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It was just a joke ok??
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I guess he did say it a handful of times. too bad it was just a lie
What a lying nigger
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>libshits actually come up with evidence to their claims for once in their lives
Whoa! But regardless he is right.
This nigger cannot possibly be serious!

He specifically told her she'd be in jail if elected, and that's why he got elected, that one single line.

Now we get to sue him for false advertising
Photoshop ai

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What benefit does it give to europeans and why do european leaders hate their own people so much?
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sorry current topic of news is the dead zoggy in germany from the muslim stabby.

Besides, no one gives a shit about your esti-russian compulsion, I don't care how much creampies your grandma took durring "occupation", keep it off this board.
rushitia isn't Europe m8 xD
I think horses will increase in popularity here in a bit.
Look at how short most of them are, lmao.
This is not a natural occurrence, it's a forced meme.
Ffs Russia
Explain urself

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Race-traitoring cocksucking faggot. I find comedy in your death and I feel no sympathy for you. You tried to betray your country and felt the wrath directly from the evil you swore to protect. You deserved it.
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Still whiter then American’s
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The entire event was pro zionist the people in attendance were jews and shabbos goy.
Lol how optimistic that you think there will still be muslims around when the kid grows up. Europe is changing fast, just the other day they had a pro Britain march in the center of London. Thousands of English came out to show support for Britain and chant offensive things at muslims, to which none dare respond. They're brave when we're alone but turn to women when we got the numbers.
this would be ideal, I just think the British military wouldn't let this happen.
Looks like the guy in blue was actually helping the stabber. So the german civvy is just as much a faggot as the officer.

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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I guess people who use cars don't eat...
It's just the extra effort for 100 miles. I even double checked that the calculators go for food intake, not pedal energy.
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>Listen goy, cars are trad and based, plus the bigger and less fuel inefficient they are, the more you will own the libs. Just pay this insurance fee every month, this much in gas, this much in repairs, and this much in monthly payments
>No listen to me goy, cars are bad for the environment, and you don't even need one. Just live in ze pod and own nothing goy, you will be happy
>OR Everyone should be able to afford a vehicle, yet we will still prioritize the beauty of our cities and a pedestrian lifestyle
Third way once against destroys the false dichotomy
>just bike a marathon every day pleb
na car go vroom
hahahaha you are a genuine retard. Go back to the drawing board and try again, fag.

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christian jesus:
>claims to be god himself
>has godly superpowers
>has the ability to send people to heaven
>the whole world will behold him
>will return before the anti christ

muslim jesus:
>doesn’t claim to be god
>doesn’t have any godly powers just slight and limited miracles
>doesn’t have the ability to send people to
>only believers will behold him
>will return after the anti christ to end his reign

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Muslims literally believe Jesus has super powers and is to fight the antichrist in a duel to save everyone’s souls after the anti christ rises

You are preying on the ignorance of retards to be a giant faggot and I think you should kill yourself over it.
Thanks buddy
Nowhere does it say that Gabriel is the pure/holy spirit you dumbass
> وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَا مُوسَى ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ وَقَفَّيْنَا مِنۢ بَعْدِهِۦ بِٱلرُّسُلِ ۖ وَءَاتَيْنَا عِيسَى ٱبْنَ مَرْيَمَ ٱلْبَيِّنَـٰتِ وَأَيَّدْنَـٰهُ بِرُوحِ ٱلْقُدُسِ ۗ أَفَكُلَّمَا جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولٌۢ بِمَا لَا تَهْوَىٰٓ أَنفُسُكُمُ ٱسْتَكْبَرْتُمْ فَفَرِيقًۭا كَذَّبْتُمْ وَفَرِيقًۭا تَقْتُلُونَ
Where is the assertion that gabriel is the Holy Spirit? It’s added via tafsir later on and in brackets BECAUSE ITS NO PART OF HOW THE QURAN WAS REVEALED.
I ask again. Give me one quranic verse which states that Gabriel is an angel
I'm trying out a less philosophical, less historical, less polemical, more scriptural approach to understand the differences between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. I'm learning Hebrew and Greek to so I can figure out how Jews and Christians diverged. My current idea is the divergence arose from the Septuagint, e.g. by confusing the Hebrew idea of emunah - trust - with the Greek idea of pistis - reason.
Surat Al Maryam 17 uses „rouch“ or the grammatically adjusted version „ رُوحَنَا“. That word doesn’t mean angel. It means spirit
The abandonment of the Law is represented by the swine (as they eat it even though it is forbidden), thus why Jesus kills them. The implication for what he'll do to Christians in the same vein is obvious.

