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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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reckon I could fucking batter a stingray. Might push a wire coat hanger over a pillow and have a pretend fight with it in my bedroom. You know, for practice, should that situation ever arise, where I have to fight a stingray
You would have thought the name stingray was fairly self explanatory
UK can't use nukes without USA approval. I thought France has it's own nukes and a lot of nuclear power so they can use it when they want but apparently the head of NATO is always American so they still have to approve it. France could physically nuke Russia without America but they would get called naughty.
>walk like a penguin
that's their solution to everything
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The best of us don't believe in god
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You would think jewbags, would have plenty of capitol to arrange our date, fight nite, or day, possibly. But, here we are are.
What am I projecting exactly?
You're welcome to your personal feelings and opinions. So which is it?
This is normal behavior for a zoomer. He’s “trolling”.

Zoomers think spending hours pretending to be retarded online is “trolling”. They are beyond fucked.
>what am I projecting
Your sexual insecurities.
>can't meet his burden of his claim
Why are cowards like this?

The Jewish race is the master race
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We have clear genetic evidence that the Palestinians are the closest living descendants of the ancient Judeans, so I'm not sure what you mean by "Jewish race". Modern "Jews" are a multi-ethnic syndicate of larping criminals that aren't even related to each-other, let alone to the ancient Judeans.
Goyslop telling me what Jews look like, kek.

There are also prohibitions in the bible that aren't followed, like intermarying oe gay sex or a million other things. Does that mean no Jews do that?
>There are also prohibitions in the bible that aren't followed, like intermarying oe gay sex or a million other things. Does that mean no Jews do that?

I mean after reading the Talmud where many other morally corrupt behaviors are justified and even encouraged I became even more convinced that we aren’t dealing with Gods chosen people but imposters.
Kikes are schizophrenic abominations who feel no guilt as they exterminate the actual descendants of the people whose ancestors they like to larp as.

>So what, finally, does the barplot above based on ancient DNA tell us about how modern-day Palestinians and Ashkenazi Jews relate to ancient Canaanites and to each other?

>The above paper shows that Palestinians have more of the Megiddo_MBLA ancestry than Ashkenazi Jews, Moroccan (Sephardic) Jews or Iranian Jews do. Megiddo_MBLA ancestry is the ancestry of ancient Levantines, so in the end, modern Palestinians retain a greater fraction of Hebrew-like ancestry.

>Drilling down even further, independent researchers, including myself, who have collated and compared private and public datasets despite political sensitivities find that Lebanese Christians, Palestinian Christians and the Jewish-adjacent sect of Samaritans exhibit the smallest genetic distances to Bronze and Iron Age Canaanite samples.

>So, who are the actual indigenous people of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza? If by this you mean those populations with the deepest and most substantial genetic roots in a geographical region, then that would be Palestinian Christians and Samaritans.

>As for the Palestinians, Y chromosomes plus comparisons between Muslims versus both the small Christian minority and the Samaritans, all indicate that they are admixed between populations of Arabs moving north and west with Islam’s rise starting in the 7th century AD, as well as Egyptians in places like Gaza, and finally Turks and Africans who arrived with the region’s integration into a global Dar-al-Islam. But, it also seems that for Muslims, the majority of their ancestry is the same as that of their Palestinian Christian neighbors; they too are the scions of ancient Levantines. The Arabic-speaking villagers of British Palestine descend from ancestors who spoke Aramaic, and who before that spoke Hebrew.

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The media is now finally admitting that the covid vaccines are killing people, causing blood clots and strokes. And yet even now, most vaxxed people remain in deep denial. Sounds like they are scared of the truth

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It's a good thing we supplied these vaccine mostly in African country's and they don't keep records of these deaths.
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Africans are far better than you people
No you!!!
>that speck on the edge of the pipe bowl
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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Why won't the government do anything about obesity?

