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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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So why would they operate the factory? They wouldn't be able to afford to. You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Please stop reading books, at all, and start working some menial labor job while taking a vow of silence for at least two years.

Even a "non-profit" has to make enough extra money to afford its own operating costs, which also includes all of its employees wages and also all of its executives salaries. It's a lot more than property taxes and electricity bills, if you were even considering those.

>hurr durr all the money should be mine because I push the button over here in the factory which is one of the buildings this multinational corporation that provides hundreds of thousands of jobs to free people around the world owns

vow of silence. menial labor. lurk more IRL
Which countries are "truly socialist"? And if the US is going to economically gigacuck any country that becomes socialist then why should they even bother trying? They'd just be putting their people through hell for no reason.
Money is taken from
Thr working mans paychecque on threat of prison to go to third worlders and those too lazy to work themselves.
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>The very fact that firms earn profit
So if a business earns a profit they should give it all to employees, if the business takes a loss do all the employees chip in and make up for it?
You never answered what you do for work, what you produce, who is stealing from you, how much they're stealing, and what you have attempted to do to stop this theft.
We don't think capitalists have any role in the economy.. The factory would be owned and operated by the workers..

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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No, he didn't. Tom is like Jordan. Gets to work at 5 am, and leaves at 8 pm.
Bündchen looks like a tranny. Wouldn't.
She pressured him to retire even before he was 40. BPD demon manipulative bitch.
Do you have even a modicum of evidence to back up your claim that Brady only left work at 8pm and worked every single day?
chads don't realize that without their looks their personality is subhuman, so when a whore gets used to their gay face and realizes they are hollow on the inside then nothing will save them, not even the goy fiat

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>>469950235 On the real, tho: the one trying to own every supply of water in the planet.

FUCK Canada
Canada is based
fuck russia instead

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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I'm responsible for psyopping zoom zooms into dating older women

Why'd he do it?

Will she fix Mexico?
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The Marcos family in PH might as well be jews with how much they steal.
Ese are strange

First they burn down the Israeli Embassy in Mexico
Then they elect a Jewish Woman President

Hysterical behavour tbq.h
they didnt burn down the embassy bro
FPBP. Yeah... Basically an uncontested election it's always synonymous with high political instability, nothing to do with being a woman, really, but i expect that line of discourse very early in her mandate. And basically take the right now seems almost holding a hot potato.

How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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How does it feel knowing I can say stupid shit if I ran as a Republican, gets retards like you riled up, slobbering my cock, as I laugh at how easy it is to grift and make money off you. As >>469949530 said, just throw in kikes and racists overtones then boom, easy win.
Facebook shit from 2015?
My goodness OP have some fucking dignity
look mom i put myself as the based basedjak choking the cringe basedjak. That means I am based.
You can't convince anyone of anything, because you aren't smart enough. As I said, you will have no effect, here or anywhere else.
You could literally kill yourself today, and it wouldn't matter at all. No one will miss you, nothing will be worse because you are gone, you will just disappear and no one will notice or care.

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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part of the appeal is getting to feel like a rich patron desu
Top 1 percentile Ubermensch buy Monero, gold and silver.
Yeah, if I get enough money into founds, then my son's will get that when I die. Education is free, the kids are legitimately intelligent, so they'll do fine unless something happens. But I can cosign on loans for houses etc.

I also don't own a car, that's one of the reasons I can save that much. And I got a deal with my fiance where she covers less for the coming 3years, as she did for me when I reeducated to another profession a few years ago. After that I can either get a car, or save even more.
One of the best financial tools you can have is a good partner, that's capable of thinking longtrerm
The mogul only takes 40% :) The other 30% is to fund our genocide and child rape
Living in a van will get you killed/arrested here. Ze pod is the 40% btw
Seethe. He’s done the smart thing instead of falling for nuclear family propaganda. Splitting bills between earners in a shared home benefits everyone under its roof. Moving out on your own is financial suicide for most.

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Well aren't you just a total piece of shit. Really unfortunate you haven't #roped or OD'd already...
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he's ok with it?
>It's already happening. Countless news articles about right-wing violence that COULD happen
violence is the -dumbest- possible response to this - they have showed their ass, let it swing in the breeze for all to see
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>It's cope because I need it to be cope.
Trump is ok with jail because it will make him even more popular. Aren't you commies suppose to be smart?
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Badge of honor from a Commie judge that isn't even American, he's a Colombian. Trump should not only deport him back to his shithole country, he should also cut all federal funding to the state of New York.

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
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You cant deal with yemen, but they can deal with you. The problem is the west is spent the kikes hollowed us all out, your military is a glass hammer like ours.
LOL. They can't leave Yemen, please tell me how they're going to handle us? you shitskins still can't even produce evidence it was ever struck. First it was in port in some random shitskin town now the gooks are saying its limping across the ocean? lol. Ok bro.
You dropped your /k/ippah, maam
do you understand that global trade exists? they are in a pretty good spot to fuck up maritime trade for most of the planet
you dumbass niggerbrain
You seem really invested on the ship not being hit? Why do you fight against it so much? Are you trying to say our military is actually competent? Or that our military doesn't lie?

