is around 2 stops behind a ff one in terms of stuff like noise and dynamic range. You can shoot at higher ISOs with ff and get the same performance as a smaller sensor.

>base ISO on your camera is 2 stops worse than the full frame while at the same time suggesting for some retarded reason you buy a full frame and then crop. which is the same fucking thing as just using your m43 except heavier and more expensive.
It's not just base ISO, for things like noise and tonal range it holds across the whole ISO range and even dynamic range for most of it. And I wasn't suggesting a 2x crop either, hence why I wasn't suggesting a 300mm. That would give him less resolution. A 1.5x crop on a 60mp body would give him the same resolution but still have much larger pixels (25mp 4/3 being the same as 100mp ff), one of the 42mp bodies would give a still very usable ~18mp and be much less demanding on the lens.
>tim parkin makes exaggerated resolution claims
This guy will gladly enlarge images until the finest possible line pair is blatantly upscaled looking and say the enlargement is the “mp” resolution. He’s always about 30% high for film because of his inability to understand proper resolution testing. When your finest resolution is so many lp/mm then scanning larger and revealing np additional detail does not make it resolve more detail, it just makes the finest details and the spaces between them larger on the screen.
400mm is not at all comparable to 600mm?
why dont you use a 15mm lens for low light and just sneak up to the bird
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>>4401886 (OP)
>Why do you shoot Sony?
w-well because actshully sony is taking more and more of Canon's market share each year and also vignette and colours aren't even that bad and muh compact full frame!!
>Why do you shoot Nikon?
y-you know Nikon was the original pro brand! Nikon used to sell way more cameras than canon and also pros only used nikon! The green cast is just a myth, who told you that?!
>Why do you shoot Canon?
Because it's the best.
A 400mm on fuji has the same FOV as a 300mm on anusonic. It’s actually slightly slower than the f4 prime, but is a zoom, and once you turn your 40mp xtrans files into 25mp jpegs you get a free stop of ISO performance in addition to being essentially immune to aliasing and having less chroma noise at every ISO due to xtrans’ luma bias. 40mp xtrans apsc is just blatantly superior to 25mp m43. The only thing panasonic has is a few video codecs, as usual.
>Why do you shoot sony
Because its the best
Vignettes less than canon, imperceptibly more than nikon. Good enough for the AP good enough for me.
Most people prefer sony colors in a blind test
Sorry you messed up the white balance on an older camera
What year is it? Why dont i hear daily bitching about eos r and r6m1 err 20s and board failures, or panasonics general QC fails, why does /p/ acknowledge that nikon improved but not sony? Hmm.
Looks like you have some mental health issues to work through. Good enough for the AP good enough for me. Tootles.
>yap yap yap
Literally proving his point, so much cope lmfao
Sony is the best. Cope.
the guy unlisted the oly f4 300mm pro so you cant stop arguing its redudant now
Take the fujipill.
Tamron makes a 150-500 for fuji that is actually insanely sharp and in the same price bracket as the panusonic-feica 100-400. The game changer train has no brakes. Crop sensor shooters everywhere are flocking to Fuji.
Take the Cyanidepill.
mega seethe from the tiny formatlet. worse colors, worse resolution
>no only my specific format is good and should be used, sell all your gear and by a snoy or a fuji. never mind they are gay and retarded and overpriced and don't do anything to help you get your lightweight and affordable bird picture setup which literally will look exactly the fucking same on whatever format you are sharing it on as a full frame will because you aren't fucking cropping and putting it on a giant fucking billboard
Sorry dude that big 4x5 sheet is just 100mp and some dog hair

Fuji will look a lot better and has a lens mount that’s still yknow, alive. Plus no more having to shoot raw and AI denoise.
I still think its funny that having an on lens aperture control and a numbered on camera shutter speed dial are considered premium features and cost significantly more when anyone who isn't a retard just shoots AV mode anyway
Manual+auto iso is the way. A mode is only not a hinderance with landscape photography.
large format btfo's digishit in terms of resolution. film blows out digishit in terms of color. when shot at base ISO, especially if its shown on screen or social media fucking no one can tell the difference between m43, fuji and snoy. m43 is based for things like birding or landscape due to the crop factor making the dof work for you and the lighter, cheaper lenses and weather sealing
how often do you need an exact shutter speed and not just a minimum shutter speed?
Photographic paper has quite high lp/mm potebtial and combined with contact printing produces the best looking prints you can have. That's why I say 8x10 for 8x10. I've heard around 10lp/mm you can't discern any difference, but I think that's BS similar to 1080p chuds saying you need a 30+ inch monitor to notice a difference with 4k.
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I'm just going to say Snoy, because snoy makes the snoyggers angry, and snoy sounds funny to say. Snoy. Hahahaha.
Wow this is some schizophrenic cope
>nooo apsc doesnt look better because muh instagram (it looks better on anything but a phone screen, but who cares about (((social media)))?)
>nooo film has to be better even on a phone screen
Pick a side schizo. 24mp digital camera >>> 35mm film btw.
nooo you don't get it, you need manual when shooting landscapes, who cares about the ISO when you're on a tripod, you need to be shooting still landscapes at 1/4000th of a second!!
I prefer setting up strobes for my landscapes.
I'm shooting with a Sony and call my camera Snoy lmao
>Most Based Snoy Owner.
>post all your gear edition
>eight posts of gear and over a hundred text posts of unfunny b8
even when it's a thread on gear, the one thing you freaks seem to be able to engage with, you can't post a picture or have meaningful discussion. i wish the mods would nuke every non-photo thread
>Complains about thing
>Does exact same thing
i've posted all my gear and 0 b8. here's your (You)
When shooting multiple things at events where ISO never matters anyways

Fucking idiiot
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Oh fuck yes, a (You).
Alright I'll do the thing. Mainstays are the 24mm f/1.8 for astro, landscape, and general purpose since it's such a fuckin fine lens, and the 100mm macro as my portrait / macro lens, which is also just a superb bit of kit.
>RF 18-45mm
Never gets touched and will be ebay'd shortly.
>EFS 55-250mm
Handy sometimes, but it's not long enough for what I use it for and it will be replaced by the RF 100-400mm soon.
>EFS 10-18mm
I picked up literally today from a local pickup ebay buy for fuck all money in new condition. I'm curious to see how useful it will be, but I can see it being a boon in tight indoors locations and for some ultrawide landscape shots.

I know crop sensors are a cope but I thoroughly enjoy the R50; the ergos, build, weight, and small bulk are great.
you are one seething snoy fagola
film looks better on anything due to the colors and dynamic range. for most application, especially when shot at base ISO, people can't tell sensors apart
landscapes can be complicated lighting and aren't moving so I can see shooting it with full manual, though IDK why you would auto iso a landscape shot unless you wanted a specific effect due to the wind or water speed
what things at events need an exact shutter speed and not a minimum shutter speed?
>/p/ has never actually taken photos
Imagine being confused by using manual auto ISO for events (rapid variation between environmental shots, group portraits, single portraits, and candids) and fixed ISO variable shutter speed for landscapes (perfectly still, lots of shadow recovery, main controls are aperture and exposure compensation).

