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So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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Says the guy who has never critically examined the moon landing story and just assumes the government is telling the truth
Try it sometime. All you'll see is a depression, you won't see any details of the sole of the shoe.
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No. The moon is not even a physical object that you could land on. Intangible objects in the sky, no doubt very mysterious, God's firmament is certainly beyond our comprehension. But even if we forget that this whole global universe is total bullshit, what benefit does that bring anyone? to fire rockets to "space"? while our very real social environment is collapsing, people can barely afford basic peaceful living standards in this high-tech civilization, and the family structure is falling apart, and our countries are flooded with incompatible strangers, and the native population is under constant oppression by its very own government? Doesn't make much sense to me to pay for "space" agencies that in return give us CGI images to look at on a screen.
It's sad that so many of the apologists are UK flags, I can see Americans wanting to believe this fairy tale but with bongs or other countries it's just fuckin sad
What do you know about the moon and how did you come up with all your knowledge about it? Where can we see all your well researched scientific publications about it?
>Says the guy who has never critically examined the moon landing story
another assumption

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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If women are free to do that men are free to take them
This is an instance where doxxing is a boon for society. Dox everyone of this dumb no hips having cunts and spread the word to everyone they know.
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Bate man

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

They appear in the pupils.

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you can pick any graphic that delivers a redpill
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My negro, how is 23% not significant? A quarter of the youngins... Not only that, but if you were to squeeze a few more brain cells and look at the chart, you'd see that the number is from 2018. More than half a decade at that trend, what do you think it would be now? Not only that, but it doesn't mean the 77% are being happy and starting families. The more I look at your post, the dumber and dumber you seem. Spend some more time exercising your brain, please.
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>you can pick any graphic that delivers a redpill
Hmm so the younger generations not being whores and waiting until marriage is bad now?
Where did I say it's bad, smoothbrain? Point to me where I said it's bad. All I said was your interpretation was garbage.

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Previous: >>469926507
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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provide the evidence because you provided none kid
just random picture of polish flag posting picture i never posted and writing with style i dont write in
you just show your desperation to everyon normal poster
you act like jews who ignore counter arguments and keep repeating their statement
i hope at least some lurkers will go through last 4-5 threads and notice your childish/jewish behavior
A MCDonalds cheeseburger is about 10cm across, or about 4".
20cm is 2 McDonalds cheeseburgers across.
hohols same as you have sick hiv rates from dedovschina and shorter life expectancy than utter shitholes and middle eastern countries at war
>Actually converting in US units.

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Female pedophiles exist, and it's not acceptable.
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Actually I had a friend in high school who was victim of a female predator.
He told me that, she (the criminal) used the fact that she was close and trusted by his (victim) family and assaulted him while he bathed.
The woman was a neighbor with no parental connection at all and he was 10 years old or so.
That's it so far, she never faced the law and he doesn't seen to care much about it.
I wish some MILF would have molested me when I was 13,14 or 15
bleached hair
Oddly specific

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>Lmao the fucking wording
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>Suspected perpetrator

Haha dont they know the the video is all over the internet??
bump for the archive.is link. newfags need to learn of tradition

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Don't tread on me
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They are really fucking brave, and in touch with nature. If you treat animals like shit, they will give you shit back
I mean generally, yeah. But sometimes animals are just cunts. Wouldn't risk it personally.
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Seriously, my dude ?

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What are the political implications of millions of Americans being riddled with parasites but don't even know it? I've read about how parasites can influence the minds of their hosts does this explain a lot of the strange degenerate/immoral behaviors that are commonplace in America now?


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I've read somewhere that people who lack those parasites have a propensity to develop chrones do you think this is true? apparently its because we have an extremly aggresive inmune system and parasites keeps it at bay by secreting some king of inmunobiotics
If you do a parasite cleanse it will kill off your gut biome. As it does not distinguish between beneficial and detrimental parasites. Take a probiotic immediately after a parasite cleanse. That’s been my only advise this thread.
Fippy bippy
Millions of (((Americans))) are disgusting shitskins imported by kikes. Of course they have parasites they are disgusting dirty creatures. Not. My. Problem.
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What music genres are your goto for WhiteBoySummer-24?
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Pray for my nigga, or better yet put some money on his books.
sacrificing your lifetime for the european race really is the highest honor.
I will donate to him if I can.
Let's make sure that he will be rich when he comes out.
>dungeon synth
>black metal (nsbm, dsbm)
>Kellersynth/Tanzel core
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My memory has gotten noticably worse this year.

What causes this?
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Covid can cause long-term memory issues even in mild cases. Catching it repeatedly makes it worse https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/
Melanin receptors in the coochie walls
Bad diet, porn, lack of social stimulus, not learning anything new to keep neuroplasticity up. Could be many things.
Take some thiamine.
The first time you take it, and every so often when you feel like it, take 1 gram.
You'll feel amazing and your memory will return.
Sleep deprivation causes memory issues and I guess you, like a lot of other people in the world, don't have time for life anymore and what is being sacrificed to maintain the facade established, is sleep

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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I will take the happy meal, but I don't want the zogburger, the seed oil fries, the wax covered apples slices or the cornsyrup just the rainbowdash toy thank you
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Basedbob enjoys his based job
White people don’t apply. They pay too little. McDonalds employs a revolving cast of welfare niggers who have to prove to the government they sometimes try to get jobs.
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I'll just have a fillet o fish thanks

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I am forgotten
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around the same time the building collapsed some guy on a remote island started posting about how "the servers are being spun up right now" and anons assumed it was about mcafee's files. I'm trying to find it in the archives
trump when he says something like "i wish her well". some say it's meant ironically
Wasn’t it hers?
would subvert goys for her
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i didn't say the q anon crowd were smart, but anons are learning that they can't trust anyone. lots of the initial researchers and "independent journalists" that got caught up in chasing leads did a few things that got them killed:
they telegraphed their moves
they published information before securing more leads
they trusted the wrong people
they thought they could outsmart them /in the open/
I bet she can't wait for her pardon so everyone can stop pretending she's in jail.

