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based MAGA protester running around with a book of printed Hunter Biden dong photos.
Where can I buy this book of hunter biden dick pictures?
WE BACK!!!!!
> I wasn't going to vote Trump, but because some guy in a van shoved a book full of dick pics in my face I guess I have to

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Get fucked lefties

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shitholes are now called not 3rd world, but "global south"
fucking americans and pc language

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its not pc language, 3rd world referred to non-aligned countries during cold war, ie capitalist - 1st world, communist - 2nd world, yugoslavia said fuck this we are third world, countries in UN who did not like proxy wars just were 3rd world.
>you can draw a straight line and get a clean separation
>but not Australia
White supremacy confirmed.
It is basically correct, the real Third World counties were intended after 1945 to be more like Iraq, Syria, North Korea etc.
>Greece, Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, Macedonia, Cyprus, Bosnia, Romania
>China, Turkey, Singapore
smoothbrain map
> Draws Israel in blue

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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Again, i've wrote from the POV of an entire species/life itself:
Passing evolving genes is not the same as passing down accessible and interpretable knowledge by the same species, like humans do; (Even though one could argue it's still passing information, that information is not intelligence per se)
If you have as frame of reference the entire species, it's not a zero-sum game. If you have the frame of reference the particular existance of a dinosaur/man/etc, it very might well be a zero-sum game (but even then, it's not a given rule)

> And furthermore, knowledge sharing is neither a linear nor a guaranteed process. How many people in first world, industrial nations understand how to successfully grow a carrot? How many languages (the very basis of human-to-human knowledge sharing) are now dead and lost to time, or actively dying today?
You're right, but we're not analyzing the contribution of a particular man or even a multitude of generations. We're analyzing the net contributions AFTER all these natural processes occured. So even though we lost the ancient library of alexandria, mankind still managed to evolve it's knowledge by passing down information not only through libraries but through word of mouth, written & read concepts, etc.

Information being lost is nothing new and is physically inevitable at the end of the day. The key note is that every notion has to evolve as we expand our understanding. Newton's formula is not perfect, but it was a necessary beginning so that your average man could understand a simple concept. Entropy dictates that you cannot preserve all expanding information forever. It has to be lost somehow
I mean't it more in the realm of trying to get women. I want a wife but when every woman is whore then why not treat every appropriately? Sure I can disconnect entirely and focus on myself®™ but that doesn't fix the growing anxiety of getting older and older. I need to procreate, even if it means eventually saying fuck it and plowing random women raw then fleeing the country. A wife would make that unnecessary, but even the wifey women want to be treated like cheap sluts.
i don't work as well and let others pay for my stuff
it's actually very cool. time for a role change. man up women
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>I don’t want to fund this evil blob with my labour
this leaf gets it
>Women need to come back to reality
to achieve that, you need to kill all simps

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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
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> He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine?
Yes. This is what he did. And that's why I'm not a Hitlerist. He was a romantic fool who didn't do what he should have done, which is exterminate the Jews.
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They're simply cowards. Rather than admit they admire the original nazis, they instead say that they foolishly helped the jews for no fucking reason and then they were oppressed in turn by a sweeping successful fake news campaign of the holocaust over the last 80 years in revenge. The reason's easy, it allows them to advocate FOR a holocaust. After all, I'm sure it's a lot easier to advocate it if you can prove that the jews actually are conspiring against the rest of the world/own all the world's governments, which is honestly a requirement for holocaust denial. All jews must be in on it too, since they apparently all gave false testimony.

And this is why this argument never held water. No real racist will vote left, it's just childish name calling.

Why can none of you ever tell the truth?
-The auschwitz pool was a water reservoir in Auschwitz I Stammlager. Stammlager held jewish prisoners but mainly Russian prisoners of war, Polish hostages, a women barracks, but not mass murders which was done in Auschwitz II. There is no evidence whatsoever of jews being allowed to use the pool, not in any testimony or documents. https://imgur.com/auschwitz-swimming-pool-QykBcbA
-Another commonly cited pool is one which was at the Novaky labor camp. The reason this one existed was that it was made by jews in the first place to appease the Slovakian government. Once the nazis caught wind they cracked down on them and closed the camp down. It had nice conditions because the jews wanted to provide meaningful labor to protect themselves while keeping morale high for the entire families that lived there as slaves. It was never the intent of nazis to provide entertainment, especially considering the subsequent destruction of the labor camp and everyone deported to nazi run concentration camps.
>Were jews exterminated
Undeniably so, still. If your only argument is that *6 million* weren't kiiled, you're still an evil piece of shit nazi, you know that right? "Oh they died from disease while I starved them in slavery, and it was only 1/10 as many as you say I starved, I'm innocent!" come the fuck on. Is that an argument? Your downplay is still a death sentence for all involved.
Check the big noses (not a complete list).

