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The stupid pig who arrested the victim in a stabbing attack and then got stabbed himself got what he voted for and is now dead from his stab wounds.
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No we used shitskin on a regular basis on this forum when you were still a little brown retarded level 10 shitskin.
Interesting how this happened right before the euro parliament elections
>the cop was just trying to help control the situaSHUNN!!!!
follow your pig leaders then fucking zogbot dick rider.
Whats up you brown circumcised newfaggot.

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- 700k dead
- more than 1kk don't have legs anymore
- millions of women fled to Europe where they are being impregnated by arabs and turks
- the infrastructure is destroyed
- the economy is destroyed
- 20% of the territory is lost
- the president is a Jewish clown and not legit
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>w-w-what about
ok shitskin with a vpn
Fuck you filthy zigger faggot. Death to ALL Russians worldwide.
>be slav golem
>fall for fake jewish war again
>die by jewish drone
>have your women and children relocated to the West and Middle East as fuckmeat for jews, whites and immigrants
The End.
Check out the OP post again.

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It is really easy now, you can just fly here. That’s it. You can look for a job for 1yr, while you deal drugs and do crime.
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> mutt
> leaving the prison continent
I wouldn't even VISIT.
>thinks he can escape the californian invasion
You will learn to suck cock in mexico city
Lol mutts still have to pay taxes to kikes even if they leave usa they really cucked the americans so hard

funny ur women are starting to become high class escorts here

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I also think that they often cuckold their men. Many of them shit out children who look like mulattos.

Whoever of you guys is fucking them, shame on you
what side hustle
Faggots don't know what an offensively ugly woman is, for obvious reasons.
Small business

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This was a 34 year old man in 1964

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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It's going to happen because it has to happen. I don't care what either side looks like, thinks like, whatever, America has to fight itself so that the rest of the world can fight and a shitload of countries can attack Israel. They won't do it until America is out of the picture. It's the only way to fulfill the prophecy, unironically.
This anon actually served in a war as a combat medic. The idea that even 10% of anons could handle a day in full battle rattle is laughable.
He's a kike, destroying USA is the final step.
If anything that's just proof the state doesn't see leftists as a threat in any capacity.
nah, it'll never happen, and your religion is fake.

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It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.
Whites don't face racial violence to even a fraction of the degree that non-whites do.
Whites get less jail time than non-whites and treated better by the justice system.

Despite having life on easy mode with cheat codes, whites somehow are the biggest losers in not just my own home country of Canada. They are losing in any country they are pitted against other races with. In the U.S., they aren't even on the top 20 highest earners. It's all people from South Asia or East Asia.

Whites are also proud NEETs, a movement not to different from the Hikikomori in Japan, which is basically what happens when you have such an easy life that you are depressed and don't want to do anything.

Whites also under produce and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to have kids, despite every Western government giving them cash and tax incentives to have children.

Whites also can't buy a house to save their lives, which is pathetic because they have been here for centuries. If anyone should be fucked by this, it should be newly arrived immigrants that have to start from the bottom, but nope, we own more land than whites.

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>still lives in Canada because of white inventions, infrastructure, rule of law, government, etc

Cope and seethe
You're all a bunch of weak greedy rats. I can physically destroy any member of your race. Not one single person out of the entire billion of you is capable of making their own video game either. White men can take humanity to space and save everyone, but you? Your place is in the mud of the earth forever, there will be no future where you have any power. The elites will use trash like you to destabilize regions and then crack down on you afterwards and show you your place.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Its illegal to have charities for White people in Canada and one man who left his estate to the National Alliance in the US had it confiscated by the government because theyre pro-White. Meanwhile
>BNI Homeownership Bridge Program - BlackNorth Initiative.
The BlackNorth Initiative (BNI) Homeownership Bridge Program helps working black families like yours become homeowners
>Black Opportunity Fund (BOF)
>Habitat for Humanity Canada | Black Families Funding
>Black Families Initiative
>Government of Canada announces housing support ...
Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver
https://www.habitatgv.ca › fundingforblackfamilies
Dec 30, 2020 — Vancouver, BC – Dec 30, 2020 – Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver announced today that homeownership will become more accessible to Black ..
>Black Home Initiative (BHI)
>Black Entrepreneurship Program (Government run, .gc website)

etc etc etc etc
This is legal in Canada.

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
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You are literally the leech that's why you live in western society LMAO
timmie timmy timme sheet cuzzzz
Literally the shittest thread I've ever seen on here, deserves a permanent ban.
Take ur turban off. Quit hiding behind it and fight me like a man
Jeets truly are delusional. I showed that videos to some true white Canadians and they're all laughing at the half monkey hopping up and down.

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*ancap ball*
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I wish a nigga would.
>I want to be a soulless machine when I grow up!
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You must have been a leftist before accepting white nationalism.
So you have consorted with jews in the past?
That is not something I would admit publicly, Joe.

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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Why don't they pave their roads yards?
Used to be that only the rich and relatively cultured indians would immigrate. They had extended family who helped each other and opened up businesses like 7-11 or motels. They were alright. But with the push for more immigrants the poor unwashed indians started flooding in. They fill up scam schools, it jobs, and proceed to take advantage of things like food banks and take shits on the ground in public.
More like they’re infiltrating computer science which was the last refuge of White men who socially couldn’t hack it anywhere else. So now that it’s not labor but mental labor being overrun, white guys on computers are now feeling the squeeze. It’s ultimately what needs to happen because whites need the pressure of being backed into a corner.
After India refused to sanctioon Russia and especially came in support of Israel. That triggered all the glowniggers and mudslimes of the world. Most of the current hate against Indians is run by Muslim Brotherhood, paki niggers, our own musjeets and other assorted goatfuckers, along with American/NATO tranny glowniggers, chinks and kikes. You are all NPC goyim being used by your masters against Indians.
The problem is, indians and third worlders are biggest DEI pushers in our universities and corporations. Anything to squeeze out the local men.

