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The job market is so bad that even gay white men are being denied jobs. They used to be the token hire golden nugget. Now employers are hiring random stupid bitches over fags. Are they trying to radicalize the gay white male community?
Gay? Being neurodivergent is the golden ticket now. NEET anons waste their time on autismbux, when they could get paid to be professional autists at work. You even get to wear t-shirt with literally "please be patient with me" and your boss calls you good boy if you do good job.
Lol thanks for advice

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Previous: >>469943486

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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To die from the looks of it.
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There's not really much I intend to "discuss" with you either way.
Invasion of Ukraine is not justifieable.
Dead ziggers are the righetous consequence.
Putin is a dickhead and killed more russians than any of the "nazi/banderist/nationalist" projections pidorgandists have set up.
Ukraine like many other neighbors of the Pidoration wishes no common future with it because it has nothing to offer but abuse, violence and corruption.
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Reminds me of a certain someone
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>it's the bilhorod people's republic pidor again

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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It's literally gynocracy causing this. Mothers want their daughters to be the "you go, girl" girls, and their sons to be eternally dependent puppets. If fathers tell their slut daughter to dress modestly, and their deadbeat son to grow a pair,
and stop playing video games, they are immediately divorced by their witch wife, which ruins their financials and status.

If fathers were legally allowed to beat their wives into submission with acceptable force, we'd have a healthier society.
Chaddy Daddies PLEEEEEEEASE X(
because hes based and gives no fucks
you on the other hand are regulated and controlled by a womans vagina, you trade value systems on a whim based off what is most likely to get you clout and therefore access to vagina

you are an effeminate niggerfaggot, kys
Desensitized. Demoralized. Destabilized.
>fuck rancid whores and contract a venereal disease to boost your self esteem bro

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>Man wrecks his family to pursue homosexual relationships
>His wife praises him for it
>social media commenters say things like “The kids are the real winners here. Such great parents!” unironically

Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
Who cares about what would happen if you scaled this behavior up across the entire population, it makes you feel good right NOW and that’s all that matter!

Whether it’s this guy who completely psychologically fucked up his own children to pursue other sexual relationships or the wife and the members of the public who cheer for it on because positive emotions feel good and negative emotions feel bad, it seems like it’s not an actual ideology per se but just the desire to feel good in the most immediate moment without consideration for the future.
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Don't forget about a free house and alimony
The point is that it has shows both the problems of divorce and the ones of irrational worship of gay people for the sake of virtual signaling
he divorced her because he decided he was gay
>irrational worship of gay people for the sake of virtual signaling
Did you actually watch the video? I did. There was nothing there about "worship" at all. The (ex-)wife and kids simply showed him that they loved him regardless of his orientation. Has anyone ever loved you? If not, maybe that's why you don't understand.
Their father, at the age of 50, decided to go through a teenage identity crisis, expose his own children to the grief and disappointment of divorce subconsciously tainting their ideas of relationships, introducing instability and stress while being in their life less. He has children which means his life is not about him anymore, its about whats best for the kids. In his case, it means staying in the closet and playing house so the kids can grow up in a stable environment with a healthy father figure.

Being raised by a single mother means kids subconsciously learn that women are omnipotent. The mother is the bread winner, sets the rules, cooks, cleans and does everything else. Those boys relationships with women will be dominated by the desire to perform well, gain approval and avoid female anger or rejection as if every female was his mother. Throw a gay dad into the mix and there is a 150% chance those two boys turn out gay with simping girls on twitch at a minimum.

Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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>Has modafinil helped you at all?
meh, not really. it helps by preventing feeling sleepy, and that's helpful indeed, but it doesn't give the dopamine i crave like an actual stimulant. there is a sweet spot, a very sensitive combination of nicotine, moda and coffee that's hard to achieve and it rarely happens
i want to fuck jaiden and show her she's not asexual
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Is that bitch jaiden connected to the rockfellers, free masons or something? No way is her popularity organic and a bunch of her videos show off shit like 'asexual is ok' and dumb shit.

