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Collectorfag here. Got into photography a couple of years back so don't have any reference points beyond that. I have seen booms and busts in other markets, but with used camera equipment this is probably something new or am I wrong?
Thinking more specifically on the vintage lens craze that saw a peak some 2 years ago and has been declining ever since.
The top end has stalled.
There is just utterly nothing new getting invented in cameras anymore, therefore the market has changed.
People are moving out of the market now vs in the past they were moving into it.
Therefore, you have a big drop in demand across everything photography related, less demand should drop prices right?
That guy who might of got into vintage lenses got into making tik toks on his phone instead.
He is not looking to buy vintage lenses anymore.

Some things are about to change though, China is about to start making really cheap film, after kodak has priced out half the market with its absurd pricing, that should drive a boom later this year.

A 900 second/15 minute timer to just reply to a thread ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

If im going to get that every time I want to post, that might just about end this website for me...
>>4402455 (OP)
the market is weird right now because there was a huge boom in the 2000s with the switch to digital and in the early 2010s with the switch to mirrorless, most companies finally getting rid of their legacy mounts that had been around since the film era, mirrorless cameras allowing adaptation of older lenses and the rise of social media
early 2000s saw a switch to digital, though still with legacy lens mounts, but the combination of digital being free to take as many pics as you wanted, the difference in tech between a DSLR and point and shoot, some social media for sharing stuff and relatively cheap crop sensor cameras a bunch of people who would have in generations prior owned point and shoots jumped into the prosumer market with DSLRs, so an increase in sales.
early 2010s, companies adopt mirrorless (major tech jump), switch from legacy mounts and social media pushes both film photography and the fact you can put legacy glass on mirrorless due to flange distance and EVFs being easier to manually focus than autofocus SLRs and DSLRs.
Today you now have the issue that there has not been any innovation in the market in like 10 years and more and more people are saying fuck it to prosumer level cameras and are now using their phones.
we saw the same kind of stuff in gun development desu. cold war/post WWII rifles were a huge jump in tech, but no one has done anything new since like the 50s/60s and a huge jump in handguns in the 80s with glock but since then the only real jump in handgun tech has been adding optics and subcompact double stacks. though that industry has more legs with coof and any time a democrat is running for/is president
>A 900 second/15 minute timer to just reply to a thread ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>If im going to get that every time I want to post, that might just about end this website for me...
that only happens if you have no cookies, ban evader kun
Anyone smart enough to ban evade has hacked the system already

>People are using their phones because the cameras haven't gotten super cool yet!
No, they're using their phones because anyone younger than a millennial is technological cattle that owns nothing, and doesn't care about it, because they've been told that caring is for gross ugly fat nazis, and is cringe, and also trying too hard, no cap, fr. bruh.
worked at camera shops on/off from 2009 to 2020, been pretty crazy watching the change
all the digitshits we could barely sell by 2015, now selling used for 2-3x the new price
>this time, the top end has stalled
your successor will say this when every camera has global shutter and 18 stop dr, and you’ll whine and say an a7iii was always good enough
calling it
>no major upgrades in TWO YEARS, are they even trying!?
I had a high end digicam priced at $80 for 2 years before it sold. Fast forward and I just bought the exact same camera for slightly above that by sniping and I flipped it instantly for twice that amount. That is how much the market has changed.
I think the camera manufacturers are catching on though.. no way they will sit idly by when people are paying above inflation adjusted retail for what was considered e-waste a couple of years ago.
I am somewhat torn when it comes to vintage lenses as collectibles / investments though. One the one hand they are extremely difficult to tamper with without noticing and they will never be reproduced or copied in a way that makes it unrecognizable compared to say normie collectible card games or even precious metal bullion that may sit in a safe for decades before it is revealed to be high quality fakes, but on the other hand optical design has seen wast improvements and the amount of people autistic enough to care about their history is probably small enough to feed the demographic indefinitely.
Lenses have seen quite a big drop in prices as well from the top which was interestingly probably around the same time that the digicam hype started in full.
>>4402455 (OP)
It's mostly hypebeast/social media pushing where people who are easily impressionable and do not know what they really want are watching the absurd clickbait/tiktok vids.

The digishit trend is honestly retarded to me as some one who grew up when they first came out, I can understand small pocketable cameras no issue with that, but people that are trying to get that "early vibe" or chase what they view as "vintage" stuff kinda blows my mind.
The vintage lens craze is similar
>ooooo but the uniqueeeee bokehhhhhh broooo
>you just don't understand, the lack of sharpness is it's charm!1! no you just can't decrease sharpness in post to get the same effect!!!!!
>but but but it's a f1.0
Meanwhile it looks worse than a shit nifty fifty wide open while costing 10x+ more. Not including the CA/LOCA.

Collector's get a pass in my opinion.
>"early vibe"
It is just zoomers being nostalgic about the type of photos their parents used to take of them in their childhood the few years they had digicams before chucking them in favor of cellphones. The noisy sensor flash photos do look radically different from what has been posted on social media for the last decade or so. I am sure they will be sick of it sooner or later. The modern compact digicam market is still very strong though and will probably remain so. I can also understand it from the viewpoint of finding these strange cameras fascinating since they have probably never really handled anything other than touchscreens. Some of the cameras are indeed beautiful pieces of technology as well so they probably have an added allure in that regard.

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