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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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When you live 30+ minutes from the store it makes sense to stock up.
Also, if you produce your own food you will get a lot of food all at once when you harvest/hunt/butcher, a freezer is needed to preserve it until you eat through it all.
A gallon of milk is "big milk"? I have 3 daughters under 6 and we go through a gallon every day.
i guarantee you that pussy is amazing
Would still.
no wonder slavshits are so runty, they are shocked when they see plenty

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say his name
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At least he wasnt racist
>just don't do marvel capeshit stunts irl when there's a dangerous and unclear situation
the lesson, RIP
look at those white zogbots
a complete disgrace to their ancestors
Okay pedro
really? because it seems like your little shithole is more fargone than mine
at least I don't need to rely on zogbots to shoot brown savages because I'm allowed to carry a weapon myself :O

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Race-traitoring cocksucking faggot. I find comedy in your death and I feel no sympathy for you. You tried to betray your country and felt the wrath directly from the evil you swore to protect. You deserved it.
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In all fairness he is a retard for not focusing on the shitskin wielding a knife
Notice how Jews spaming this are all conveniently ommitting this was all started by an JDL/ADL linked "conservacuck" organziation publicly justifying and defending Zionism? Some even trying to portray the Zionist target as a "fellow Nazi"?

They were intentionally announcing and provoking this confrontation in an European state and amping it up by justifying genocide in Palestine and explicitely denying Palestines right to exist and defend itself, to draw attention away from Jews comitting massmurder in Palestine and any Pro-Palestine protests.
lol blue jacket was attacking a countryman just like the cop attacked him
It's fucking Europe you shitskin go back to niggeristan with your raghead fag cult and fuck off
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This is just a block busting scheme that has been used extensively in America to break up white communities and manipulate the real estate market. They will spread the filth around and break up communities. Some people are naive enough to think that they are doing the right thing and integrating these people but it doesn't work. Denmark will experience white flight.
Did they really or is this hysterical hyperbole from sympathetic press/activists?

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christian jesus:
>claims to be god himself
>has godly superpowers
>has the ability to send people to heaven
>the whole world will behold him
>will return before the anti christ

muslim jesus:
>doesn’t claim to be god
>doesn’t have any godly powers just slight and limited miracles
>doesn’t have the ability to send people to
>only believers will behold him
>will return after the anti christ to end his reign

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Doesn't that verse refer to God saving him at the last minute and taking him to heaven?

Also fuck off to >>>/x/
>t. Verification not required.
(I.e the angel gabriel) lmao that’s an assertion. The Quran never even states that Gabriel is an angel. Let alone it is saying „rouch“ which means spirit.
I ask again; why can Jesus create like Allah does? It doesn’t say that through Allah he could create, it literally states that he blew life into clay
Fuck Abraham
Heil Satan
Your father will die tonight

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Why do men torture women by forcing them to go to the gym where they suffer so much and make a face like this? Just look at this face full of pain and agony. Why are men so awful?
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It's healthier, the picture of the giga steroid monster you have in your head is physically impossible unless the woman takes steroids.
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Her personal trainer.
That's not how you use that machine
Why is this board so gay?
You lift for women? Lol, Lmao.

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Why are Jeets literally everywhere now?
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Back to turkey roach
Because no one has started killing them en mass to send a message that they need to fuck off and stay away.
Found the ESL poo.
Extremely servile race that works for nothing and does everything the jew demands
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Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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I'm surprised that's allowed in modern video games. My GTA online account got banned for calling someone a faggot a few years ago.
I'm always a sucker, for re-moralization threads.
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Probably sexual frustration, most anti-lgbt people are incels.
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Because their parents are insane "liberal" zealots

What will 111 be??
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You can help by expanding it
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My next 5000$/week vacation will be in Maldives!!!

Clean Jew free country!
Well we live in modern times where we have the technology to create viruses that specifically target certain races euro wetback
does anyone know who the creator of this was? he made some funny FFXI videos around that time. holy fuck its been 20 years

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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mongolian women are the best
>chinese tourists
I want to live in a yurt and have many children with my mongol wife.
would the girl in orange
absolute smash
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It's wasted when they're in a classroom full of potential mates, acting attractive. They can learn valuable things that they're actually interested in, if they're instructed by women, without social distractions.

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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You always see the funny brown short people doing things like identifying with spain or supporting the spanish national team during cups and you see the whites or people who generally know about history (even the brownies) identifying more with the Pre-Columbian cultures, mostly the Aztecs and romanticizing them
Do you have a penis?
Question for Hispanics...