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>ZOGbot arrests the victim as the assailant stabs him in the neck
>Every female officer refuses to pull their gun
>Victim mid sprint in terror
>The only one willing to shoot the sandnigger is another sandnigger
>s0ey faces in the background
>Onlookers watch mesmerized
>cop off to the side being useless

Every pixel in this image perfectly encapsulates the state of Current Year
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>see three people on top of each other, fighting
>instead of going for the guy on top who's punching down, you somehow go for the guy who's beneath the other two, on the ground

use your fucking brain anon
You go for the guy with the knife
The Zogbots were unable to see the knife because in their minds a sand nigger can never be violent and if you suggest otherwise you are rayciss
It's not like the cops teleported there after the sand nigger with the knife was the ground they were there for the entire thing from start to finish they were just incapable of processing the situation because all of their training told them that the light skinned man must have been the assailant and it was a light skinned native German who was attacking a poor helpless sand nigger.
>>s0ey faces in the background
HAHAHA never noticed that
>show up with a bunch of fellow officers
>dive in alone instead of carrying out any kind of coordinated multiple arrest
>get merked in the back because you ignored the ongoing hostility behind you
In the US odds are all 3 of them would’ve been either beaten or shot by then end of it

All Eyes on Akhand Bharat.
Modi must get a thumping majority of 400+ seats and crush the muslim and liberal rats plaguing my India

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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Fuck the nigger lover empire that is the west.

Fuck the nigger-lover-empire's puppet that is the ukraine
Intense Apathy
1. I hate them. Russian pricks who think they aren't russian.
2. I'm a reservist, I will only pick up a weapon for specific reasons. a. To defend my country's borders, I won't fight outside. b. I can be persuaded to fight outside if we going pajeet/nigger/hun hunting like we probably will in a decade in Wester Europe.
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You do aware what poles just mud blooded darker version of Russians massively mixed with jews and mongoloid ukranians, right? Why is every butthurt belter subhuman cannot stop coping and just admit being racially inferior to a pure northern Russian master race? Everyone have eyes, you know, mongrel.
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because I dont use reddit

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>Cringe lol
I have communicated with the ghost of Nietzsche, he said “a bit coarse but based and redpilled”
Probably would have been conflicted about him. On the one hand, he had taken his aesthetic ideal and realized it in gross, worldly form, on the other hand: braucht der Übermensch nicht seinen Drachen, den er bezwingen kann?
I'm sure he would have agreed with Hitler's survival of the fittest mentality.
we know he hated antisemitism, his sister was an antisemite, and distorted his books to promote them to Hitler, one of his last letters said 'all antisemites have been shot'

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Whine. Cry. Beg for handouts.

Commit war crimes.

Whine. Cry. Call people names. Beg for more money.
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Poland whines even more to be fair. Half the time Israel pretends they don't need us.
Poland just constantly talks shit because they think we'll send niggers to die for them.
Where do you think they'll go when their state fails idiot? STFU, Hamas will take care of the problem.

I for one, love the state of Israel and think every land thief from the US should migrate their.
I haven't seen any ad from Poland begging for handouts.
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Tell me about the Polish lobby in Congress..
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Mad how they have all these 501c groups that only seem to exist to benefit jews and Israel, while doing things that the majority of Americans never supported, like bringing in refugees.

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Why was there so many nazis in Ukraine to begin with and why are they all fighting Russia?
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>Why was there so many nazis in Ukraine to begin with
Because they're based.
>why are they all fighting Russia?
Because Russia is a country driven by third worldist ideology and Putin is on a anti-racist crusade. This makes them enemies.
>he thinks guys in the middle are average iq
>he thinks guys on the right are high iq
Because Slavs are 90 IQ peasants who think National Socialism means tattooing a swastika on your forehead and killing your neighbor
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nailed it

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It's pretty well known Russia's alliances with several African nations has led to many of those African nation's militaries sending troops to aid the Russian military fighting in Ukraine. This serves several purposes. They're gaining valuable experience in modern warfare tactics against the almighty West, and they're reinforcing their bonds of loyalty to one another through the shedding of blood against a common foe together. People might not think that's important, but I think in the long run it will be because the West has basically ceded control of the African continent to the Russo-China SCO/BRICS+ military and financial alliance.
The lord of the rings called and want their orcs back.
Ukraine Slawa Z

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compared to last year LGBT spam on /pol/ im not feeling same energy. LGBT seems to be a dying ideology.
Why do you hang out with faggots?
"Gay" used to mean cheerful and light-hearted, before it meant anal sodomy.
To the left one — Stop being an acronym retard. You can have a happy life.
Not a chance without massive T injections and years of training. Even then not likely unless they are over 6ft tall.

