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Are they high ranking operatives or disposable pawns?
Poor bieber, imagine the things they did to his bum :<

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You want to hear a hard truth?

You wouldn't know it sitting in your cubical in Tel Aviv, but the younger generations of Americans (Millennials/Zoomers) have woken up on the topic of Israel.

We consume unfiltered independent media and can see what's really going on in Gaza and the Zionist lies the Mainstream Media is trying to push on us. We see the countless videos of IDF war crimes, the bombings of schools and hospitals, the massacred women and children, the destruction of food and medical supplies, the torture and rape of POWs (and protests supporting it), the illegal occupation and apartheid imposed on a population. We see it with our own eyes.

>Now here's where the fun begins...

Retarded pro-Zionist Boomers/SilentGen control roughly 70% of Congress. Once they die off, which is already starting and will only accelerate in the coming years, the younger generations will fill the open vacancies in positions of power within the government. When that happens, the relation between the US and Israel will be scrutinized, the shipments of money and weapons will stop, the vetoes protecting Israel at the UN will end, the economic sanctions and condemnations will come down hard, and Israel will finally lose it's last remaining "ally".

Your economy will probably collapse, your military will run out of munitions and spare parts, your leaders will be charged as war criminals, your government will tear itself apart, and your power in the region will dwindle (doesn't sound like a good time to be surrounded by neighbors who have a bone to pick with you).

I hope that tiny 25 mile long strip of land in the desert was worth it.
It's a shame so many innocents had to die in the process.
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Wishful thinking anon. Israel is going for broke and is going to force the US to go to war with Iran. Doesnt matter if the kids dont support they just need our money and bombs. Once Iran is gone Israel will have total control of the middle east and will be a global superpower. Jews are preparing for the fact that the US and the west wont support it in the future, thats why Jews are flooding migrants and destroying the west so that once they have hegemony over the middle east they can pull the rug out on the West and collapse all White countries. Whites will be stuck in racial civil wars for decades while Jews build a new unipolar world order around Israel. Waiting for Boomers to die off will be far too late.
They’re scared to finally be exposed, that’s why they’re posting so much hateful shit. They cheer for the deaths of children and claim they’re going to “stomp” their enemies. But also we’re supposed to think they’re meek and innocent people who just want to be left alone.

No. It’s not gonna work like that anymore. I think the most obvious pushback they’re getting is people are well aware how much agendas they push to be in TV/Movies. Disneyslop has been called out for the “messages” they’re trying to force on children.
Me too, I consider it a win-win as well . Europeans treat everyone with equality and there is no difference in peoples, they are all the same after all :)
The board doesn't discuss what Israel's plan is to deal with US demographic sentiment change about Zionism. Don't lie to yourselves that Likud and Kushner aren't fully aware of the road ahead.

My guess is they will collapse the economy, make a majority of millennials subservient to BlackRock using social credit and home ownership/rent tied to loans and mobility, and then eventually have Chinese troops cordon off parts of the West, starting with Canada.

Also all of the Western data they collected from 23andMe -- and vast majority was white customers -- will clearly be used for ethno bio warfare etc. We can celebrate noticing on social media all we'd like, we can publicly clap that more of us know they did JFK and 9/11, but don't think for a second that this is totally organic or that they aren't monitoring and don't have contingencies for the future. This should be the major topic of the day. They will reveal their strategy before 2030. Yuval Harari openly gloats that population reduction is necessary.

According to Christopher Jon Bjerkness the "show me your glory" part in Exodus represents a subliminal sex scene between Moses and Yahweh. But that makes no sense because Yahweh destroyed Sodom and made gay sex a stoning offense.

