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I missed rice in my diet so god damned much! When will prices of rice drop to the pre-covid levels?
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rice turns straight to acid in your stomach, its not meant for indo european consumption
What about rice that isn't pre-marientated in feces?
you have to go pick it yourself on lake winnipeg
I never noticed it had gone up, but even if it did it still should be one of the cheapest things you can get.
Grow potatoes.
We've got 80 buckets in the backyard, 5 lbs yield each. Easy to do.

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Dating tip for the chuds
Twitter users are worse than plebbitors. These people shouldn’t breed

>gets conquered by muslims
>is politically irrelevant for centuries
>converts to bolshevism
>is forever dirt poor, subjugated and backwards
How does anyone take these clowns seriously?
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It says he died of covid
>asks about taking clowns srsly
this, all Swedes are clowns
>t. croat
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I know this is bait but:
While you retards where bitchslapping each other with 3.600 vs 4.150 knights we were fighting in the high 5 digits, sometimes 6 digits armies to stop filthy barbarians and Muslims. Heraclitus, a well accomplished general and emperor sent 100.000 to fight the Arabs and it still wasn't enough. Show some respect when you talk about orthodoxy you heretic scum nobody

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>Man wrecks his family to pursue homosexual relationships
>His wife praises him for it
>social media commenters say things like “The kids are the real winners here. Such great parents!” unironically

Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
Who cares about what would happen if you scaled this behavior up across the entire population, it makes you feel good right NOW and that’s all that matter!

Whether it’s this guy who completely psychologically fucked up his own children to pursue other sexual relationships or the wife and the members of the public who cheer for it on because positive emotions feel good and negative emotions feel bad, it seems like it’s not an actual ideology per se but just the desire to feel good in the most immediate moment without consideration for the future.
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What is this a Degrassi episode?
Kids aren't going to benefit from one or both parents living a lie.
And no, I would never think that parents need to justify the reasons for their divorce to me.
just stab him to death hes a cunt anyways now
>Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
>hatred of straight white males; the only people who are worth a damn and contribute anything and are levelheaded and sane/composed

It's just retarded autists who think it's cool to be the opposite of everything that's already established as good. It's delusional idiots who are so desperate to have an identity that they cling to all things controversial/outlandish/downright incorrect to get some easy attention, because they're too incompetent to work hard and achieve anything in a merit-based manner.

What's in the water/food/air that's making everyone autistic?

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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Yes, in that analogy the cpu would be the person reading the books. A faster cpu would be someone who reads quicker. Multicore cpus would be like a group of people sharing the desk and library to work towards a common goal.
>Might as well be dead at that point.
Why don't you get a head start. Your misanthropic sentiment won't be missed.
click next turn, it processes the turn in one second even in biggest maps :)
slow shitty chips are good enough for most military applications,
The time between turns should be a time for quiet contemplation. I don't hold with this hustle and bustle with turns.

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>amerimutt international student wants to riot over Palestine in Sweden
>she is under the delusion that Sweden will tolerate communist agitators like they do back in her homeland
>tries to attack the police over muh Palestine
>gets arrested, will likely go to prison for a decade and then be deported
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Would they do the same to him if he tried to riot over Ukraine?
I would just beat the shit out of those woketards like there was no tomorrow.
>We have a new government. We deport more Muslims than we import now. It isn’t 2014 anymore.

I really hope so. I never would have thought that I would look so hard towards Sweden for a potential white pill, but here we are.
>Point is you don’t get to come here with your woke anti-white garbage protests

International students had no problems being woke and anti white during BLM. This is anti-jew, which is very much forbidden.
>We have a new government. We deport more Muslims than we import now. It isn’t 2014 anymore.

This is a massive lie. Sweden is handing out about 100 000 new permanent residency permits every year with a government that contains the "based and redpilled" Sweden Democrats. Swedes come here and lie in order to make themselves and Sweden look good so they can brag and get social status points. This is a very common thing in Sweden as all swedes are obsessed with the social status chimp race. Very few swedes are truth bound and will tell you whats actually happening.