Manual with auto ISO is just shutter priority with the least important setting on indirect control. Every canon using professional lived on shutter priority for 20 years but back then ISO was a little more important and letting it float too high could be a disaster. Today it only matters if it's close-ish to the jump between gain stage one and gain stage two and you intend to protect highlights and recover shadows. Otherwise ISO is irrelevant up to ISO 6400. Least important setting goes on auto. The other two need to be varied quick and purposefully.

Minimum shutter speed settings in A+auto ISO are a snoyfag meme that make you have to open up a menu to change your shutter speed. If you're automating 2 settings instead of one, you might as well shoot in P mode and oversharpen your insufficient DOF and motion blur like a ken rockwell or a phonefag.
Most event work should be done in M or with heavy use of AE locking. Anyone doing events with auto is just doing snapshots.
I have an AE lock button and an exposure comp dial on my camera
holy shit you are a gay retard
>set auto iso and min shutter speed which takes 2 seconds
>can now shoot A mode with base ISO and shutter speed about 1/250th or 1/500s and if there isn't enough light for that shutter than the ISO goes up
the only benefit to manual mode with auto iso over A mode with auto iso is if you don't want the shutter speed to move at all, which is not really useful most of the time when minimum shutter speed is what you care about
That's good, you should use the AE lock often if shooting with auto settings, or just use M.

Auto ISO is dumb regardless of mode.
auto iso is fine. it only jacks the ISO up if the picture would be under exposed or blurry at your set ISO. better to have a higher iso pic than a blurry pic or no pic. actually what's funny is I have 5 cameras, 1 digital, 2 film slrs, and 2 film point and shoots and the only cameras without AEL are the "professional" grade SLR and one of the point and shoots. the consumer grade cameras all have AEL/AFL
This guy shoots, and not a snoy.

This guy doesn't shoot and is an obvious snoy. Snoys can all put auto ISO min SS on a custom button. Nikon and canon don't, it's a menu setting. That's how you can tell.
So this guy is basically shooting auto ISO manual and changing his shutter speed by pressing a button to open the shutter speed menu.

Back in professional camera land...
Auto ISO min SS+A mode is for sports, where you never change the min shutter speed from 1/2000 ever, and using manual auto ISO would mean the ISO not being able to go low enough with a fast tele crossing over a brightly lit patch of footy pitch. Otherwise it's totally fucking useless and ass for events. That's why nikon and canon have it in a menu item instead of on a button. Snoys are retarded so they use it for things other than sports. Maybe the horrible ergos of their cameras make changing shutter speed and aperture manually to vary ISO too hard on their tiny hands.
I have an olympus, not a gay snoy.
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olympus was just snoy for hipsters. now that it's dead and sony finally caught up to the nikon d200 and added weather sealing after 2 decades of failed camera design (and still needed tamron to make well sealed lenses lol), all the former olympus hipsters migrated to snoy.
Auto ISO has no use in professional situations, especially for event type shooting. You should be metering for the scene, not a specific image. You shouldn't be using ISO to control for exposure, it's just gain.You're better off shooting at a lower fixed ISO and adjusting gain in post.

Only 1 of the 6 cameras I use omits a dedicated AEL option (of course has AEL on half press, but I don't count that), but I always use that one in M anyways.
cool story bro. none of my cameras are snoy
>slow shooter
Shooting in M saves me time over A for events.
Still use A for everyday snapshots, but always M for pro work.
>He shoots raw
>he's a sensor tech nerdlord who shoots at his base ISOs and carefully tweaks exposure on a computer
Confirmed for not actually shooting events.

We compete on delivery time now. Raw+jpeg rapes our cards just in case camera DRO doesn't do the job. Those rare edits are done on ipads running capture one or LR mobile, and as fast as possible. As much is done in jpeg as possible and select photos are sent ASAP. Manual with auto ISO is a godsend. If a scene is too contrasty for camera DRO to fix it just pay attention to where the ISO number is for that one (you had shutter AEL enabled right? you should) and tweak the least important setting appropriately.
>not just shooting on P (Professional)

lmaoing @ ur lives
Would bet I shoot more events here than anyone else, but I figured events meant weddings, concerts, performances, private work events, etc.
If you mean photojournalist style churn and burn for sports, then sure, have fun with JPG.
What year is it? Shooting for 30y/o boomers in ohio? They don't want social media coverage? Definitely 30 y/o boomers in ohio
Skibidi Ohio on god?
For some things I do deliver night of, or at the very least, sneak peaks, but most have the patience to wait. Sorry you have to deal with such bad clients, hope you have some better ones this year.
>clients that accept jpegs instead of carefully massaged raws are le bad
well, they definitely wouldnt let you use a snoy or micro fool turds but why is doing less work bad?
I meant having clients that are so demanding as to have unedited files immediately following the event, that's annoying to deal with. If you're happy, and client is happy, that's all that really matters, more power to you for shooting JPG, I wouldn't want to deal with that.
>the hell of taking good photos to begin with and going home without any more work to do
yah canon is putting ai nr as a camera jpeg option for a reason. less computer time more good.
Honestly, having to constantly adjust white balance alone is enough for me to stick with RAW, but glad to hear it's another non-issue for you. Again, if your clients are happy, that's all that matters.
bro im not him. but if your camera doesnt have reliable auto white balance you need to sell it and buy a canon
If you think it's about AWB reliability, you are missing the point.
>Fujis are expensive but I prefer them for general useability
I wish Fuji X was full-frame, with GFX sensor design.
It would be the perfect system.
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snoysissies... not like this

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In soviet /p/, wildlife photographs you!
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Whats with furries and canon? Even our local furry has not one but two canon cameras.

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I see, you haven't meet the final boss of photography
>y-you're gay and w-wrong b-because you just are okay!!!
If you're an adult will a fully developed brain and this is your best attempt at articulating yourself you should genuinely, seriously hang yourself. It's not going to get any better and this is pathetic.
These are just poorfag APS-C shooters. They're still saving up for their sony or fuji.
you sound like an angry, gay retard
I don't buy it, if they have money for their stupid ass suit they are making bank somewhere
What don't you buy? You can look up the prices yourself, one of them is using a 70 dollar kit 50.
Still dissapointed in that guys tripod choice.
I love the pictures from my Ricoh GRiiix
What should I get if I want a full-frame ILC with similar color rendering? Is it gonna be just Pentax?
any camera + learn to edit + make your own 1-click preset
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New photo because I've got some new stuff and not worth including some manual lenses that I never use
-RX100 IV
-LA-EA3 and monster adapter converted LA-EA4
-Zeiss 55mm f/1.8
-Sony 16-35mm f/4
-Samyang 135mm f/1.8
A mount lenses:
-Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro
-Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
-Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3
-Minolta 500mm f/8
Canon 5dm3
Canon 1v
Nikon F3
Contax Rts 3
Contax t3
Contax g1
Pentax k1000
Leica M4
Hasselblad 500c
Rolleiflex 2.8 planar
Rollei 6008AF
Sinar hy6
Mamiya 6
Mamiya rb67
Linhof super technika 4
Wista field 4x5
100 sinar pieces/accessories to shoot 4x5 and 8x10, mostly F2, P, and Norma

A handful of random 35mm cameras I got for like 1 dollar each one time.

