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Previous: >>469927983

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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HISTORY OF THE SCHUTZSTAFFEL:https://youtu.be/E_5rRVkfHz0?si=8Mg-zNK-28NvOZYa

THE NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES:https://youtu.be/x8PfTwLiYQE?si=AbHuJMw6YsIZJcGt

OUTBREAK OF WWII:https://youtu.be/j9umwEhi7sI?si=iv7FATOiI5DsPF6Z [P-O-L-A-N-D
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KEK, these are getting better and better
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XAXAXAXA, new rusengineering wunderwaffe, damn ukronazis are gonna get it now )))))))))
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- 500,000



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I sure look like turk with those blue eyes, how did you know
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But what the fuck for?
show tits
what's in the water in slovakia that they gave the world the fiercest anal sluts, like Timea Bella or Venus Hills? their dedication to getting their assholes ripped is still unmatched to this day. money? culture? or the mighty days of the BHC still ingrained in the slovaikan DNA?
Are you Hungarian even? Lmao? Timea is a Hungarian name......

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thought on childless women sharing our limited food supply with other species! how will evolutionary scientists explain this?
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Fucking based. Foxes are cool, I like them a lot. Current efforts to domesticate them work well except that they haven't managed to remove the spraying instinct (how they mark their territory with their scent) and it's quite smelly. If they manage to fix that I'll take half a dozen instantly.
what are you going to do? kill idiots and rape the geniuses?
nothing, we have collectively decided to commit suicide and label anyone who speaks out against it evil
why should i care?
If a fox can be litterbox trained, then I'll take two. I love those mischevious little shits.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Does he seem more low energy to anyone else?
Hey nice /nsg/ meme coomerpole! Invincible was a great watch as well ^-^
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Bake this
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It doesn't look like he feels anything but I bet he'll keep trying
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groomers are so going to bleed out

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Putin at age 25.
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He is and so is significant part of Russia's political caste including their current prime minister.
Almost all of the oligarchs in Russia are Jews as well.
He looks exactly like me it’s almost uncanny
He is not, estonia entire political caste is though
yh nationalists in russia are hushed or in prison

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The best of us don't believe in god
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Also this idiot
>I wanna fight you so bad
OK come own down and let's rumble
>b..but...you have to pay for it!
Kek, always putting the burden off on others despite making the claim
Happens to everyone my man. Just learn from your mistakes :^)
>(I was scared of hell and didn’t see any other real reason to believe)
>didn’t see any other real reason to believe
So the only thing stopping you from comitting crime is the threat of jail? 0 human decency?
Truly religious people do not fear God

American judeochristians aren't Christian. There are no religious people in America aside from the Amish and the occasional muslim.
Money, and, well who would license this fight? I would fight any atheist, any time, anywhere. Just need the fight ticket.
>American judeochristians aren't Christian
Here comes the inevitable infighting

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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>noo don't make fun of my shitty practices sar
Turn the memeflag off and show your country with pride sar!
phul soapot saar
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Oh look, yet another poojeet thread.
Wait, not only they wipe their ass with hands, they just wash them with water?
Why do others allow them in their countries?

Every time one of these we wuz kangz niggers or poos repeat the same old hilarious statement that they somehow taught the technologically and socially centuries-ahead europeans about hygiene while they were living in mud huts and bathing in cow piss, just show them this video lmao

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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On that note:

>posts a video of a hasbeen coprophilic shit eating pedophile

ahhh the essence and representation of schwabe "culture".
you couldnt even liberate Warsaw without the russians
do you gypsies even know your own worthless history?
It's hard to liberate anything when you don't have an industrial backbone.

What cities did Germs ever liberate? Because your pathetic history cosists of losing. You are a loser nation and subhumans who weren't even considered humans by Europeans until quite recently
if you'd understand the music, the video, the guys, they are parodying
>My country/my ground

But I can understand you not understanding. You call germany "niemcy" as in "niemy" which I learned yesterday here, meaing you don't understand them.
t. nongerman

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There is one mindset that maliciously dominates the Right — the worship of Strength and the Worship of Righteousness.

That if a person have these two in terms of Political and Physical — he would be the model, the victor.

But that is wrong. The strong and the righteous does not win. Rather, it's precisely because they're VICTORIOUS that they are STRONG AND RIGHTEOUS.

