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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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Victoria Nuland is assmad and it’s personal. Fat bitch doesn’t get fucked anymore so is getting even more cunty thank usual.
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I wish you were castrated so you couldn't breed
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Color revolutions are the Soros State Department admittimg that they do not care about democracy. The only ones that worked in the former Soviet Union led directly to completely avoidable wars.

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I can’t be the only one to have noticed it, why do shills on other mass media platforms always use ellipses when it comes to their online arguments without substance? It is always something like “You should address the issues of racism in the United States because of the systemic effects…” and the ellipsis serves nothing to the post. Is it a reflex?

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Putin at age 25.
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He looks exactly like me it’s almost uncanny
He is not, estonia entire political caste is though
yh nationalists in russia are hushed or in prison
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I know
>NAFO "humor"

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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good descriptions.
you know.
Feels like putting your body in "debug mode" where you're extremely aware of all the things that normally you do without being consciously aware.
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It is pushed by kikes to permanently destroy your ability to distinguish fantasy from reality
I had this guy saying cheesy bs... about how it feels like a loving guide, almost like an impartial therapist.
I'm fairly in-tune with the paranormal parts of this world. Always interested in ghosts, then cryptids, real unexplained mysteries, religions, and then finally spirituality and the greater processes of the universe.

I took LSD suggested by my college boyfriend. My entire worldview changed. Physically, you essentially feel like you're having an orgasm of the brain- it's the best way to describe the peak sensation, although it isn't as pleasurable as it is just being curious and thoughtful. You will have thoughts come one after another, like you're speedrunning down rabbit holes. You'll come to conclusions about life, the reality of this world, xyz, if you use it correctly and try to listen and absorb that information. Other people just go, "Haha, pretty colors, brr." I didn't have these visuals, except for once towards the end when I saw crystalline-like geometrics floating around the room I was in for a BRIEF period of time.

Much more impressive and impactful was the third time I dropped acid, when I was in a dark room with all of my friends (also tripping bawls). From what I understand (one of them didn't want to talk about it, the other two were retarded), we reached henosis together. Henosis is a Greek word for the phenomenon of combining with the one, or the all. For us, we started hearing one anothers thoughts. Not like, "You're all on drugs and just talking to one another without realizing it." I mean like I'm WATCHING THE MOUTHS of these motherfuckers and NOBODY IS SPEAKING and we're having a FULL CONVERSATION about a million different things. Mostly about how crazy it was, what was happening, if it was happening, and as soon as it was happening it was gone.

This lead me on the spiritual journey that I'm still on. I met GOD and my fear of death was absolved. I also discovered why everything is going the way it is- turns out, there's some shit going on, and it unironically involves the Jews. So that's something.

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Let that sink in...
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>Make it easier for all the people from every shithole to get to me
>But wait, I can get to all the shitholes really fast!
We can't even build roads there's no way this would last long.
Imagine if a train derailed in the middle of buttfuck nowhere which is pretty is everywhere in the us
stop playing dumb
jews prefer europe over america which is why american media is anti-american and they fund european media to also be anti-american. My way of thinking is a fuck you to the gayness across the atlantic which jews push as the correct answer based on jewish morality. It's easier to control cucked whites like euros than americans
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>paid a sensible wage
What do you do for work and what are you paid now? Do you have any plan or are you taking action to improve your situation?

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That's just not true. I'm looking at the image. Its an image. Its not computer intelligence.
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the "engine" doesn't even make sense, intake pipes straight to exhaust
If people fall for obvious ai shit like this now, imagine how bad it's going to be when the ai can actually make realistic images?
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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
democrats are the real racists and you’re a retard
racism doesn't exist and you're both retarded
words words words

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That makes sense actually. He was protecting the his barrack bunnies.