The EU’s Architects: Nazis and Nazi Collaborators


The Nazi origins of the European Union


Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union


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I'm not a nazi. I'm not a nazi sympathizer. But I know a dramatization for political/cultural effect when I see one. The USSR and communist China starved and executed more people than Hitler ever dreamed of yet all we can talk about is "the holocaust". Why are a few million dead jews on the other side of the world still a daily topic of discussion almost 100 years later? Because the story is a tool.

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for now
artfags have been fighting tech for 400 years and losing every time
Video games combine various art forms such as visual art, storytelling, music, and interactive design in a seamless and immersive experience. They have the unique ability to engage players emotionally, intellectually, and creatively, offering an interactive narrative that adapts to the player's choices.

Unlike traditional art forms like painting or sculpture, video games allow for active participation and exploration, blurring the lines between creator and audience. Players become co-creators, shaping the outcome of the experience through their decisions and actions.

Moreover, video games often tackle complex themes and narratives, addressing social, political, and philosophical issues in interactive and thought-provoking ways. They can evoke powerful emotions and provoke meaningful reflection, much like other forms of art.

In essence, video games represent the pinnacle of artistic expression by combining multiple art forms into a dynamic, interactive medium that transcends traditional boundaries and offers unparalleled opportunities for creative expression and engagement.
not only do normies not care, but for the most part people like this guy are a super minority of artists wanna be-s who do not understand that modern art is itself fake and has been before even GPUs were invented, hell from the time fo the first transistor.
>t. clueless
Go away, ChatGPT

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Will you be doing the needful and impregnating recently-widowed russian sexy vagene, fellow jeetchads?

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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check yourself slave
>8% share
>Aarusha working on a Sunday
Sars... not like this one
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2 weeks and hoholinas will surrender
>Finally, for God's sake
MIC bros.... we won.
Looks like the gun in predator

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And yet none of you permavirgin half-fags can even get a girlfriend.
At least he didn’t marry a Chinese spy this time
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I don’t know, but she should sue the doctor who told her she can shake the HIV out of her vag
Awww young love
I've heard that this retard actually thinks he is going to live forever somehow
I'm married with kids. Fuck off nerd.
>y-yeah well id rather be a manlet than a lanklet, manlets live longer!
>rubert murdoch, still giga tall chad, marrying more than 10x younger, at age 90
Lmao how will manlets cope today

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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>If I personally attack him, I win the argument
I can't tell if you're jewish, a woman, or a really poorly programmed chat bot.
Once again, you have missed an obvious, simple point. You have claimed he said something he did not, and when your lie was brought to attention, you are trying to run away using an irrelevant point. I'm sure there are plenty of similarities between jews and every religion. They are all people, after all. You, though, exemplify their most notorious quality: dishonesty.

By the way, what does it mean to change a covenant he claims to have worshiped? Do the jews worship the new covenant and the new testament? Do they worship christ?
What is he ignorant about?
Try to actually to respond to what he has said, and not what was said by the strawman in your imagination.
>Jews are oppressed helpless minorities despite running every bank, school, government and institution in the entire western hemisphere of the planet
Uh ok or maybe Jews use their influence to the detriment of others for their own benefit like everyone observes with their own 2 eyes
It's not a personal attack. We've all been there. I've been purposely ignorant too, because the TRUTH HURTS. Life is a journey and we all change.

Admitting you've been scammed is painful.

This thread is cursed by da evil jooish monster yahweh.

Here's a better comfy thread.

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>c-can I report somebody for hurting my feelings?
Thats a really bad larp

Universities are turbo woke, none would even think about singing that there unless i underestimate the basedness of zoomers
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Just listen to this absolute banger. That Ausländer should mellow out.

We’ve reached a point where almost every single European themselves or someone close has been brutalized in some way or another by the newcomers
You won’t do shit white boy

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Looks matter true, but being dominant (not "asshole" per say) is absolutely attractive to most women. I have A-B tested both being dominant, mixed, and simp/nice just to monitor women's reaction and it is hard to hide the scowl when they fall for the dominant braggard act so easily. Not something to build long-lasting relationship on though. It's not about insulting the woman but making it implicitly understood that she's not special to you. It's easier to act that way when you know it to be true from prior experiences.

To find love though, it is best to discard any woman who is weak for the dark triad act. They will mistake sensitivity and kindness for weakness if you ever stop the act. Intelligent women without daddy issues don't fall for it.
The family priority is why sex is an obsession.

Get rid of the family, get rid of the sex obsession.
Get some land and build a moat.
What's the current rate on a hoard?
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And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough, pic related appears.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.


What will 111 be??
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Christians protecting jews is literally the worst form of Stockholm Syndrome
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Christians need to learn who the anti-Christ actually is. A people, not a person.
>when she sees average white cock
The 'Jerusalem' (Al-Quds) Restaurant in downtown Jordan.
Just to make sure.

