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How can I learn and improve at photography without losing the unique spark that comes from no formal knowledge?
>>4402350 (OP)
Get really good at fundamentals and technical skills. It's like expanding your toolbox so you can build whatever crazy shit you want rather than learning what people want you to build.

Still a good idea to learn some stuff about composition.
Well at least you didn't post a fucking frog this time
>>4402350 (OP)
As I said in the last thread, keep taking photos.
>>4402350 (OP)
buy a lot of gear
>>4402350 (OP)
just keep being a faggot op. that'll work.
>>4402350 (OP)
There is no "unique spark that comes from no formal knowledge" your photos are just bad.
>>4402350 (OP)
there is no "unique spark from no formal knowledge" that is cope

dont be scared to learn, dont be scared to imitate and dont be scared of being "derivative."

youre unique style and artistic perspective will come out anyway because you are at the helm

good luck op

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