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see you at the party richter
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>the breakaway civ
>a woman got this on her side

what the fuck?
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>Lose to Germans.
what a story marx (multiple marks)
can trust some, cannot trust others
aliens are a tricky weird bunch, for sure
the pictures cause invalidation of ze entire claim
>b..b.but mars is a male planet
if you ever have male children, avoid lavender at all costs

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> Kingdom of Austria.
lmao, too many niggers these days for that. It might still see a return of the kingdom of Hungary though.
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Basically the whitest.
you're a known russian shill that posts around the clock, maybe try switching to another vpn
He spoke perfectly fluent Finnish
>muh russia shill
lol rent free

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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There are worse fates out there, you could be running a communist party in Greece
Never going to happen
Spic governments barely control their capital cities, let alone any other part of the country
lol he got rekt in the comments
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>How come there are no Mexicans in Star Trek
>Because it depicts the future
>Plus physics states that you would need infinite lift to reach or ital escape velocity carrying fat Mexicans into orbit, it just can't be done. Conservation of energy, bro, they're just too fat
Let them know a green card and a fat White chick is in orbit and the motherfuckers might just invent an entirely new model of physics just to get there.
Add in a muscle car they can fuck up and they might just colonize space.
Ni chairo ni pobre ni indio ni prieto, pero sigan con sus mamadas que no les permiten tener una discusión. Eso es lo que sigue evitando que este pais pueda tener una alternativa politica real, imposible tener un discurso serio. Les mandaría una foto de como se ve la sierra madre desde mi ventana en san pedro, pero ahorita está nublado así que tendrán que imaginársela.

Animal, nunca defendí a AMLO, al contrario dije explícitamente que nada de eso fue gracias a el... el sistema de salud es algo que se viene construyendo desde hace décadas, y en definitiva ha empeorado en los últimos años.

Calderón efectivamente militarizó al pais para aterrorizarnos bajo ordenes de los gringos, jaja ahora todos chillan que AMLO usa a los militares cuando fue Calderón que los forró de billetes y les dio un chingo de poder. Aquí en MTY fue la epoca de más brutal violencia que ha habido en las últimas 3 decadas, los narcos llenos de ex-policias y ex-militares casualmente entrenados por gringos e israelis... chingos de compras de armas y hardware/software de espionaje (para espiar a los ciudadanos) y de nada sirvió para detener al narco, porque el narco lo controla el gobierno. Así que Fecal es un nombre apto.

El PRI, el PAN, el PRD, Morena los mega puñetas del MC y los otros pseudo partidos... todos son una mierda, y ninguno representa mis opiniones políticas o económicas.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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The peak of feminism is being able to be an object, but not get treated as an object. To be a low down dirty gutter whore in classy places. To put so little effort into everything you do that you imagine just existing is doing enough. To be convinced that having a mediocre hobbit jew gened body is attractive. To believe female intelligence is derived from arguing against everything men have learned throughout history and not from a fairytale. A smart woman would realize how mediocre she is compared to a smart man, and accept it. A dishonest brainwashed kike servant would lie and manipulate to convince people they are smart. Showing people your pathetic little B cup tits isn't impressive, there's thousands of whores online doing it already. Take your whore ass to OnlyFans instead of college you pathetic cunt.
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>Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
They know you want th3m for their gender and body, so they use their body to spread messages that you for whatever reason dislike. They know you want to own and control them and their sexuality specifically. They use your own objectification of their bodies against you.
Is this a leaked screenshot of a Parasite Eve 2 remake?
Arrest them for indecent exposure and put them on sex offender register
women are stupid infantile morons. this is nothing less than a simple childish rebellion against daddy. they are cool with showing their tits but almost never their pussies. why? because that would be taking their childish infantile little rebellion too far.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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>What? Millennial and Gen X women were the ones losing their virginity at 14 zoomers are unironically not having sex period

Learn the difference. Millennial and Gen X women were having more sex. Zoomer girls are having less sex but have way more partners and started earlier.
I'm just here for the cunny.
>this scam was literally set up hundreds of years ago
>you're playing a game you can't get even begin to grasp the outer rims of

Holy shit that's so cringe. Go back to your Anime retard.

Nobody being born these days is intentional.

