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Why is racemixing bad?
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kike propaganda.
Egyptian troll humour. No one here is going to get it. Lmao
b-because its le bad OK?
Youre guaranteed to have lowered the iQ of your offspring, and become a single mother. Imagine how many young women could have been saved from such a fate if we taught this shit in schools

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*ancap ball*
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>More like No Pulse
I got a 30 day facebook ban for that joke when this happened
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It's because you realize that the boyfriend is getting kickbacks from the money she's making. You are now no longer merely a simp, you are a cuck.

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shitholes are now called not 3rd world, but "global south"
fucking americans and pc language

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Legit but Malaysia is really a mix of blue and Red. Same as Turkey.
Singapore is definitely blue...I was there last month. Mind blowing. Their elite is Chinese btw.
I want to go to Singapore so bad
It's not overtaken by jeets yet is it
forgot to mention taiwan lmao
Amazing county. You should see it.
You can tell they are serious about keeping their country clean and orderly from the checks at the airport. One Australian dude was sent home because one page on his passport was torn.
There a few whites there, mainly anglos working for big banks. The elite are Chinese a bit similar to Taiwanese or Hongkongese.
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I doubt you can afford it lol

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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she got married and has 3 kids now. i wonder if she looks back on these days of brief meme stardom.
You know the answer. Also: how do I get rid of my libido safely?
Anti depressants, and lots of them
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I don't give a flying fuck what Jamal and Muhammad do, as long as they get out of my country.
your bloodline is gone. thousands of years of evolution so a onions cuck such as yourself can racemix
hope a negro finishes your mutts off.

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The Atlantic is propaganda garbage. Do not read that garbage.
It's also black pilling because even if we re-institute everything again our retarded descendants in 200 or so years will just undo everything and fall for the same bullshit. Hitler had the right idea attempting to future proof a problem
Study does not take into account the types of people that tend to play the lottery.
Men plan for the future, women live in the present.
Fuck you he's right you gatekeeping faggot

im antivax and planning to get the axe wound in thailand, but theyre saying i need to get the vax. is there a way i can get out of it? and if i have to get it, which one is the most safest option?
No one wants to hear about your degenerate and satanic surgeries you fucking fag
you will die either way

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He's right you know. Don't complain about market prices while supporting capitalism. Supply and demand after all. If you don't make enough money to pay for gas, then you aren't a useful contributor to society.
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it's not possible to pee while having an erection.
Capitalism built up America. Communism is now destroying. Don’t be a retard.
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it's ironic, you complain about gas prices yet support capitalism and capitalists setting the very same prices you complain about
Communist should GTFO of America is they love living so much.
Opinion disregarded

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How fucked is he?
Wow, real interesting

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Server was young, but the guy behind the bar looked closer to 30.

Wasn't intended to be a gotcha, retard. It's how my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather ordered their drinks and it always stuck with me. This was the first time someone has ever been baffled by it, and I've been ordering that way for over 20 years now. It would have been one thing if they possessed basic problem solving skills and said "Our pricing structure can't handle that, is a double shot fine?"

Can I have a cubic meter of whiskey?
>Female intelligence

They are unevolved, because men have always protected them
They also can't evolve, because they end up destroying civilizations instead and would die off, if men didn't save them again
all of pols latent faggotry on full display in these replies. faggots
nigger talks too much god damn

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Shoe0nhead, one of the biggest liberal political commentators and sustained years of attacks from /pol/ for being liberal and not trad, is now a mother and has done more to for the White race and trad life than /pol/ ever has.

Is this the ultimate path for liberals and commentators that rail against /pol/, they just take /pol/'s position in the end?
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me, personally? I don't think I could wife a woman who's nude body is readily available for anyone to go jerk off to at any time
>liberal political commentator
while she is liberal, she is best known for her anti-feminism and is one of the best-known anti-feminist liberals
doesn't take much for her to find simps. most pregnancies are not intentional, either
Yet whites can’t do it
I'm not spoiled or a pig.. :(

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Why don't men, idk, just actually try talking to women?
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>Men should not seek out unknown women
>Men should only seek out unknown men ;3
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>Hai babbuh, neflix and chill?
I don't want a tarted up whore. Try going out without the war paint.
its incredible to even consider but if we ignore women for 3 generations maybe they will start to study and be productive?
They have nothing more interesting to say or do that's happening in the sport I paid $100 or more to watch.

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Why did Britain get replaced by its colonies over the years?
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>Why did Britain get replaced by its colonies over the years?
By choice.
None of our colonies were good enough to replace the British, that's the problem.
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Jews and geo-politics
(part 1 -Jews)
(part 2 - Geopolitics)
You opened the gates, you did it to yourselves.