All collected over the past 10ish years.
allegedly they are really shitty with money. like they spend it all on the suits and art and then sleep on the floor of a crackhouse and eat ramen
I just send a bunch of lenses to Keh so now I got
>Olympus digital Pen F
-Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 II
-Olympus 60mm f/2.8 macro
-Olympus 75mm f/1.8
>Pentax 645
-Pentax SMC-A 75mm f/2.8
-Pentas SMC-A 150mm f/3.5
>Canon Rebel 2000
-Canon 50mm f/2.5 compact macro
>Canon (New) sure shot/AF35M II
>ImageTech 3Dfx
one major benefit of micro43 that fags are going to seethe and shitpost about is security doesn't really see them as pro level cameras like they see slrs or full frame so you can bring m43s into venues that you can't bring a snoy into
The bouncer has simple rules like "if the lens comes off it's a professional camera" or "if its really big its a professional camera". They aren't going to ask you for your sensor size so to them, an a7c with the kit zoom or 40mm f2.5 might not be a pro camera unless the bouncer knows his shit, but an om-1 with a 12-40 f2.8 "PRO" will be a pro camera because to anyone it looks like a canon and says pro on it.

The only sure bet is a PNS with an integrated lens. The next tier is avoiding EVF humps, large grips, large lenses, and flashy branding calling stuff "PRO", "MASTER", or professional sounding labels like "IS L USM III".
Lens reviewers be like
>This lens is high resolution and does not render blurry, hazy, flat pictures
>My buddy fred wouldnt use this for video because of the FOCUS BREATHING! Look at how it zooms slightly when going from near macro to all the way to the background! USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!
>The focus motors are not the manufacturers fastest out of their most expensive sports telephoto. FAIL.
>No optical stabilizer? on a 50mm marketed as more compact and affordable!? yes, it would add half a pound and $250, but my canon L IS USM III VXD DG DN ART had this in 2005 when my camera didn't have stabilization so I fucking expect it!
>I can still see SOME color aberrations when I focus super close and zoom in 200%. Bad job, lens maker. Bad job.
>3/10 there are better options available like this Snoynokon 20-85 f1.8 GM Slava Z IS XTREME VXD that's just $3000 but definitely what a REAL professional photographer needs. No one asked for this mere affordable, good 50mm lens. We need a 16-120 f1.2 with OSS next.

Professional photographers and videographers be like
>*still using the a7iii and kit lens*
>*still using the gh5 and 12-60*
>*still getting paid*

And on top that, reviewers often lie. Blatantly. I have seen bullshit as bad as a clearly edited or gamed (faked exif) om-1 vs g9ii low light test from petapixel. Shortly before olympus sponsored a giveaway through them. How are retards like this still in business?
>complaining about gearfagging on the gearfag thread of the gearfag board dedicated to the gearfag hobby
There is a species of gearfag that literally can not imagine settling for less than a manufacturer's highest end kit after upgrading from the cheapest plastic no matter what the cost, and their ultimate career goal is "professional gear reviewer". They can not comprehend how a lens between plastic sub-$500 kit and $2000 bokeh master can justify its existence.

>professional photographers be like
Annie Leibovitz was spotted using a garbo taped up a7iii and the craptastic 24-70 f4 zeiss on a five figure photoshoot and still pulls out a d810 or 5d3 just because she feels like it.
It's the same here, god forbid you suggest someone can get results or even "make do" with anything less than top of the line Canony
/p/'s most recommended cameras are outdated cheap shit and cope cameras like the a7c, r8, 6d, d750, a6600, r100, e-m5 etc and everyone uses mid tier and third party lenses.

In a world of snobbish baristas /p/ is the guy who just scoops something better than maxwell house into a french press or is content to use the cheapest keurig with a reusable pod
Sorry if they bullied you for using a walmart drip machine
Not sorry if you spent $1000s on the drip machine (lol people with top shelf m43 gear)
>Annie Leibovitz
fuck off with that retarded nigger nepo baby
You're doing the exact thing I was complaining about
>how dare i make do! you full frame snobs! how dare I not spend $30k on top of the line nikon junk, right? maybe YOU have the tiny sensors! space telescopes are bigger! dont shoot 8x10 huh? you're BTFO now!
>-memer with $5000 in fujifail gear arguing with people who use FF DSLRs from 2012
>everyone has the same blurry photos
average day on /p/.
I want to get a full frame (or larger) system for slow, high IQ nature photography. I'll use a tripod and am willing to carry several pounds and bulk (when I'm not I'll bring my mft gear). What do I get? Something with sharp, beautiful lenses and a high MP body is my primary goal. Weight, durability and ergos secondary, and fps and AF are in a somewhat distant 3rd. My lenses will be:
- One prime in the 35-50mm range
- A macro lens around 100mm
- A tele zoom that goes to 400 or longer-- a sharp prime in the vicinity of 300mm is also good
I just want very high quality photos with beautiful tonality and color.
Medium format digital back with a body that uses schneider or rodenstock glass. $$$$$$$ but the quality is truly awesome.
you would have to ask someone else for a nonretard answer. but if money isn't an issue digital Hasselblad back would mean you could use a legacy hasselblad body and lenses which would also be mega based because you could shoot like Ektachrome along with the digital back.
even more based/retarded would be 4x5 or 8x10.
>even more based/retarded would be 4x5 or 8x10
I mean at that size you could just slap a scanner on that motherfucker
Sadly out of my price range but I did look into it. The GFX system would manageable though. Is it worth it over full frame?
Keep an eye on ebay. You can get good non-tethered only mfdb for like 2k-4k. Hasselblad cfv-39 is pretty nice.

Then you can put your mfdb on a view camera lol.
I would go right to one of the GFX 100mp models if 4x5 wasn't an option. It's the most sensible for what you want to do.
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we have similar taste

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Gfx100s is affordable, kind of shit for true macro tho. Don’t bother with gfx50.

4x5 is nice in theory but in practice the lenses dont actually give you the resolution of the film and scans/enlargements dont actually look that much better than 120 or a 50mp digital. Dont bother with film unless you have darkroom skills and an optically excellent enlarger. Photopaper exceeds the resolution of any computer fed printer.

We are fully aware your new camera was $13k
Less than half that with 5 "pro-line" lenses. :)
Thanks, figuring out a GFX kit now. Getting anything like a 100-400 zoom probably won't be a thing, though aparently people successfully adapt the Canon 100-400 with some compromises I'm concerned about dust and such. The 500/5.6 looks great and with the 120 macro might be enough.

>shit for true macro
Kinda worried about that... the official extension tube is stupid expensive but would give 1:1, though I'd have to crop to get the same actual magnification as FF.
Looking forward to your high res snapshits. :D
So... how do I store a gfx 100s, three lenses and a flash while backpacking? Camera cube in a bag? I'd like it to be semi accessible at least.

