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your people will starve, mine live middle of farms
yes at the end, you douche
A Muslim is always in the wrong.
thats what your meant to do.

>family has 2 - 50% chance they die =1
>family have 10 50% chance they die = 5

Moreover this is flaws since a family with many brothers and sisters is way way stronger. It is much more likely for one or two to carry the others.
I wasn't talking to you nigger

The Jewish race is the master race
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You know ancient hebrews were strictly forbidden from carving or painting images.
Those mosaics are probably hellenic or Roman.

Also modern Jews are edomites who became one with chittim as in the book of Esdras
lol first one is from a pagan roman villa
Why haven't they created anything of value?
are they clearing up palestine for space and having browns flood our countries to force israelites to move to israel?
Einstein, Bohr, Noether, Mandelbrot, Haber, Feynman, von Neumann, Oppenheimer, Erdos, Grothendieck, Salk, Ehrlich, Pauli...
Every record company director and manager, Dylan, Cohen, Reed, Berlin, Garfunkel, Schoenberg, Bernstein, Mahler, Gershwin...
Almost every Hollywood director, producer and screenwriter, Melville, Akerman, Eisenstein, Vertov, Pasolini...
Remarque, Kafka, Mailer, Salinger, Levi, Mandelstam, Singer, Proust, Asimov, Canetti...
>philosophy and other social sciences
Rothbard, Hayek, Friedman, Rand, Bloch, Freud, Buber, Goldman, Luxemburg, Kuhn, Nozick, Wittgenstein, Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Lukacs, Boas, Lewontin, Gould...
With all said and done, is it unreasonable to say that the 20th century could aptly be named the Jewish century? kv4d

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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>The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
Transitioning is within your future. It should be tracking the opposite, but the little fag that was always inside of you is now about to crawl out of your throat seething at the rest of us. Stupid self-hating white bergnigger.
yeah same. I was like 27 when I first realized that right wing rhetoric is all a bunch of bullshit
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sure rabbi.
Identity matters, yes. Land, blood, religion, and so on. These things matter to flesh and blood people. I can't even begin to see eye to eye with you. I have a preconception, maybe wrong, that you'll say all this shit about Identity not mattering and then type SLAVA Ukraine DEFEAT THE INVADERS

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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thats me
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>a jew in 1935
>All my problems are the Nazi's fault.

See how that works?
We could also say if you're a Russian under communism
>All my problems are because of Stalin.

See how that works?
Inflation is a problem, it's something I have no control over. There are elements in the world that DO affect you that you have NO control over. By blanket dismissing / minimizing them you are effectively promoting the problem.
it them damn muslim goat fuckers and that osama bin laden!

its pretty fucked up that all these retards are gonna wake up to the jq but not have the capacity to understand how to properly deal with it, and end up fucking everything up.

i bet o.g. nazi types that are with it
will abandon the masses and be put into the same category as the jew by the masses.

this is why nazi and jew types are pretty much the same.

like if you ever talk to a yid that nose and he nose you know. you can actually have a decent conversation.
Big yikes there mate. Feels like you're really projecting quite a bit. Do you have anything to say about the only argument I have made so far, which to remind your dumb ass, is that modern jews are canaanites.
You jews seek its destruction by bringing it closer to yourselves, and there is nothing weird about it, as even you realize your undesirability.

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Futurama vegan lion
Joe Rogan vegan cats
Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan calls out Carlos Mencia for stealing jokes
Joe Rogan is political so his character is as well
The real joke is Joe is the same height as Carlos who is sitting down
Ari Shaffir is JEWISH

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This poor trans child has to explain herself in front of a bunch of old, white, christian men because you guys are out of touch from reality.

Let. People. Be. Themselves.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
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It takes a few seconds to get to the crux of the issue:
>my mother is responsible
>Let. People. Be. Themselves.
people that are incapable of being themselves and decide to be something they aren't.
Letting people be themselves = letting them be mind controlled by Jewish propaganda.
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the dead eyes on that kid are the tragedy here.
those are the eyes of a little boy that was molested.
that kid has probably had a dick in him.
moms that convince their little boys they are girls is always just a horrible crime, messing with their development and making them delusional about the reality of their bodies...
but getting sexually assaulted and thinking you are a female because of what mommy's boyfriend does to you while shes at work is not something to encourage or say "bullying people who molest kids is so wrong" people who defend them are just as bad.
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I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
Smart people buy Bitcoin

