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Gets fucked around. His livestream audience immediately deluges the police station demanding accountability. Bwahahahaha..


The real madness begins at around 17:00 min mark...
These "first amendment auditors" are actually worse than sovereign citizens in terms of cringe
idk seems like a pretty based way to make a living. 50k settlements seem to be pretty standard. you just need to find 2 retard cops a year for a decent paycheck.

This is available on YouTube for everyone to see without age verification let that sink in

Bikini line with Berodin Blue Hard Wax and The Wax Queen.
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Next anon who gets dubbs has to sniff it.
Brown & Brown.
sounds like your typical american lawyer firm.
Lets be honest OP, you searched for this shit. I didn't even know content like this existed or even cared, but some degen faggot scoured YouTube explicitly looking for this material and now have post-nutt clarity.
i once clicked similar shit and now utube recommends it for EVERYTHING on my network including the fucking TV
this. I can say the same, although my Louis CK fetish has led to some unfortunate recs.

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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The rights advocates won so the push turned towards being enshrined as better than everyone else rather than focusing on the remaining inequity, so it became an obnoxious escalating culture pressing for the legal enshrinement of special status and the right to be annoying, grotesque faggots that have unlimited free access to impressionable children to secure their own demographics.
A similar phenomenon is how feminism imploded. They won equality but then kept bitching about made up shit just to turn women against men to maintain their own idpol bullshit.
>let the children decide their own identity!
Because faggotry has been the establishment since Obama's second term. Of course the children are going to rail against the establishment.
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this is exactly it. I live in the gay area, california and the people who don't suck cock and who aren't sand niggers, spics, and chinks are getting more and more sick of this disgusting ass bullshit. the only other white guy at my job pulled up a video of a nigger getting shot in the head on his phone and showed it to me while laughing the other day, of course I'd already seen the video before multiple times.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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>SPAIN: Gypsy Man Who Raped And Impregnated 12-Year-Old Girl Is Acquitted After Arguing That Adult-Child Sex Is Part Of His Culture
Nonces breathing a sigh of relief
Multiculturalism is when a Paki's daughter went missing so the entire paki community takes to the streets looking for her and then they find out she was staying at her black boyfriend's house because she didn't want an arranged marriage. True story kek
Even the 77th are shocked by the German police
shame they're not heavy hand like us cops, they would have all mag dumped him whilst screaming drop the knife stop resisting

How can you love the spiritual Hitler if you wont even give him your seed?

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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I'm just curious about the quantity. Are sales so infrequent in the US that you need to hoard stashes of frozen meat? I doubt it.
Everybody should have an extra freezer. Not a huge fan on the chest ones, always smashing my fingers, but it's still nice to have
No americans just eat twice as much as everyone else so they buy twice as much food.
>a more efficient packaging to product ratio is le bad
Usually it’s once a week here. We don’t have to go far to find supermarkets

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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Keep giving this kike (You)s, it's better that he get paid 10 cents than be out on the streets raping kids.
dunno what that is
>Oy vey, goyim - your guy was secretly our guy the entire time
Isn't that what you are doing? Lol. instead of actually arguing the merit of my claims?
Ok kid fucker.

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All the supposedly "far right" politicial parties and "extremist" peeople are always so timid its frustrating. They never even hint at violence. When asked why they're opposed to niggers - instead of replying that they hate subhumans - they will spend an hour explaining how Islam hurts women and how it's not compatible with our democracy and liberal values. When asked what they think of Russia's actions in Ukraine - instead of saying its based to attack other countries - they cry about the attack on democracy.

Its even more hilarious in Jewsa, where the "far right" unironically uses democratic constitution as it's foundation and shills for free speech. Like wtf. Why the fuck would you care about some piece of paper when you should be making people obey you at a gunpoint and why would you want your enemies to have free speech?

Why can't we get a political movement that would be very clear in it's intentions to bring fire and sword to our countries and restore order by putting all enemies into mass graves, raping their wives and giving their wealth away to loyal patriots? The fucking Arabs have that, so why can't we too?
Here they did dabble in that shit, they just locked them all up
i miss that little nigga like u wouldn't believe
I don't mean that they should be sending literal death traps to people. You can make it very clear that you're violent while keeping everything all legal and fine. For example saying something like "We wish to solve issues the way people in the past did" Everybody knows what you mean but they can't do shit because it's ambiguous.