I will take the most beautiful photos of rocks and leaves that I am capable of, God willing.
Fuji branded murse.
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Does anyone else notice that all of sony's small, good, cheap (especially cheap used) lenses are wide angles 40mm and under? Then the 50mms and 24-70 is just good enough (very sharp, meh rendering/color) and everything after 70mm sucks or is overpriced?

What drives this? Vloggers gearfagging around? Is sony just the wide angle vlog brand?
Wandrd Fern-Weh is my go-to for backpacking
I don't think it's really something unique to Sony, other than them lacking a cheap tele zoom (70-200/300mm). I'm assuming you're talking about ff, otherwise there is the 55-210mm. I'm also assuming you're only looking at Sony lenses because the third party options will be the same if not greater than other mounts. The 85mm is also fairly cheap.
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ha cool! 35mm fl on bessa r2 is awesome. and voigt itself makes a few nice 35s. i feel like i see hte color skopar most often
i use my xpro for snappy wide angle street or diary edc type photography mostly

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>>4401886 (OP)
What's the best prime lens for photos of city architecture?
Don't you need a tilt shift for that?
A wide zoom covering 16-24mm. If you must go prime, I'd look at 18mm or 21mm (in FF) as a starting point and go from there.
remember medium format has a reverse crop. also can't you do like a Raynox DCR-250 clip on?
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Looking for a camera.
>Good low light performance and DR
>Size: trying to downscale from my 5D but will take a camera up to its size/weight if necessary
>Good built-in picture profiles (not for shooting jpeg but for applying in post)
>Works well with adapted glass of all kinds
>Must be robust and highly reliable long-term
>Use case: travel, hiking, portrait
Nice to haves:
>Decent eye AF
>Enough resolution to scan medium format negatives
Don't care about burst shooting or access to long (>135mm) lenses.
Recent GFX seems to tick the most boxes. But I know adapting full-frame glass is a bit of a compromise when you need to crop most of the time. Otherwise I have been considering Z6II/Zf, R6 Mark II, A7IV, A7RV. But not sure if I trust Sony ergonomics and reliability yet.
In terms of digital I already own a GR and a 5D Mark 4, so ultimately I'm trying to replace the 5D.
Sony is reliable now
Their ergos are fine unless you try one handing a 100-400

The problem is the noise. Sony sensors have gotten so noisy. Why? No one knows. The SNR is technically still 1 stop better and colors arent taking a dump like they would on crop but the a7iv and a7rv just have really noticeable, huge, chunky grain.
Sony still have abysmal color science that need to be fixed.
Do you guys know of any case with a belt loop that can fit a digital pen f? its just slightly too big for the fake? leather case I have for my film point and shoot. I'd prefer something I can loop through my belt

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Upgraded from an ancient rebel to R7 (body only).
I have:
>18-55 III EF-S
>50 1.8 EF
>55-250 STM EF-S
Second and third I'm happy with.
So I'm thinking I should get a 24mm.
What would offer me a clear optical improvement over the 18-55?
Would the new sigma 23 1.4 be a good choice? 600 bux is about as much as I'm willing to spend.
Or maybe I should adapt something from the EF mount?
>already have m43
Don't get memed into larger formats by 4chan. You're considering a very slow to use, high IQ medium format camera. Consider your use cases:
You already have best in class. Even FF macro is stupid big and usually for less magnification. For macro you virtually always are stopping down to the diffraction limit so smaller formats are fine. Your MF gear would require cropping.
>landscape and "slow photography"
You'd think MF would win handily here, but here's what you do instead:
- panos :get a very sharp standard or short tele, then take a bunch of shots and stitch in post. Stitching software is extremely powerful these days and can automatically stitch handheld panos no problem. With four shorts in a square and you're at FF, a few more and you're beyond GF.
- HDR or averaged HDR: high base ISO cameras can be compensated for in this way. You don't need to do the HDR look, that's a completely separate thing; a shot with a normal tone curve from an HDR stack will have superior tonality and DR
- pixel shifting: This is your laziest and worse performing move, but works in a pinch.
You may say this is a ton of work compared to just showing up with a larger format and shooting. The thing is, you'll be shooting REALLY slowly using a GFX camera as is. A m43 body like the OM-1 with a heavy ass pro lens will be lighter than your GFX body alone, and can be comfortably out all the time. You have options with m43.
>occasional wildlife or action
is actually possible with m43, unlike MF. The newest and best focusing GFX camera is still way worse than a PDAF m43 body, and telephoto options are nonexistent. You mentioned wanting a 100-400; this does not exist in GFX.

My recommendation is use your current gear and treat it like you'd treat a slower cam. Shoot panos or HDR stack or whatever. If you're still unhappy, rent before you buy. Ask yourself if the $5,000+ investment is actually worth it or if it's just GAS.
>Micro fool turd begs people not to leave the cult
Smaller formats are worse for everything.

No SNR equivalence chart nonsense can get around the fact that a larger sensor with more, and preferably larger pixels has better image quality in every situation by every visible metric.

/p/ talked me into using meme fag garbage and I regret it all. Now I have a fuji and my photos dont look like flat dull garbage with absolutely 0 effort. I have never seen a good micro fool garbage photo that wasn't a black and white street photography meme. Otherwise they are just ugly, no amount of photographer skill can make them anything but trashy like you cant skill your way into film looking like a high end digital camera. Maybe I should have taken that as a hint.
reminder, this snoy troon admits xe wears a purse
>dont get memed by 4chan!
>memes people into using junk
It’s just like /mu/!
>Saars do not redeem the gibson fender, brazil’s finest condor guitar is good enough. Skill issue my saars.
Literally anything even an a7c is a huge upgrade here lel
There are a lot of NEETs here that get genuinely angry if someone doesnt use cheap garbage. It hurts them. Watching people do things faster and better because they have jobs. Its like watching chad fuck stacy.

A lot of the anger they get back exists on the basis of them being NEETs aka worthless leeches
thank you again for informing us on camera fashion in your home nation of india
lol samefagging snoy is seething hard even though snoy has no photos
I don't even own a m43 body or care about it, I just know GAS when I see it. I would have said the same if they had any crop or even FF. There are options with what you already have if you actually care about quality and are willing to slow way down to get it.
Stacking isnt a replacement for a larger sensor. It does not look the same or achieve the same things. You may as well call sheet film a gfx replacement.

Its all just gearfag cope. A lot of technical surface level knowledge with none of the knowledge of how it goes over IRL and the results.
Panos literally are and they're easy. For what that anon wanted they'd be an option. I'd probably be able to rail off a 6 image handheld pano faster than they could take their backpack off, get their huge MF camera out and focused.
Stacking is a replacement for low ISOs. Both improve image quality in different ways.
>oops a branch moved
And these will make smeary diffracted m43 detail, flat rendering, and shitty color science better too? Nope.

Seems like you’re actually arguing for leaving the GFX100II on a strap
Nor will any of that improve bayers flaws, never in a single shot

Oversampling will
36-50mp FF has stuck around for low ISO shooters. Micro four thirds essentially died. Wonder why.
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Why the fuck is this the most prevalent argument in /p/? Four threads at a time have MFTurds and Foolframers bitching back and forth like their sex life depended on it. It's sheer fucking physics that bigger sensor = more light = more detail. Oversampling works. Bayer is bullshit garbage. And, no amount of tricks will ever overcome the advantage given to you by having a properly sized sensor. WHY does this argument happen every three days, when the only people retarded enough to defend MFT are the copiums who spent $4k on their shitty OM1 and ""PRO""" birding lenses?