What candidate is the most anti-cartel?
What candidate is the most pro-cartel?
Are any candidates in favor of stopping their side of the US Border?

Thank you for your time. May we both live happy and healthy lives.
The jew (and her party) are the most pro cartel, but the others are also pro cartels.
>That's not specific of Mexico, that worldwide
Exactly why I said everywhere lmao

Captain of USS Eisenhower confirms ship is completely undamaged. The enemy will now see first hand why the US doesn't have free healthcare.
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AI generated
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That video is from March. Glowniggers are getting lazy.
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Chowdah..what kind of name is that
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Claaam chowdah

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Japanese websites are being forced to GLOBALIZE and conform to the WEST

It's supposed to be the opposite in Japan. Foreigners are expected to conform to Japan, and Nationalize.

However, now the tides have turned and PIXIV/DLSite are being forced to censor their content to keep the credit cards available as purchase option.

However, DLSite has chosen to censor and started deleting Loli posts on May 8th

There is nothing wrong with this content in Japan. It's problematic in the West. The West is not Japan. REVERT GLOBALISM NOW

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
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One sign says

>Mannheim: We are coming here from everywhere since 1607

In other words
Refugees welcome
Whites disgust me. You people are such a joke on every side imaginable.
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This happened in Italy too.
A dindu drugged, raped, murdered, chopped the body of a young girl and dumped it into the trash.
After this Luca Traini went on a shooting spree and italian leftists immediately organized a march against racism.
This is the world we live in.
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>Luca Traini went on a shooting spree
Who? When did that happen?

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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lol why do yo hate germs natonigger what happened
lel, keep seething jew boy.
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Can an actual German explain the psycology of the dumb simp pig. like why the fuck would the cop attack the guy who was clearly stepping in to subdue the attacker.
But the nigger was flashing the knife. He should have expected it.
Policemen are the most despised caste in Eastern Europe. They are on par with gypsies and churkas. Makes you think, really.

and proud cucks at that?
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Wageslaves disgust me and are guilty for enabling this evil, fucked up system.
It's Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. They basically exist to work rigid schedules and have extremely lacking social lives. Usually married to gold digging whores that fuck niggers while they work 85 hours a week.
These are the middle manager types that gloat about how much they slave away for Schlomo. They're too dumb to understand the system, which is why they still take pride in working for this rigged bullshit.

Reminder that literal serfs didn't work 85 hours a fucking week.
He's a fat bald bearded cuck. That's all you need to know to understand. He gave up long ago and is gaslighting.
It's obvious if you think about it. Anybody who actually works like that is a mindless retard that'll be dead at 50. They aren't writing books and they're not wealthy. It's a grift.

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When did you realize a majority of White christians will NEVER put race above their 'faith'? Its one of the key political moments of my life when I realized this. Learning about how many christian orgs exist purely to bring brown and black christians into my country was a slap in the face. To see so many of you worship Nick the Spic was another.
I have white tweakers stealing shit from me all the time. Same as all the NPCs who wanted me put in a camp for not getting the vaxx were white....nigs had my back.
>nigs had my back.
You had in me the first half.
“White” isn’t a race you retard
so you think white muslim who wants to bomb whites is better than black guy who wants help whites?

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Total euroshit death

They can’t die off soon enough
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>that huge shadow
Alien mothership descending?
That dude jumping the fence face planting himself on the rocks below before going into the water
I sure hope you are trolling.
no one cares about amerifags
Look at the ole muttfag hating whites.

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- 700k dead
- more than 1kk don't have legs anymore
- millions of women fled to Europe where they are being impregnated by arabs and turks
- the infrastructure is destroyed
- the economy is destroyed
- 20% of the territory is lost
- the president is a Jewish clown and not legit
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You mad because we're winning?
you seem to be a little mad is everything ok?
Hohols are always winning. Every zrada is a peremoga.
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Checked. What's the egg situation these days? Still dire for Russians?
I'm okay. Just looking at this shit and don't understand why they're doing this.

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>ZOGbot arrests the victim as the assailant stabs him in the neck
>Every female officer refuses to pull their gun
>Victim mid sprint in terror
>The only one willing to shoot the sandnigger is another sandnigger
>s0ey faces in the background
>Onlookers watch mesmerized
>cop off to the side being useless

Every pixel in this image perfectly encapsulates the state of Current Year
At least they don't speak german.
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the söy faces really do it. peak clown world. only way this could have been more clownish is if one of the female officers was raped by the attacker.
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holy shit asses fucking annihilated hahahahaha
even the advertising looking on from the background is kino
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>>ZOGbot arrests the victim as the assailant stabs him in the neck

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