But nah, they all have to shill for human rights, free speech and democracy like bunch of cuckholds.
they are leftists, no right wing people are left.
>The fucking Arabs have that, so why can't we too?
The Arabs either have absolute monarchies with some basic rights and a functional legal system or nothing but poverty and inbreeding

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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I love when subhumans desperately showcase their airpods as if spending 150usd on a shitty audio equipment means anything.
this is true. women simply aren't thinking many steps ahead. They have a dual core processor while men got quad with hyperthreading
I hate this faggot but the smile at the end is heartwarming

Your pic... see 'parens patrie'.
Mutt's law

Videos from March 2024
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So I'm to believe that Iranian proxies kill dozens in Russia while streaming it just fine but the Houthis couldn't send a drone alone to capture this multimissile mission strike attempt on a flagship Carrier?

>Carrier moves due to strike attempt
>Post old video of deck to quell fears while not giving away your position in metadata

i dont see a real problem
I dont like communism,

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
i dont like talmudism,

Stock Market Crash התרסקות שוק המניות Black Tuesday יום שלישי השחור The Great Depression השפל הגדול Rampant Speculation ספקולציות משתוללות Hyper-Inflation היפר אינפלציה Abolishment of the Gold Standard ביטול תקן הזהב The Federal Reserve הפדרל ריזרב The International Monetary Fund קרן המטבע הבינלאומית Stock Market Crash of התרסקות שוק המניות 1973-74 Energy Crisis of the 1970s משבר האנרגיה של שנות השבעים The Secondary Banking Crisis משבר הבנקאות ה Steel Crisis משבר פלדה הלטינית Israel Bank Stock Crisis of 1983 משבר מניות בנק ישראל De-industrialization דה-תיעוש Outsourcing of Labor מיקור חוץ של העבודה Sweatshops סדנאות הזעה Negative Commodity סחורה שלילית The Long March Through the Institutions הצעדה הארוכה דרך המוסדות Dot-Com Bubble בועת נקוs Energy Crisis of the 2000s משבר אנרגיה משנות האלפיים September 11th
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i got u

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Post pizzagate stuff, rothchilds, space stuff, whatever
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Can I believe that Schitzophrenia, as a spectrum kind of mental illness is the "OtherBrain simulation" part of the brain. And that although this ability is useful, to be able to predict what someone else is going to do by fully simulating their brain, can expanding and go too far to consume all the space in the brain, which over-writes the "physics in the now now" part of the brain that deals with pragmatic things like getting food, making friends, and shitting copies of your form.

And that all the symptom sets of Schitzophrenia are illuminated by forcing it into this frame of reference, Jews being maximally affected because of their high IQ and thinking-brain is over-powered.

And that one way to at least ease the expression of this mental illness is to some extent answered by race-mixing with another race that is minimally affected, or has a small "virtual brain machine" inside their brain. So that when the copy comes in, the amount of simulating alternative realities (storytelling) is small enough to not wreck the individual with a shoah, and be more like a protohuman, who concerns itself only with the present and the now. Who gives a shit about past and future, only right now exists.
? What does this mean ?
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How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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Hello anon, here's a you! Enjoy your Sunday, also maga!
>Big oof
Nope, I have you pegged exactly. You are just like the 1,000 people before you to try this exact shit.
You are some friendless homo or tranny that thinks you are some big thinker, but your brilliant mind never seems able to solve any of your problems. Strange.
Seriously, you life has no meaning to anyone. You could die today and it literally won't matter at all. Nothing will be worse. No one will cry. No one other than your parents will even notice.
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Bible self contradictions.
Circumcision edition.
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>All gods are mythology
>All holy books are fiction
>All religions are bullshit
>Timothy was circumcised to make it easier for him to be accepted amongst the jews.
Yet Gal 5:2 literally has Paul say that you go to hell or something if you get circumcised....

And Paul was the one who circumcised Timothy....

You solve this one.
Circumcision yes or no?
>[Christ kike did not answer the question]
WOW how classical.
I repeat myself should Christians in 2024 get circumcised or not? The bible supports 2 contradictory positions on this. Whatever you say there is abible part that says the oposite.

>That is the old testament!
Both examples are from the new testament and the same guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Timothy was circumcised to make it easier for him to be accepted amongst the jews
>be accepted amongst the jews
I know your jewish religion must be good to the jews however I literally do not give a shit about some literally who 1800 years ago needing to
>be accepted amongst the jews

We are talking circumcision of people in 2024 and the future.
There's nothing to solve but your own understanding. The letter to the Galatians is all about Paul trying to deal with some false teachers in that city who had been teaching that circumcision is required for salvation. In that context it would be wrong to get circumcised because then people start trusting in that work instead of in Christ. Go read the book, its not long. maybe go to biblehub and use their commentaries to help you see whats going on.
calm down pal, i took 4 minutes to reply.