Videos from March 2024
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Nigger, they know their ass is beyond grass if the utter a peep.
If they can be trusted to have opsec to not blab where their location is while on duty and deployed, you really think it's fucking difficult to not have the captain go on the whole ship intercom and say "if anyone says anything, you will be dishonorable discharged and thrown in Leavenworth to never see the light of day again", right after cutting all internet or other wireless means of sending out data?
That's really outside the realm of possibility?
You really don't think that people who swore fealty and took oaths won't blab if they are explicitly told that there will be serious consequences for having loose lips, before they had ever set foot on a carrier, and then very sternly reminded again when there's a fucking smoking hole in their hull and alarms are going off?
Yeah, no shit, they'll have the fear of "g(ovt)od" put in them

The real question here is why the fuck am I even wasting time responding to an obvious cover runner, when we can all see the heavy shill (cyber mercenary) action in real time playing out whenever anyone posts anything about this.
Oh, and mercenaries and glownigger adjacents, please feel free to remind everyone why I am always wrong and a dunning kruger retard who is discredited in everything they type or utter. Please, fucking please. I know you niggers of all types and creeds just relish it.

stop shitting up my board jew, thank you
>Yeah, don't forget many countries owe lots of money to the IMF. If they suddenly realize the US can't collect on them... oof. Empire is gone.
Henlo! Peasant slave of a nation that owes money to the IMF reporting in! U.S. can't collect you say? Empire is gone you say?
Interdasting, things are finally looking up.
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this guy knows his shit

in other news jeff dint kill himself
Donald Trump said that if he is elected president, he will completely declassify materials on the murders of Kennedy and Epstein (which was presented as a suicide).
saved lol

Due to 2023 being pretty miserable year for Chinese economy and 2024 shaping up to be even worse, the CCP decided to clamp down on influencers that gather following by showing off their wealth. Many of high net-worth Chinese influencers got deleted off social platforms to prevent people from seeing their lavish lifestyles while they struggle.

Based or cringe?
based. that sort of shit is toxic for society

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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Magic mushrooms helped me quit alcohol, so I think it's possible that they could help you, OP. I suggest doing it just once, and in the following weeks you should focus on cardio and prayer. The cardio will give you an endorphin boost to help your mental well-being, and the prayer will provide you with a mental buff. When you pray, just be sure to follow Jesus' instructions according to the guidance in Matthew.
I tried shrooms a few times at the beginning of 2023 and a year and a half later I'm thinking of doing them again, had a bag in my drawer since March but I'm just too chickenshit to enter that headspace again.
taking a giant shroom trip when you have no experience with them to quit your opiate addiction sounds like an extremely bad idea to me. you should seek medical help
Feed your kids, Nick

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Basically the whitest.
you're a known russian shill that posts around the clock, maybe try switching to another vpn
He spoke perfectly fluent Finnish
>muh russia shill
lol rent free
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here it comes... now tell me that i am a left wing communist

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And neither should you. I deeply hope Joe Biden to win the next election, because he is speedrunning total nuclear holocaust and the collapse of the West.

The tribe of the west refused to embrace me. Now I shall be delighted in watching it burn.
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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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No one cares where it spreads, it's self-extinguishing stupidity and the bear example was a rather painful reminder thereof.

It's a self-awarded Darwin award in various senses and it illustrates how utterly statistically illiterate women tend to be.
>women engaging in sabotaging behavior by telling one another that putting themselves in danger is a good thing actually
>somehow is men's fault
Hitler was a social reject, look into his early life. Eva braun was his first gf and he met her when he was an old man
>early life
damn, he WAS a jew!
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>Some fag crashed his car recently and a bear ate him
Cocaine Bear.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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I do t think you understand what the term “Nazi” means.
Not every well-adjusted person who respects the human pecking order or recognizes the value of social intuition is a Nazi. I would argue that, on the contrary, few are.
as opposed to being dependent on HR roasties
Even South American drug cartels depend on government, so dependent they had to become the government.
Jews are obsessed with sex, and you arent convincing anyone.
>Nazism is retarded
>This is why I adopted an even more retarded version of nazism that fully embraces economic illiteracy
You’re making several incorrect assumptions.
Slow down. Think about the point you mean to make.

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Well poisoner or retard
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Nothing is subjective about God
This is fairly old incel lore, the meta has shifted substantially since that post's ideas were relevant
Looks are all that matter, what a woman will tolerate is entirely based on how physically attracted she is to you, in addition to intangibles like your social status and wealth
Looks > status > money, in that order
The whole "women love assholes" idea is a cargo cult trope that came from redpillers seeing women tolerate attractive men treating them like shit and concluding it was the man's behavior that kept the women interested in them, rather than his looks and/or status giving him the clout to be abusive and get away with it
Once you realize that looks are all that matters, genuine misogyny evaporates because attraction then just becomes statistical rather than some kind of arcane psychological game
>a male version of a feminist
>incel this buzzword that
You're mind broken buddy
that's not completely true. males with more dark triad traits tend to me more superficially charming, which retard women (90%+ percent of women) fall for because they're retarded.

