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It happened at a buss stop
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> answer a bunch of questions and get a number
> think they are intelligent than others
you people are fucking joke, kek. no wonder Jews fucking up your kind.
The only voting we should have is an elective monarchy, and the voters should be screened for IQ before being allowed to vote and sub-100 IQ votes should be thrown in the trash
The idea that the average moron should be deciding who runs the country is completely ludicrous
Stinky brownoids need to roam in packs so that they collectively have a backbone.
indians spend all their time on quora and reddit where they read these comments about approaching women and "numbers game" salesman and they genuinly believe it

they come from culture where rape is legal so they are unaware how consensual sex works, they genuinly think it's about just walking up to random women enough
they're completely unaware of human culture or how relationships are formed in human societies and cannot even imagine them but reddit and quora tells them its just about numbers game and approaching enough and self improvement enough and they believe it
they never read books to study how people behaved or acted throughout history so they're not aware that western countries simply have no precedent or culture of strangers talking to one another especially not to form relationship which is what actually leads to sex.
or maybe they do read them but it goes against the pornographic fantasies of approaching that internet forums painted for them so they ignore it.
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The expression is used to mock your helplessness and narcisissm.

When someone says "she voted for it" they want to bait you into expressing your narcissism and panic at your own subhuman helplesness by responding "well maybe she didnt vote for it you need to scan her thoughts to see if she voted for it and if she didnt then you have a one sided obligation to live and die for the protection of those who didnt vote for it".

Your narcissism and complete panic mode makes you say ridiculous things like this and its funny everytime. Hope that helped clear the air around the phrase "they voted for it". Bye!

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Previous: >>469918954

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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This exact mindset is what lead putin in his informational isolation to start this gay war in the first place and this whole conspiratorial worldview and culture is what even lead to some Russian oligarchs in London(grad) becoming Anglicized.
So perfidious!
Russian ruled by putinist Kremlin is a shithole with nothing to offer.
That is why neighboring states do not want to be under the abusive influence of it and would prefer to be allies to western powers with all the downfalls and warts that proposition has.
The notion that things happen and there is nothing even the most powerful intelligence agency could do to fundamentally instill one balance or the other in a country is truly anathema to the putinist system of though.
Get fucked, pidorashka.

Yanukovich is a putinist puppet.
Yanukovich got ousted because he was acting like a tyrant and insanely corrupt.
Contemporary Russian governance has nothing to offer to Ukraine which is why they don't wish to be controlled by them or their puppets.
Taganrog air defense active
Fucking mulched
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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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Goku will never have the staying power of Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse. Shit, they're desperately rehashing the character and fucking him up.
Ok. Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Pikachu... are you going to say those also won't have staying power? Like Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse aren't dead today.
I just think hentai is far more sanitized than "regular porn" since no one is getting trafficked or getting STDs
I mean, there's no real people, but there's some really fucked up hentai just for the sake of being fucked up.
Me, too

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How do we fix this?
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Also just checked her out
Huge slut
pajeet, no one is talking to you, also, only the most pathetic human brings IQ to every conversation
There's no fixing that hole.
Women by design are incapable of loving the vast majority of men and are only truly attracted to antisocial and aggressive confident men i.e. criminals, psychopaths, “free spirits”. The term “settling down” means exactly as it sounds, as in the female is settling down with someone more stable and responsible because she realizes the irresponsible Chad can’t give her financial resources in the long run. That’s all there is to it. All these theories of “women want virtuous, stable, strong men! Do the work!” are just copes by a bunch of faggots that have to work ten times harder to get a fraction of the pussy the types I mentioned above get. Unless you are so good looking her biological mind compels her to mate with you, or you represent highly antisocial and dominant behaviors she more so NEEDS you but doesn’t WANT you
1. reform family law
2. Abolish affirmative action and diversity quotas
3. Defund social safety nets for women

I doubt any of this can be done democratically though. It will just be painted as an "attack on women"... even though these are all privileges women have at the expense of men, getting rid of them would just make things fair.... but all the female voters and simps will be easily riled up to vote against it.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Give that boy a medal.
Wouldnt dismiss that.
Release all the violent criminals and then blame rising crime rate and violence on Trump.
I geuninely have no idea.
Isn't this a "hate crime" in Scottsburg?
>proper and reddit respected
we’ll put you on the case, coomerpole! you do have three (3) reddit accounts after all ^-^
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Lol that seethe in the replies
I can't believe MAGA exploited this retarded, middle school dropout. He literally can't even into words.
The Trump loves low info voters meme is truly evergreen.