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There are real solutions to the problems the west faces. Like using AI to make up for African low iq which would imporve the economy of durkahstan whilst lowering there birthrate because people have fewer kids when content. Or bringing feminism and equal working rights to places like Egypt which again would lower the birthrate. Because women with money don't want abduls tiny stinky 2 inch dick. These are all achievable in the long-term and will reduce the population pressure if shit holes so there population stays put. But no all you want is either to be a fag and to say "it's over" or to larp as a member of the ss and scream about "day joooz!". Any political party that dosent tell you it's going to be alright or well "lock'em up" you disregard. You are spinless losers and Faggots because you cant accept the fact that you won't get everything you want. In reality at best over the course of a decade you might only get 10%
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Or you could have AI overseers as well as White, Indian and Chinese ones too.
Birthrates drop with improved living standards+women working+womens (((rights))). So we help them in order to ruin them
you're not saying anything new here. we welcome the spread of feminism, abortion, and LGBT among overpopulated POC; we just don't want it in the West and in our countries
See, this is exactly what I mean. Observe the manlet incel raging and sperging at the idea of his fundamental genetic failure.
All you have to do if you want africa to collapse back from it's now 1 billion population to it's natural level of 50 million or whatever, is to stop sending them rice. You don't have to do anything else whatsoever, just stop sending rice.

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
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lame AI image
Ching chong
>be US seaman
>visit onboard McDonalds
>throw fries to seagulls on deck
>seasgulls fucking love french fries
>tell their friends
>china snaps a photo
How come you fled to Europe? Kek. It's a missile and they explode, Mr. Shitskin

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This is the level of intellect of the felon you are supporting.
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He isn't wrong. You are seething.
If you’re inclined, do some reading on complexity theory and genetic algorithms.
Not true. As water rises more of it goes inland, creating beaches where there were none and leaving those that were already there, it's not like the water rises equally over every inch of land. This is big brain American opportunism stuff, I wouldn't expect non adventuring euro genes to understand
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Don't care. Still voting Trump.
Ok retard

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Previous: >>469943486

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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HIMARS’ing has been brutal lately.
B-but, ziggers said himars are blocked now?
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always thought vucic looked a little weird. now I get it: the man has huge dick sucking lips
Mostly with cheap toys.

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Especially in canada.

Alot of bots trying to throw shade at Indians, but they get the most woman.

Have you ever watched Ozarks on Netflix? I think it does a pretty good job describing white people who live in Suburbs and small towns- I compare them to Indians still living in India; or Africans still living in Africa. These white people are living in small towns because they are INCAPABLE of moving to NYC or LA, even being here from many many generations. They are subhuman to be frank. Normal white people moved NYC already, just like normal Indians moved to USA/ Canada. You white people living in small towns, the same towns ur grandparents lived are worthless, have zero social skills, and should go find the tallest cliff. My parents came to canada with $1500 in the year 1999, and now have a net worth over 3 million. Thats the difference between them and the worthless white animals who lives here for 100s of years, in the same fucking place, and their worthless kids are incels typing on 4chan.

All the friendless incels on here lol. I have 50k ig followers, and I personally know Ian Connor (the best friend of asap rocky, and drake made a song for him).
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To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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Making money doesn't make you a genius, getting woman doesn't make you beautiful. It could be, but is not a rule. You don't sound very bright, to be completely honest with you
>maoist cultural revolution
You ain't fooling anybody, cut it out bunkertroon.
Burger flippers are not human you can replace them with bots and nothing changes
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No the burden is on you to prove that no company made record profits, dumbass.
Then what are you frog poster?

>Do you work in fast food or something,
NO! Do you???

Frog posters are always retarded NEETs.

They're openly saying they want to replace us in our own country and yet WE'RE the racists? Get the fuck out of here.
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Go rob a toothbrush from a homeless person u clown
Ur not hard workers. U ppl work minimum wage jobs at McDonald’s or doing food delivery. U ain’t making nothing
whoops wrong reply
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We created the FBI and other agencies that are supposed to deal with problems for us. I guess they are too incompetent, lazy, stupid, and cowardly to do their jobs so they try to provoke us to do them. Sad.
Pajeets have managed to be worse than niggers.

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