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Dating tip for the chuds
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>the whole incel/woman hating is just third world subhumans
It's a plausible consideration.
She went after him because he was the figurehead for a political party that gathers a huge amount of attention just for existing, so he and his family will be on spotlights, which means she'll be included
In other words, she went after fame and a promise of wealth, like all holes, and fame and wealth are two of the three ways a man can fuck a woman, looksmax being the third one
thats a lot of cope from a monkey
look at the looksmaxing fad. everything is to make a thirdworld subhuman look like a successful White person.
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Quite the projection, the one being a white knight here is you after all

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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Then what are you frog poster?

>Do you work in fast food or something,
NO! Do you???

Frog posters are always retarded NEETs.
You spelled “we need to stop giving billions of dollars to shit hole countries for forever wars” wrong
>gotta buy the bots
Lmao ok retard
No, nigger. Maybe that gasoline-filled tire is too tight around your neck.
When you make a claim, the burden of proof is on YOU. Try to keep up.

>trying to deflect by changing definitions of words
>too lazy to do research


>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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gm awoo fren
AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility

That's pretty frikkin MAGA there fren.
I’m high as fuck my bad
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hey I used that awoo last thread! isn’t she cute coomerpole :3

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The brave police officer who was stabbed in Mannheim 2 days ago by an Afghan Muslim, has been officially confirmed as dead now. RIP.

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zogbot down! send more women asap
you will be thanking if Polish hools show up. we will fucking cleanse your city streets of these islamic animals for you. unfortunately german hools always ally with far left and muslim groups. so we will have to fight you as well.
The guy in blue was one of the Jews or shabbos goys organising the German Israel event
then tell your government to stop sending them our way
kek, germans can't operate without guiding authority, be it keiser or furher

>Color woman takes all books

This is why we can't have nice things.
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We have one of these near me. Was thinking about heading up there one night and dumping all my old jazz mags in it.
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>White woman cut off child penis
I'll take the Color woman

the books in those boxes are always trash. those boxes are some kind of virtue signalling mental illness shit. denial of the reality that people don't read books and we have destroyed our high trust society. reminds me of how the victorians used to take pictures of their dead loved ones propped up in action shots. like if we just make it look like things are okay with this stupid fucking book box noone has to react to the fall of rome..
The books in the boxes reflect the nature of the local community. If all the books are shit that means you live around shit people.
Didn't germanic tribes like anglos invade and destroy rome?

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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I thought Ebrard was gonna run as presidential candidate these elections, what happened to him?
And that's a given everywhere Pedro, we are talking specifically of Mexico, so you have to be more specific, it's not just the jews influence that has weight in the country, there are others.
I didn't voted because:

a) I had better things to do
b) I saw that pic related, Wojak is always very convincing
Then again, I realized that the casilla is literally next to my house, I may just do it for shits and giggles.

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What's the red ring about?
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top kek
Isn't falklands full of niggers as well?
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Based Argie
Damn. The Angloid flag looks so much better like that.

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Should I be surprised?
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Fauci's lies are like an iceberg, only 10% has been revealed, if that much.
>Shit we already knew
Well then again, I suppose normies and libtards didn't because they're too busy "trusting the science" behind it all.
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His college thesus was on masks causing the majority of deaths during the Spanish flu outbreak. He knew exactly what the consequences of his directives would be. They basically created the problem and did everything they could to make it worse and maximize panic and social economic upheaval so they could forcefully coerce as many people as possible to get the clot shot that they knew was not only ineffective, but dangerous.

Fuck this guy and everyone involved. They should publicly turned into blood eagles.
History might prove me wrong, but I think the lockdowns + forced injections + social distancing had less to do with injecting some nefarious vaccine for ulterior motives and more to do with social engineering. Researchers have found that when you tell someone to do something, no matter how ridiculous the request, and they comply, from that moment on they'll always perceive the dichotomy of your interactions differently. It was about tightening the vice grip of control governments have over their own citizens. It was also a message to dissidents, "just look at what we can make the lemmings do. What hope do you have of inspiring change in light of that?"
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Basically picrel. And every kike infested government was 6gorillion percent on board with it and every other globalist agenda against us.

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>candidate I root for loses
>uninstall 4chan.exe for a couple of months
Can't believe a black man maxxed his credit card for you to be paid to post that
U wot m8

and proud cucks at that?
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>I'm taking 3 weeks and going on a hiking trip in BC next month.

Going to find you and gently fuck you in the ass for the keys to your farm, brokeback mountain style.
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if you must wage and are looking for an absolute do nothing job part time or full time just find an overnight security job
Well the guy working 7 12s then gets a ton of time off between shifts. I’m not advocating for that as I think 3 12s are the best balance but I can understand where he’s coming from. What seems especially comfy are dudes that get to work for two days straight including sleeping and get 48 hours then have 5 days off.
i think the problem is when people see guys shilling 80 hour work weeks they are thinking of working at startbucks or amazon. people who do skilled labor get paid well and have lots of free time, but when they work, they work hard. for a few years anyway, the smarter ones always get bumped up and end up chilling for 70 hours and working 10.
I've never worked more than 18 hours a week

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