I think Michelangelo and Leonardo were on a bender on some piazza in Rome and was like, "You know what would be funny? Let's paint hot muscular half-naked men, and sell it to churches."
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>Christopher Jon Bjerkness
literally who
Bad vibes emanating from the posters
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We desperately need the following to happen
>jews kicked out of the west
>muslims kicked out of the west
>women’s rights significantly reduced

that can only happen with extreme christianity, but will it happen?
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still spewing your jewish diarrhea shlomo?
if your people want a war, just take off the masks and declare war.
the reality is it doesn't matter what religions there are in the world, actions have consequences, if you wanted to create a warlike christianity, all you would need to do is declare open war and intent. if you want a warlike jewish population declare war as a jewish population.
your people are weak because they always hide and scheme like rats.
you wont do shit though, you'll hide behind a fake persona, as a european to throw stones at other europeans.
you will always be a ratlike cowardly people that gets stomped on by your betters.
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>we was aryans
Nice try ling ling
>moominvalley wuz the indus valley
Cant read maps, because of the shitskin brains? Yes, we are Aryans. The most direct descendants of them, thats what I said and its what the DNA science says.
>shitskin so retarded he confuses Finns with Saami
Thats not a Finn. But we already knew you are inbred and retarded, every single shitskin is.
t. jew worshiper

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Jesus never said 1 word about hating trans people.
The Bible states in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus".
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That's because trans people don't exist.
Humans don't change genders, so a troon abdicates their humanity, ergo they are no longer people.
Jesus also never said 1 word about hating Skibidi Toilet
I'm a woman so there's no issue
>If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

Wtf was going on in israel back in the day? How could something this specific warrant a law?
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"trans people" is not a real thing

so obviously it is not included in the Bibe

OP is a gay man in a dress and will never be a woman

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fuggn saved
oh sorry for noticing infant heart attacks, Mr Moderate vaxxnigger
Nah I hacked it cause I'm a 1337 h4x0r.
Awesome track desu

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He just wanted to fight the good fight T_T
Now he's dead.
I get it, some people get addicted to combat. They think they're going to do to others what they did to him. Whatta rush.
Why does Russia do this to its biggest fan girls? Why are they such sadistic assholes?
our second greatest ally.
It's always so odd how they do this to outsiders who want to help them. Oh well, nothing of value was lost either way.

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What’s her endgame?
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Pure attention, she probably didn't start out that way. But once she got propelled in notoriety she wanted more, and then started freaking out when people stopped caring about what she had to say when she got older and started doin more and more absurd things for attention. It's sad really
To get raped by a pack of cops.
Speaking fees, book deals, movie royalties, pills, blackout nights, waking up in someone else's vomit, and obscurity.
She was tricked into a bet she's got no reasonable chances of winning.
Her entire personality revolves around something that will be proven wrong in about 5 years.
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She's an MK asset undergoing a meltdown because of conflicting interests and myalin depletion.

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Poor lab pups. All their intelligence leaves them when food is involved. It’s not fair to test them with problem solving when food is involved.
Libs of 4chan
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dew it
Worst balloon animals ever

Press F to pay respects

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>no, i am unfamiliar with brandenburg v. ohio
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You list bullshit that got tons of coverage on Fox news. If you see it on MSM, it's kosher. Sean Hannity was happy to bleat about Hunter Bidens dick pics and covid. He never says shit about jews running this country or the ethnic cleansing of the White race. You need to upgrade from your boomer tv race firmware to hardened White Nationalist.
Jews are not American
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Those damn British, always meddling in our affairs.
just lie like our press does by qualifying your statement
>some say
>anonymous sources
>polling data
>unnamed witnesses

you get the idea
>hey I heard on tv that the election is gonna be on wednesday this year in observance of our new national holiday, taco tuesday. They said we don’t have to work either.

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Great song.
>59k views 2 days ago
>#1 in charts
nvm 300k


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bud that's not a uniqute username on the top left of someone's post
Either way Israel wins and that's all that matters.
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Polls are flipping so of course the giga retard nate bronze now call the race for Kamala
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>nate chinesium says...