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>can't handle shooting a pano so I'm gonna spend 1000s for a new system
Shooting a pano instead of a single wide shot will correct bayer flaws btw. It even works on FF or MF, you should try it sometime!
>shitty color science
Post processing skill issue. Gearfags will go to insane lengths instead of learning basic techniques.

Because poorfags need to cope.
I'm literally not a m43rds user, I'm anti buying new gear to cope with poor technique. It isn't worth $5000 to avoid learning how to use what you've got to most people.
Mft evangelists are like vegans that insist their meat alternatives are just as good as the real thing.
they are different things. dragging a tripod around to do hdr stacks is not the same thing as just taking one picture with a better camera. it doesn’t even look the same. a gfx100s can produce clear images at ISO 102,400 ffs, you dont know what you’re comparing to. its not practical to replicate that with a smaller sensor (doing stacks of pixel shift shots with an absurdly good lens to match the absurdly small virtual pixel pitch? lol).
>WHY does this argument happen every three days
Because people like you bitch about the shit that other people buy. You don't win anything by getting mad about the shit other people do, and it's not like once you get mad enough you're going to change their minds. Get over it and grow up.
>dude use micro four thirds, don't buy what you want until you have passed my 30 cope tests to prove you deserve the luxury
>No, don't do that. It sucks. Invest in something better.
bros, is micro four thirds a cult?
Dude is shooting landscapes, it literally looks the fucking same at base ISO on phone/PC screens for the res people will be looking at it
>muh intangible 3d pop
there is literally some bong faggot on jewtube who has a m43 and a full frame and she sells landscape photos professionally he took on the m43
because gay retards like you love spending money on your snoys that have no photos that you carry around in your purse
its literally one snoy fag who admitted to not even being American and to carrying around a purse to hold his camera samefagging himself because he is upset he spent so much on a purse. hell you seem like the samefag yourself. no one cares about your snoy and no one can tell your shitty photos were on a snoy
stop samefagging yourself, queero
my m43 fits in my pocket, you carry a purse. no one can tell the difference on a screen. if I want higher quality I own multiple film cameras that btfo your snoy on image quality. that's why film makes more money than digishit
no one can tell the difference between 2 base iso shots on a screen without pixel peaking which no one fucking does unless its a naked girl, fag boi
no one is telling anyone to buy m43. all anyone is doing is telling people who have m43 they don't need to waste more money on full frame snoys that won't make their pictures any better if they are just going on screens anyway and no photos snoys are just seething fagolas
>Don't buy what you want until you have passed my 30 cope tests! Only after you have mastered wind prediction, studied the grimoire of the nodal point, completed the trial of the tripod and learned to use autostakkert-
>Dude, just get a better camera.
>NO STOP TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO DO THATS MY JOB. I didn't even get to star trackers!
>Anyways, now that the chud has been told off, let me tell you who the important people in your life are. Instagram users. On phones. If instagram users on phones don't care, neither should you.
>Dude just get what you want. A better camera is a better camera.
you are one seething gay retard is it on account of you have a snoy but no photos because there is just shit and garbage everywhere and people make fun of your purse?
Is the joke that your post describes itself?
Bro why are you bring up snoynoy while proving my analogy true? You can easily tell the difference on screens.
A medium format 16k Leica lens photo of a shit in a toilet, is exactly a photo of a shit in a toilet. Subject matter is more important than the camera. I've taken image a guy who is not a photographer loves but a photographer gets ultra mad at. Usually, when that happens it is a good sign. As the audience shouldn't be photographers. If your audience is solely photographers... That's kinda gay.
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Just repaired the stuck shutter on this

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>Yeah bro It's REAL meat*! It looks like meat, smells like meat! For everyone watching you eat, it's MEAT!
>Proceeds to have zero of the taste or nutritional value of meat
This is MFT
Wrong, lmao. I don't actually care if you make the wrong choice and waste your money. MY argument is about camera technology and physics: Bigger sensor = better photo quality ceiling. And if you're retarded enough to argue otherwise, that means P&S's and phones make better photos than MFT by default. You can't win faggot.
>Cares what normies think of photos shown on a phone screen
big lmao. roflmao even.
>no one can tell the difference between 2 base iso shots on a screen without pixel peaking
Get your eyes checked.
>Subject matter is more important than the camera
DING DING DING, we have a winner! The least retarded 4chinner itt.
Well done anon, oil leaked all over it?
>Well done anon, oil leaked all over it?
The old lubricant had dried up in in the bottom end and the timing control unit next to the shutter, causing the whole thing to be locked up, advance and all.
They hated him because he told them the truth

Every single thread…
>Should I buy a nicer camera?
>Just buy a nicer camera if you want a nicer camera. Nicer cameras are nicer.

Micro fool turds are deranged. Imagine getting mad on the behalf of a strangers bank account.

No one cares if your photos are "too bad for your camera" except communist libs and honorary hebrews who have meltdowns over your finances on your behalf and nazi tryhards who want to tell you what is allowable in art while furiously masturbating to you in a gas chamber (in addition to their usual furry porn)
>there is only this true audience, appealing only to photographers is bad
or, just let people live the life they want instead of being a marxist/nazi aspie and telling them what their taste should be.

You are a deranged, pathetic, and narcissistic creature if you think an artist can not photograph 100mp turds and pursue an audience of other artists without being "worse" somehow. Your opinions are not objective facts. They do not need to budget around YOUR life savings, they do not need to avoid catering to people whose taste is the opposite of yours. Grow up and deal with it.
>but the guy making six figs in a hospital could have had $5000 extra to buy buttcoin! how dare he waste money! -4chans best possible financial advice
>i bought $20k of buttcoin at the bottom -that guy himself
You are useless people.
>Micro fool turds are deranged
these posts are even more deranged
>i might be mentally ill and posting in 5 threads about how nobody deserves nice things, but you got mad at how retarded i am, so you’re the deranged one
Mft schizos are weirdly similar to the cat schizos on /an/ it's kinda hilarious. Pretty soon you're going to hear them say 4channel is a mft website.
>Be micro fool turd whose mission in life is saving fool framer snoys disposable income from their own stupidity
>Any post you are quoted in automatically sounds crazier
Say la V…
wtf are you talking about man I just said they should consider using what they've got already with a little more thought before they buy. Should've known pointing out possible GAS in a gear thread was a mistake.
>Nobody said that or anything like that itt but I imagined they did and got so mad!!!!
>Uhm you dont need a better camera you should spend an hour stacking and stitching raws instead
It doesn’t even do the same thing or look the same retard. You said, "before you buy what you want, pass these irrelevant trials to find out if you really need it! Im here to save your money from your stupidity!"
Right on the nose

Why is all camera cope the same?
If you can't tell apart a polite suggestion from me demanding they do something before buying that's a you problem. Stop arguing with people you invented in your head.
>polite suggestion
You were calling micro four thirds best in class, calling full frame shit and too big, and saying a gfx100s is an unusable lump that needs to go in and out of a backpack (it would be on a strap right retard?)

