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New Trump scam just dropped.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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>muh buzzwords
It's called reading the lliterature and accumulating real world experience. The more you learn, the more you find that the left is correct on the majority of topics. There's a reason high IQ correlates with left wing politics.
The older I get the more I realize people should have never stopped killing the ones that offend them. We should have never compromised, settling disputes with words it's a Jewish trick. Murder is the ultimate problem solver.
I actually do believe this. I've seen the mask slip a few times but they made it very obvious with the "but who let us in to rape your wife, dont expel us worry about the jew first, you cant treat the symptom before the cause" type of shit. As though all sandkuks will magically fuck off back to the middle east and never actually wanted a global jihad. But the brown retards here fall for it and support it.
Freedom to be yourself, freedom to pursue your interests, to have a say at political matters, to have free speech etc.

Of course, there must be some limitations to freedom. For example, I think that providing social security from taxes is promoting freedom, taking a slice out of someone's pay is not taking away from their freedom. Also, naturally you can't be able to limit other people's freedoms in order to preserve freedom.
There’s a reason most of the nazicels on 4chan are underage or third world brownies

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why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?

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Why isn't Pol making anti troon threads on lgbt. I'm really disappointed in you pol you should be bullying troons on pride month on lgbt. >>>/lgbt/catalog
Do not disturb containment boards or the shit spills out everywhere else. Heed my advice summerfag.
kys tranny
Why troons shouldn't be allowed on 4chan.
Enjoy the thread boys. >>>/lgbt/36023423
Not your personal army, retard.

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>war? Thay's never good, I heard the CIA overthrow communist regimes, don't you know that's anti-democratic?
>Putin? Yeah he's great, I'm so glad he's denazifying us, I'm glad he used Wagner Group to trick those pesky right wingers into joining the army and then killed Prigohzin and absorbed them into the regular army
>Zelensky? Total kike! Anyway, let's root for Putin sending Indians, Chinese, and Muslims to physically invade Europe
>MAGA communism? Count me in!
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>Bro have you heard of MK Ultra, Mockingbird, Deep Underground Military bases, and gain of function research? I hate the West!
>KGB? Zersetsung? Vozrozhdeniya island? Kashpirovsky? Glasnost Deception? No, I've never heard of those things, why?
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A nigger dick thread died for this thread. Thank you.
Forgot the most important one
>"you are not white!"
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>the same poster from 30 different VPNS so he can call everyone in every country not white

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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the entirety of the civilized world is defined by the appropriate use of force given the situation. Not bandit thuggery. The problem is that we've ended up in a feminized society that tries to demonize ALL use of force that isnt the state's. Young men should learn how to settle their scores in a civilized manner that doesn't result in permanent injuries, like you sometimes see in street fights. That was kind of the whole point of judicial duels. Something we should bring back btw.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
Winning a youtube scavenger hunt is not WROL. White people behave differently during war.

Black people can dance and jump.
Hispanics can work hard for no money
White people build systems and infrastructure to accomplish goals.

When white people set a goal to do something, they do it with efficiency and dispassion.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer
the other white dude maced him, raza took advantage and grabbed the prize

tldr op didn't watch
the “appropriate” use of force currently, would be nuking every non-white shithole off the face of the earth because who the fuck needs them

robot labour is on the horizon and all these ugly niggers are doing is polluting the planet
To have such an opinion, I understand it helps to not be White.

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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Well, the 5 eyes are basically christcucks like Mike Pompeo and Lindsey Graham so I don't disagree with you at all.
>I'm such a stupid reddit spacing nigger i dont understand how controlled opposition works
yeah i got it the first time cunt lurk moar
100% Bavarian phenotype
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Deporting them, banning them from institutions, confiscating their property, bombing their newspapers, burning their synagogues, and in general educating the broad masses on the danger they possessed.

>but muh gas chambers
Yes yes we all wish the narratives were true, tragically their mercy was repayed with treachery. So it is with the eternal jew.

Educate yourselves you bloody tourists.

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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That’s Costco. She literally picks all the shit products here.
>All this just to show her ass

Why not just make porn instead?
That's called she just wanted to stuff her face without consequence cause she won't be shamed like in asia
Where is the food then?
>Why is the location big
We have tons of land
>Why is the food big
We have children

Will she fix Mexico?
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>run by a heebess
Rip Mexico bros say goodbye to any hope for a future for your country. Most likely you are about to get Jeeted like us.
I wanna argue but yeah. The author isn't an actual kike but an ultralibfaggot but we all know that our liberals answer to the US liberals who are either kikes or shabbos. It's all the same.
The Marcos family in PH might as well be jews with how much they steal.
Ese are strange

First they burn down the Israeli Embassy in Mexico
Then they elect a Jewish Woman President

Hysterical behavour tbq.h

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Looks like two fat mexicans
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for goy it needs to coat the lemons with chemicals, THEN you can eat them

of course you cant just pick your own lemons from a tree, that should be banned
Based Bobby Fischer tellin it like it is.

