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25 people shot in LeBron's home town. No word on the suspect's identify.
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China has mass stabbings and no one has ever landed on the moon.
did he stream?
Typical Burger copium when their own country is on fire.
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niggers can't aim for shit

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Why do men torture women by forcing them to go to the gym where they suffer so much and make a face like this? Just look at this face full of pain and agony. Why are men so awful?
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I literally have that body type and I'm a male who never goes to the gym lol
Imagine the smell
Basically true, although it's gaslighting to say it's BBC, since the average White woman actually thinks niggers are gross, despite what media propaganda would have you believe. But yes, women cannot act directly, so they act indirectly. If a woman is going to the gym and getting buff or ripped or spending 30 minutes every day trying to get a bigger butt it's because she has internalized the real or perceived desire in men for that.
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IG thots can die in a fire. Homegym master race.
Onions and seed oils.

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Total euroshit death

They can’t die off soon enough
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You will live a nice long sven. Long enough to watch your county become totally brown. You will be the only white person left in the streets.
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>Fucking inversion perversion disingenuous memeflaggot. You know the opposite is true at 5x the rate. It's always "Why can't Americans into x" and you know it.
Fuck jewoinkraine
at least he's white, unlike you nigger

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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I have no idea what you mean by "covering the cost". You are not doing a good job of articulating your arguments.
The other guy was right you really are just farming (You)'s. You're fucking retarded and can't make any arguments for your 'cause'. No wonder you're crying about your wages in one of the easiest industries to increase your wages.
The fact that software engineers earn high wages relative to other professions does not mean we are not being exploited. My employer's stock price quadrupled over the last four years but most of those gains are going to shareholders who contributed nothing to the products we make
>getting rid of the parasitic capital owning class
the jew bankers? sign me up, comrade!
i work because i enjoy hoarding the fruits of my labor and not only do i hate sharing with strangers i also hate authority teling me what to do or forcing me to do it and i most certainly do not like to owe anything to anyone so i don't want "free" stuff either
i value individual freedom, personal merit and self suficiency above all else
Socialism is the anathema to my very existence, to everything i hold sacred and they won't just leave me alone because it's an absolutist ideology that does not tolerate dissent
they will steal the fruits of my labor at gun point with the excuse of helping strangers i couldn't possibly care any less about

even if socialism worked in practice as intended in theory. it would still be in my best interest to relentlesly persecute and decicively exterminate all remanants of this wretched adversary ideology

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What benefit does it give to europeans and why do european leaders hate their own people so much?
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russia isn't europe
where do you retards find this gay shit
Zesty niggers and fat white women are a match made in heaven
Fat, ugly bitches need love too
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Maybe your explanation is wrong.

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Previous: >>469943486

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Was a Donetsk strike, he was there doing ztard media shit and ate it with the rest of the retards. I wanna say near Soledar, but can't say for sure.
We're scythians
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here's your white ethnostate bro
good afternoon and TZD
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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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in Australia we had the BF falcon and the VZ commodore.
after that it was the FG falcon and the VE commodore, both boxy pigfat tard mobiles.
it was OVER by then
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Fucking throw around as much cope as you need euro
just watched the webm and its not even about the soullesss shitboxes in the picture
my mistake

Because Wal Marts cater to EBT users so they supersize as much as possible in order to maximize profits.
Also, our cars are larger because that's what's needed to survive the inevitable crash from incompetent nigger and drunk mexican drivers.
>Australian stupidity never fails to deliver

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say his name
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islam is getting ready to conquer germany. meanwhile germans are protesting right wingers. crazy times
KYS zogbot
>ack shully
I provide the video and no I got nothing wrong and nor has anyone else who farts on this zogs memory. If you want to talk to a specific person address them individually with a (You). It seems to me that you’ve got several things wrong.
<video is not available any more>
Greta is that your more autistic sister
That’s not German.

