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File: suicideboys.jpg (120 KB, 1211x575)
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Can some camera nerd tell me what camera they used from the part 0:24? Is it some old camcoder? Or how could I achieve this effect?

https://youtu.be/Nbe-h8Skv3Q?si=IFav2GXXMtajdvBa [Embed]

Also general camcoder thread I guess.
Die ironicfag, you don't belong in this world
I honestly don't like ironic people. They tend to laugh at my face, kick me out of places, patronize me a lesson, be extremely avoidant, be sardonic, and just flat out be condescending. In many ways the time I spend on a toilet usually is more relaxing than being with someone who is ironic. It's not so much them being ironic, it's them being intellectually a prick like imagine someone who instead of bragging about a sports car tends to say "durr" and brags about their intelligence. Just absolutely douchey. I feel sorry for them because they feel lonely in real life. I kinda wonder why considering their smart-ass attitude a lot.
Foul ironicfag, death is too good for you!
>>4402401 (OP)
$UICIDEBOY$ in the big 2025
>>4402401 (OP)
Every day there’s some fuckin know-nothing gen alfalfa asking “how do I achieve this effect?”. The fucking answer us, by learning about film, video, photography, learning about the tools, experimenting with them, and finding things you like.

You start way acquiring the fucking knowledge and then do what you can with that knowledge, you don’t skip over the knowledge, asking other people to figure shit out for you, and then produce a product with any quality, that’s not how anything works ever.

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