Just like the night media goyim. They are literally brainwashing the youth with political poison!
Uh based?!
I wonder where she will be in 10 years time. YouTubers and Twitch streamers don't seem to stay relevant for more than 6 years it feels like.

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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>>record breaking profits year after year
Show proof that profit margins have increased.
big line going up is the only single point of analysis needed here sorry chud.
thats not how any of this works
Leftoids are too busy trying to prop up blacks and trannies instead of the working classs

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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>resists the jew
You're being used by muslims!!! They're using you like parasites!!!

Oh the irony
You want us to be mutts like you so you feel better about yourself.
They just casually omitted the venerable Deep Water Ocean Jew. Probably just an oversight.
Based potato niggers
This is the irish MP? holy sexoo

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>Pol was once again right
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he died for globohomofaggotory

Rofl cope. He thought he was the stabber
Because low iq zogbot brain 8s trained to think white=bad. He got his deserved death. Rest in shit, zogbot scum.
lmao the one that tackled a victim?
am i going to hell for laughing about this
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he shouldve taken the laurent fignon pill

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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Do you have even a modicum of evidence to back up your claim that Brady only left work at 8pm and worked every single day?
chads don't realize that without their looks their personality is subhuman, so when a whore gets used to their gay face and realizes they are hollow on the inside then nothing will save them, not even the goy fiat
Why do you think they call him The Brady Bunch? It's cause he works as much as several guys.
Do you have any evidence yourself?
The only way to hold a marriage is with the grace of God through the Catholic church. Yeah, you can screech all day, the truth stay the truth

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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If that fag calls for more meat eating I'll go vegan, if he converts to christendom I'll sacrifice a goat to moloch, if he calls op a fag I'll let op fuck my mum. Take the opposite of his opinions. Always.
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Oh shit they are making it sound like Russia can topple this corrupt shit? Can they save us?
The problem is our Kike overlords don’t think whites are being killed fast enough. I have no problem with Russia, they beat the shit out of Greenpeace and Pussy Riot and those are basically my favorite videos of all time.
What will change? Russia has a pro-Western government, they just want to sell oil and import western products. Thats all they did for 30 years

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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>are there any war simulation or military discussions about best possible chance for foreign military alliances to conquer USA?
Any foreign power with ill will toward the US has already sent over a fuckload of sleeper agents over the past few years due to the border being non-existent. Realistically you don’t need a conventional army to invade the US. Cause enough chaos by hitting infrastructure and killing randos and you’ll force the whole thing to collapse. The goal isn’t to conquer the US. It is to weaken it to the point where it cannot function in any meaningful capacity.
The 1st simp battalion. We will shoot all alleged rapists on sight, regardless of whose side they are on.
I believe they are testing how far they can go before people react. Covid, rigged elections now inflation. Obviously the Jews are not dumb enough to go right to complete food shortage etc to see so they take small steps like masks, lockdowns etc.

The prior civil war was over a stamp tax and tariffs and to a very small extent, niggers.
Dirty Dick's Derriere Deflowerers

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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kek I hope they do it again
and again
and again
(as a prank)
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I wish it were true but it's not.
Nice to know.
Based Houthis.

May God be with them and may them sink every Amerimutt vessel.
Kek, America got the stinky doodoo on their face

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Previous: >>469937150
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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Ayo wypipo don season dey computers looooool
Funny ukros are using them to scout
>I have almost 2300 of Venti
You are the true legend here Venti-connoisseur-sama
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Sans undertale hag.
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cats are so fucking cool man

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>t-trump lost!!
Fake news. Trump is in his Shadowprez term, that began when "Biden" "won" the rigged 2020 election so that he can fight the Satanic Deep State.
>b-but the MSM said he lost!!
Debunked. Everything that happened under "Biden's" "term" was actually President Trump's doing this whole time.
Cope harder. Project 2025 is approaching soon and it's going to wipe Deep State shills like you off the face of this Earth. There's no preventing it, you have less than a year.
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So the rampant inflation and 10 million invaders are Trump's fault? Fair enough, I guess.
Joe Biden has never flown under the Air Force One call sign, prove me wrong.
what about Jan 6?
My boss unironically believes all this. He is simultaneously one of the smartest and one of the stupidest people I know

