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Why'd he do it?
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All that judo training and no chance to practice it...
>the old fuck tha po-lice agenda
based I would shake this heros hand if I could
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Stop nooticing bitches, you're on the based department's list now.

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wwyd in this situation?
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Everyday I tell my dad he's a zionist and it makes him tweak so hard lol
Son a zog informant has told me you have an opinion. WTF, I didn't teach you to have your own opinion! Yeah, your heart better be pounding like you are about to be dragged off to a reeducation camp. I let the state raise you so you so this would never happen. I just wanted you to be good goy
omg i have a dad! i finally have a dad! lets go play catch!!
If it my dad, I explain to him rationally and he might come around. He’s more of a Fox News boomer conservative.

If it’s my uncle, nothing needs to be said, just a nod because we’re both on the same page. He’s probably more hitler-esque than I am on Jews desu. He had nothing but terrible things to say about them after his pilgrimage to Jerusalem. My position is more a pragmatic one of forbidding non-whites from holding influential positions in white countries. Makes sense. I don’t even hate the jews..
I want to see a parody version where the kid shrugs and leans out the window shouting 'TKD gas the' and then the dad panics and peels out while people are pointing at him and his car.

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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews
Hades 2
Deus ex probably.
I love homm3 btw. I have dreams of playing it in commieblocks in my youth


Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/


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the map in picrel shows the falish in south svveden, north germany and the netherlands
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Dammit so nothing more than what can be observed from map
At least thanks for answer
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there is a german wikipedia article also, i used google translate to read it

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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Steal my shorts suckers.
they cant even figure the jewish algorithms are what installed trump in the first place
doesnt help everyone who talks about fake elections is jewish including ptg
"we will catch them red handed this time" -idiot slaves
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>why would Trump be allowed
the die has been cast
nothing can stop the disaster that is coming
so why not let trump and nationalists take the blame?
a key feature for the elites is not just to set the world of fire, its to completely alienate citizens from their governments to clear the way for their Great Reset.
if you think that scuffle of J6 was something, the leftists will burn the country down if trump gets selected
No, we won't. You're delusional

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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23 years old of you consider infant mortality rates and long term development.
If you just want to shit out a bunch of niglets for war and slavery then 15 is the ideal age.
Posting this gem for the last time.
Younger pregnancies are less likely to suffer a miscarriage.
It’s commonly known that women who wait till their 20’s or 30’s face higher and higher rates of infertility with many women in their 30’s often never able to conceive at all.
Numerous studies find that earlier pregnancies face lower risk of autism, birth defects, and ADHD.
Mothers who delay having their first child until after 24 are more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.
Younger mothers are more likely to succeed at breast feeding, which reduces postpartum weight retention and improves 28 different health outcomes for their children.
Older mothers who wait till their 20’s or 30’s to have children are much more likely to never lose all the weight they gain during pregnancy — and therefore suffer from higher rates of diabetes and heart disease later in life.
Younger mothers have better compliance rates at avoiding dangerous habits like smoking and drinking during pregnancy since they often haven’t even started these health damaging behaviors.
Younger mothers are less likely to require c-sections. Health outcomes of both mothers and children who undergo c-sections are routinely found to be worse, with children succumbing to higher rates of acute and chronic respiratory illness and mothers suffering from months of reduced physical mobility and higher long-term obesity rates (with the attendant increased risk of heart disease and diabetes).
There goes the Jew posting his pedo fetish again. You didn't convince anyone the first time. Kikestarresearch, totally legit bro
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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
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Do you? They can just avoid Yemen all together and slowly starve them, again, because we've been here before.

Because it's annoying watching shitskin thirdies just shitpost all day about how they can wipe us at the snap of a finger. They can't and they never will, and if we have to do another Iraq then so be it because now i'm personally insulted and thus invested.
Hopefully the New Mexicant Navy of USA can deal with it lol, not my problem.
please be true, lmao, death to america
>shutting down global logistics is not a big deal
I dont think youve been paying attention to how far the houthis have been striking

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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all of the south is the same. the jew cities i understand your fentanyl addiction gets in the way of eating
>Everybody stop and look at my shit hole!
I want to fucking stone this whore
The north east suburbs aren't a massive meme desert sprawl so we don't drive 500 miles to the Costco
Abundance on this level is alien to everyone but Americans.
I have an a chest freezer besides the freezer in the fridge. It's really nice

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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behind every faucet of human misery, there is a jew profiting.
>let your enemies destroy you and never resist
either you're 14 and don't know any better or youre legitimately retarded.
>they think jewsus is a torah victory over paganism
The left can't meme.
Well , is it the protestants controlling federal reserves and immigration?

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Cop who got stabbed by migrant has died


The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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catholic rates are pretty good, they were better when women stayed virgins
I think it was a power dynamics thing. As rich and famous as he was she was moreso in both so it was doomed to fail
No. They even like surprise sex.
>shocking attack
I don't know what else anybody would expect from this situation
Other than the fact that the collective bargaining agreement of the NFPLA restricts players work hours to three maximum training sessions from Wednesday to Friday if the game is on Sunday? And that it has been the case for many years? Or her own interviews about forcing Brady to cook everyday for the kids? Who the fuck other than a woman would think that it's cool to pressure your significant other to retire before you're even 40 years old? Stop believing in Gisele's PR machine and its massive leverage on TMZ and "gossip news media", faggot.