What’s next, the oft debunked lie of equivalence?
>You were calling micro four thirds best in class
At macro
>calling full frame shit and too big
Probably wasn't me. Where did I say that?
>and saying a gfx100s is an unusable lump
Where did I say that?
>that needs to go in and out of a backpack (it would be on a strap right retard?)
They were planning on using it from a backpack. I wouldn't hike with one on a strap (subpar weather/dust sealing, might bang into stuff etc) but they can if they want to. They were planning on shooting from a tripod as well.
>I'll use a tripod
>micro four thirds is the best and larger formats suck and dont add anything. dont buy a better camera. stack raws instead. oops a branch moved
>Uh no that was a polite suggestion
micro four thirds is a cult
Micro four thirds isnt the best at macro either. That’s full frame and has been full frame for a long time.
>fuji habs subpar sealing!
Oh boy, here’s this shill lie again. You shills can never, ever stop lying. And the half pound is what moves an om1 from the top of the pack to a strap right? Because only then is it physically possible to carry a camera on a strap. When its the weight of mfoolturds, the
most that anyone can comfortably carry. Trufax.

Even if they used a tripod with the better camera, the results would still be better than micro four thirds, in fewer shots, with less work.

Silence, cultist.

Yes, they are a cult.
Excuse me fool framer, but if he did macro with a gfx100s, it would be too expensive for me, too heavy for me, and if he cropped it would only be the same as a 61mp full frame shot so medium format is pointless and micro four thirds is better, objectively the best, because i can afford it and it’s not too big for me.
>Planning on using a GFX from a backpack? Well if it was micro four thirds it could go on a strap. a GFX couldnt because... its bad and breaks all the time, trust me!
if you have to lie about this small thing why would anyone believe anything else you say

>micro four thirds is the best at macro
the actual pictures say otherwise lol, 0 fine detail, its like FF DSLR users who shoot everything at f22+ with a tokina or ancient nikkor but somehow the colors are worse. you're totally unaware of the macro meta (flash freezing bugs and doing 45mp focus stacks).
Uhhh... Buddy I think you're fighting ghosts? Where did all of this "Marxism" and "Nazism" come from in relation to photography? Another thing is I'm not worried about my finances right now? Another thing too was the part about appealing to photographers, was jokingly a suggestion, which you took as an insult... Which is weird. You then said I was immature for not being thrifty with my money and saying that you should reach audiences beyond artists?

Most of what you said sounded overly aggressive and assumptive. Literally you sound like someone going through a bad trip. I don't think a bit of what you said was at all constructive, but rather a berating to hide insecurity.
I bought my 24th FF body in December
He didn't call you a nazi, he said only commies and nazis are stupid enough to care if someone takes a photo they don't like with a nicer camera than they can afford. And that is true. Commies and nazis are notorious for their oppression of the arts and attempts to force people to own no more than the government thinks they deserve.

>Jokingly a suggestion
No, you were pretty serious. That is an insult. It's better to photograph for other photographers, painters, musicians, etc. All normal people besides your mom care about is sex, celebrities, influencers, and conspiracy theories. The last thing any photographer should do is worry about the mass market.
Sell a few and get a mfdb camera. It is time.
gfx of somesort?
I am interested in using Sigma ART lenses with an adapter. I like the vignette.
2016-2020 era phase one or hasselblad

I doubt you want to spend 60k on a modern phase one body+sensor and then 5-8k per lens after that.
MFDB cameras are mostly for using with technical camera bodies and adapting to film bodies to get more movements because the sensor is totally unobstructed and can accept light rays from almost any forward angle. They also usually have even larger sensors to match 645 at least.

The GFX is full frame++, it absolutely mogs every other camera in dynamic range, aliasing resistance, and detail far beyond what is practical to cope-shoot to approximate unless you're doing your cope shooting on an a7rv or z7ii, and if you adapt full frame glass you still get 61 or more megapixels even with the crop - plus a lower noise sensor than the a7rv (despite same pixel size) and much better color science.

Totally different tools.
because you are a snoy fag and you can't tell the difference on ig or 4chan
I scored today. Bought a Canon EF 100 L Macro for $180 from a seller that randomly just halved the price, and because it was on my watch list I was able to pounce.. waited for the package to arrive, eagerly awaiting a high end macro to play around with.. opened the package and in the box I found an EF 70-200 F2.8 L Mark 2 instead. Reached out to the seller and told him about it, expecting him to wanting me to return it, but he said I could keep it. Complete kit as well.. even the original packaging.
>no one can tell no one can tell...
I wish the huskyfag were still here to prove you wrong but he's probably sold all his small sensor gear to buy medium format by now, and if he did do a comparison, you'd probably say some crazy dumb shit like "3000x2000? your images are too big, photos need to be 500 pixels on the longest side to prevent people from noticing better cameras are better!"
stop samefagging yourself you gay purse wearing snoy retard. your post was 4am human time so I can tell you aren't American
you are seething so fucking hard snoy boi. is it on account of you will never be a woman and you don't own a toilet and have no photos and wear a purse?
you are the one posting in 20 threads about muh snoy, snoy boi
schizophrania is often found in troons.
why are you having a melty over the fact that m43 looks the same on IG as a snoy?
stop samefagging
it literally looks the same
did someone make fun of your snoy purse at school today? is that why you are having such a melty?
>zero photos snoy faggot still seething and spamming
Jesus christ this guy is absolutely buttblasted lol. Stick to admitting you cant afford or manage a better camera instead of pretending a better camera isn’t better buddy!
it literally gets shrunk when you post to IG or 4chan fagola. your argument is
>it looks different if you pixel peep or post it to a medium that no one is using
yeah if your specific medium requires it go for it, but on shit like ig no one can tell the difference
lol I'm not though. I could buy a snoy if I want, I just don't want it. I have $2,000 rifles and $1,000 scopes. I like m43 cause its small and if I want a bigger format I own film cameras which look better than snoy. only one seething and having a melty here is you since you have to carry a purse for your snoy
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>same sony schizo still seething at everything and writing wall of texts
never change /p/
I was about to share my gear collection, but I'll wait until the schizos and autists calm down first.
>inb4 you weren't going to share anyway
>inb4 nophoto
>inb4 samefag
Help me complete my bingo board.
>let me tell you what matters: instagram users with phones! no one elses experience is important! especially not yours!
Right, so sayeth the cultist that just had a seven post going on eight melty. Try to space your posts out by more than 1 minute+the time it takes you to figure out the captcha. I see lots of 2000x#, 3000x#, and 4000x# photos on /p/. Clearly a lot of people here use superior apple displays and consider those sizes "just full screen". Sorry if thats too big for the cheap shit they use in india, sanjay. Your poverty isn’t the standard. People don’t have to base their decisions around the technology available in punjab.

Myself, i find it takes about 100mp bayer for images downsampled to match my screen to stop visibly improving in quality.
Lol my dell monitor fits a whole 24mp photo on it at 100% size and my TV can fit a whole 33mp. Everyone i care about, and everyone that actually wants to see my photos, has at least a 4k display.