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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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Now is the time for US to stop supporting Israel and switch on full gear support for Ukraine. This will result in peace in both regions.
I've seen /pol/ turn on a dime in 2022 going from nazi good browns bad to nazi bad browns good because of shills. You're a foreign element and will always be foreign element, just like 2016 tourists.
why exactly would you ever want peace in the middle east? the last time that happened they united and took over half of europe for hundreds of years
Nazis are good. Russia lying about how Ukraine is filled with Nazis doesn't make it reality. Most Nazis don't get Israeli sponsorship.
I cannot express in strong enough words, how little fuck about Ukraine and Russia I give. Let these retards fight for however long they want. Throw every single ukraine "refugee" out of europe.

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Firstly, is it even possible to fix America in its current state? For example when you consider the sheer depth and magnitude of the corruption in America, its agencies, departments, politicians, military and justice system, it seems like a daunting practically impossible task to achieve.

And, if you actually do think there is hope, and you were in charge of fixing this fucking mess, how would you do it? Where would you start, and how far would you go or be willing to go to effect a positive change in America?
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What, nobody else has any ideas ?
show your real flag
1. compulsory voting
2. ranked choice voting
3. proportional representation in the senate, fuck the electoral college
4. repeal bill of rights, impose term limits on supreme court
5. abolish presidency and instead make speaker of the house head of the executive
6. a bunch of stuff at the state level (e.g. no judicial or law enforcement positions to be elected, ever. all by appointment.)

it probably wouldn't result in the kind of america /pol/ would want to live in, but doing these things would make american politics much more stable and moderate.
1. Wall
2. Woodchipper
Detonate one of Edward Teller's 10 gigaton Sundial designs on reach coast.
Alternatively spray VX gas over all cities and airdrop atropine to those who deserve to live

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The best of us don't believe in god
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>>what claims
>Exactly. You have no claims.
>Are you suggesting you can prove your claims?
>Do it.
Retards be retards
Pretty much. They flooded the board when Trumps trial ended.

You’d think they’d bother to educate themselves on the arguments they claim superiority on.
Still no claims. Are you just stupid or something?
I'm not but you lot lie to make yourselves comfortable

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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You get peace of mind.
rent and car combined take 40-50% of most young people's rent. having neither lets you get by with about half that, hence you are doing as well as your friends making double. i hope your parents like hearing you pipe your fiance in the house you uselessly leach in like a parasite. do you even help with the property tax?
>What do people do with all their money?
I pay taxes
i simply dont spend much money

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What's their secret?
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all that is not enough, if you do not restrict female higher education you vanish as civilisation
they are not anti zionist, they treat the secular state as any other and undermine it
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>your first post ITT
>already talking about interracial porn
Mutt's Law is eternal
the primary birthers are the orthadox jews
orthadox jews believe women are adults by age 12 and fuck them.
the younger a woman has sex, the younger she gives birth, the more children she has over her life time. In reality, the birthrates of these jews are even higher than 3 per woman, but the average is pulled down by all the homosexuals and non-religious jews in the country.

the jew literally changed white people aoc from 12 to 18 and then continued to fuck teen pussy in their own countries while pretending that 'low birthrates are a logical consequence of industrialization goyim'.

this is the cold hard reality nobody wants to admit because youve been gaslit into believing that being an irresponisble manchild into your 20s and calling it 'childhood' is a basic human right.

this is the same reason birthrates rise in places like africa and south america. It's a simple math problem, a simple equation. Dick in pussy + no abortion/contraception = babies. Dicks in pussy earlier = more babies.
but the jews have you seeing pedophiles in men dating 25 year olds so you can never over come this social engineering.

birthrates could start rising today if we simply ended public school at middle school (many countries do this), lowered aoc, and stopped normalizing abortion and contraception. But we wont, because all those systems are interconnected and paraded around as 'basic rights'. You will have 12 years of your life wasted by the state. you will go into debt to extend your artifical childhood by another 4 years. Your partner will abort your child. You will grow old and have nothing.
A permanent state of war makes women paradoxically want to have babies.

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tries to get help in an imaginative way

how well does this situation portray real life?

is it what the feminists actually believe?
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>also please give me your number/crumb of pussy for saving your life
>didn't call him a nigger
Your humanity is doubtful :(
Why doesn't he just rape both
Yes but OP's video isn't from Finland our emergency line isn't 911.
Fuck police.

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why is the world so jewish right now? have we reached peak jew?
>peak jew
No, unfortunately it's gonna get a whole lot worse
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We are winning according to the shills and the jews are losing. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The whole jewish circus is scripted and gay. Everything is going exactly as planned.
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we're getting there

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Parade starts in 30 minutes! Get in here.