Respect the grind.
No. The guy in the blue jacket started hitting the guy who was restraining the armed shitskin, not the shitskin.
The only thing you can really blame the cop for is that a civilian had to take matters into his own hand when it should have been the cops to take care of the knife wielder, they were clearly right there after all.
And then of course all the incompetent female cops who just stand there and do nothing at all throughout the whole thing.
>nobody took my bait
boger face
Something I cant quite comprehend is why the cop jumps in like that after there had been 3 or 4 loud screams demanding "knife away" by other cops. He must have heard that.
and has a 6foot rival less now, bro got a win-win here

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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>How could it happen when there's no evidence for it happening, normie?
There's tons of evidence.
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I don't see people blaming personal problems on Jews ever, and I've been here for a long time.
They do blame societal problems on Jews though, and it's correct to do so.
christfags are the original leftoids, they can't understand logic or reason, you're just wasting your time. luckily they are vanishing in western countries (but growing in the third world which only makes sense because christfaggotry is a shitskin religion anyway)
>you're wrong because you're ugly

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White or brown?

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hey pol member of the superior spanish race here. (you know the guys who discovered the known world, spain.) I wanted to tell you that I play this white people song at parties because its an absolute banger. I wish white people still made HIGH art like this. When we all get tired of listening to spanish music we play white people music like this from the old days. When will you go back to this?

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>you know the guys who discovered the known world
and what good did that bring us?
The emperors Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius -- among Rome's best and wisest rulers -- and the poet Seneca all were of Spanish origin.
My grandmother discovered Spain and told the natives about Jesus on the cross.They were so impressed they built a cathedral from bird droppings.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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> 1. Normies are not smart with money
I work with a guy who is leasing his furniture
Does he have a wife?
>Kids avoid outdoor clothes
Or do they avoid going outdoors?
Yeah it's not too bad out here and they do go outdoors but you have a point there, kids nowadays definitely spend more time indoors lending to the fact they don't like jackets etc
>Buying used underwear

Disgusting, kys

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.
shut up 5th column commie
I think it is fucking awesome.
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Maybe their soldiers should refuse to have a brother war? I only feel empathy for civillians that suffer from this. Total ZOGbot death
jidf in da haas

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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She's looking for a way in, because her BF can no longer gather resources for her.

Play a joke on your girlfriend saying you lost your job and watch how fast she tries to leave your ass.
This is my fetish. Not the ntr aspect but the fact that a woman is such a whore she’ll spread her legs for someone who did something horrible to her family.
Maybe her boyfriend shouldn't have beat her ass so much.
This, women have evolved to keep their offspring safe, and make more offspring, and that means they're primed to cozy up to whoever is the biggest threat. Everything like loyalty, logic, observation, things we associate with intelligence, are traits that evolved in men for the purpose of hunting. You can't expect them in every woman, when they're present, it's often an outlier.
All women are like that too, some just hide it better, never forget beauty in women is camouflage for what lies within


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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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Basedbob enjoys his based job
White people don’t apply. They pay too little. McDonalds employs a revolving cast of welfare niggers who have to prove to the government they sometimes try to get jobs.
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I'll just have a fillet o fish thanks

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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Every time one of these we wuz kangz niggers or poos repeat the same old hilarious statement that they somehow taught the technologically and socially centuries-ahead europeans about hygiene while they were living in mud huts and bathing in cow piss, just show them this video lmao
anyways all hate will stop when indians go back or at least agree to mass sterilization
They were right in the fact that they are the disease
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>soap up!
>get that soap on ya!

What race in Star Trek is supposed to represent Jews?
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It's Strange New Worlds. It's one of the wacky episodes where some space probe makes everyone sing.
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Cardassians are Germans and Israeli settlers at the same time
all of them

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>The pair gave the agencies one caveat for placements: They wanted only a child who was no longer legally tethered to their biological family.
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Perfect victim for faggot pedophiles. Nonverbal so he can never snitch
Uh oh
That kid is going to be sexually abused multiple times a day for years on end.

Still think there is a god?
Polls, studies, everything shows children are better of in the hands of a gay couple than straight
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Nonverbal and rejects any attempt to communicate with strangers. Kid absolutely is the "If you only knew how bad it is," poster child of the year.

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It's not their fault they are inferior subhuman niggers, give em a chance.
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Allah will piss on fag christ and we will rope his troon followers and will keep white blonds for our harems . inshallah
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Yes, you sure have a lot in common with Muslims.

Why are you hiding behind a memeflag? Are you ashamed of the fact that you're Indian?
Shut the fuck up niggerfaggot.
blasphemous demon. allah will be sent to hell.

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