Instagram users aren’t people and they don’t want to see your pictures. Instagram users are AI bots designed to drive engagement and generate ad revenue for meta, inc.
Aren't the colors from high MP images way better even when you downscale images?
it depends, on some high resolution cameras, colors fade with increasing ISO. but they have better quality once downsampled with extreme ISO settings. at low ISOs the higher resolution camera will have smoother gradients, less aliasing, and better details even at small sizes like 3000x2000.
You can definitely tell quality differences of the picture posted here even if very few are posted at full res. It sort of seems like cope to say everything looks the same when viewed on a smart phone. Why not just use a 5MP point and shoot that costs like 20 bucks in that case?
he do be seething
see >>3715226 →
>• Please post images that are JPG format and ideally smaller than 1 MB, and/or about 1000 pixels on the longest side.
cool story about violating the boards rules or about the types of snoy cameras you use in your home country of india. was your purse you carry it in also made in your home nation of india or was it made in a different nation?
if you care about colors you shoots on film since it looks better than digishit. also knock it off with the samefagging
cool story bro. tell me more about how you only view your photos at 800% and then jerk off to the noise patterns while most people are going to be looking at that shit on their phones.
You must be pretty angry if you think two gentlemen having an honest conversation is anything more than that.
its one dude samefagging
nah, I'm white, unlike you dude.
nah, I'm white, unlike you. Do your fellow indians bully you for your purse, snoy boi?
Huh? This>>4403451 isn't me. I know that for a fact like the other guy. Mister mft schizo could have answered the question instead of crying. Not the best look...
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Can you have this meltdown somewhere else, sanjay? Mu-43 or the church of scientology would be more welcoming and even agree with you.

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that is super easy to fake my phone posting indian friend
nah, its clearly the snoy samefaggot having a massive fucking melty in this thread
Well well well. Look how the cookies have crumbled.
you do know samefagging is the easiest thing in the world to fake, retardo?
But the two posts from the two people you said were samefagging were posted 35 seconds apart.
Do you know how fast you can post with a 4chan pass? I thought there was still a delay.
4chan pass time is 30 seconds. if you really wanted to be a gay retard you could post on a phone and laptop or 2 phones
You keep saying snoy but I prefer nikon and fuji
Oh. Well I was just asking an honest question. Sorry if the jimmies became hustled for that.
thread takeaway: there is an ESL here who would die from seethe if you upgraded from micro four thirds, so you probably should.
NTA, selling my Panasonic GH5 for a Canon 6D Mk2 several years ago was such a massive upgrade in image quality that I'll never go smaller for stills again. The form factors didn't even change much, so I lost nothing.
fuji doesn't even make full frame
I'm not rustled at all
nah more like
>hey guys, I want to upgrade I was thinking of x
>photography gear can be expensive, have you tried this technique, viewing your images on their final format and renting the gear you want first? there is a good chance based on your final format and what you are doing there isn't really a difference in the look with the expensive gear. also while film might be expensive, the up front cost is usually very low and it could help you get the images you want since it looks better and a mix of your current format and film is likely still cheaper than selling all your gear and buying a whole different system
>no saar, you must redeem the full frame snoy like me, you must redeem and carry a purse like me, anyone who doesn't redeem the full frame is not a good photographer. anyone who does not redeem and shoot on my format and carry a purse like me makes bad images. also I have no pictures.
there was snoy posting at 4am US time. meaning snoy faggots aren't first worlders
please stop samefagging
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Just got this because of this thread.

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>exactly 60 seconds apart
You'd blend in better if you worked on your English.
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Why cant Sony get colors right?
ive been loving my bessa, the only issue i have is as a glasses wearer i really need to shove my face in their. i've been eyefyucking either an r4m for the wideangle viewfinder or maybe saving up for a leica body 0.58 viewfiner. not sure how this board feels about leicas prolly not goodo though lol
Film leicas are based
Digital leicas are repackaged sony cameras
There still hasn't been one (1) single post advocating for m43. You need to take your meds.
>best macro, as good as a larger camera if you take your time, able to survive being on a strap unlike fuji! -all lies btw
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Eh, I would use my 5dm3 for video if I had the patience for it. I don't really care much for video aside from the ones I take with my phone.
Absolutely seething and spamshitting. Lol. Why do you care so much?
if the poorfag mind were a rational one it would not belong to a poorfag
Makes perfect sense to me...
>stop samefagging yourself
You must be having some kind of mental episode fren. I make fun of snoy like the other 90% of the board does. There's no real way to argue against samefagging, so I'm just going to call you a nigger and be on with it.
>snoy faggots aren't first worlders
Fuck it's a bad time to be (white) Australian.
Samefagging yourself thinking nobody would notice is so cringe lmao
neat, so that goes on the back of a film medium format and you can shoot both?
my english is fine, snoy boi. you are just confused since you are an ESL zoomer with no dick who carries around a purse
h-1b engineers
>you must redeem the snoy and carry a purse like I do, you must redeem you must redeem and wear the purse saar
we all saw you posting at 4am which is the time indians are awake
>still no photos from purse bro
poor fags are poor because they spend their money on shit they don't need that doesn't provide a benefit
I agree. the full frame fag seething about m43 is cringe as fuck
australia is neither white nor first world, snoy boi. also you are seething about m43 cameras in like 6 threads right now. weird for you to be projecting while having a melty
Correct. You can swap between digital and 6x6. It's adapted for a rollei 6000 series camera, but you can change that pretty easily.
Why are all of these posts spaced exactly one minute apart, sometimes a second more, but never a second less? Is it all one guy having a frantic meltdown because better cameras are, in fact, better, no matter how you cope?
>actually i am sure to be rich because i am frugal with cameras! YOU are poor!
You know someone is genuinely poor when they think buying better camera gear is a significant financial event. I make $260k US a year, post tax. Buying a $5000 camera body is literally a tax writeoff. I tell the IRS it was more my photography llc, and it is free (deducted from the tax i’m paying on the money i make at the hospital). And I don’t even have a $5000 camera body. I have a $1200 camera body and a $800 lens. A free camera is not breaking the bank… neither is a $5000 one with no write offs. I spent more last time I had my car serviced ffs. You must be an actual indian because you have no sense of how dollar amounts fit in to western wages and lifestyles. I wouldnt have issues unless I opened a million dollar mortgage and started leasing new cars.

But if someone wants a $5000 camera body, go for it dude. You know what you can afford.
wait, is that $9,000? fuck that, I'll just shoot ektachrome
cause I'm replying to the indian snoy spammer. I'm also not having a melty because digishit is inferior to my film stuff
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When it was new in 2006 it was sold for 30 grand. I got it for like 600-800 bucks lol.
Why would I lie about having the shittiest job your parents can possibly buy you, with the most time spent at work doing nothing, and on call days instead of days off
I had to cut a mole out right below a fat guys ballsack yesterday you know that? I’m not even the fucking dermatologist.

