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Destiny vs Gorka

Trump vs Biden debate starting now.

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Who gives a fuck. Who is he going to debate next Sean Hannity?
Why does this cuck faggot debate so much?? Who fucking cares about this insufferable faggot??

He has no shame so it doesn't work.
He isn’t, he’s the face of le centrist Reddit natofag zoomers
Ok Destiny is destroying this guy. Based Biden bros.

>bomb your Kids
>destroy your cities
>kill your generals
>kill your presidents
>nuke your embassies
>bulldoze your mosques

Is there anything more pathetic than being a m*slim?
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>Top-tier meme is ignored.
Turns out it was Muslim shills on this board the whole time. Who knew?
All the old fags who remember when you express disgust of shitskins without getting called a kike shill.

I mean fuck kikes and do so denounce the talmud, but this used to be a wholesome place without all the sandnigger flags.
Poo in loo.

It's perfectly legal to kill Nick Fuentes and xers Groyper identity fraud rapists as they're all spic rats trying to rob my identity as the owner of the United States Government to raid white hopes to genocide white people through identity fraud break and entry of my properties and name

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Previous >>468518280

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Iran: Al-Mayadeen correspondent: Rescue teams were able to determine the location of the #Iranian president’s helicopter crash, but they have not been able to reach it yet
>United States of America: State Department Spokesman: We are closely monitoring reports that a helicopter carrying the #Iranian President may have encountered difficulties.
>#Breaking news: Al-Qassam Brigades: We targeted a Zionist “Merkvah 4” tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell next to the Martyr Imad Aqel Mosque in the Jabalia camp, northern #Gaza Strip.
>BREAKING: Helicopter in a convoy carrying Iranian President Raisi crashed, Iranian media reports, Iranian rescue teams started a massive effort to search for the crashed helicopter.


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>Kike being a lying filthy kike

We missed you, Moshe... not.
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Hopefully they got to exchange friendship bracelets before the tragedy
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>Iranians celebrating the Raisi helicopter crash with fireworks. They believe he's dead.

>"I hope the rest of them die in the same," the voice on the video says.
Thanks for bringing it here.
Still kike bullshit and not representative of Iran.

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It’s official. Nearly every American is better off today than they were during trumps presidency. Mainly due to the booming economy, inflation under control, and unity brought by Biden.
Trumpflation almost killed this country. Luckily bidenomics saved us. Thank you, president biden!
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White people built your entire country, sexpat
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Is this their plan? Just tell us the economy is doing well when we have never been more worse off. At least during the 2008 prices remained stabled where now everything is getting nigger expensive.

I'm actually doing better 10 years ago than I am now, let alone 4 years.
>Is this their plan?
They have no plan. They are sociopathic kleptomaniacs. The USA was so stable and strong, it could handle them existing. Now, not so much, so they are taking everything they can on the way out.
Lmao the left can only no, u any type of meme. The reason bidenflation works is because it rolls off the tongue with his name you fucking retards
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That's what it feels like. Years ago in bad times they would have to beg and plead for every dollar they spend. Now they're not even trying to convince us or pretend it's in our interest. Things suck so much and people are very unhappy but they are not ashamed to pretend Ukraine is their top priority.

What's your take on Russell Brand? Perhaps I'm being superficial here but his eyes don't seem right to me.
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he has an objectively small peepee
He's definitely got a touch of the sanpuko
None have them have special insight you fucking pleb. Havent you learned anything?
And the small puko
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he's a canaanite

but that's not an opinion

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Why are Americans like this?
Why would anyone choose life over death if living means having a house packed together like rats? What an evil society we live in where something this inhumane can not only be built but also be expected to be (((bought))). Total american death cannot come soon enough.
increase housing without devaluing the home price of those in charge of zoning

Row house is popular in the UK. Looks like that.

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Something gonna break soon right?
i thought kpop BVLLS were suppose to repopulate korea with a new super race tho…
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Maybe in 50 years
Honestly don't care
Just give a robowaifu or I'll build her myself as soon as I get resources and I'm happy with that
Who cares about women
Unlike what they say, it's going to increase in about 5 years. Use this knowledge to you advantage investfags.
nah, stagnation is going to happen, for every modern country. modern culture is basically the human equivalent of the behavioural sinkhole of Calhoun experiment.

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>What is Bronze Age Mindset?
The book centers on BAP's ideal vision, the eponymous "Bronze Age Mindset",[34] which he defines as "the secret desire…to be worshiped as a god!"[31] and which he calls a state "of complete power and freedom".[34] The book's main theme argues against the concept of human equality.[31] BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.[35][17] In particular, BAP argues that the historical figures of the pirate and soldier of fortune are heroic ideals and asserts that classical education is wasted on both (social) liberals and conventional conservatives.[35]
>Who is Bronze Age Pervert?
Bronze Age Pervert, also known as BAP or B.A.P.,[1] is a pseudonymous far-right Internet personality, associated with the manosphere. The media have identified Costin Vlad Alamariu[2] (born May 21, 1980),[3] a Romanian-American, as the person behind the pseudonym.[4][5]

>Bronze Age Mindset PDF:
>Carribbean Rhythms with Bronze Age Pervert Free Podcast:

>Other Useful Links & Reading material:
>Homer - The Iliad
>Plato - The Republic

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You kikes are clearly getting desperate. Young White people want nothing to do with your zionist faggotry.
>Do you know who else is?
Jewish puppets.
I don't follow any abrahamic religions, I don't know why you are posting this to me
Yeah, you had one enemy for two decades and now you have new allies you suddenly "dont like them" so much that you ally with your sworn enemy. And that just happens to occur when jews and probably the faith of israel depends on the public opinion like never before. It requires a down syndrome just to entertain a possibility of this being true.
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Pro BAP / Destiny threads aligned with anti Nick threads, its remarkable how similar both work in tandem

Get. Back. To. Work.
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Sorry, I don't speak nigger. Perhaps the reason you are an unemployed poor is that you're just very stupid.
>incel losers who were born in 2002
I'm betting a lot of these thumb sucking pussies were born in the 80s and 90s.
It was possible when you got your mortgage from an S&L institution instead of a bank
You aren't even worth $0
they want attention even though nobody fucking cares about them

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You joke but they really do name them things like that, remember that banker that got arrested named Bankman-Fried.
Gazag Enocide will be the next director of human rights affairs for Israel
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No that was his code name his real name is Vile Schlomo.

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The german economy is in free fall and my job was in a solar panel company in Dresden but they are now closing and moving to China.

Any tips?
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Can you move there if you have no degree/work experience? I can't see what I have to offer the Motherland at this point in my life besides my good intentions
Kek full of aids and drunks

Free Chechnya Dagestan Tatarstan Siberia
What percentage of young Latvians speak Russian?
What percentage of young Latvians speak English?
I wanna cram my cock into her hot little pinko borscht hole if you know what I mean.
it's "Russia", not "Russian", you VPN jockey.

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
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There is some cool stuff about it. I like how hard it is to dent. That's pretty cool and could be utilized for all types of vehicles.
This giant hunk of shit is gonna kill so many people in "freak accidents" even in light fender benders.
It does look cool, though.
Honestly this car fits the dystopian scifi wasteland that is our current future so fuck it
It has 300 miles of range while the electric chevy silverado has 500
It's only like that from a distance, if you get closer it gets more polygons. It's because of the draw distance.

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In this thread we discuss fat people, and everything political that relates to fat people.

His books are unbearably boring torture porn fanfiction that nobody reads unless theyre forced to for school. How can something be great if nobody likes it?
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>in a utilitarian way Dostoyevsky can have a bigger impact on culture than Tolstoy
There's no denying that. Nabokov in his dosto-batthurts always was indignant about how now this "slapdash comedian" is an icon of the Russian lit in the West.
Nah, way too old for that now. Just a little practice to not get rusty with vocabulary and such.
Doubt I'm bothering anyone much
Yeah, almost 10 years ago.
Reading it seemed to be more about the ideal of being well read than an attempt to push any particular message.
We certainly had read enough of the Civil Rights books, Holocaust memoirs, Ayn Rands nobels and the like.
no need for philosophy if you've got the right philosophy, the Greeks solved it all and the Romans perfected it
meanwhile germoids after abandoning the Roman Church:
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It's the 2nd best prose [1st Genji] I've read since learned jap.

>You just got filtered, blame your mom for turning you into a dumb mutt

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I didn't have the vaccine so I'm fine tanning.
Unfortunately, it seems that not many parents share you view.. So many children prescribed drugs..
i mean he's right in a way but what is nature going to do when you break your leg in the woods
I sun bathe nude once a week
Anecdotally, when medical establishment Jews tell you that you should never ever look directly into the sun, you know that sungazing directly into the sun for 20 minutes a day at dawn/dusk is immensely beneficial and will really rouse your Vril

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Elon Musk should purchase 4chan. Reddit has occupied several major boards and both moderation and ownership of has proven treasonous by aiding in this occupation rather than working to drive it off. He would delete the most leftoid boards like /lgbt/, /u/, /y/, /d/ and /mlp and clean the entire moderation team while replacing it with Conservative Rightchad Men who would work to drive off Reddit instead of aiding it. The current state of X (formerly Twitter) is proof of this.
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This is why they are trying to slow-kill this place. Overnight shutdown would just means the chud cluster metastasize into any resemblance of 4chan all around the interweb. Chuds would find each other again and they know it will take them years to catch up to it.
And how exactly did Elon make all his $? What is the official story exactly Elon just told the engineers I want the rocket to land vertically and they played Kerbal and said okay boss we figured it out? I'm not an Elon hater but there are holes in his story.
Noone else thought to abuse Obama's solar bill? Warren Buffet doesn't understand solar panels? Is that what we're going with?
No, he is fake and gay.
I hope not.
Hiroshima Nagasaki is doing great with his hands off, "Look at me I speak english but it's extremely easy for me to pretend not to understand what you said. Look at me do and say something off topic!"

I mean. Who better to run 4chan than the guy who runs 2ch?
Is it possible he just wants to sell cars and brain chips to people? Why all the conspiracy theories?

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Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi crashed, Iranian media reports.

Governor of East Azarbaijan, Ayatollah Al-Hashem and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian were also present in the helicopter.
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I just can't take Islam seriously. Look at that dope.
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that's an Israeli. Setad. US and Israel sanctioned.

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WW3 is NOW!
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This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end, my only friend, the end.
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Probably for the best. Dude would just threaten. I want a Iranian leader that will nuke Israel
Election year
Dancing israelis.gif

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Why americans are fat?
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We didn't eat our soppa de macaco as kids.
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This is called gluttony and extends to food, sex and drugs.
The West is trying by all means possible to bind us to these three pillars so that they can control us.
Corn syrup and laziness
if i was a wild elephant i would rape those female rhinos every day

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