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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In the event of a Biden loss the majority of the left’s forces would be comprised of homegrown black and hispanic criminals, cartel members and Chinese covert ops. Maybe a few homosexual bodybuilder types and welfare leech/college types who have to pay back their debts to their benefactors.

In the event of a Trump loss it would be the majority of actual native born Americans which would comprise their forces as well as ex military.
Civil war won’t happen as long as we’ve got TV and food
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What kind of civil war?
Frankly as a shitlib myself I agree. Red can have the south/heartland and blue can have the coasts (full west + northern east/great lakes, leaving florida/other more conservative east coast states to red).

We'd be much better off if we all just got our own place and kept away from each other other than trading. You get to do what you want and we get to do what we want.
She's right though.

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it
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Maybe he never has lost anything unless it was rigged. We certainly know that the 2020 election and the ny courts were rigged. They didn’t even try to hide it.
Nope. you dont get to make a thread like this without addressing all the links I posted to legitimate news stories about democrats rigging elections and denying results.
ShareBlu isnt going to pay you your 50 cents for this thread if it backfires on you so bad, Bambi or whatever your drag stage name is
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ok retard
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>Meanwhile, Trump still hasn't conceded 2020 and it's been almost four years.

Why does he have to concede anythign, ever? No seriously. All that matters in a democracy is the peaceful transfer of power (and you coudl argue that he didnt do that, but thats not your arguement.

Call me autistic if you want. But why should anyone, Trump or Hillary, have to "concede" the election. And especially considering that that concession is expected to take place on the eve of the election, rather then long after all the ballots have been counted and the legal arguements settled.

Like exactly what does "conceding" an election mean? Be specific. Why is it neccessary?

conceded; conceding

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>Trump recorded his payments to Sloppy Daniels in business expense ledger instead of his legal expense ledger, which was the supposed felony.

That doesn't describe it at all. He was found guilty of falsifying business records in furtherance of another crime. He falsely recorded his REIMBURSEMENT to Micheal Cohen as a legal expense. Everything was done to hide these facts from the public before the election. There was an entire conspiracy with media organizations to hide these stories.

Trump is still lying to this day claiming the affair didn't happen. Clearly it must have happened.

He has no defense which is why he has resorted to attacking the Judge and even the Judges daughter. He continues to intentionally break the courts lawful orders.

Trump will punk out of the debate with President Biden and will once again lose in November.

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Be honest, you also don’t want one with a body count either. Y’all are being purposely deceitful rn
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>laurent fignon
You mean the guy who was making 900 grand a year near the end of his career? Yeah, it's crazy how that 5'8" manlet managed to get laid.
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good post, saved
It says how far we've fallen as a society that a man who requires virginity from a woman as a condition for marriage is seen as unreasonable. It's perfectly normal not to want to give your lifelong commitment to a woman who's been deflowered by another man, yet men who express this nowadays are shamed as being entitled incels.

It wasn't that long ago at all that women were expected to remain virgins until marriage. The (((Sexual Revolution))) ruined everything.

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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she already exists
She died of typhus, weeks before the end of the war. The book had tons of parts written in ballpoint pen which wasn't available till the 50's. Handwriting experts in court proved it wasn't her handwriting. And the father jewed the writer, stiffing him of the $50k he was promised to write it
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
Israel has had internal struggles for a long time now. Bibi is facing charges from his own govt, his ruling coalition wants to coup him and start a fullscale slaughter of gaza and the west bank. A military coup is very possible at this point.
music to my ear

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Basically this, most Jews we have on this board are as poor if not even poorer then us. Why won't we get some rich Jews at least on this board ?
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speak for yourself poorfag
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this (((post)))
Because rich jews hate poor jews more than you do
Really ? I never knew that , I mean weren't the Jews hand in hand no matter their social status ?