Let’s talk about something you could probably pull. In the US, most manufacturing plants pay over $20 an hour, usually scaling to $25 or $27, and the job comes with mandatory overtime. You’d net around 40 to 70k per year. With a used car, good health, better insurance, a house under 300k, a 30 year mortgage, and 0 to 1 offspring, you could buy a brand new high end full frame camera once a year like it was nothing. Your wife (or gay husband) would also work if you had one.

Now you know how there are so many "gearfags" creating profit in the FF ILC market. These are ordinary toy purchases for blue collar adults that probably spend more on boats, campers, and motorcycles, just less often
Told you so.

I must have seen a different product on mpb or whatever that used camera store is. $800 is cool
cool story bro. you clearly are indian and still in school and live with your parents and have never had a real job.
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Found this in a bin at work (just the body, no cap on it), any bets on what could be wrong with it? Just waiting on a battery to charge. Other than a few scuffs it looks fine, screen isn't cracked, no bent pins in the card slot, mirror is still in place and moves as it should and the view through the finder is clear, shutter blades look good.

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>>4401886 (OP)
Anyone else think the new $2.5k 35mm f/1.2 lens from Nikon looks bad?
does the mk ii have live view? I don't know.
It does, it even has contrast detect AF during live view which my 40D lacked. I thought they used the same batteries but I was mistaken so I've ordered a new one and a charger, so I'm waiting on that to arrive now.
Mark II's don't really have any common failure points beyond cosmetic stuff like the mode dial cap and port cover rubbers. If there's something wrong with it at all, it would have to have been treated pretty poorly. If it doesn't look like it's been dropped the next thing you could expect would be water damage or a failed shutter. Though I have a mark 2 that's been completely submerged while off and it has half a million shutter count and it's still going strong.
The batteries came and unfortunately it's dead. A weird failure mode, upon turning it on the display lights up black with some faint lines (horizontally and vertically across the whole thing) for a few seconds and then nothing. Nothing on the top display, won't AF or release the shutter.
Sounds like it's been flooded.
The place it came from it was unlikely to have been used outside or near water, and there's no signs of water ingress. I did notice however that there is a crack in the body (visible above the lens release button) so it's taken a pretty hard knock at some point.

It turns out it's actually kind of functioning to some extent. When turned on the display stays on until the shutter button is half pressed and pressing the menu button cycles the display on and off, so it's as if it's switching between shooting mode and opening the menu but won't operate in the former. It's difficult to tell if it's doing anything in the latter, I'll try and find a HDMI cable to connect it to an external monitor.
That's really unusual. How does the mirror / sensor look? From the location of that crack, it seems like it would have been hit on the lens mount. Maybe dropped onto the lens or knocked while changing lenses?
The mirror and shutter blades look good, all clean and I can raise the mirror manually but I can't see the sensor. It may have also been an impact to the viewfinder hump as that's where the majority of the scratches are, although for an impact hard enough to flex the front plate below it and crack it I'd expect a dent there.

If I can't get anything on an external display I suppose I'll tear the thing apart and see if there's anything obvious, these things aren't worth much for spares and repairs so no worry about getting it back together.
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Hello /p/, absolutely board newfag here. I want your opinion on something, but didn't want to just create a new thread about it, so I'm posting here.
I want a camera to film my trips so I can upload them on YouTube, and ideally I'd also want this camera to be able to connect to a PC to work as a webcam, so I can stream myself painting miniatures (think Warhammer).
Wtf do I buy? I do have a budget of let's say, around 5k, but knowing nothing about cameras not only I do not know what kind of main body I'D want, I also have no clue what lenses and other equipment I should get. Ideally I'd want something that records in 4k, but is 8k just overkill? Also I need something to attach the camera to a backpack, probably remove the "head bob" effect that comes from walking, then also to attach it to a desk, etc. And lenses that have some kind of auto zoom functionality for the miniature painting?

Thanks in advance for all your replies
Damn son. You're jumping straight into the deep end. You're looking at a lot of gear for not knowing nothing, but sometimes that how yah gotta do it. I know nothing about video gear so I can't help you at all, but I do wish you good luck.
Anyone here have the old sigma 40mm 1.4 art? heard it's the sharpest lens of it's era and wanna see what anon's think. would be buying it for A7C just worried about size/weight but if image quality is as good as they say i could definitely deal with it.
I'm looking at getting a camera sometime this year, never had one before so I'd like some feedback. Will be using it to record videos of demonstrations, interviews, and maybe small conferences I hold at a distance of about 50-70 feet from the stage. Also taking stills, but any camera with the video features i need will also take stills good enough for me. Because I want to do the conferences, I am of the opinion that I need unlimited record length and recording to an external drive.
Since my budget is rather low, I think I have settled on the Lumix GH6. Seems to review well, with the only issues being mediocre autofocus and it's MFT instead of full frame, which I do not care about.
As for the lens, I'd like to just get one lens that does everything kinda well, and I'm thinking about the Lumix G Vario 14-140mm f/3.5-5.6 II, or the 12-60mm version.
All advice appreciated.
i'm looking to buy a used compact camera for travel/edc in the ~400€ price range, any recommendations? i'm currently looking at the g9x mk1 and the rx100 iii. i don't want anything too big and it shouldn't be a total disaster on auto or aperture priority and autofocus. a ricoh gr iii (x) sure would be nice but fuckers haven't budged in price after all those years.
i pretty much checked out of the gear topic after i got my dslr and two lenses years ago so i have no idea what's good currently, especially on the used market.
also i'll be in japan soon, in case there's some arbitrage opportunity for cameras there due to supply/weak yen. funnily enough the gr iii is unobtanium there by the looks of it
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My purse arrived. It can barely fit my A6600 and Sigma 30mm with lens hood attached sideways. Lens hood has to come off if placed lens side up. Maybe I can fit wallet, phone, and keys if I switch to the TTartisan 27mm. Will test when I get home.

Also, I lost my Sony lens cap hiking today. FUUUCK.
I think I might have put it in the same pocket as my phone and it came out with my phone when I pulled that out. Or maybe I tossed it in the trunk before the hike and it fell in a crack.
I don't see the point of a bag that you're only going to put a body and single lens in, you can just put the body on a strap and save yourself the step of taking the camera out of the bag. If you want to carry one additional lens then either stick it in a pocket or get a lens pouch to go on your belt.
You don't understand EDC.

You don't want to have a camera swinging around to potentially bang on things while you're shopping, driving, or at work.
Cars have plenty of rooms to put a camera
>at work
Who EDCs a big ILC camera at work if taking photos isn't part of their job? And if it's part of your job then you want the camera out and ready
Just put the camera at your front instead of hanging by your side
The G9X is a little thinner but the RX100 is still easily pocketable. Other than that, a little extra reach, and a touch screen there's not much else better about it. The Sony has a slightly wider lens that's significantly faster at the long end, a tilting screen (can point forward if you're into selfies), an EVF for when the sun's making it hard to see the screen, a more powerful flash, faster burst shooting, a second dial on the rear, and better battery life.
you deserve that for having that god awful skin on your camera. what are you 14?
>>4401886 (OP)
Do stand alone cameras seriously still exist? Why? Every phone has a camera on it already.

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