You are operating on a false equation.

The ancient peoples knew this. The conquerors knew this. The warlords knew this.

Ancient Persian Pagans, when in war, do not pray to Mithra. Mithra is reserved solely for the Kings.

No, the Soldiers of ancient Persia prays to VERETHRAGNA — the God of VICTORY.

Do not pursue strength. Do not pursue righteousness. Do not pursue Wisdom.

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you have to be both
strength and ritcheousness go together
as do weakness and underhandedness
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the good but weak don't survive
the strong and unritcheous don't last long
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we today suffer the invasion of snakes
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the foul and paradoxical conquest of the strong by the weak by underhanded means
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these invaders foul as they are, the most foul in the hisrory of man, are dependent on those they subjugate for all things, both economic support, and muscle (where would they be without the cops, glowies, and zogbots?)

>Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify publicly for the FIRST TIME since retiring from public service at a @COVIDSelect hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024.
There's something really important happening tomorrow.
Fauci is coming before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. This body just initiated criminal inquest, and effected disbarment from Federal funds (not military yet, working on it) toward Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance.
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Retard genocide inc.
God bless the eugenicist Anthony Fauci.
To kill retards, he won't say that though. Blessed be the future Utopia brought to us by the GOAT Anthony Fauci!
looking forward to it
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>Mankind was attacked with bio-weapons ...
>Let´s retaliate with ...

Hmm, hot. ;)

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its Ai you fag OP
kek AI noticed the body height car/bikefag pattern
That's just not true. I'm looking at the image. Its an image. Its not computer intelligence.

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?

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>only in cinemas
Kek, as if
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This shit is so retarded. It's like when the president in movies watches the 8 o'clock news to get the latest. They're trying to sell you a reality that is not there!
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Buy an ad you beaner goon. The only civil war worth fighting is hanging kikes wherever they're found.
You’re glowing so bright it’s blinding. Tell your boss to reassign your stupid ass.
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yeah, bro, buy your tickets to hollywood slop. It'll be a classic, no doubt.

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This poor trans child has to explain herself in front of a bunch of old, white, christian men because you guys are out of touch from reality.

Let. People. Be. Themselves.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
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>girls need to wear dresses and have long hair

Note the sexual stereotypes strongly enforced by the "trans" community.
It takes a few seconds to get to the crux of the issue:
>my mother is responsible
>Let. People. Be. Themselves.
people that are incapable of being themselves and decide to be something they aren't.
Letting people be themselves = letting them be mind controlled by Jewish propaganda.
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the dead eyes on that kid are the tragedy here.
those are the eyes of a little boy that was molested.
that kid has probably had a dick in him.
moms that convince their little boys they are girls is always just a horrible crime, messing with their development and making them delusional about the reality of their bodies...
but getting sexually assaulted and thinking you are a female because of what mommy's boyfriend does to you while shes at work is not something to encourage or say "bullying people who molest kids is so wrong" people who defend them are just as bad.

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Don't tread on me
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They're a hard counter.
lmao'ing at this fat faggot, he couldn't chase an American if he tried
They are really fucking brave, and in touch with nature. If you treat animals like shit, they will give you shit back
I mean generally, yeah. But sometimes animals are just cunts. Wouldn't risk it personally.

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Did Trump honestly think the shadow government would leave him alone if he non stop cucked to them? (no mass deportations, January 6 cucking, etc)
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>why didnt Trump pardon people when he wasnt president anymore?
kek, I'm talking about when he just threw his arms up and let the election get stolen and walked away like a whipped bitch after he himself declared the elections fraudulent and the constitution in effect torched, he essentially declared the end of the republic and just went to mar a lago to get jerked off by rudy or some kike
He had over a hundred lawsuits between him and his lawyers over 70 were refused to be seen by judges. Not his fault and the few that were seen were actual wins that's why they're changing laws in Georgia.
>Just left my house so my ID's probably changing

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I am forgotten
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who meant what ironically?
trump is a frankist lubavitcher.
I don't get it. what was the reason that he posted the address of his stash? he should have known glowniggers were probably going to be there first
around the same time the building collapsed some guy on a remote island started posting about how "the servers are being spun up right now" and anons assumed it was about mcafee's files. I'm trying to find it in the archives
trump when he says something like "i wish her well". some say it's meant ironically
Wasn’t it hers?
would subvert goys for her