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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"we will catch them red handed this time" -idiot slaves
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>why would Trump be allowed
the die has been cast
nothing can stop the disaster that is coming
so why not let trump and nationalists take the blame?
a key feature for the elites is not just to set the world of fire, its to completely alienate citizens from their governments to clear the way for their Great Reset.
if you think that scuffle of J6 was something, the leftists will burn the country down if trump gets selected
No, we won't. You're delusional
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>If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
Trump won in 2016 because the left didn't think he had a chance, and so didn't do anything to ensure a dishonest victory. In 2020, the right thought Trump was a sure thing, and so they didn't do anything to stop all the manifest ways the Dems could cheat. In 2024, the Republicans, and any decent person in politics (there are a few) who wants to see an honest election will try to block and stop the cheaters. Will that be enough to give Trump a margin of victory? Maybe, maybe not. But Trump is getting so far ahead of Biden in the polls that he has at least a chance. And as long as he has a chance, he deserves our vote. Unless you want to see 4 more years of president dementia followed by eight of Kamala.
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>the polls
Wait, im confused now. Do we trust the polls OR DON'T WE?

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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I don't think it has anything to do with Democrats unless that is how you are identifying the time period and more they are exploiting inflation and McDonalds is the worst offender of that
so why did your generation think it was such a great idea to import large amounts of those people?
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The people bitching about $10 gas, $20 Big Macs, and can't afford to buy a house are the same people that hate Orange Man.
Don't feel bad for them.
>flood the country with low skilled labor that will work for a fraction of what American workers will
>make money printer go brrrrrrrrr endlessly to fund everybody else
>raise and levy new taxes on the American workers
>pay yourself exorbitantly and pat yourself on the back while extolling the virtues of working 2 full time jobs simply to have necessities
Uh huh...tell me more about how you're either a retard or a paid shill.
this is anything but boomer cope, you dumb fucking cunt.
What (You) and OP and all these bitch ass fucking americans, mainly conservatives, have always espoused was boomer cope. Can't believe you motherfuckers love sucking government and corporate dick so much. You people are like Bluepills in the Matrix. You do everything to defend your master's bullshit. Blaming the poor for wage increases instead of the greedy fucking corporate cock you suck.
America needs another Tea Party but it will never happen because Americans are the biggest fucking cucks on earth. Slaves we are. Tax slaves.

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Will must take us to mars?
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>okay we're gonna test an engine to see how far we can push it before it explodes
why does approximately 50% of /pol/ echo kike media talking points now?
>they come out just fine
lmao. Are you a liar or just an idiot?

>On 12 April 2019, NASA reported medical results from the Astronaut Twin Study, where one astronaut twin spent a year in space on the International Space Station, while the other spent the year on Earth, which demonstrated several long-lasting changes, including those related to alterations in DNA and cognition, after the twins were compared.

>In November 2019, researchers reported that astronauts experienced serious blood flow and clot problems while on board the International Space Station, based on a six-month study of 11 healthy astronauts. The results may influence long-term spaceflight, including a mission to the planet Mars, according to the researchers.

>serious blood flow and clot problems
That's a gravity issue. You spin me right round.
are you a nigger or just a faggot? i didn't say 'there are no health effects at all'. i said they are fine, which they are. its a matter of developing ways to minimize these effects and select astronauts less susceptible to them in the first place.
Starship is now rigid enough to "spin"? It can "spin" and fly straight and make course corrections? How many wishes are you going to put in that magic box? Will it be carrying unicorns to Mars, too?

This has the be the most overt hello fellow Goyim post I’ve ever seen, and /k/ is full of this shit. Listen to this yids argument as to why we need to support Israel.
>kikes are actually on the side of white nationalism
>also kikes have zero impact in Europe
>ok so if they did push for mass immigration you need to man up and accept that “gentiles” allowed it so it’s actually their own fault
>now “gentiles” need to man up and fix the problem they created so Jews stop getting attacked
>also I’m Christian and white btw
>yes Jews were a part of it but it wasn’t just Jews, we gentiles need to accept that we caused this.
You can’t make this shit up, I’ll post some more of this slop. I’d encourage anyone here to go read any /k/ Israel/Palestine/Gaza thread it’s genuinely mindblowing.
Here’s the same yid dropping the typical boomer judeo-Christian narrative
>He doesn't know about the secret levite goyim army

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Why is Ameriphobia allowed around here?