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
Because, one day, they might become the tick. Its highly unlikely, but a man can dream.
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They know you faggots are lying
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Because we already had it and all it did was create a new parasite class that felt ideologically entitled to being parasites.

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Agreed. There's nothing wrong with having standards. The problem is the hypocrisy of modern women: They expect masculinity in men, but are offended when a man wants a feminine woman. They want men to have no standards while they get to keep theirs.
>Are women freaking prostitutes?
No. prostitutes are honest about what they do.
Most women behave like prostitutes and then pretend that they don't.
thats the point, its a stage conversation to get gen z tate bros to clap and upvote
I love when subhumans desperately showcase their airpods as if spending 150usd on a shitty audio equipment means anything.
this is true. women simply aren't thinking many steps ahead. They have a dual core processor while men got quad with hyperthreading

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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Prime Butterface. That body type makes me so horny
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How can you even ask this after watching literal whores invade every loser male subculture and hobby in the last 10 years and turn it into another dollar magnet for simps?
It's just gotten to the point where there's nothing left, so they're going to take over the culture created by sexless male betas and start Patreons to "support me on my incel journey"
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Why are your standards so low? Because skinny wyte womyn are too busy with Ngubu?
Simping needs to be banned. These women should be forced into actual prostitution as the gods intended if they don’t want to make a man miserable. The balance would be enough would choose to be a whore that it was cheap so miserable men could fuck cheap whores.
they want attention
they cant get the top 1% of guys so they pretend that they cant find a guy because they are unable to see average men

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it
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What's the matter, tranny. Your handlers didnt give you talking points to copypasta about this?
Why would he not? He’s never faced consequences for lying up until recently. If anything lying has helped him in his career.
They are both uniparty. Trump is not.
Has Trump ever had en election he was involved in that they didn't try to rig against him? Pro tip: they rigged it against him in 2016 too, just not enough to beat his overwhelming popularity. They rigged it against Bernie too, but Trump just isn't as big a cuck as Sanders.
No doubt there was election fraud in 2008. Our elections have been fake and gay for probably far longer than we realize. That being said, Obama would have beaten McCain in 2008 regardless, unlike in 2020 when Biden only won because of a comprehensive voter-fraud operation.

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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>Surely you aren't talking out of your ass and can provide some kind of article.
Allegedly Russia is now making 350nm chips, which are Pentium-II level. They're not meant for consumers, they're meant to ensure a supply of chips for military hardware. Which is typically a decade or more behind what's in a cellphone.
And since they're basically just recreating tech which already exists, they'll take much less time to catch up than it originally took to create.
Isn't ASML a spinoff of Philips of the Netherlands?
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No. To emulate an SNES at full speed you generally needed a Pentium II. And that was with an older, faster emulator written in assembly like ZSNES. A 66mhz 486 would run NESticle though.
what's the name of the russian 330 nm CPU?
instructions unclear; dick stuck in cat5

This is available on YouTube for everyone to see without age verification let that sink in

Bikini line with Berodin Blue Hard Wax and The Wax Queen.
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Also fuck you, a neighbor just saw me watching that shit
>mass report
>move on
>gets banned after a threshold of reports within a given time

I've solved the jewtube problem for you
Imagine jerking off to this shit as if there isn't better porn available for free on the internet.
i am not clicking this link
where is the webm?
i recently learned that girls who have eating disorders/nutritional deficiency during puberty years are more likely to develop roast beef.

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Where's Saddam?
What is your job title and what prog language do you specialize in?
>the 'destroy your body' claim is a meme
>eat well and you will be fit, strong, and healthier than any fatass working a desk job

You don't get cancer from office work retard.
>the trades are gatekept by boomers, Xers, immigrants.
lol how

just go to hobo freight an pick up cheap ass tools, instead of buying a new thousand dollar iGoy every year along with new game systems and PCs...
>I'm a know-nothing insecure faggot wagie who needs to assume things about people to find worth in my worthless life

What is your opinion on French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen (father of Marine Le Pen)?

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Previous: >>469937150
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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It's noticeable that they claim that the first point is about the power plant, but also require the complete withdrawal from that area and the entire oblast in two different points. Also, notably, they require that before talk of peace, Russia must first withdraw and allow war on their own territory. This is completely unacceptable, obviously. More pressingly, however, the deportation of "Ukrainian" children who were brought to Russia by their mothers and fathers, who may be widowed by the war, is something Russia will never accept. A country that would deport its own children as a term of peace would not survive.

I see why shills get so upset about my pasta which continues to insist on Russia doing more and more. On the other hand, I feel like telling everyone about the new terms the Ukraine will add to its ten-point peace pasta this year. Buffer zone to protect hohols? well of course they demand this, and they also demand Belgorod this year because why not? Their summits are increasingly isolated from reality and their delusion is readily apparent to any observer.
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uh oh
Nah the Swiss meeting only has 3 of the 10 points presented, the "good looking ones", according to both Ukrainian and Russian sources.
Those three are:
>Gib ZNPP back!!
>Gib Grain corridor back!!
>Gib prisoners and deportees back!!
Rest aren't even being considered.
It's just a clownshow to seem like they're not escalating every fucking minute.

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