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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Orwell personally knew the leaders of the Fabian Society as they moved in the same social circles. He was aghast when they had all gone to Soviet Russia and came back singing it's praises because he knew through working with the intelligence services what a brutal regime Soviet Russia actually was. He was alarmed by the Fabian Society, whose actual coat of arms depicted a wolf in sheeps clothing, and knew that there goal was a long slow march through the institutions towards communism. The Fabian Society was founded in 1884. Orwell chose 1984 as the date by which the Fabian Society communists would have won if left unchecked.
He was a little bit out. Fabian Society member Tony Blair got into power in 1997 and opened the floodgates of immigration and was followed by Fabian Society member Gordon Brown in the UK. The Fabian Society I think supply 2/3s of all MPs of the projected next Labour government.
Social parasites have a role in a competitive system. The unique thing about human beings is that we have the concept of time. And in the financial world, Debt is essentially about taking from the future. So And all major religions ban the practice of lending (you can’t take my future).
But when the sea you live in is complicated and intensely competitive, you have to borrow from the future and you have to convince you normies that this is the best thing to do because otherwise you are dead.
But who will lend to you? The parasites will. And I will feed the parasites for as long as I need them. Then I will deal with them.
Is that from one of his books? Great context, OP delivers as usual.
It sounds like you are really mocking the idea of applying basic organic systems to understand human society. The thing is even if “history” is fabricated you can still find and observe these insects to understand basic organic principles. Which you can apply to understand our world and to disassemble all of the lies they feed us.

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does anyone have more screencaps of women getting annoyed about this? i dont have twitter
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Why are they so mad?
>dad bod
Dad bod has always meant a dude that's got so much muscle you can still tell he's jacked while he's 20%+ bodyfat. Then because women are consensus filtered retards it devolved into skinnyfat dudes with pot bellies, but in reality none of them are actually physically attracted to that.
To be fair even if kid is white
It’s still not my fucking kid
Where’s the dead beat dad at
>I'm a dad now so now I need to be fat and lazy
>Oh look my wife has "mom bod" now she looks like Grimace from McDonald's
someone post the jason mamoa dad bod twitter screenshot

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I don't know. Biden is lost and his "people" in control. They are losing Control of Biden. I've heard that Biden rants and screams at nothing when he is alone. They have had to distract Biden from launching nukes.
Mutually assured economic destruction is a retarded philosophy, but then again I wouldn’t put anything past Biden
Prove it.
Taiwan belongs to China. America belongs to Israel, simple as.
>"people" in control. They are losing Control of Biden
"people in control are losing control of Biden"

Wups, forgot to edit.

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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you can feel it in your gonads
take 5 grams in silent darkness
I didn't really "see" anything (tracers mostly, but none of that movie CGI bullshit.*) but no one warned me everything would be absolutely fucking hilarious.

Also you get a bad hangover, drink orange juice to nurse it.

I think all the shit you've heard about the hallucinations may be a bit of a metaphor. On other drugs I've had mild hallucinations and it's more... I have a stray thought, like "What if I saw a dragon flying over there?" and within a few seconds I'm so expecting it's about to or did just happen I can very vividly picture it but didn't actually see it. For example, one time I was in the back of a car while someone was pumping gas and I had the stray thought "What if this caused an explosion?" Within a few seconds I'm starting to ball up waiting for us to all die in a firey explosion.
Its not absurb theory anon.
We are all

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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I'm pretty sure they know they can't win the election so they're trying to just hold out until Trump is in so that they can pull the rug on their way out and then blame him for it
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>using international trade fear to induce other nations, groups of nations, into doing bank runs against the US
What next, a moratorium on grain?
USS Eisenhower confirmed damaged by goat herders, american empire collapse in 3, 2, ...
Zoom out>>469925040
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i don't recall asking

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liberalism is more dangerous than communism
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Here you go. Just visit my Twitter next time lol.
Here's the crazy part, depending on where you were, it did. For example Hungary and Yugoslavia had it better under the commies than the US niggers. But if you were in Romania, or ironically enough, Russia, not so much. Also, everyone now is worse off in general because the subhuman animalistic greed of the americans.
Memeflagfag, ancient Aryans punished homosexuality by clubbing the culprit over the head, then strangling them, then cutting their throat and finally throwing them to sink in a swamp.
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Being nationalist is exactly that: Nationalist.

No need for idiotic brain dead "muh left", "muh right".
Right here in this thread i got Polacks calling me a communist shill and you calling me right wing.

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He still unconsciously decided the person that needed to be restrained was the more German looking one. He was killed by Jewish propaganda.
There was an imagine yesterday showing the woman cop standing next to the muslim on the ground, with the perfect opportunity to restrain him. The next images show her running away instead, which was hilarious.
Theres absolutely zero chance he didn't know someone had a knife, even less so he wasn't given a description of the knife holder.

Dude 100% was drinking the kike kool aid and paid for it with his life. But no one in the department will look too deep into what happened because some protected muslims were involved
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He is a german white man. He is doing what his grandparents did, die for the jews.

Greatest honor for the goyim.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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you know whats tight on her?
her hair cause that puss is so wore out i might as well drive a train through the goddard tunnel while loaded with nigger jews and other poisoned filth.
i wouldn't rape them
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>why do women use their body to protest?
What else would people pay attention to?
Their minds? kek
Babbys first day online? That meme is old and it’s hilarious that you’re triggered by it.
Is feminism just degeneracy? Is this what they’re fighting for, the “freedom” they speak of?