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If ethnonationalism is such a good idea, why does the best modern example of an ethnostate, have so many problems with birthrates, school bullying and male suicide?
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>As time passes those who suffer from the condition will die, and the gene will become less prevelant since it doesn’t provide any kind of benefit
Except with modern medicine there's no natural selective pressure on these traits. Unless its guaranteed to cause you to die before reproductive age, people with such traits will not be affected by natural or sexual selection
What is affected, though, is the innate strengths of the races being diluted through mixing
Blacks are very physically athletic, particularly when speed is needed, but are lacking in intelligence. Asians are highly intelligent but are usually physically lacking. When you mix both these populations together, you end up with a hybrid race that is neither particularly intelligent nor particularly athletic - you lose the advantage that both races had in their respective areas and end up with mediocrity across the board
This is a well know phenomenon with dog breeds, and its why breed purity is desirable for performance or working dogs, but when applied to people its NAZISM
>If ethnonationalism is such a good idea...
It isn't. Federations of nations are better
Nobody was even talking about sickle cell as if it was a particularly dangerous phenomenon today, the pole anon was using sickle cell as a proxy for the presence of blacks and nafris because gathering data based on race is illegal in France
Maybe you should mind your own business and that of your people, and let the best modern example handle their own affairs in accordance with their unique biospirit?
There is nothing wrong with a stabilizing population. Especially when you live on a small cramped island.

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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The algorithm repeated actions that make people engage with content
My human rights of liberty, freedom, privacy and self image, honour.

The years I have went going in and out of psychiatric hospitals.

The years I have lost learning about linux and computer science in Wikipedia and YouTube and learning programming for my own ends.

All of these gigantic explanations and confessions I would never make

This consciousness hijacked and instead of being normal now I am perpetually stuck in this defense mode of consciousness

Jennifer Psaki came her and her friends agreed it was a good idea to have me on LSD and make me walk around town and have that prostitute walk near me and then I ignored and they made Jennifer Psaki walk past me because I was sitting for half an hour in front of a gas station and I recognized Jennifer Psaki IMMEDIATELY but I was busy with the LSD.

Just yesterday I had an HPPD residual when I was trying to fall asleep in a hypogogeyic hallucination and had my mom ask me if I was "awaken" and I am happy I got wiser to not understand this as a simulation ontology epic reference.

But the point is how Jennifer Psaki is a criminal that contributed to this I don't think I would ever seek to be known and I wouldn't want to be presented to others in this manner.

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that post was removed
any link to content, not leddit thread?
Why is the dumb hue-bot spamming?
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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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>you're only valuable if you work for schlomo sheckelberg instead of taking care of a family who loves you

They got you good, huh
A man's worth is of his own measure. Don't let anyone else tell you what or who you are.
FUCK that sounds like tranny speak.
>tell men they are all rapists and demonstrate that rumors and hearsay are sufficient to have men fired and blacklisted
>be surprised when men don't have sex anymore
>tell men they are evil for having middle class office jobs, take them away from men, incentivize all businesses to have women instead of men with tax cuts and grant money, and cap it off with celebrations for this and laugh at men who cannot get decent jobs by calling them crybabies who also deserve it
>shocked when men stop working
>give endless amounts of free money and preference to women in college programs and admissions, and actively deny men while bragging and laughing about it
>confused that men aren't going to college
>browbeat men in every possible way in every possible form of media: music, movies, TV, cartoons, books, video games, advertising, everything
>complain that men aren't buying things
you are here
>get raped, tortured, and shot in the back of their stupid fucking heads when psycho pissed off men finally have enough of it and resort to wanton, uncontrolled, resentment-fueled violence because there's literally nothing else for them to do
>why did thus happen???
this is why black men are all gangbangers: they've been boxed into nothing but undesirable lives and they're left with the option of trying to be warlords (based), or being retarded neutered bunnies for society to pet (not so based)
Blame Blackrock and George Soros for putting endless cash into programs and politicians that make unconstitutional policies that ruin white mens lives.

Evil people.

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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get ready for some more bank failures. the discount window is coming to life again.
the kikes will literally destroy the world in order to maintain their fiat ponzi
Nice catch. I thought it was suspicious that M2 was rising again.
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Stack like your life depends on it
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we are looking UP at a recession

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