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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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>niggerstan doesn't need no faggot tranny Boeing and Rathyon helicopters, they got locally handcrafted nigger ingenuity! Apaches are for trannies.
Its just marketing, they changed their definition
Who needs fabs when you have the computational serenity of balanced trinary of the setun?
Oh no it runs DOOM 2016 only at 60fps. It's ovyir

Doom 2016 is now 8 year old game
(where does the time go)

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Your opinion on the existences of logos?
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I don't wear logos unless I get sponsored
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>If you mass produced something, you would certainly put a logo on it to differentiate it, especially if it was any good. No logo is for Chinese copycats
My experience exactly. I was memed by the no logo cult as a kid and then realised how fucken retarded it is.
>Oh that is a nice monitor what is it so I can get the same?
No logo =
>I have no fucken idea LOL

Happened with lots of products that I did have and they do not have a logo.

What should be enforced is even forcing the manufacturer to imprint the UPC barcode on the product because using Samsung is to generic.

>If you mass produced something
Why mass produce?
Logos come from things hand crafted when a craftsman put his name on what he made so people know what he made.

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From my POV, No Logo="Stop wearing shit that treats a company's logo like a centerpiece"
Pic related
The OP
Is a cheap mofo who likes cheap chines crap
I actually liked this book and Naomi Klein’s other books but she’s still a kike

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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>how is this white peoples fault
We didn't exterminate the problem at the source, we let it spread.
you can be out in the middle of yellowstone and smell a gaggle of em passing by even in the most pristine air.
Meeting them. They’re everywhere and they’re awful
>the source
white women?

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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wtf does that mean
His heads tiny
A mog from zog, he had a plan
to tackle the racist stabbed up man
things for pussy didn't go so well
now poor old zoggy defends wogs in hell
Am too stuffed
Josh defeated the Nazis
Josh defeated the Jews
Josh defeated the Incels
what did u do today britpol?

Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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speak english,third worlder.
apparently rouven is a hebrew name so he was spiritually an american
>jewish cop instinctively attacks german
>gets killed by muslim his people imported
A lot of modern cops bought into the whole tough guy persona of "shoot first, ask questions later" because they're obsessed with faux machoism on top of being sadists. In this case, not being able to calmly and precisely assess the situation actually got him killed.

Will other zogbots learn from his mistake? Probably not.

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His name was Rouven Lichtenfels
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another Aryan Brother lost
I weep for every needless death of a German
When you see a shitskin stabbing people and your immediate response is to handcuff a white guy laying on the ground you deserve whatever you get. S.
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>Aryan Brother
You're not white.
Jews are why Muslims are in Europe in the first place


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90% sure she's gonna immigrate then dump his ass when she gets her work visa and move from Togo.
how do we get healthy white men to stop bringing negroid harridans from overseas bros???
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Uncle married a commie twat from Portugal... got citizenship, let him pay for her college education, dumped him the spent a few years traveling the world on alimony.
And you're not immediately disowning him?
when I revealed my powerlevel about it last time he and my parents thought I was being ironic
I literally told him it was risky as fuck and he was better off living there if he actually did want the marriage to last as at least her family would have beat her to death if she cheated on him but over here she gets all the benefits and will fuck him over, he said that I was exaggerating and literally : "It won't happen to us haha"
cut ties fuck that nigger lover. if they can't see the path of light thry are npc hylics
Make sure to groom your niece and let the power of inbreeding bleach her.

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the headline is as retarded as "Auto fahrt in die Menschenmenge" (car drives into a crowd) back then during 2016 Berlin truck attack.
Im so tired of this bullshit.
Read the thread and watch the videos before spouting nonsense. That German wasn't innocent. He was a typical impulsive useless boomer retard who was attacking the dude who was restraining the actual attacker. This then lead to the cop tackling the useless boomer, which then led to the attacker freeing himself and fatally stab the cop. If the useless, worthless, bald, fat retarded boomer knew his place instead of acting like a wannabe Rambo, the scenario almost certainly wouldn't have played out the way it did and the cop would be alive today. That fat useless boomer fuck cost the cop his life with his retarded actions. I could write another rant about the incompetency of German police at the scene but let's assess the actions of the retard boomer cunt before we do that. That worthless fuck should've been stabbed instead. Gas all bald, fat boomers!!!
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create more knife free zones
>no-knife zones
Yeah the zogbot has no freewill. He saw a White person attacking a brown so it had to be stopped at all costs first. The White person should be charged for killing the cop

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
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they can stab germans can protest that just how it is in cattle land
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I really wished the vaxx would just be an instant killshot. Id sacrifice the parts of my family that took it just to get rid of these mindless drones.

All six billion vaccinated died last week so there's no need to make these posts anymore
these "protests" are obviously state organized, many of the participants are probably green party members, how do I know? They have been caught doing this in the past and more importantly, just look at them old faggots and spiteful mutants, mostly both at the same time.

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The stupid pig who arrested the victim in a stabbing attack and then got stabbed himself got what he voted for and is now dead from his stab wounds.
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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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I dont know a single german who cares what a burger has to say about anything, the amount of based burgers are infinetely small that i can make the effort to list them right here right now
David Duke
Nick Fuentes
the rest of you secular materialistic faggots are insufferable modernist morons, your country always was at the forefront of liberalism and secularism, it never was based, it never was anything else than what you have today just in a less extreme way. We voted before your nation even existed, we voted Hhitler into power, we overcame difficulties before.
In comparison to you, who lost your country without a single war on home soil, without any need whatsoever, and youre trying to lecture a german about anything? You should shut your nigger mouth instead, how about that Jamal?
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it is
>>can't refute what I said
i have a certain engagement threshold and youre under it since the very first post i saw from you.
How Polish were the modern Polish areas during that time?

