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What will 111 be??
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And laseranon thought he was hot shit with his amped-up cat toys..
Bro, we're at like 114 or something now at least, try to keep up.
>Germ immediately defends the honour of the amerimutt.
Germs are to Americans what Serbs are to Russians. Same level of grovelling and shameless prostration. Orbiter country full of ball lifter servants
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>Maldives' Central Bank is state-owned
Sounds like they need some Democracy™

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I look forward to the new people I’m going to meet when the pureblood wheat is separated from the vaxxed chaff. Speaking of wheat, the sooner Purebloods focus on making bread the better as bread was the dietary foundation of humanity for most of antiquity.
Taking to stay employed is a choice you coward cuckold nigger
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I completely lost every hope in society and humans in general. Maybe the fucking WEF is right. I mean they have basically proven that we are cattle and slaves.
I just don't care anymore about society, the west, Europe, or whatever you wanna call it.
I knew it was bad, but not to this extend.
I still have respect for people who didn't get vaxxed however. But all in all I just don't care what happens to German people, Europeans, or whoever. Worthless slave cattle.
Say 3. I suspected most people would cave to pressure and resent those who didn't, but I didn't think it would be 90+%. Then watching everyone double down mentally on their being right while the goalposts moved always one way, that was discouraging.
I wish you luck, but I'm old and tried leaf anon. You can only fight for so long. I'm just glad to see the mass noticing is starting to happen now.


the mannheim cop who tackled the white boomer in order to not been seen as racist just died...

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the turk did will drawing his gun quickly and taking down the muslim attacker.... especially considering he must have been taught by some fat feminist cunt to never never never use his gun and that its the absolute last resort...

... what can happen to u if u listen to this fat cunt is demonstrated by rouven l.
>in the West
Yes we can safely say the correct person died and a happy ending is achived. 1 traitor down
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you should go back to somalia
The guy in the blue jacket is an idiot who walked up and starting punching a victim.

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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She's lying. She wants to kill him.
Or, she's an agent, and she wants to get him into the network.
He won, he gets the spoils.
simple as
LMFAO those are BDSM e-hoebags who never got a decent length up them because they date right wing bitch-boys. So keep dreaming chudley.
Am Yisrael Die
Show the tits , honey pie.

The singular best country in Europe
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I wonder in what your's and White Russian's love of potatoes consists of... how it expresses itself, etc...
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>zero contributions to humanity
Balts were instrumental to collapse of Soviet Union. It was initiated when lithuanians chimped out. A bit later it grow to massive protest, when people joined in hands, and it formed line from Talling, trough Riga, to Vilnius. Commies were puzzled AF, because such behavior was unexpected and they did not had clear idea how to tackle that issue.

That single event, that Baltics accelerated Soviet Empire, it should be enough to qualify as "contribution to humanity".
When we meet, we can talk about potato cultivars for hours. Which are better, and how. And so on.
at least we don't need to steal toilets
I wonder if you've had sweet potato.
I think it's from Africa or Brazil or some shit.

I have mixed feelings, but normal potatoes are more of a regular every day (not really) food then sweet potatos.

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Your opinion on the existences of logos?
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yeah nah. no thanks Low-countryman
You mean my opinion on a logo? Any logo?
Logos are fuckin retarded. I never wear clothing or anything else on y person that has a logo on it. I find wearing a logo disgusting.
I don't wear logos unless I get sponsored
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>If you mass produced something, you would certainly put a logo on it to differentiate it, especially if it was any good. No logo is for Chinese copycats
My experience exactly. I was memed by the no logo cult as a kid and then realised how fucken retarded it is.
>Oh that is a nice monitor what is it so I can get the same?
No logo =
>I have no fucken idea LOL

Happened with lots of products that I did have and they do not have a logo.

What should be enforced is even forcing the manufacturer to imprint the UPC barcode on the product because using Samsung is to generic.

>If you mass produced something
Why mass produce?
Logos come from things hand crafted when a craftsman put his name on what he made so people know what he made.