You're conforming nicely to the seething atheist thing i mentioned earlier.

Will she fix Mexico?
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Yes. She is going to outlaw antisemitism and send all the criminals up into the USA.
>Its amazing how ordinary Mexicans and indeed Ordinary people all over the world. Don't give a shit about what is happening in Palestine
Why is that amazing? Why should we care?
If i truet anyone to somehow ruin mexico enven forther, it´s a jew
No mere human beeing would manage to even by accident make mexico worse but i trust that jews with their natural gift to ruin society will manage to make mexico worse
I wonder how that will even look like
We're fucked. A woman and a jewess on top of that is a ticking time bomb. I'd rather Mainez.
>Why should we care?
I stand corrected

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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China has so many restaurants in the us they could take out a good portion of the US just by poisoning the food on any given Friday night. The entire hospital system in the US would collapse in days. The US would be ripe for the taking and all infrastructure would be left in tact.

If I wanted to take over the US that is how I would do it.
she's right though, americans are the biggest cowards ever, and that's a good thing (unironically)
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That rules out being in the MAGAt faction then
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All it would take is a 48 hour blockade of their ports and highways before the seceded state starts crying and begging to be let back in. These people think it's the apocalypse when gasoline goes up 25% in a year. They cry when a Big Mac is $6.

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How to get a gf
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Big surprises. Zoomer girls are kindergartener with grown woman pussies. Of course they would fuck anyone that asks nicely enough.
Can confirm. Millennial (33) here who fucks a couple of zoomers chicks atm.
They love to spread their legs, more than the woman of my generation. Specially the ones from North Europe and the US. And they are much fuck fucked up when it come to sex (if you like I can go more into detail)

You need of course to maintain yourself a bit. Not being a fat fuck/neck beard, groomed, some decent clothes. And you must be able to put yourself in the shoes of a brainless zoomer, which gets all his education from mainstream news outlets and social media.

Topics like support for Palestine/Israel, shit about zodiac signs, gender, equality, TikTok/Instagram make them suck your cock through your pans dry.

I swear to you if In would be 10 years younger, I would have every week 2 new ones.

I can't wait for the next generation to turn 18!!!
Sounds like a larp
I was 28 and felt so scuzzy hooking up with an 18. Idk why some of you guys want an 18 yr old in your 30s.
Bestow your detailed stories BGCanon

FUCK Canada
Canada is based
fuck russia instead
Canada likes to have ultra progressive values when it comes to our criminals, like we're Norway or something.
It sounds like the father was experiencing psychosis during the murder and "specialists" believe he's not likely to enter in to that mental state again.
It sounds nice on paper but it doesn't work when we're full of and will eventually be nothing but dumb violent mutts.

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It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.
Whites don't face racial violence to even a fraction of the degree that non-whites do.
Whites get less jail time than non-whites and treated better by the justice system.

Despite having life on easy mode with cheat codes, whites somehow are the biggest losers in not just my own home country of Canada. They are losing in any country they are pitted against other races with. In the U.S., they aren't even on the top 20 highest earners. It's all people from South Asia or East Asia.

Whites are also proud NEETs, a movement not to different from the Hikikomori in Japan, which is basically what happens when you have such an easy life that you are depressed and don't want to do anything.

Whites also under produce and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to have kids, despite every Western government giving them cash and tax incentives to have children.

Whites also can't buy a house to save their lives, which is pathetic because they have been here for centuries. If anyone should be fucked by this, it should be newly arrived immigrants that have to start from the bottom, but nope, we own more land than whites.

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I've never met a Jew

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Wow, I did not know that
Theyve got one of those cables to trick god in south nashville area, thought about cutting that fucker somewhere they wont notice
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This POS is the only Democrat in the state of TN congressional delegation.
Cables to trick god? Wdym, I don't understand
Eruv, look it up. Its a kike cable when they are not supposed to go outside or something cuz their.fake god says so, so they put up this cable and as long as they stay within the boundary god cant see them. Fucking kikes literally think they can trick god

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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It was probably just some German retard from some normal German family.

Cut with copy pasting bullshit from Amerimutts, Germbros. You are better than that.
If that blue jacket boomer retard wasn‘t there there’s a good chance nobody would have died or shot, goddamn
Yep, and goes to Hell anyway because is literally written "Salvation is from the Jews".
thanks for this - I was very curious what actually happened
See >>469950489 and >>469950965. These are 'peacetime' cops faced with deadly violence for the first time in their lives. They're not used to the rigors and intricacies of violence, even though in a modern multicultural society they should be.

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