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What the fuck is wrong with this generation? They created and enjoy this demonic toilet humor. Is this a creature spawn of Hell and this generation is possessed?
Yes, yes, yes.

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Is this animal abuse? Forcing animals to celebrate pride month puts animals in danger of getting rape by zoophiles.
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Unless they're fucking that dog in the ass (high probability) it's not an abuse because that stupid good boy doesn't understand faggotry as a concept and would even love a faggot master
Is the cat fine? That's a lot of gay energy it had to absorb.
>for weeks
It's like a 8 week old puppy. So probably lots of abuse getting them to do it
That dog can only see 2 out of the 6 colors anyway
That dog has been raped multiple times. Poor little buddy.

How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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Again, the projection on this one is STRONG. I'm laughing at how legitimately stupid you are, getting triggered by my dumbass posts
you miggers unironically killed this board harder than any other liberal could.
>projection on this one is STRONG
>I'm laughing
>getting triggered
How to say you don't belong here, without saying you don't belong here.
Do you retards have any opinions that based on facts? And not on made up ghosts that only exist in your heads?
>Unironically using a tiktok meme to say someone else doesn't belong


Videos from March 2024
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Why cover it up, what's the big deal?
Doesn't this mean we can kill them all now?
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i mean....
then fucking do it, what are you waiting for????
Wow you must be really tough.
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i am

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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He won, he gets the spoils.
simple as
LMFAO those are BDSM e-hoebags who never got a decent length up them because they date right wing bitch-boys. So keep dreaming chudley.
Am Yisrael Die
Show the tits , honey pie.
>dude removes buffalo hat
>he's revealed to be bald as a lightbulb and as shiny
>"uhh ugh on a second thought jail that chud ahaha"

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It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.
Whites don't face racial violence to even a fraction of the degree that non-whites do.
Whites get less jail time than non-whites and treated better by the justice system.

Despite having life on easy mode with cheat codes, whites somehow are the biggest losers in not just my own home country of Canada. They are losing in any country they are pitted against other races with. In the U.S., they aren't even on the top 20 highest earners. It's all people from South Asia or East Asia.

Whites are also proud NEETs, a movement not to different from the Hikikomori in Japan, which is basically what happens when you have such an easy life that you are depressed and don't want to do anything.

Whites also under produce and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to have kids, despite every Western government giving them cash and tax incentives to have children.

Whites also can't buy a house to save their lives, which is pathetic because they have been here for centuries. If anyone should be fucked by this, it should be newly arrived immigrants that have to start from the bottom, but nope, we own more land than whites.

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>It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada
Oh absolutely . I throw every Indian resume I get into the trash as Indians believe lying on your resume is a fucking obligation. We had to change our own employee vetting system just to deal with Indians. My company flourished in a Canada where lying on your resume was a cardinal sin.
I used to interview Indians. When I ask them shit like "how do you have ten years experience in a five year old technology" I just get a blank stare for 30 seconds and then "oh it must be typo." Zero honesty , zero integrity , zero remorse.

Indians dont want to live in a country full of Indians and either do I or anyone else.
Poor people deserve to suffer. Not my problem.
To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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You can infer that from the variety of foods the groundhog is eating which wouldn't make any sense to be planted in the same location. The sad part is that there are millions of people who can't do that.
it's the anglos, the empire of lies, they're the one that realized and harnessed the power of lies, most likely through jewish influence.

all history is biased, but (((anglo))) didn't shy from outright lies and humongous fabrications. hitler recognized it as a doctrine of a "big lie", and goebbels used it himself.

however they went overboard in the recent years, by leaving the space of propaganda and rewriting history, and started scamming their partners, treating international contracts as a worthless papers, and such.
study basic latin
hello plebbit. you meant to write "jewish communism". you're welcome
retarded view.
even 30 years ago, history was being taught as a subject in a factual way. from 2000 on, it was taught in the 'american' style of opinion/emotion being the focus, indoctrination via guilt and other negative emotions.
it's a manipulation in itself to deliberately claim that anything pre-now was worse, it's a propaganda tool commonly used to prevent any imagined alternative to the current hellscape.
>people only lived til 30!!!!
>people couldn't drink water!!!!
>people never bathed!!!!!
>people ate scraps and gruel!!!!!
we're sooooo lucky to live now!!!!!!

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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>its more the highest priority of the us government is to protect its image. paper tiger
Makes sense
>stinky doodoo on their face
aren't you an american tho?
Global Zionist rule must be destroyed in order to save humanity.
I couldn’t care less about what happens to this weak, corrupt regime.
>still posting arma 3 screenshots as proof a Nimitz class carrier was hit

Do shitskins and /pol/acks have any shame or are they actually this stupid?

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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I miss having male spaces, it was so nice just to go be a nerd with the boys.
We used to have women "watch" (AKA distract and flirt with players) our dnd group, but me and the DM ended up kicking them out because all they wanted to do was cause drama and distract the boys/make fun of us for being nerds.
pic related.
>are a preference
lol no.
They are all that is available in muttland.
Women are servant of Satan. They should be suppressed in all fields of life except for baby-making.
this anon speaks truth
Exactly its
>why am i unlovable to chad/the guy i fucked two days ago
fat women are unironically way better than skinny women. my fat ex could take dick in almost any position, current skinny gf is always bitching about it hurting and about it being too big. plus they are more warm and soft and smooth and comfortable, like a big water bed

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