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From my POV, No Logo="Stop wearing shit that treats a company's logo like a centerpiece"
Pic related

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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>He literally felt his life slipping away
thats why we have constant exercises in the US Military. More so in peacetime. ALways gotta be ready and try to prevent the fucking cluelessness that was demonstrated in Germany
Basically this. But it was a chaotic situation. If you want to blame anyone but the actual stabbing mudshit, then the female police officers who literally ran away after the muzzie got up again instead of pepper spraying him, are in a very close 2nd place
Horrible way to go, surrounded by women and soys

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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The real issue here is that adults are doing a job meant for teenagers and trying to raise a family on it.
NO, nigger. I said show me the profit margins that have increased.
Anon, you'll learn this when you start working. You start at the bottom and when you do well, you earn raises. It's usually not the other way around.
> Flipping burgers isn't supposed to be some kind of fucked up career.
Neither is working as a cashier or stockboy, but we’ve lost so many middle-class jobs it’s all an alarming number of people will ever do. As much as tradesmen like to talk about it, not everybody can be a sparky or a plumber, and even those aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

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Cop who got stabbed by migrant has died

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aussies with the banter..always on point
goddamn it
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Hopefully his death doesn't cause any more undue Islamophobia. That would be the real travesty here.
Kebab is so good tho
This one

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>amerimutt international student wants to riot over Palestine in Sweden
>she is under the delusion that Sweden will tolerate communist agitators like they do back in her homeland
>tries to attack the police over muh Palestine
>gets arrested, will likely go to prison for a decade and then be deported
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We have a new government. We deport more Muslims than we import now. It isn’t 2014 anymore.
show me proof. Trust me, I want it to be true. But i'm rightfully skeptical
>had to backpedal because he was outed as a retard
lol. Your country is rapefugee central. I’m sure the bong will go to jail but if a Syrian had done the same thing you would give him 7 prime blonde teens to fuck, a palace, and profoundly apologize for inconveniencing him
Being anti kike is the least anti white thing you can possibly do though
Would they do the same to him if he tried to riot over Ukraine?

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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You're jewish
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Commies are fags
How many instances of "bad praxis" must the world endure before that excuse becomes farcical? Personally, I don't want to be tortured to death in a concentration camp for inheriting property worth less than 2 years of my "slave" wages.
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They’ve been conned by the media class into thinking that HARD WORK PAYS OFF

meanwhile picrel is going to send his kids to business school. They will never pick up a hammer
Most of them are in a union, why would they need more than that?

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This is why your religion is evil.
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Christianity in the modern age usually doesn't proselytize for this very reason.
But Eskimos raping their children as a right of passage into adulthood and sending their old off to die slowly in the frost are objectively good right?
This is why the Orthodox church stopped proselytizing to non-whites and why the Catholic church should of followed their example. Non-whites don't want salvation, they want to act like niggers.
Your culture has what you think is right, their culture has what they think is right. Respect their beliefs, chud.
Priest: "In order for you to have a reason to improve your life, instead of still living in snow huts and raping your daughters."
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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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>throws tantrum
>can't refute what I said

Why it is so hard for you to admit your humiliating history of defeats and proving your own inferiority to whole of Europe?

There was never a nation in Europe that was treates as animals like Germans were, there must've been a reason for that
Finland didn't hold much strategic value to the Axis anymore once the Leningrad siege was lifted and the Russians started pushing the Germans back from the Baltic region. And we did allow the Wehrmacht to retreat peacefully until the russniggers threw a fit and threatened to send their forces to ''assist'' us.
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it seems I've struck a nerve...
I dont know a single german who cares what a burger has to say about anything, the amount of based burgers are infinetely small that i can make the effort to list them right here right now
David Duke
Nick Fuentes
the rest of you secular materialistic faggots are insufferable modernist morons, your country always was at the forefront of liberalism and secularism, it never was based, it never was anything else than what you have today just in a less extreme way. We voted before your nation even existed, we voted Hhitler into power, we overcame difficulties before.
In comparison to you, who lost your country without a single war on home soil, without any need whatsoever, and youre trying to lecture a german about anything? You should shut your nigger mouth instead, how about that Jamal?
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Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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what the hell kind of name is rouven
He still subdued the wrong guy. A guy punching someone isn’t the priority over the dude with a knife stabbing people. Cop screwed himself even if blue guy was a moron. Pretty much everyone in the video is fucking worthless.
He was likely an organ donor so they fought to save the organs.
Probably for migrants.
>Turns out the cop didn't do anything wrong
His first instinct was to tackle and arrest the white guy. He still had it coming.
what was he?