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>Bongs can make jokes about kids dying in school shootings constantly and everyone laughs and eggs them on
>I make jokes about people dying at a soccer game and I'm a cruel bastard and an asshole
Almost everything I learned about hypocrisy and double standards was realized on that day
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hillsborough, heysel...never the scousers' fault
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Its not funny, 6 million scousers were pushed through chain links fences like Play-Doh, you fucking monster
That's just scousers in particular, they hold it over everyone else like their own personal holocaust. It's the Irish in them, but I'll be damned if they aren't a likable bunch regardless.

This anon gets it
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>but I'll be damned if they aren't a likable bunch regardless.
>What was your ultimate blackpill?
90%+ of humanity are utter complete non entities and I'm trapped here with these brainless gatekeeping faggots playing the dumbest gayest game ever conceived called "modern society" with no way out. every effort to not play the game results in your destruction, there is no opting out. Blacker still is, this will go on forever without end.

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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And why is that
I thought the far-right was rising, where are we in this /pol/?
This time You will lose! Baddly. West is old, degenarted and poor.
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Nukes aren't real

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All signs point to a hot war rather than a cold one. Both western and eastern economies are caught between a rock and a hard place in the forms of rising unemployment and currency devaluation. Something similar played out in the 1970's and early 80's and nearly led to a conventional conflict between the US and the USSR, were it not for the fact that the US still had low levels of debt to cushion the effects of stagflation and high unemployment. The USSR did not and subsequently collapsed.

This time both leaders of the first (US) and second (China) worlds have high debt AND stagflationary conditions. The only comparable period in contemporary history would be the interwar period before WW2, meaning it's far more likely that things escalate into a full-blown conflict between the US-led world and the China-Russia-Iran bloc.

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How much of a role did Walt Rostow play in convincing Lyndon Johnson to escalate in Vietnam? Every time I read a history of the Vietnam war, his name shows up, and he seems to have been the main hawk, and Johnson seemed to be controlled by him.
Walt Rostow was a Jew, by the way.
Thanks OP. Kikes like Steve Sailer always blame the goyim for the Vietnam War, I'm glad you did a little research to show there's always a jew behind the curtain.

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Are refunds even requested by people like this?
Total Beth Death
I feel bad for beth. Apparently evangelicals won't stop raping her in the uterus. She should call the cops or something.

nvm she just wants to murder her own children
that's dishonest language for heart attack, which the vaccine obviously should have prevented, obviously

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Ah yes, the typical rightwinger
Theyre no sexual perverts, they just really need to see kid genitals and think about them
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For a cloned spieces that's only 7000 years old you're pretty loopy. Enjoy the next round of testsvmsva
Agreed, ban birth control
nice projection you have there. he didn't mention any of those things, only you did.
>noo you cant look at what were doing, its not grooming if it isnt lefties
Wait for 18
>Matt Walsh is friend with the jew
Employee. And stop berrating him he a good goy he dindu nuffin.

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What are the political implications of millions of Americans being riddled with parasites but don't even know it? I've read about how parasites can influence the minds of their hosts does this explain a lot of the strange degenerate/immoral behaviors that are commonplace in America now?


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Anyways, I think 50% of the parasitepill pdf is schizo stuff, but the other 50% are very important information.
>>469933349 (me)
Same fagging on phone in case ID changes:
I also want to point out that ivermectin is a very effective treatment for river blindness, so it is in fact effective for its intended purpose.
I don’t believe most Americans have worms, we are all way too fat for that.
If you have trouble losing weight then you definitely don’t have worms.