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I am an Austrian who wants all refugees gone.
Not some bullshit
>but it's ok when they are criminal car stealing Polacks, because they are EVROPEAN

And now answer the question. What is bad about an israel shilling pro-immigration politician to get stabbed?
>I can let you lick my feet though
Depends. how cute are they?
Is either of your parents a Turkish Kurd then? Your 2nd gen usually turns out like this and they as proud of their European passports as you are.
Pol be like

Also Pol lusting after a barely legal twink
100% Austrian and my grandfathers served in WW2.

Now please explain to me why you think that someone, who is aggaisnt immigration, must be a refugee himself?
What causes this schizo conclusion?
You are yourself a refugee?

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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Name brand winter clothes are things you only see the city folk wear here too, when it doesn't even get that cold in those areas, in the north they'd be outside in a shirt or hoodie when it's minus 20
That's funny because I have a Caterpillar coat off Amazon I've been wearing for 7 years now. I think i paid 80 dollars. The zipper tab has been replaced with a keyring.
> 1. Normies are not smart with money
I work with a guy who is leasing his furniture
Does he have a wife?
>Kids avoid outdoor clothes
Or do they avoid going outdoors?

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Nietzsche drops some redpills on the Jews:
>The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe; they know how to prevail even under the worst conditions (better even than under favourable conditions), by means of virtues which one would like nowadays to mark as vices—owing, above all, to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before 'modern ideas.'

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You guys hate black people for any personal experience or it's just you being influence by a retarded internet board?
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I don’t hate black people. All the negative experiences I have are actually from old white baby boomers (men and women). Every single black I’ve met and worked with has been very easy to get along with, albeit they can be extremely lazy. I’d rather deal with lazy coworkers than boomers who run and tell the boss every single time they see me check my phone.

This implies you dont, which is obvious considering there are virtually no pure blooded africans in your country that form pure blooded african communities. What south americans call 'negros' usually are just mixed white/native/african mutts.

If you were set foot into literally any black caribbean island or african country or US city with a population of blacks higher than 20% or so you will quickly change your tune.
I dont hate niggers, i hate niggers in my country
I dont hate chinks, i hate chinks in my country
I dont hate sandniggers, i hate sandniggers in my country
I dont hate nips, i hate nips in my country
I dont have slavshits, i hate slavshits in my country

The only people i genuinely hate are kikes.
>i like lazy people
>i dont like people that snitch on my laziness
quelle surprise
I’m not lazy. I get so much work done I run out 3 hours before my shift is over and have nothing left to do. Boomers are the real life equivalent of Jannies. They run and snitch to the boss, and yet their paycheck is still exactly the same as mine. Yes, I would much rather deal with niggers versus old miserable boomer Jannies.

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What's their secret?
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They encourage niggers to fuck their women.
Hmm what if we encourage them on only fans
No fapping to shiessa only jewess and let algorithms do the work
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Why did Christians became such massive faggots?
Popping Christian kids used to be the highlight of every Christian, now they all just want to watch inter racial porn and jerk off
Means nothing they can compete
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Haredi Jews who are welfare niggers and draft dodgers and spit out 8+ kids per woman
They're also fanatically anti-Zionist despite living in Israel
Yes, the Jew will Jew even itself

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?

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This shit is so retarded. It's like when the president in movies watches the 8 o'clock news to get the latest. They're trying to sell you a reality that is not there!
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Buy an ad you beaner goon. The only civil war worth fighting is hanging kikes wherever they're found.
You’re glowing so bright it’s blinding. Tell your boss to reassign your stupid ass.
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yeah, bro, buy your tickets to hollywood slop. It'll be a classic, no doubt.
I’ll kill your family guy.

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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You are a failed experiment.
If you care more about preserving the "global order" than your own country you are a traitor
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>the global order, will end?
you promise?

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ok so this is old news. got me op. https://www.livescience.com/64134-mysterious-cloud-over-mars-volcano.html
Aliens aren't real, but demons are.
get your ass to mars
Nothing ever happens, because it has already happened

>A European spacecraft is unraveling the secrets of the weird long cloud that has been appearing again and again in the Martian sky for years.

>The Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud is a peculiar feature on Mars: a long, bright water ice cloud stretching out over the Martian surface, extending over the planet's Arsia Mons volcano all the way to the volcano Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system. The strange phenomenon has been recurring every year around Mars' southern solstice, with the cloud forming and fading daily for 80 or more days at a time on the Red Planet.

>However, while the cloud is no new presence, it is challenging to observe in its entirety because of the changing Martian atmosphere and the difficulties of observing from orbit. Still, the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has managed to get an in-depth look at the peculiar cloud using a special tool: the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC), perhaps better known by its nickname the Mars Webcam.

>In a new study, astronomers using this data are gleaning new details about the long cloud, including how big it can really get and details of the intricate dynamics at play in the climate system surrounding it.

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>the rod and ring will strike

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