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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Man that incoming sound, I love it.
ben gvir and smotrich are all bark and no bite, they will never willingly drop out of the government
Netenyahu is a grade-A narcissistic psychopath, if their threat to resign directly leads to him going on trial, he's not going to risk it even if it means everyone else gets fucked.
It's openly acknowledged now that they're the ones dictating his choices when it comes to Gaza.
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they are nothing more than little bitches that love to kevetch and none of those kikes have a set of balls to go fight in the meat grinder, they should just shut the fuck up and accept that pissrael has already been defeated
so how does Israel fall

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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same reasons why chinese are hated, or negroes, or whites.

once you're exposed to them and learn who they are, you realize that they aren't humans, but beasts worthy of subjugation or destruction.
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bien dicho carlos
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yes anon, we get it, but how is this white peoples fault (somehow it is)

No one really wants them around. Nepotistic and will take over whatever is available, unreliable, fake diplomas and CVs, lack of Western fairness concept. On top of that, absolutely horrible accent and shitty manners
it's only a tactic to normalize the little brown goblin invader (hispanic) hordes.

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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Based Mishima poster
my nephews are 12 and 13. they, and their friends behave on the current xbox just like people did back in the xbox360 days.
Good point cabron
watch "conspiracy of silence," "chickenhawk (1995)," read "programmed to kill," believe you me people "know" what gays are about. greatest trick the devil (the jew) ever pulled was to convince people that gay men were okay to be around. even the mildest forms of homosexuality are predicated on two things: pederasty and escalation of activity. they must not be tolerated.
The rights advocates won so the push turned towards being enshrined as better than everyone else rather than focusing on the remaining inequity, so it became an obnoxious escalating culture pressing for the legal enshrinement of special status and the right to be annoying, grotesque faggots that have unlimited free access to impressionable children to secure their own demographics.

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wwyd in this situation?
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This one fucking kills me sides oh lawd it' sover
"lets stop at the shop, I need a megaphone first"
Gotta realize it's a kike propaganda commercial

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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A lot of conductors and classical music snobs went absolutely berserk over his playing style in the 50's. He was a child prodigy and eventually stopped doing concerts once recording tech got good. Died at 52 iirc
It takes time to find out what's out there. Many people think if it takes effort, it's pretentious.

that is a damn shame. the great die young, a timeless reality.
Why is it that since I've legally changed my name to Nobody, every now knows everything about me?
I Believe! Amen!

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this is why i cannot take this board seriously. bunch of child keyboard warriors that get btfo by 2 indian dudes on lunch hour as racist discords attempt to demoralise us when we have already been winning.
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But Anon, statistically it would be him doing that! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11783261/pictures-aghori-tribe-cannibals-india/

You don't know any attractive white women, do you?
>more evil than Jews
Please elaborate.
many but my favourite is the one in my bed right now
henlo sar plese do th needful

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>the gayest fighter jet ever
a meme of a fighter jet
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Pure globohomo.
the toilet of the sky
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Exactly. We are the best, and you suck dick for real.

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There appears to be a new laws of physics and some new technologies in open use.

It centers on consciousness, hyperspace, and electromagnetism.

These principles have been encountered as psychic abilities which may include out of body experiences, near death experiences, astral projection, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, levitation, teleportation, and others.

Beings are involved as well, either extraterrestrials with advanced technology, or native hyperspace entities. This could be a simulation.

There are some well-known studies that look into these new physics. Tesla's work on scalar waves indicates some kind of hyperspace that can be accessed by hyperdimensional waves. The CIA looked into the Gateway Process and the Psychotronic Universe and tentatively determined reality is a hyperdimensional hologram where consciousness is the dominant factor.

Dr. Steven Greer, a known UFOlogist, has revealed the military has had anti-gravity since 1954, and it has something to do with the hyperdimensional consciousness field. He has provided photographs of aliens that were summoned during meditation. He asserts UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic vehicles with zero-point energy that can turn into pure consciousness in hyperspace through astral projection.

Dr. Robert Duncan, a cybernetics expert, has revealed the military is using supercomputers with AI hooked up to antennas that are being used to telepathically torture people by inserting voices and visual hallucinations into people's minds, along with being able to remote control their bodies. This is related to Havana Syndrome.

Officials state people will panic if they do a disclosure, which indicates there is something to disclose. A recent congressman was briefed on the subject and told reporters to "lock your doors."

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I wonder about the safety of these WiFi and devices, nanochips, safety of radiowaves, the health industry etc... Who to trust and not, I will figure it all out eventually but I do know that separations from other races and Jews while I get myself and my life in order is the best step for me at the moment until I figure it all out and I will...
i remember this interview, it is on greer's channel
>William Pawelec Interview
>Dr. Steven Greer Witness
>billions of nanobots ordered
>individual serial numbers
>radio wave resonant
>body won't reject them
Weird. I couldn't find the video on his channel before. I guess im dumb. Thanks. That's my favorite "declass" video. Most seem staged or exaggerated in importance.
>work for cia
>make nanochips to stop illegal horse swapping
>crazy guy shows up with nro and nsa badges
>"how can we make 8 billion of these?"
>"will they be rejected by the human body?"
I found it odd that this interview didnt trigger some pattern recognition for greer in 2020.

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