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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The statistics are fake. You are a lying kike and you belong in an oven with your family
>People still aren't ready to accept that no pandemic happened, and no novel virus was spreading around the globe at all. A complete illusion created by kikes' broadcast media.
Correct. It did not happen and anyone who says it did is literally retarded. Literally nothing happened.
>5 years later
>still holding onto the false belief
Just let it go
The vax was unnecessary but safe. Fucking retards
Normies do logic by starting off with predetermined conclusions and then forcing the evidence to support it. That's why they believe all nigger problems are environmental or because of discrimination
>hey hey hey, there’s like, these STATISTICS, GOY!
>Well yeah, its reported by the same people who lied to us about goddamned motherfucking EVERY-GODDAMN-THING, but I mean goy, its!

Get fucked. Get forever fucked and buried.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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I high school I tried working in a restaurant for 3 months and it is shit work and you leave greasy and stink. Never ever again, even while in college I briefly worked in a bar and that sucked too. The people that work restaurants and bars are some of the most unreliable on the planet. Many high and drunk during shift. No shows, walk out and quit only to go to work at another restaurant doing the same shit. Thank god my university degree is in something that got me great offers.
White is a colour do you even speak your own language? Fat American pig you probably got your clothes 2nd hand from Gilbert Grapes' mother.

More fish in the sea here if they don't get to work they will be whipped until they work.
food service workers will rob you fucking blind too. you have to be posted up all the fucking time just to make sure all your shit isn't going out the back door.
also, almost every restaurant has spy cams in teh bathrooms now. don't believe me? just look around the next time you're in one once you see them you'll see them everywhere.
What degree
beesechurger :DDDDDDD

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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You should have taken care of the Christjew missionaries like the nips did, then your islands would be safe as theirs.
What odd blasphemy.
You are still avoiding his question. Are you even human, or are you merely illiterate?
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Let's be honest the suicide rates would start matching the trannies' one if people here were faced with reality as often.

Few can stand their own role in their misery, even less so the role of friends and family in it.
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Jews live rent-free on /pol/

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tries to get help in an imaginative way

how well does this situation portray real life?

is it what the feminists actually believe?
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Fuck police.
Uh oh! Shouldn't have defunded the police!
That's a mans thumb. I will enhance...
You're gonna burn in hell. God doesn't care that you're dumber than a brick.
They look slavic and are calling 911 my guess is Cucknada.

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Huge gathering of people in Kyieff!!
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Why aren't the Ukrainians revolting?
When will the jews move in?
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Now that the dust has settled, we can agree Maidan was a mistake.

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I can’t be the only one to have noticed it, why do shills on other mass media platforms always use ellipses when it comes to their online arguments without substance? It is always something like “You should address the issues of racism in the United States because of the systemic effects…” and the ellipsis serves nothing to the post. Is it a reflex?
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Indians and boomers overuse ellipses.
>person who isn't an internet native doesn't understand typing with a voice

You've never used a computer to access this site, right?
A full stop signals that the sentence is over.
The ellipsis at the end of a statement or quote is to remove the idea that the sentence is over.
Your next interaction is typically to help them finish their sentence, or get clarity on what they mean.

Free engagement, while adjusting the way people respond.
they probably don't read a lot and/or have no care about proper grammar

what also pisses me off are people who capitalize things that don't need to be capitalized. the hallmark of a person who hasn't read books or is likely just plain dumb
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>boomers overuse ellipses
This. And they use it as if an ellipses does not have a set number a periods, which is three.
I believe their perspective is "the more emphasized the statement, the longer the ellipses."

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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>this investment is so good I have to try to convince the entire world to buy it too through literal lies and propaganda

God smiles when a crypto gambler ends his pathetic life
you can only live that way for so long, don't take this time for granted
Why not Monero so it can't be traced?
why didn't your dad wear a condom when he fucked your dumb whore of a mother if they think you're a parasite? if you don't want parasites you don't drink from filthy ponds like a dumb animal

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