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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>doesnt understand you buy in bulk to save money and feed your family of 5 who live in your 6bd 5ba 4k sq ft home.
Lol euros are such dogshit
American suburbs still have lots of families with 3+ children. Most moms like to shop every two weeks.
Death to Ukraine
Kek, he doesn't know.
>Corn syrup antichrist meal

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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Don't marry a whore. It's that simple
marriage is over.
corporations can handle human reproduction and family from now on. They'd do a much better job.

This anon knows.
well, you didn't call him liar though, you brownoid.
Welcome to /pol/, faggot. Long time die hard Patriots fan here.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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Oh no not the commies pronouns pls no one cares.
then teach your youth better kraut. this anon didn't obviously>>469951435
Why do you think adopting the policies North Korea will earn you a higher wage?
No, that's why I don't advocate for the North Korea system

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90% sure she's gonna immigrate then dump his ass when she gets her work visa and move from Togo.
how do we get healthy white men to stop bringing negroid harridans from overseas bros???
My buddy married a chick from the Philippines and they are still together after 8 years, he's even speaking tagalog
She's a good woman too, she takes good care of him cause he's such a jolly fat fuck now
they keep having shouting matches on the phone concerning him "dragging his feet" about getting her a visa, despite the fact that he already shelled thousands of bucks in lawyers to untangle the fucked up immigration process over here.
Uncle married a commie twat from Portugal... got citizenship, let him pay for her college education, dumped him the spent a few years traveling the world on alimony.
And you're not immediately disowning him?
when I revealed my powerlevel about it last time he and my parents thought I was being ironic
I literally told him it was risky as fuck and he was better off living there if he actually did want the marriage to last as at least her family would have beat her to death if she cheated on him but over here she gets all the benefits and will fuck him over, he said that I was exaggerating and literally : "It won't happen to us haha"

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How does that make you feel chuds ? Are you finally happy ?
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All these niggas have the Columbian flu
from what?
sick of jews
it says shape, i.e like a turd
From the leftist or something.

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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Yeah. The deep state is either priming for a civil war scenario in the event of a Biden or Trump loss. They want the “right” to tip it off so they can paint them as the bad guys in the media. They will false flag probably. This all depends on if they HAVE ENOUGH RESOURCES to rig the election a second time and put Biden in for a second term with clearly waning support.

They may also be preparing for a civil war in the event of a Biden loss too however thus making it more difficult for Trump to exert control over the government and more or less attempting to put the blame on him for his “lack of cooperative leadership” or what ever Rand Corp think tank nonsense they come up with for the media. At that point they will bring in “mercenaries” (likely from China) to run covert ops and false flags because the actual leftists in America who a accept and are capable of committing violence is likely a smaller amount so they will HAVE TO contract out to other countries. More or less the democrats would have to bring in a foreign military on US soil to start a civil war if Trump wins. This would make the left foreign occupiers “contesting the crown” so to speak.

This is what historically happens in imperial level domestic politics. One side has to bring in mercenaries because most people swear allegiance to the title and not the man.
This has happened in
1, The Persian civil war from Xenophon’s Anabasis
2. The Papacy using the Sicilian Normans to prevent Lombard conquest of the Papal States.
3. The English Civil War
4. The French Revolution

Those are just the ones from the top of my head as well. It’s a common practice for one side in a civil war to bring in mercenaries because one side usually has mass public support.
All I want is a peaceful divorce. Shitlibs can keep all of their beloved niggers, spics, faggots, and trannies, and we get to keep the White people. Deal?
It's not going to be a blue v gray civil war but more like a years of lead scenario like in Italy in the '70's and '80's
>Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.

The general public is too unorganized for civil war, more likely to have gang wars. With that being said it's easy to start a civil war if it is coordinated by the State, where some XYZ agency leads the charge and is financed, and this is a very plausible situation. "Both sides" will be bankrolled by any entity that wants to hold the victor in debt. Civil war as it turns out is big business.
I'm staying loyal to The Lord, Jesus Christ and His Church; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Prepared my family early (18 month supply), have community, and Church's stockpiles. Party's and ideologies are worthless compared to the complete Gospel and functioning Priesthood.
Will do my small part in restoring the nation.

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