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>albeit in a non union state

unions are legal in every state
idiot call center employee detected
Good luck finding a union welding job in Texas. They basically do not exist. Look I love welding and building things with my hands, my dad was a carpenter and it runs in the family. There are states, usually in the Midwest or Pacific Northwest, where there are good welding unions and you can get up to high 5 figures. But those are extremely hard to get if you don’t know people. I’m talking about your average Joe getting into welding. Saying a welder makes 100k in a blanket statement is not in the realm of possibility. In my state, not only do most jobs require you to pay for your own certification if its required, but it costs hundreds of dollars and if you do not continue to do that exact weld you are certified to do, your certification expires 6 months after you finished that job. And then you still might not even get the job. And then you’ll have to do it all AGAIN on your next job most likely. Those are the only welding jobs where you might, MIGHT, start to sniff 6 figures. Joe blow getting into welding is most likely going to land a job around 20/hr with mandatory overtime and will be making around 40-50k a year
Enjoy dying early and still being a broke low-class loser.
My friend that’s a welder definitely doesn’t make 6 figures but he supports a whole ass family and has since his early 20s. His loser parents haven’t been able to pay the bills for years so he takes care of them and the younger siblings on his income. I don’t agree with it but i have respect for someone that is capable of doing that . My friends who went to college can barely (in some cases can’t even) support themselves. The ones who went to college also have severe health issues from all the drinking/drugs/poor diet /stress. My welder friend is actually in the best health , he went from being kinda fat working at Wendy’s to losing weight, getting in shape, buying a car, and paying for a whole ass family . It’s probably a bit full day after day but this kind of job is a good option for a man who just wants to make some decent money quickly for just doing a steady job
The UK is lacking engineers, at least electrical engineers for sure.
I came here from central-eastern Europe as a 22 years old guy with two years experience in industrial maintenance, no apprenticeship whatsoever, no student loan or any of that shit. But holy fuck every single company that interviewed me would have hired me, without fail. I didn't expect having so many options, almost fell for the first offer.
If you're any good in your profession you'll have a good chance (and pay) here, just get comparability statements for your foreign certifications and learn the regs.

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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Why is the dumb hue-bot spamming?
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I think he began dealing with harassers in July 2019 and had his life interrupted because of it and had to take antipsychotics that destroyed his sleep.

He believes he had bad diet habits that he would have corrected in 2020 after forgiving the harassment campaign of 2019 and he didn't correct this bad diet habits because of the harassment and the fact that consumers buy electronics and they come with a contract and a section on privacy that is all lies and basically he was made powerless to resume his life and he had an identity crisis because of the authoritarian bandits that control the internet and harass ppl with hacking and emotional abuse that reflect in real life networks of relationships between people and basically everyone knows this world is a network for drug trafficking and money laundering and mass surveillance exists to maintain narco states and not to destroy them

He is very angry that his life and intimacy was intruded and the only way to stop it it to not use eletronics at all and he had to make life adaptations and basically accept that the law system exists to regulate interactions between people that already want to kill and enslave each other

He was just an young kid in his bedroom and the perverted class that includes Elon musk Claire boucher tucker Carlson glen Grenwald and journalists did this little prank and hazing against him and he would rather have a world where Jennifer Psaki apologized and had given him lecture on the impossibility of privacy and how cyber gangs control everything and a ticket to Switzerland and an asylum lawyer and she didn't do that. He is angry that this "Freyja" didn't show up in her dreams to persuade her on better options and basically he is considering that the part about niggers on the other side is a lie to bait his leftoid harassers into showing how rotten they are.

He would like to do things but has to deal with the fact he has zero privacy and has to go back to the world of pen and paper
Jennifer! Jennifer!

There are niggers in Folkvangr just like in your illegal immigrants fantasy!

The pajeets come near Freyja and do an epic circle jerk of masturbating and we all feel like we are one!
Can read this

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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have a good day
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filter goes up again
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How can russia win war shen they don't even know about pallets
>American descriptive measurements

I work in an airport and despite being (((European))) the Airbus uses the hamburger tools and fasteners for some reason.

The hamburger system is only funny until you have a bunch of sockets, crowfeet, extenders, breaker bars, ratchets and impacts with all different square shanks.

>Base 12 is great because muh golden ratio
>That's why our tools are base 2.
>Have fun fun picking the right wrench for a nut between anywhere 1/2", 3/4", 5/8" and 7/16".
>No you can't use calipers because your calipers are decimal and we don't like that in America.

So far I haven't seen a 17/32 tool yet, but I would bet my ass it exists, just because the Americans would do such a thing.

Why can't I just measure a nut with my calipers and use a 12mm socket on it?
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Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Irish MPs look like that?
Netanyahu is his real name. His original Polish name was his fake one.
disgusting nigger ass
Isreal has 20 years max.
Screenshot this
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>muh far right
He's fullashoite

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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Is that mark on his head religious? You can't be too much of a genius and still believe the religion your parents taught you when you were a kid.
>right to "of tribe" women
In which fantasy of yours did the idea of this "right" arise?
i have no idea who that is but i will judge him on his appearance since physiognomy is real and conclude that i am probably not smarter than him
I remember once they asked him in an interview what is it and only thing he said is that his mother told him to wear this on the forehead
I thought it was weird some particular GMs were defending Hans. And then I realized a LOT of the Game defending Hans were Jewish.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't even care about Jewish this or that, at all.

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