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>It's cope because I need it to be cope.
Trump is ok with jail because it will make him even more popular. Aren't you commies suppose to be smart?
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Badge of honor from a Commie judge that isn't even American, he's a Colombian. Trump should not only deport him back to his shithole country, he should also cut all federal funding to the state of New York.
You're going to see a bunch of the chinese nationals they let over the border running around in maga hats doing shit at some point in the next few months.
>You're going to see a bunch of the chinese nationals they let over the border running around in maga hats doing shit at some point in the next few months.
already here - they just need the hats
If Trump wasn't a boomer, I'd be excited to see the revenge unleashed. But he's a boomer.

Why'd he do it?
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That jew was talking smack and tried to use the lolcuast to get out of his deserved punishment
MUTTLER Ahahahahahahahaha

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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Then White women Will start quitting soon, women always look at older women and more and more younger women can see IS better to just use those years to better yourself and grab a good husband over studying shit
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A lot of boys lack perspective and have retarded parents who don't bother to teach them anything. They just sit in social media and wallow. I've been there. The only reason I'm even here is because 4chan had continuously been a source of entertainment and community for me since 2005. Doesn't matter that I'm now relatively wealthy and have my own kids; the reason why this place gives me joy is still the same. I have to act a certain way to my employees, investors, family, etc and this is the only place where I'm not stressed about that.

Anyway, one thing I want to tell younger anons here is that I was also a loser who spent all day inside playing vidya, until I wasn't. I have friends who did this into their mid-20s, and then turned shit around and are now married with kids in their early-30s. No, they're not married to single moms and yes, the kids are biologically theirs.

Pretty much every loser I grew up with turned it around. The only person I know who hasn't is a guy that probably has clinical depression and rock bottom self confidence. He's a lost cause. I told him that the best thing he can do right now is to take ayahuasca and factory reset his brain, because whatever outcome that produces can't be worse than what he already has, so there's only upside.

If you still have a semblance of fight left in you, you're gonna make it
at least they try with the tradwife play
oh well, i have my lucid dream GF
It's like the Ukrainian war.
Men are being sacrificed like pigs while women just fuck around with foreigners. And women fully support this.

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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I thought chinks had managed to steal some tech from Taiwan and produce their own chips... weird.
It works for missiles so, it's all good
Buy the ones for regular work from china, and produce the ones for military
Well, they make some integrated circuits and the like, but no modern CPUs, no. Way too complex tech for them.
> Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west
Yes, if not even more. But as long as those pathetic chips make drones and bombs smart enough to kill western zogbots in droves they couldn't care less. They no longer need to disassemble washing machines, this matters.
My point is that russniggers don't produce anything of value, only steal shit from Earth

If you don’t understand it, you are a moron
mongol rape babies

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it
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He is just a sore loser
>Obongo 2008
Remember ACORN? It was an entire organization devoted to democrat election fraud.
There were Black Panthers with billy clubs outside to polling stations to "make sure" whites were voting correctly.
In 2012 there were entire precincts in nigger cities that more votes for Obongo that total residents.
Precincts with 100% of the vote for Obama.
Not a single vote found for McStain.
Statistically impossible because even there will be some people who accidently check the wrong box because they werent paying attention or showed up high on crack or whatever.
McCain and Romney lost legitimately because they were weak ineffectual faggots. But come on, Democrats stole 2020 from Trump with all the subtlety of a nigger raping a White woman in broad daylight. Anyone who's not a vote-blue-no-matter-who zombie knows this.
>Remember ACORN? It was an entire organization devoted to democrat election fraud.
lol you are a moron
>McCain and Romney lost legitimately because they were weak ineffectual faggots

McCain lost because George W. Bush had a job approval rating of like 20% and people were absolutely sick of him and his party that year. There was literally no Republican that would have beaten Obama in 2008.

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