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>The myth of the Chad

This. OP presents no source, of course. Either way it's destructive bullshit all the way down.
Jews are the women of ethnicities.
It's a behavior set which is bad. Women have it. Jews have it too. So do niggers. Jewish society and families are highly matriarchal too.
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The bullshit women impose on society would end today if people stopped simping for them. And ironically, it's those who women despise and hate the most, those who they give the least affection who seem to be the biggest simps.
Knowing the truth about women is step one in learning how to get along with them. If you keep thinking the things she's saying are rational and honest you'll just start fights and get divorced.

My memory has gotten noticably worse this year.

What causes this?
Too much computer life and not enough real life experiences, maybe. That’s how it affects me

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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What’s it like to have missed out on teenage love?
as I get to my 50's I no longer wonder why mass shooters target normoids nor wonder why Pol Pot wanted to kill everyone with glasses
>muh teenage love
Overrated and what the fuck does that have to do with TKD?
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The only nazi's protesting met up at the synagogue before protesting

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Unlikely for unrest to happen. China has been made sanctions proof by them analysing Russia and building their own supply chains.
Taiwan will starve and die and Lai will be flayed alive alongside his entire clan for betraying the Chinese nation.
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This. Republic of China claims to be the legitimate government of Taiwan and mainland China. Declaring independence would invalidate this claim.
It’s more economic at this point. Once they take over Taiwan they control most the semiconductor production. If it was more about spreading Chinese culture they could just take over some shithole like Vietnam or Mongolia
*nothing happens*
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>Their military leader isn't trans

The Jewish race is the master race

In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche:
>The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe; they know how to prevail even under the worst conditions (better even than under favourable conditions), by means of virtues which one would like nowadays to mark as vices—owing, above all, to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before 'modern ideas.'
>þe rase þat whores þeir women out to oþer rases to gain social status is þe master race
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I've been thinking
For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
What purpose does achieve filling yet another continent with them?

Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
I don't know what to do, I'm not even a basement dweller neet, I work out, I have a job, a family and even own land but what's the point if everything is going to shit. I have so many unshareable thoughts that I feel trapped within my own life, which by today's standards is pretty good.
Pic unrelated obviously
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The people spreading this theory to evangelicals are the least religious, most modern atheist commie trash.

The actual religious Jews say everything being done right now is an affront to the prophecies
where are u from? i need a friend in spain with my views. Everyone i know is fucking retarded.
It's not the muslims they wanted, it's open borders. Their history has proven that the jews always need escape hatches and new countries to flee to. Agitating for open borders under the guide of compassion for asylum seekers is just self-serving behavior ensuring they can dodge the next pogrom.
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>For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
It's a lie propaganda made up by nafris.
Nafris have no reasons to be in Europe
So they use to say it's not their fault
it's the fault of the jews who forced them to be in Europe in mass
Absolute nafri retard bs schizo crap
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t.paki mohammed has been using SIngapore flag for a while

Ok Rabbi
Saar, you're no better than a Muslim. You drink cow piss, where as the Muslim prefer drinking camel piss. That's the only real difference between you two.
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what is prosperity. we don't give a fuck i want to rape your daughters and slash infidels and earn jannat. Fuck off moral fag

our pooki brother will do baccha bazi fuck you
They might be immune to pathological agents, but nuclear fire still works fine as a disinfectant.

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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there have been stupid around (flat earthers) for ages. they still reference some book written by some nigger back in the 1800s.
the moon is flat. thats what they found out when they landed there and want to keep secret. thats why they push flat earth and moonhoax ideas. its all about the flat moon theory
Yes but their number has only grown with time
Some of that is definitely because of the rise of the internet but I bet most of it is because of feds shilling it as russianon says
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Earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive and neither are the goyim.
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Why do (((doctors))) want to cut you open after you die?
>you can leave a will stating you do NOT want an autopsy and they will wipe their asses with it
Even is required by law
>what can we do about it /pol/
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Bro, you're dead. It doesn't matter.
Not living in Canada, obviously.
You say this with such certainty
Die with a knife in hand so you can fight off the morticians.
>they will never find my body

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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freedom of expression doesn't mean freddom from consequences.
there you go >>469935696
now save it and search on 4plebs so you don't have to beg next time
If women are free to do that men are free to take them
This is an instance where doxxing is a boon for society. Dox everyone of this dumb no hips having cunts and spread the word to everyone they know.