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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How about using those millions of guns that you guys always boast about?
We'll vote harder this time!
Because falsification gets harder to pull off when done frequently.
just two more elections!
This time should be easier. They'll point to Roe v Wade and say that women don't want a "fascist" to control their bodies. They are already running ads like this on youtube.

The real concern should be that swing states are basically won with a total between 10k and 90k votes depending on the state. And with 10 million illegals let loose into the interior with NGOs actively giving them voting instructions... It's basically Joever. They'll use illegal votes with the cover of abortion to give justification for Biden's wins.

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Whites are a slave race that does 90% of the legwork in fucking itself. WNism means you just want to continue the slave cycle.
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the existence of this thread and your inability to substantiate your claim says it all
Your op is false, and you seem genuinely retarded. Or perhaps you're just a disingenuous kike.
Either way, no (you) for (((you)))
Zogbots are a slave race
There are countless, an unending supply of colored cops in shartmerica
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something went wrong tho
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>part 2

>America just called off a launch
>meanwhile China just went to the moon
It's literally fucking over
China is the new leader of the world
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China has sent something they've called Chang'e to the "Dark Side of the Moon". The world is a mental asylum.
Better than just kicking around on a piece of ground in their home town, waiting for someone to how them the way.
But will the chinks tell us the truth about the alien structures on the moon?
>China lands on far side of the moon
>doesnt care about muttoids
>quick post how the muttoid regime dumped 100 state subsidized junk sattelites into lower orbit and wins on twitter!
>quick make a bait thread about China on /pol/ to cope about it!
muttoids raging about humanity again
How many Chinese astronauts have walked on the moon?

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This is just the latest attempt by the black lesbians who make up the majority of the WNBA to injure Clark. They are absolutely seething over the fact that a White girl has walked into the league and become its most marketable star.

>video of cheap shot below

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/fit/-brained tranny. Despite being able to push and pull my own weight, and do like 80 pushups, my weight at 185lbs, 6'2" despite looking skinny is still borderline overweight. You have body dysmorphia. Tv, video games, and comics aren't real life. You have a sickness.
why are people pretending to care about the wnba recently? is it the racial angle
she ought to take advantage of the news cycle, announce that she's quitting because the league hasn't taken any further steps and she values her health and safety over the league's sponsor dollars, and watch the fireworks
You literally would not understand what you're looking at because you have a mental illness.

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The Jewish run ARD (national TV in Germany) which is basically an Israel First propaganda outlet, ran a survey asking whether Germans want more pale white “true Germans” in the national squad. The jew is currently injecting Germany with the age old poison of racism in order to get civil war started and distract from the Gaza massacres and genocide. This is also what the jewish “Foreigners Out” video was about. Any pigskin dumb enough to swallow the jewish poison will of course die from it.
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Shitskin genocide sounds good to me.
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I will vote BSW
Epstein did a switcheroo and escaped
>and distract from the Gaza massacres and genocide
they dont need to distract us. we simply dont care. go there and die too while you are at it

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Women and police are the reason why there are no good men anymore. The police enforce everything wrong with the post 1950s nigger loving feminist america. I really really hate trump supporters.
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mike chadwood, the one man pol fears.
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i always fucking knew it
I knew there was power in a group i knew that demonetization of wiggers was not ideal (wiggers as in the clothing/style not wanting to actually be a nigger) i knew that itd never get better after 2008 i knew that Whites were overly hostile and bitchy towards other Whites while being real nice to immigrants i knew that Whites were seen as lame i knew that Whites were actively cucking themselves because they didnt want to appear what they X race was
i fucking knew
so watch me wank myself dry because i fucking knew and literally step back AND FUCK YOUR OWN FACE
someone needs good men?
>what they thought* X race was
I also fucked up the tropic thunder quote, he says "literally fuck your own face"
they are deeming that movie as rayciss because muh niggerface
Im sick of living in a feminist girl boss world where tradcuck police protect the status quo of the post 1950s nigger feminist america. We have maga maggots worshiping police for some reason when they protect this garbage country.

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?
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Imagine living in LA in 2007 as an attractive white guy.

>Comfy loft apartment and chill job at some new age office
>Get a Zooey Deschanel looking gf at some party hosted by mutual hipster friends
>Go out to bars and meet fellow beard hipster guys and hippy girls
>Go on a yearly trip out to Costa Rica or something

It would be just like all of those movies and sitcoms made between 2000 and 2007
>get drafted to korea a few years later to die in a pointless war

This,america peaked in like the post vietnam/80s to 2000s
>It would be just like all of those movies and sitcoms made between 2000 and 2007

sounds awesome, and back then working in STEM and making 100k meant something
Millenial hate thread?

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