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Should I buy a circular fish eye or a diagonal one for my full frame camera?
The widest rectilinear lens I own is 17mm (104°).
I mainly want it for skate photography (which I've never did before).
>>4402243 (OP)
I mean you could buy the EF one and adapt it, that way you have both.
Why would I buy an EF lens for my OM camera?
OM film? When you said full frame I assumed you meant digital.
He also posted a Niggon lens in the thread pic.
well circular fisheye is not really circular when you mount it on a crop camera
first image on google
If there's no zuiko lenses you want, I guess you gotta either look for a tamron adaptall or sigma. I think the widest tamron did was 17mm, not sure for sigma, but they did have those filtermatic lenses.
I'm not asking which lens to buy.
I'm asking whether a circular fisheye is useful for action photography or should I buy a normal diagonal fisheye lens?
I've never shot with an fisheye lens before.
That's not really something someone else can answer, it's sort of like asking someone else what you want. Look at some samples and decide which one you like. Fisheyes in general are pretty niche, and the circular one will be more niche, meaning there are fewer scenarios where you want to use it when speaking of photography in general. For action photography I see no reason why there would be a shot that would work on rectilinear and not circular unless your subject is cropped out
Nah fisheye is a certain artisitc direction. You'll get basically the exact same feel and style that you see on google from "fisheye skatepark photo". Reminds me of the early Chad Muska and Bam Margera videos for CKY. A rectilinear lens of the same or similar focal length will not give you that specific look, but would be more versatile. All depends on what your intention is and if you think it's worth the money for the amount of use it will see. I only bought an ultrawide once I could justify it for landscapes and tight indoors shots.
I shot with OP’s lens for a few years, trying to do what you’re talking about but for surfing & mountain biking. It’s very sharp, but it’s big and clunky, which limits where you’ll actually want to use it somewhat, and the zoom just ends up being an annoyance bc it’s never zoomed where you want it when you need it, you always have another adjustment to make & miss the action. In the end the best lens that I found was the nikkor 14mm aspherical prime on a d850. That was & probably still is my favorite rig for action. When I look back on the last 20 years of shooting, nearly all of my favorite shots were with that lens. I could write a page on why, and why the common criticism of that lens doesn’t matter, but gd, I really miss that setup. The circular edge distortion & matte can actually be added in post when you want it. The rest of the time, you have much more usable images with a lot less wasted pixels and great character w corner distortion & vignetting to work with.
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>>4402243 (OP)

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Camera ModelNIKON D810
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.10.1 (Macintosh)
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Focal Length8.00 mm
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I once had a 7.5mm (14mm FF) rectangular fisheye from Samyang. It was hard to get used to, and I decided that it wasn't for me.
>>4402243 (OP)
go full frame and buy the 8-15mm zoom, you'll get both in one lens.

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