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We are Slavs
It's the balkan native admixture. Balkan Slavs are slavic and paleo-balkanic (vlachs, illyrians, thracians) mutts, and there could even be a bit of germanic and celtic blood. Slovenians are the most slavic out of all south Slavs, and Bulgarians and Montenegrins are probably the least slavic (high native balkan admixture).
Since when have slovenians started to be so uppity?
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I sure look like turk with those blue eyes, how did you know
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But what the fuck for?

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There is one mindset that maliciously dominates the Right — the worship of Strength and the Worship of Righteousness.

That if a person have these two in terms of Political and Physical — he would be the model, the victor.

But that is wrong. The strong and the righteous does not win. Rather, it's precisely because they're VICTORIOUS that they are STRONG AND RIGHTEOUS.

You are operating on a false equation.

The ancient peoples knew this. The conquerors knew this. The warlords knew this.

Ancient Persian Pagans, when in war, do not pray to Mithra. Mithra is reserved solely for the Kings.

No, the Soldiers of ancient Persia prays to VERETHRAGNA — the God of VICTORY.

Do not pursue strength. Do not pursue righteousness. Do not pursue Wisdom.

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you have to be both
strength and ritcheousness go together
as do weakness and underhandedness
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the good but weak don't survive
the strong and unritcheous don't last long

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Saviors of the white race according to /pol/
so hows your pay over there at tel aviv ? How much can I get payed if I shill for globohomo ?
It was the LGBRICSQ+ vs the 13 inch cock of the Americans

No such thing as BRICS, just a third-worldist LARP and cope.
Imagine the smell.

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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ill have 2 numbuh 9s a numbuh 9 large a numbuh 6 with extra dip 2 numbah 45s one with cheese and a large soda
Funny, but McDonalds doesn’t hire white people anymore.

All your food is handled by monkey paws.
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I'm here about the job opening
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Previous: >>469927983

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Whoops, wrong one. There you go.
Damn, they've found a counter to the HOG LOG
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Russia doesn't seem to have figured out FR uniforms yet. These guys burn quite often.

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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Strike FEAR in their Racists Hearts!
Indian MEN.
Jewish Women.
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Your Pee pee.
Her Pee pee.
Its a Perfect MATCH!

>Verification not required.
>Because we're superior.

Isn't this slash?
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While others burn coal,
She's will burn your very soul

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Kumminki ukrainalaine rintamakarkuri, kuis danzig on tähän vuodenaikaan?
>>Molchat Doma is a good band
They're from Belarus. I get that politically it might well be a province but you should know the difference.
The ideal system is something like China where you have capitalism but your policies heavily incentivize domestic production and consumption.
You're a Turkish Kurd, aren't you?
I am an Austrian who wants all refugees gone.
Not some bullshit
>but it's ok when they are criminal car stealing Polacks, because they are EVROPEAN

And now answer the question. What is bad about an israel shilling pro-immigration politician to get stabbed?

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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So why are you anti-White? Why are you defending the Jews? Are you a Jew?
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my latest riff is "the crying game"

like and subscribe for more content
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>All my problems are the Jews' fault.
Not all, merely most of them.
Niggers pick up the kike slack.
>So why are you anti-White?
I'm not.

>Why are you defending the Jews?
It's less that I'm "defending the Jews" than that I'm poking fun at antisemites. As to why I'm doing it, because it's both easy and entertaining. I'm waiting on something rn so I need to amuse myself.

>Are you a Jew?
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Here you go

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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>Write a poem,play an instrument ,create a ballet team or a symphony. that is high quality entertainment.

Playing a game of chess can be a high quality entertainment. Besides, chess teaches you to focus your mind on one single thread of thought.
Probably not even the most jewish thing he's ever done
No. But I'm not autistic and I'm smart enough. I win.
my knight takes your queen. Check.
arguing with inbred retards who doesn't know how to wield their 'tisms is depressing and counterproductive.
he knows that most jews have an IQ higher than average, but that their mental health is poor and antisocial compared to the average.
a sad combo for a people to inhabit.

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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I've noticed that kikes disproportionately want the war to keep escalating. Wouldn't just gassing them be easier?
I refuse to believe Nosferatu here wouldn't somehow end up profiting either way.
Russia was our ally in WW2, what's the problem??
>"The most fundamental rule was that you cannot just invade and conquer another country just because you're stronger."
It's really like these people live on a different planet, or would have us believe we do
>Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind
And that's a good thing

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