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I live in suburban California, where a Republican hasn't won my county since Reagan. As I was driving to the beach, I saw nothing but Trump signs lining the streets. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Donald Trump as "Golden Don" because they're convinced he's in their corner. You just can't say it in Biden’s militarily occupied America. People here refer to Golden Don with a certain fondness, like he's a fellow neighbor from town, and remember him living in San Francisco for many years, and most of his life, also like he's a family member. If Biden is losing the golden state then he doesn't have a chance
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Trump would do well to establish the state of Jefferson and cripple the DNCs stranglehold on democracy.

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The brave police officer who was stabbed in Mannheim 2 days ago by an Afghan Muslim, has been officially confirmed as dead now. RIP.

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>you are willing to submit.
total lack of self-awareness. enjoy your war and refugees
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We doin a lil döppin
source? nothing, of course.
Good. ACAB and this one was clearly also retarded
take off that meme flag lets see where you are really from you fucking animal ragheaded nigger. slaughter your people and your children. every single one of you are fucking dead.

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Why are Jeets literally everywhere now?
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Extremely servile race that works for nothing and does everything the jew demands
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Jews realized nogs are too violent and rebellious. So they moved on to jeets, the actual perfect golem race. The jeets are weak, subservient, and the most retarded humanoid subspecies on the planet. They are the most incompetent and stinky fuck I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I would rather be hot dropped into the middle east or africa then live around jeets.
Cause they breed like cockroaches.
because they are the jew's best cocksuckers

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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MSM also likes to give a platform for every uninformed, "real" American sitting at a diner in Wyoming, while ignoring where the majority if Americans actually live.
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go darth nihilius on them netflix producers.
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If you want to go down this road, we will be doing this for awhile...and I'm about to eat.
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That's not the Earth. That's the sprites they added to give the lander a thruster lol.
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My bad.
>RoeWade shitstorm
Oh god i had my last reddit burner account back then and i drifted on some women reddit. the fucking crying and seething was amazing.

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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“Passive income” from sitting on stocks and other nonsense isn’t work.
Because it didn’t fail? Capitalists attribute any death in a “communist” country as the result of communism.
Under capitalism you can't just give all the enjoyable and prestigious jobs to all of your family and close associates no matter how lazy and incompetent they are. In a competitive environment you still need some brains within the organization to stay in business or you'll lose out to others.
I'll always laugh that the worst thing to happen to Chumbawamba was having a hit song. Totally ruined their street cred and disproved their own ideology.
>there's no nepotism in capitalism
I don't care how many gallons of corporate cum you swallow, they're not going to give you a wife

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Picrel could've saved him
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>mfw we go back to gorgets, helms and plate armour.
Finally getting back to our roots. I’m ready to enlist if that’s how we’re going
You know what the fuck timing we on
Requiring cops to walk around in full plate would actually solve a lot of problems. They would all be strong, some plate isnt too heavy but they need kevler too. They wouldnt fit in cars, so back to horses. Fuck it, make them wear sashimono so theres no more questions about who is where.

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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why are they so gay?
sad. i'm 36 years old, at my father's funeral the other day (73 years old), i saw my half niece Amber who is 18 now. 7 years ago, she was a cute girl, now she got her tits suppressed from HRT, with a deep voice and facial hair to match, dresses retarded. goes by Xi now

wild to have lived in the 90's and saw the seeds of this shit take root and dismissed it then
If you want an example of how propaganda can absolutely break a man, check out reddit's zerocovidcommunity
>faggots and troons were born this way
Good point that needs to be hammered home. They're not intolerant. They're just born that way.

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Race-traitoring cocksucking faggot. I find comedy in your death and I feel no sympathy for you. You tried to betray your country and felt the wrath directly from the evil you swore to protect. You deserved it.
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kill all towelheads
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Still whiter then American’s
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The entire event was pro zionist the people in attendance were jews and shabbos goy.
Lol how optimistic that you think there will still be muslims around when the kid grows up. Europe is changing fast, just the other day they had a pro Britain march in the center of London. Thousands of English came out to show support for Britain and chant offensive things at muslims, to which none dare respond. They're brave when we're alone but turn to women when we got the numbers.