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Trump won
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Joe Biden is an evil supervillain, not a President.

He will face the wrath of midnight riders across America.

He will pay for innocent lives lost.

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wwyd in this situation?
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Disown my father because he's clearly a faggot cuckold.
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"My dad told me to tell you guys that Hitler was right"
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>i'm a nigger, and stalk you son violating your rights
Now post the real version.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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>I guarantee ther fairest bollywood stars


"Danish poster and I are whiter than you"

Just copy pasting this in case anyone was as curious as I was after seeing these webms. But I don't agree that it's trying to get rid of the soap. It's probably an instinct they have to keep themselves clean, like cats and dogs licking their fur.


Let's start gently. First off, it's not a rat. The fact that shower rat has no tail is a massive clue, as well as the fact that it was filmed in Peru.

"With the large head size, bipedal position, flexible forelimbs, short stiff tail, and consistent coat color... this animal fits the ID of a pacarana," Dallas Krentzel, an evolutionary biologist, told Newsweek.

The way the animal is standing also fits with a pacarana, a native rodent of South America.

Now for the hard bit – it's also probably not enjoying a shower. It's most likely trying to get an irritant off its body, whether it's soap or something else.

“A rat wouldn’t do that unless there’s something it really wants to get rid of. I think it’s soapy all over," Tuomas Aivelo, a biologist at the University of Helsinki, told Gizmodo.

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why do you let muslims love jihad your wives, sisters and mother?
why are you so mad? I'm just talking to him.
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pic related is this paki's father

Ya know, I'm starting to think that maybe Trump wasn't the greatest choice longterm for the party and putting our eggs in one basket wasn't the best idea.

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
Thos two white dots at the stern looks like fires to me. Coincidentally one of the smoke trails come from there. Judging by the smoke trails, shes stationary.

There are two smaller white dots, one midships and one near the bow, also with smoke.
Oh wow, look at that, a blob. I am SO convinced.
Op is. A faggot

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Why does /pol/ memoryhole when the entire board was 100% on the Trump train in 2016? Are you embarrassed about it now?
Literally everyone here supported Trump and now you're called a newfag that needs to take his meds if you point this out.
Why are you continuing to out yourself as a newfag? Trump posting started only 2 years after /pol/'s inception. YOU need to take your meds.
I look like this btw.
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True, but they tend to be absent here aside from a few obvious glowies.
Because these cornballs never stood for anything anyway. Even before whorish Trump appealed to these attention whores they were already useless hypocrites who coddled and protected evil people and couldn't think about anything else except for their blind rage they feel for a country that they never even liked. You could remove every jew, black and gay from American soil and they'd still complain about this country. They just don't like that they have to WORK to survive. Life should always be perfect bliss for them and everyone else should suffer.
No, the white libtards are always here. They fume because their pro white genocide policies get exposed on here.
I always assumed that those are just incompetent glowies.
White liberals want to demographically displace themselves by importing as many pagans and Muslims as they can, as quickly as they can, because they think white people are bad

It turns out all that "Chinese gutter oil" collected from waste was actually exported and bought by Amerimutts for the past decades

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>chinese cope
cope and seethe
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Sustainable Aviation Fuel Added to Credit for Alcohol Fuel,
Biodiesel, and Alternative Fuel Mixtures.--

End thread.

China still remains the number one buyer of oil worldwide. We produce it, they pay us.
>promote clean energy
>ship tonnes of frying oil over to the US across the ocean, which will be thrown out after the fries and chicken are fried, rather than refining the oil domestically, from waste product of corn, cottonseed, etc

Yeah, I love how green the Democrats are.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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It's just a different form of rape with a worse reputation because rich people haven't enjoyed it as much.
I hate single mothers and nonwhites and think they should get nothing.
It did not work well for Venezuela Argentina Chile Peru Bolivia Mexico South Africa. And dont even say cause their le brown countries cause they were richer before socialism
In my opinion, many of those countries were not truly socialist and generally, if they were true attempts at socialism, they were sabotaged by the US because the US does not want a socialist economy to ever succeed.
I'm in favor of redistributing the wealth of the top 1%, but only because they've all gotten rich through big government redistribution schemes in the first place (see for example what happened with Covid).
Socialism will never be even remotely as efficient as a free market. The problem is that, in order to work properly, a free market must exist within a system under which everyone plays by the same rules. In other words, it needs to be paired with protectionism.

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