Tens of thousands of Israel supporters are crowding the streets of Manhattan Sunday for the traditional Israel Day Parade that takes place in the city every year.

This year, the parade is held under the banner 'We Are One, One Heart' and will feature representatives from Jewish communities across America, elected officials, official representatives from Israel, and many Jewish organizations. The parade will be led by New York City Mayor Eric Adams together with Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli. Consul in New York Ophir Akunis and Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan will also participate.

The parade WAS due to kick off at 11:30 a.m. and marchers were expected to go from 62nd Street on Fifth Avenue up to 74th Street. Access was be limited to five entry points along the parade, which is expected to end by 4 p.m.

It’s always been called jew york city

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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Finally time to be clean
>Why do others allow them in their countries?

thats the joke!
This "houses crisys"Jeet has the most punchable face.
I'd rather take chinks over jeets. Lesser of the two evils
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>Why are there so many indian hate threads today?
>What are feds trying to deflect?
shit brown poojeet hands definitely typed that.

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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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>nuked London
wish they fucking would
It will have put a big hole in his foot. If I jammed a nail into your foot you'd probably jump too.
Would nuking india be a crime against humanity? But, would, not nuking India, not be a bigger crime against humanity? Zinggers prove me wrong, o wait, you can't.
Zingga, no nuke Russians, won't play ball.Or nukes.
Stingrays are cartilaginous fish known for their distinctive flattened bodies and long, whip-like tails. The stingray's tail often carries one or more barbed stingers, which are used for defense. Here’s a detailed look at the sting of a stingray, including its anatomy, mechanism, effects, and treatment.

### Anatomy of the Sting

1. **Barbed Stinger**: The stinger, or spine, is located on the upper part of the stingray's tail. It is a hard, sharp, and serrated structure that can range in length depending on the species. The barbs make it difficult to remove the spine once it has penetrated the skin.

2. **Venom Glands**: Alongside the stinger are venom glands that produce a toxic substance. This venom can cause severe pain and tissue damage.

3. **Envenomation**: When a stingray uses its tail to sting, the barbed spine punctures the skin and delivers venom into the wound. This mechanism is primarily a defensive response when the stingray feels threatened or is accidentally stepped on.

### Mechanism of the Sting

1. **Defensive Action**: Stingrays are generally non-aggressive and will use their stinger only in defense. When stepped on or threatened, they lash their tail upwards to inflict a sting.

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It’s not fake. That’s how they see themselves. This is like saying Canadians are American because they moved there after siding with Britain.
they can only fear John Bolton; the stache is worthy of its own, unique latin proverb.
Pelosi just flew over my 20sq ft $2000/month goycattle paperbox to commit 1M dead goyim for Raytheon and Lockheed
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>America now entirely revolves around the feelings of nigs and fags
America uses fag shit to get a pro American bulwark. Geopolitically they essentially equate "minority" rights (everything from fags to women) as groups which benefit from allegience to what is ultimately a subversive US aligned element opposed to the "regressive" self determination of the existing state in the region. Fags, being pretty much universally despised, are the cases belli for US interference in the region, and the core of their structure from which to proselytize towards the outer shell of peoples who would benefit from some US flavored freedoms.
You're retarded by comparing us? Taiwan is Chinese royalty that fled communism. Technically, Taiwan are the land owners of China in exile.

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>"Mr.President! Mr.President! Is it true that jews run America?"
>Hmmmn slifflefmegfghgidllee, Look , I hate Niiggers.

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why wont they just go back to arabia instead of causing problems
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Great question
You can also go back to poland and leave the indigenous people alone
only degenerates think "omg if i do what these guys did i'll never get high again, i'll never get drunk, i'll never FUUUCK again omg the fucking, i need more dopamine!!!!!!"

you people need to be the FIRST ones sent to the front line. you're never going to learn any other way
>all of westerncivilizations problems.jpg
why dont they just go back to israel instead of causing problems

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Why is racemixing bad?
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They are professional athletes from europe
They're very clearly not Jewish.
Would you be happily married right now if the UK was 100% white?
What you need to understand actually, is that this world is governed by some sort of invisible forces of Good vs evil... and that the average person is a barely functional borderline retard cattle that gets their thoughts and beliefs from a screen. Looking to strangers for validation, or moral compass is straight up suicidal
She’s literally Jewish go on her ig
They are Jews lol go look them up fagget shill

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White or brown?
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fuckin Banu Haqim breakin' the masquerade, man
Blue and green
Nipple color?

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