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Patriots, stay calm. Follow the white rabbit and go deeper into the rabbit hole. WWG1WGA
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Q anon. Added to filter out boomer larp
You gay as hell for that
speak up, I love me some doom of an evening
plenty of awful shit going on the ground
typical nafo

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What's /pol/'s opinion on mewing?
I fucking love double bubble
And this gets through? This gets posted?
I generally find incel terms to be pretty cringe across the board.
What doesn't get through?

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By not getting vaxxed in 2021 you forced kikes to waste significant resources and feel powerless, so much they would wished not to mess with "schizos". Next time they will focus on the reddit-tier 6 billion vaxxies more.
Also george floyd died for nothing thanks !
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Cor, ye've been a naughty naughty little boi, yes, yes you have. Time for you to put your nose into the corner till you learn proper manners young man...
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Based "Inaccessible" bros.
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North Korea rejected millions of AstraZeneca and SinoVac doses because they did not trust them. They still started mass-vaxxing by the end of 2022 for some reason.
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reporting in, had and exposed 5 times to covid, i am still alive

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> You ordered food?
Delivered by pajeets
> You check the back of any bakery?
Made by some SEA mystery meat
> Take a public transport?
SEA driver
> wanna buy some bread from LIDL?
Pajeets and nepalis even at self checkout
>You wanna order a cocktail on the beach?
Delivered by a nepali
This would have been impossible to fathom merely 3 years ago. Can't believe they chimped out at their neighbours just to cuck like this
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The main problem is young pepole leaving the country in search for a better life in the west.
The more time passes, the more I think that Zvonimirova kletva(curse) will not end by Croats breaking free from the curse and having a proper, stable leadership and a country , but by Croats effectively ceasing to exist as a nation, therefore ending the curse.
because evaporation ponds in California, mines in the Andes and China are causing so much irreparable damage
at least wear a skirt when bitching
California is basically an example of how they turned a great piece of land into a desert, and the mines in Andes are far from any city, China is not representative of a healthy country.
If you're going to talk more about why you think this mine is safe I'm going to listen.
>serbs: albanians came from the caucasus!
>albanians: serbs came from the ural!
>ethnicity I don't like came from (mountain range in russia)
Interesting phenomenon this...
Why is it not being mined in germany then, they have even more of it
Contrarian idiot won't be able to say anything

Spics and niggers will drain this country and send it to hell(give away all our freedoms)

Asians, japanese, on the other hand have somewhat of a brain and are the perfect candidates for uniting as a power structure against these subhuman population groups.

Are you in favor of white men who can’t find a white woman who wants kids going for japanese and asians in the country and even bringing some over from japan to start right wing families for this agenda? Why or why not? think long term before you answer...
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Nobody should want to die
so it your thread. and?
What does this mean.

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Racism got boring so I'm no longer racist
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I fucking love being racist






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>breathes in
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Have you tried being more racist instead of less? The fun racism doesn't really kick in before you get past your timid milquetoast racism and become a full blown mega racist.
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Racism always gonna be funny fagget
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Hahahhahaa, that's pretty funny.

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Can you change an air filter? Can JD Vance or Trump for that matter change an air filter?
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>#3 Horse cum is delicious
what a fucking retard.
I bought a used car and the air housing had a pair of panties in it. Weirdest shit I've ever seen.
>howdy fellow rural retards
>this thread again

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>"If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot," Harris responded, then broke into a laugh. "Probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later."

Unironically Based. This is like when Clinton played the saxophone and won the election. It's over.
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Why would she threaten black men like that?

Castle Doctrine doesn't apply to DC or Oakland where she has residences. She's a servant of her constituency and isn't above the law. If she shoots a home intruder she's a murderer. Only the secret service can do that, and that's what she means. She's in an ivory tower above her constituents who don't get the luxury of self preservation.
It was basically a G36 made for export. I don't think they were very popular on account of the ban complaint configuration plus they used single stack magazines. Cool guns though.
Not true. Dc law is Unconstitutional as with alot of laws designed by kikery. Never submit your absolute right od self defense to anyone, and if they're trying to convince you otherwise, they are your mortal enemy.
Look up the xm29. Thats where it came from.

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