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I have never seen, heard or been present next to intelligent person who hate jews
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And yet if someone judged a person they've never seen, heard, or been present with you would call them racist.
I am a PhD physicist

Fuck Jews. You have done nothing but hurt the field and world.
everyone always told me how smart i am. i never really paid much attention to what they said. considering i might get along with 1/1000 people i meet i really don't care who they are. most people are fucking idiots anyway, jew or not jew.
Every single intelligent person throughout the history of mankind has condemned kikes as evil, and there has never once been a kike apologist who deserved to be called intelligent.
One of the smartest men I’ve met was a Jewish biz professor who was a self hating Jew. He was very open in office hours about how his people have been a force of evil for over 5000 years. He also claimed MH370 was mid air hijacked in a similar that way Bane is rescued in the opening scenes of the dark knight rises.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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I'm just trying to find out if he did something heterosexual!
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so a jew is paying for the entire campaign
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I do
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>bisexual at best

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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Not even the brits trolling on 4chan are brits anymore
lol. lmao even
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>t. switch sides and attack germs
why you refuse your hungolian asiatic brothers right to the same behavior like your fingolian horde?
never were
UK never existed
If AfD is so based, why are they pro NATO and pro Israel?
t. pole living in a western nation

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What's the final verdict?

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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hence the 404.. i get it.. please excuse my mouth-breathing ignorance
It didn't have to be this way.
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Na man, it didn't continue anywhere. It was just random shit someone generated with ChatGPT. Here's the whole thing
sad state of affairs. vinyl deserves better.
It's just baffling that someone would actually make a pirate LP. I mean CDs I could understand, it's just burning, but an LP you actually have to have a goddamn record press, and how many people are going to buy it? I guess enough...

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Jews can cope about “white replacement” or how if technically, you consider anyone who has a Jewish mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom a Jew (even though they don’t count it past 2-3 generations) they’ll always exist, but their demographics are atrocious.
>minority in Israel + the West Bank + Gaza
>no chance of victory in Gaza or expelling all the Palestinians
>Jewish intermarriage in the US at 70% (~50% if you consider first marriages iirc) and climbing
>secular American Jews have a terrible birth rate
>in Israel secular Jews are being massively outbred by the orthodox and ultra orthodox, who don’t work or serve in the military, which will cause massive manpower shortages and economic problems
>vaunted high Israeli fertility is beginning to fall anyways (see: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-population-growth-slowing-as-fertility-rates-continue-to-fall-report/amp/
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Mearsheimer had good analysis on this.


tldr; Israel won’t beat Hamas, but if they leave the Palestinians there the same thing will happen all over again. In any event, this whole war has seriously hurt their reputation
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The real jewish conspiracy is that jewish men are weak cucks that get assblasted by strong jewish women, it's up to the jewish men to take back control, otherwise the entire planet is going down the toilet
>ohnoes, not enough jews in Izreal!
Instead of goybuxx and US weapons, every goy nation should sent sixgorillion nore Jews to boost those numbers.
Send every Jew you have!
The jews can handle it.
There are only 7 million of them in the US and they have absolute control over a population of 330 mil

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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surprised they made it past vacuum tubes
I believe it works but it will be incredibly slow

How much it took to compile kernel with core2 duo? It was like 20 hours or something

For a much slower CPU it will take 200 hours at least

There is one improvement over actual 33 year old PC though, the Russian computers can use fast DDR3 memory and can use 8GB of it, whereas 33 years ago CPU was limited to 128 megabytes of RAM
Elbrus is an absolute farce. Russia could trivially implement a RISC-V design today and be much further along than they are now. They could also easily make sub-10nm chips but they'd have to use ion milling which really doesn't scale well. Doing mask lithography is the real barrier here.
that is basically enough for everything, but let me guess, you need more?
Didn't America like to to the moon with a record player?

Videos from March 2024
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Why post anything at all then? Why not maintain fog of war? As a tactician or strategist, you never want to confirm/deny anything related to positions because the enemy might always be listening in and use some autistic shit like constellations or flight patterns to track you down. This is exactly how /pol/ tracked down Shia's retarded HWNDU flags.
Because they're fighting chimps, not war, no need for genuine stuff.
But they're still military morons so rules are rules and all that.
like your imbecile of a captain posted the video of "undamaged" carrier?
To be desu making things on site from highly compact raw ingredients like flour isn't the worst idea you could have. You can fit way more calories worth of flour in 1m^3 than basically anything else. As long as you have people and equipment to make masses of bread and pasta you're good.
lel lieutenant hernandez stationed in SK in FULL damage control:

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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socialism doesn't work unless you have social cohesion it's in the name.
Socialism and Communism are not the same thing.
>well socialism is about this ideal that will never meet reality!
We know. It’s become a quasi-religious dogma at this point.
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you correctly pinpoint government as the problem but propose to solve it with even more government?? what are your thoughts on just reducing government to near zero? Then there will be no gov for the 1% to milk.

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> fight till the last man
> suicide before capture or defeat
> continues after a literal atom bomb for 2 months

> useless
> surrenders to allies all the time
> cant even weed out inside traitors and spies
> literal simps
> collapses right after their furer suicides

> ??? what even is this
Italy wasn’t even pro axis until France embargoed them in late 1939. They were outright allied with Britain until 1935
The biggest mistake is that they allied with hitler aka the jewish puppet.
Everything was going according to plan until the reich attacked soviets for no reason and broke the peace treaty japan and soviet had.
Japan was the dead weight for the most part.
>Declares war on primary supplier of food and oil
>War machine instantly collapses
>Take ludicrously bad losses on just about every engagement, even on home territory on defense
Japan getting the US into the war by bombing some obsolete WW1 ships docked in a harbor 2000 miles away from them single handedly brought down the Axis. The US would have kept trying to be isolationist if this never happened. If Japan didn't start harassing colonial territories there would have never been an embargo.

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