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File: DSCF5131.jpg (3.01 MB, 5640x4000)
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I’m not advertising my channel.

So, how can I grow and promote my channel, which focuses on Lightroom editing using my own photos and postcards?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T200
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.0.1 (Macintosh)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)50 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2025:01:27 18:30:40
Exposure Time1/320 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating5000
Lens Aperturef/1.4
Brightness-1.3 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length33.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeUnknown

I have an Instagram account but don’t use bots to increase my follower count. I can’t afford ads there and only post a new photo once a week. I’m not actively working on gaining followers, though I might sometimes comment on memes, hoping someone might click on my profile and add me. But this is rare case.

I also have a hobby: postcrossing (sending postcards). I design my own postcards using my photos. When I read someone’s bio and see they like trains, for example, and I have a postcard with a train, I send it to them.

I tried starting a YouTube channel and uploaded fewer than 10 videos, but I barely got any random views, let alone subscribers. I didn’t share it with all my friends, only with 1–2 who might be interested in my hobby.

My videos are structured as follows:

3 minutes of discussing some news
3–4 minutes of explaining how I captured a certain photo or its history
5–7 minutes of editing a new photo in Lightroom
I also mention that if anyone comments or wants a postcard, I’m happy to send one.

I know I have no experience, my speech is far from that of a professional blogger, and my setup is cheap—but at least I can provide good image quality.
this is personal preference but I like to see photography videos with a travelogue-ish element, it doesn't have to be anything exotic but I like to see the process start to finish where the picture is taken in real time and you get a sense for the conditions etc. and how that's translated into the final image, of the channel is 100% just you talking in a home office it might be unengaging, you're competing with a lot of other media and you ain't no Simon D'Ontrzemond lil niGGa
>>4402344 (OP)
Post shorts & reels. A super-condensed version of your start to finish. Or if you're doing tutorial minded videos, a quick run down (glossing over details) of your edit with before & after.
>Simon D'Ontrzemond
He is on another level and his type of photography too. I thought about thatthings, but no. We different here.
My photos are made (last one) in a small ugly city and I have no option to record myself in process. It would be cringy, because I'm not a tiktoker. And not "Hello I'm a street photographer. Can I make a picture of you? While recording too?"
If I would go to some forest/desert/mountains it's another talk, there will be fine. He can, I can't.
any other advices? Ok, I can give you my insta nickname (photobook_strangelove), maybe you will check my works and will have some thoughts? I don't ask you to subscribe, but some critic and your opinion
Just watched your latest video, I think you have potential but here would be my advice:
1. You're not a native English speaker, and that's fine, but you should embrace it. Don't apologise for it, and if talking slow bothers you, you can spend time editing pauses out.
2. A little bit of b-roll goes a long way, just take a little bit of footage around where you are taking the photo. Your phone, or your camera's built in video will be fine. You don't have to record yourself like a vlogger but just give viewers a bit of the environment.
3. A bit more confidence would help a lot, your work is nice, so act like it.
4. The Lightroom editing is going to be interesting to some people, but not to most. I think people are more interested in how you came to take the photo, where you were, and a little bit about the process, rather than the polishing phase.

I'll end by saying that I think your photos are pretty good, and I think you could really hit a niche being from Russia, and taking photos that you wouldn't be able to get in western countries. From what I see people are also generally curious about Russia, so that also helps.
Keep making videos, they'll get better with practice and time.
I'd subscribe, but I don't have a google account.
Thank you for the answer, will try to explain some things.
1) Thanks for that, I'm working on it. First vids were in russian but as I'm sending postcards and main target people from all over the world, I switched on english. Will edit more pauses, but is sound quality good for now? If I get, for example, 100 subs, will make upgrade. For now, I don't really know, should I stay or close this.
2) That's a good idea and I will experiment with that. I have now plan, what to do for the next vid(still in process).
3) Only need practice and sometimes the result from audience.
4) Guess that's right. I want to think that everyone who used lightroom, will easily figure out what to do with this from 1st try, it's really simple. And it's not interesting to watch, how things changing step by step.

thank you again
so I guess there will be no other words.
Maybe lifehacks? cheat with tags for example? or something else.
You seem to have pretty good editing skills for the basics, I like the pace. One thing I thought was really distracting though is the background music which is too loud.
>>4402344 (OP)
youtube has been dead for a long while now man. people with massive investments in gear set up doing hour long reviews and video essays getting triple or sometimes double digit views. shit is fucked. short form video completely wrecked proper content.
That's because I'm covering my cheap microphone with louder sound. But ok, next vid will balance it. Thanks
What do you mean by that? Some content that I'm watching is 30-40 min longs. Yes there can 1 hour vids about some news or some stories, but it's impossible to talk about photos for an hour long and not sound dull.
I though reels and inta shorts now is the main mainstream format?
Yes, reels and IG shorts are the new mainstream. Forget trying to make long form YouTube content.
spam reels, shorts and tiktoks. Study what other creators in your field are doing and shamelessly copy that.
And make it all about either sex, celebrities, consuming product, sports gambling, cryptocurrency grifts, or conspiracy theories. Never photography… consume product or show sexy woman. Also read this for a primer
you forgot motivational speeches. Social media is ruined these days. But if you want to play the game you have to play the game.
A lot of vids become popular from some kind of cringe humor. But who am do disagree.
Or when I'm checking some profiles, I see milns views on one certain video where girl decided to bend, but on her other vids, sometimes hundreds views.
Anyway, if I need a guide how to talk with the certain people, will check mr beast videos
Uploaded one short video and really and already see some views(25 views, it's record for me). I get no subs(maybe in future), but at least this short used for main video and it's not some viral shit for kids.
I have material for another vid and short, but it's only on next week.

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