I constantly see russnigger animals shitting on NATO countries and the US, why wren't they kicked out yet? We need moderators from /k/ on /pol/.
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Russia helped us kill evil Hitler so I like them
Why are Amerimutts even botthering with VPNs these days? Just bring back anonymous posting your retards.
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Projecting much? russniggers constantly use VPNs
and they get caught because of their bad English and low IQ posts
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Every, I repeat, every Russian anti-western poster here is a 15 ruble anal whore. They are not genuine posters, you can ignore them.
Who the fuck are the Ameris?

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Previous: >>469945273
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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i can do that with my fingers and toes. doesn't hurt or anything, just joint hypermobility or whatever.
All of them
i think she was the girl was daenery's friend in game of thrones
derp, are you brand new or you've never read anything factual in your life?
george soros funded anti-fa, blm, femen and many more. he paid them - paid for their posters/banners - paid for their transport buses.
are you retarded?
the answer is ALWAYS KIKES.
here's another one to save you responding, you fucking idiot, there are two main factions of kikes, the "commie" method and the "zionist" method - both are working towards the same goal with slight differences in their approaches.
both want you dead, but they'll have minor rivalries between them in a sporting way for their own entertainment.
now stop being a retard and don't reply until you've spent 2 years reading
>derp, are you brand new or you've never read anything factual in your life?
Worse, he's Albanian

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
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>Demonstrate against violence and hatred
>With antifa
Germans deserve to be replaced. And I really hope the animals replacing them finish destroying Europe from inside. France is next, their nigger birth rates are already way past the point of no return, and in a few years this replacement will start showing definitive consequences.
If you look with more than even a second's glance you will see Jewish phenotypes on every single person in that photo.
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muslims and their lovers will blame this on jews as always. everything is the jews fault to them.

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I believe that we should protect our planet from environmental dangers or threats, but environmental movements are occupied by faggots and drones who do not understand economics or science.

Is my concern unfounded, and are there any environmental movements that have not been hijacked by retards?
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The so called CO2 taxes etc are just modern Ablasshandel. CO2, unlike the industrial waste that is being aggressively memoryholed, is required for the growth of vegetation. Besides that 9% of all "climate change", i.e.: ecological instabillity is due to the export/import scam of "globalized economy". Consider Spain: They destroy their soils, completely drain nutrients and groundwater to grow food that is being exported to be hyperprocessed into inedible, toxic goyslop that either winds up on a landfill or in the stomach of a witless faggot who' ll turn into a pharma customer because of it.
It's a closed loop of retardation and IOAT addicition. With that said: when they usecthe term "climate change" , they don't refer to ecological change, they refer to societal change. The climate of society is changing, people become more difficult to control, thus they have to be made dependant by any means necessary (such as doomporn pyramid schemes etc).

Quit taking their garbage at face value or colloquially, and you'll find that they hardly ever lie. They just trust in your inability to parse language beyond the most superficial.
>FIAT addiction*
Yadayada. Unfortunate instances of fatfingering.
Climate changes everyday. Its call weather. If they are concerned about it then they should stop cloud seeding. Im not paying for their insanity.
Trees only absorb co2 during their young growing phase.
Leave them to die and fall naturally and they give it all off again.
Cut down the trees as soon as theyve had their main growth phase and make furniture - even just stack it up as unused timber - and it acts to positively trap co2
Then let the next 'crop' of young trees absorb more co2 - and cut them down too to repeat the cycle.
Not "Save the Forests" - that doesnt store any more co2 than it did 20 years ago when the last batch grew and stabilised.

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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You can bench a ton ? I call BS
Just another one of those differences between the US and Europe I guess, like >>469949396
said we just buy what we need for the day
I counted the fingers hoping this was fake
But why? That seems like a good way to be fucked and at the mercy of your governmental overlords
Throw meat, bread and other perishable food in the freezer until needed. The only things you need to worry about are fruit and leafy greens going bad. In a properly run household waste is pretty minimal. We grew up only making 1 trip to the grocery store every week or so for fresh bread from the bakery, fruit, broccoli or leafy greens, peppers etc. Then at the start of a new month do a big shop for everything else.

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