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>ZOGbot arrests the victim as the assailant stabs him in the neck
>Every female officer refuses to pull their gun
>Victim mid sprint in terror
>The only one willing to shoot the sandnigger is another sandnigger
>s0ey faces in the background
>Onlookers watch mesmerized
>cop off to the side being useless

Every pixel in this image perfectly encapsulates the state of Current Year
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Boomer in blue wasn't a victim. He was never attacked by the terrorist because he wasn't in the vicinity of the intitial knife attack. The boomer in blue only came in after another guy was restraining the terrorist on the ground and mistakenly started punching the dude instead of the terrorist because he wanted to be a tough cowboy. As a consequence, the cop who was stabbed seconds later tackled him and the terrorist was able to free himself.

>Every pixel in this image perfectly encapsulates the state of Current Year
At least present the scenario accurately. But even if you apply this statement to the actual scenario, it still applies because boomer retards and their actions are what led to the current state of the west
>see three people on top of each other, fighting
>instead of going for the guy on top who's punching down, you somehow go for the guy who's beneath the other two, on the ground

use your fucking brain anon
You go for the guy with the knife
The Zogbots were unable to see the knife because in their minds a sand nigger can never be violent and if you suggest otherwise you are rayciss
It's not like the cops teleported there after the sand nigger with the knife was the ground they were there for the entire thing from start to finish they were just incapable of processing the situation because all of their training told them that the light skinned man must have been the assailant and it was a light skinned native German who was attacking a poor helpless sand nigger.
>>s0ey faces in the background
HAHAHA never noticed that
>show up with a bunch of fellow officers
>dive in alone instead of carrying out any kind of coordinated multiple arrest
>get merked in the back because you ignored the ongoing hostility behind you

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>Autism rates are skyrocketing
>1/3 of zoomers are LGHDTV4KOLED+
Must be a coincidence.
But seriously, what's in the water/food/air that's making everyone autistic? It's clearly intentional, since autists are more easily manipulable into being good country-destroying libfags, right?

My theory: it's cats. Toxoplasmosis. I've never met a cat person who isn't an autistic and delusional lib.

Another thing to consider: Almost all trannies, cat owners, and druggies/drunks wear glasses. And autists have a higher rate of vision impairment. The eyes are a window to the mind. If you have vision impairment, you're a brain-damaged autist who should unironically rope.
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>My theory: it's cats. Toxoplasmosis. I've never met a cat person who isn't an autistic and delusional lib.
Moron take. It's moronic takes like that which really need to be addressed. You're not simply wrong. It would be difficult to be more wrong if you tried. Not only have you confused correlation with causation (and assumed the direction of the causal arrow) but you seem to think that cats are a new phenomenon, and that we are somehow more exposed to cat faeces today than in the past, while the opposite is true.
>My guess is endocrine disruptors.
Just say vaccines.
Same to you, they're not your kids so why stay around? All fields.
>Verification not required.
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Trans children exist and need protection from transphobic attacks

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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Right wing racists spread disinformation against AMLO because he actually helps poor people with cash transfers. Right wingers in mexico just line the pockets of american corporations they don’t care about people.
>What candidate is the most pro-cartel?
Who would openly answer and admit that. Currently, the only party who was connected to the cartel, specifically the cartel of Sinaloa, with evidence, documented by different Mexican and American organizations and judged by your own courts is the PAN, a Secretary of National Security and right hand of president Calderon 2006-2012 accused of taking bribes and shipping tons of cocaine to the US was found guilty just last year.

>Are any candidates in favor of stopping their side of the US Border?
Campaigning times, everyone has said they want to stop it, but how, the only one proposing concrete solutions has been Claudia, promoting solving the causes of migration instead of just letting them pass through Mexico, investing in those countries so they don't have to migrate, but none of them seem or have said anything beyond that.
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who is more socially conservative sheinbaum or xochitl?
Gonna draw a bunch of dicks on the voting papers
No reason to take this clownshow seriously after doing /ourguy/ so dirty
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Understood, thank you.

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They speak English man.
The only way out of this is to destroy all forms of media.
Good. No more ugly people in like 50 years, feels good, man.
My side hustle also has gained some traction, I am set to make 120k+ this year.
> Good. No more ugly people in like 50 years, feels good, man.
Yeah, only tons of non-whites

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