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>no corrupted government
> no corrupted puppet leaders under controll of zionists
>no pedophile agenda in hollywood, government, church
>no fat sugar addicted cancer diabetes society
>no dumb media telling you what to think
>no elitist billionaires sucking off money from idiot uneducated masses (musk, bezos etc)
>no biggest army in the world to maintain cus youre scared of everyone else

and the list goes on
Really overdid it there, anon

Videos from March 2024
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It's a Pajeet or a seething IDF soldier too pussy to face Hamas, so he does information warfare
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this is a really comfy thread
keep it up boys
>Its power level is more like level 80
More like a lvl 20 controlled by lvl 1 kikes
They can't even keep remote bases in sandman getting hit covered up lmao.
>Zog nigger trying to cover up their incompetence.
Boomers are truly the most inept when I comes to technology - it's like they truly believe you can't find footage from 3 months ago to call out their bullshit

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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They aren't enslaved, the places with high minimum wages just don't have entry level jobs available since they cost more to employ than they can make for the company. If employment was guaranteed you might have an argument, but cutting your own legs off does not make you the king of the midgets.
Yo, people who aren't those people who do damage control for them are worse than cuckhold simps. they contribute to wasting more time than just the self.
You should make a thread then
Hey retarded leaf. Everytime min wage goes up so does the cost of food and rent. I've been on this earth nearly 40 years and I've seen this happen every time. Rising the minimum wage just drags the middle closer to the bottom. What needs to be done is some jobs shouldn't pay a living wage, let teenagers and housewives work them for some extra money. There's unskilled adult jobs out there which can pay living wages for the unambitious/dim witted. Fast food/cashiers are not the primary sources of employment, so they don't need to be elevated.
You are so slow. The prices are high because you have a high minimum wage and not enough value being created. You arbitrarily raise your minimum wage and steal from the rest of the country to pay for your failing system. If you were producing more value, your prices would be lower. Because you would have more supply. You have a supply shortage friend, and too much demand.

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why are they so brown?
that sneaky nigga on the right
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Suki suki, five dorra.
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Because they are gypsies.

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Why is Orban such a shameless Putin/Xi bootlicker and Russia/China shill?
What dirt do they have in Orban’s kompromat?
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Russia is allied with Iran. America is prepared to invade Iran. America is trying to overthrow Assad. Putin is propping up Assad. You cant explain the difference in foreign policy between America and Russia without understanding the jewish question. Jewish think tanks here openly admit that a victory for Russia is a victory for Iran. Russia is the enemy of America. America, Ukraine and Israel have functionally the same government.

mine* fml
>What dirt do they have in Orban’s kompromat?
The gypsie used to rat on Hungarians during Soviet times, and he received a suit case full of cash from a mobster who worked under KGB/FSB, before his rise in politics.
They did.

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?


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Why is racemixing bad?
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she thinks she is so clever and cool
i hope zoomers get conscripted now
>wyte womyn is being retarded, like any womyn ever
>"kill all zoomers now!"
Kill yourself, Bruce.
Muds always have that look they know how to upset people.
deport you wogs too
Australia belongs to CHYNA. Get rekt, cunt.

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My wife was talking about him the other day. About if he was dead or gay. Bad rabbit hole. Our boy isn't gay on paper but likes mutilated dicks.
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Last 2 months prior to elections are most critical. Because people tend to have short memory.

And even now, D.Trump is used in A LOT of news articles, in a way to granting him HUGE publicity.

And in last 2 months, there will be just need to turn some positive twist on him, and that's all.

For Israel, that operation in Gaza went so terrible, that they will be willing to spend a lot of influence to make it more bearable.
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All mine went rancid. Fucking oil in the noodles. Amazon had some crazy sale on instant lunch 24pk for $2.15 awhile ago so I stocked up on 10x 24pk but they all expired by a lot before I got to them.
Trump's angle is that he's gonna simultaneously support Israel and "end the war." But he'll phrase it so he looks like a peaceful guy with all the solutions

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Molchat Doma made some nice songs
but Kino
damn, Cigarettes are the best
1. jews
2. mutts
What country is this ?
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Gay Anal Yiff Treason Organization
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It's like what happened with Ireland. I went there in the nineties and it was like stepping through a time portal. You could not have convinced me at the time that they would do pic related within 20 years.

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