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Do you have a photography studio or mobile setup? I've been wanting to do shoots with more creative sets and I'm considering setting up a home studio.

What are the essentials? Do you have any tips or budget options for light diffusion or backdrops?

I shoot newborn and portrait photography and plan on starting with a 48in softbox but would love input from anyone with more experience.
>>4402561 (OP)
Get the absolute largest softbox and tripod you can possibly fit/hang in your space.
Do you think 48in will be limiting for some use cases?
the bigger the soft box the softer the light
You want like a 6x6 or bigger. Then you use the very edge of light coming off it. I mean it's one look for portraits, but it is a really nice look for portraits as well.

Oh yeah you also want some different stuff for people to sit on. A hand painted backdrop can be really cool as well.

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Can you share an example of a backdrop that would look good? I see a million on Kate backdrop and AliExpress, but it's hard to know what looks convincing.
Also thanks for the recommendation
You could find a local artist and have him paint you one or two based on what you think would be cool. Sorta depends on the vibes you're going for. Maybe one of those gray toned ones and a warmer color. I like the subtler ones.
You would have full control of the brightness and detail/focus of the background so you can make them more or less subtle as well.
Idk how people feel about these guys on here, but I think the video is pretty informative for studio portraits. May give you some good ideas for what you're going for.

https://youtu.be/J6uCqHlQ_k0?si=X0IVh1MIvZNwR4I8 [Embed]
that depends entirely on the space used
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>>4402561 (OP)
my current/old setup.. looking to downgrade since I moved house and lost my space, moved away from friends and generally became a shut-in.

godox 600ws strobe (ad600)
godox 350ws strobe
a speedlight or two as a hair light
light stand
C-stand with boom arm
1.5x2m 5-in-1 reflector
background support
3x kate backdrop sets
2x grey paper rolls (1.5m and 2.7m wide)

60" umbrella softbox
45" umbrellas (silver and white shoot thru)

it's a bit overkill, but got some decent results
Why'd you go with a 60in softbox? I've been debating between a giant 65in diffused umbrella and a 48in softbox. Also, why get rid of the stuff if you could store it till you need it next? Is it taking up too much room?
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honestly, coz it was fairly big umbrella box (biggest I could get at the time) and just never upgraded it to something bigger/better.
the Paul C Buff PLM or the softlighter II were always 'dream' softboxes, but the shipping from the US always killed any real value they had, so I stuck with the chinese imports (which have improved DRASTICALLY in the last 5 years)

just get the biggest one you can get your hands on, double-diffuse it and you're set for a nice replicated window light.

>Also, why get rid of the stuff if you could store it till you need it next? Is it taking up too much room?
Mainly because I don't use it anymore, and I can't see myself using it in the near future, which is unfortunate. I hate hoarding stuff, i'm a bit of a packrat that goes through hoard and purge stages, just reaching my purge stage.
I also travel quite a lot for work and I get put up in nice hotels/apartments, so i'm looking to move to a more portable, airport travel friendly setup

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>>4402561 (OP)
How much do you actually know about flash photography? It can get hyper expensive so if you're new you might want to go light on purchases.

I live in a city where renting a studio is very cheap so I can just do that whenever I want to. That being said I do want a portable home studio just because that would give me a huge amount of flexibility. I honestly don't think most people need much more than what I am going to suggest. (obviously also tripods and sang bags and clamps, etc)

3-4 Godox AD200 (Pro or not, the newest have beautiful bright screens)

1 X3 trigger

3-4 Bowens adapter for any modifier you can imagine.

3-4 Light modifiers (This really doesn't matter as long as you have options)

1 Portable backdrop, the biggest you can get that way you can do taller people or larger groups.

Something interesting about these Godox flashes is that you can combine two of them into a more powerful one should you need to https://www.amazon.com/Godox-AD-B2-Install-Flashpoint-Together/dp/B0759GGBHM

And obviously the fact that being so light and battery powered means they can be used outdoors easily.

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