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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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>Who is benefiting from Ukraine and Russia losing hundreds of thousands of men?

These are the correct questions to be asking.

The only ones who benefit are the warmongers in Washington and the Ukrainian Elite who take the money meant for the war.
dogshit genetics propaganda material, seriously what kind of subhumans created these? Isrealis?
This is hilarious, because they report on actual stuff. I am not even thinking about them being wrong on this. Russians will simply continue to die.
Jews win! Again! Many dead Slavs!

Biden and the Democrats may be diametrically oppossed to everything I care about and believe in. But Trump incorrectly filed a personal expense as a business expense. That's a bridge too far
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Joe Biden is a criminal monster who makes Donny look like a saint
Didn’t know New Yorks AG was in charge of Hunter Bidens income taxes and Federal immigration laws. You really got me there.

You’d still have your panties twisted over Trump being found guilty even if immigration reform was under control and Hunter Biden were indicted by the IRS.

Keep seething. Try to stay on topic next time.
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>laws the law
>everyone should obey it
>omg why are you talking about anyone other than Trump?
Lowest informed retard in the thread

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>laws the law
>everyone should obey it
>stop talking about the current president and his crackhead son and crack found in the White House while his father was living there

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German dead cop will be ripped apart so he can donate his organs
I wonder how many Refugees he will save
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Same here Nigel.
I'm not donating my organs nor blood.

My unvaxxed PVREBLOOD sperm, however, is available for procurement at the right price.
Never was an organ donor and never donated my blood so the vampire jews and the poison peddlers can use it.
damn the jews already want his organs
lol retard cope im rh negative and asian

If you don’t understand it, you are a moron
mongol rape babies
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Russian diversity. As in the peoples of the empire. Surely he's not going to import a billion pajeets? Oh he already did? Shit.
Our internal divisions actually make us stronger, morons. No, don't ask us to explain how or ask us to provide any evidence.

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China landed rock robot into moon last night, they had a previous lander there as well but that one wasnt capable of digging through rocks

This new one is.
China will collect a few moon stones and return them to Earth. Then China will give free samples of actual moon rocks to friendly countries. As a proof.


>The mission's ultimate goal is to return to Earth the first samples from the moon's far side

>China's lunar lander "is now expected to use a drill and a mechanical arm to gather up to 2 kilograms of moon dust and rocks from the basin, a crater formed some 4 billion years ago."
Space is Fake and Gay
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>from the moon's far side

Gonna end badly.

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His name was Rouven Lichtenfels
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How did he die? He seemed fine in the video.
>subdue the person trying to stop a stabbing
>get stabbed by the person he was trying to stop
Just a cluster fuck
>(((Rouven Lichtenfels)))

Uhhh... I suppose the knife in the neck might have had something to do with it
>pure negativity that is no use to you mentally
Tell me how that statement is in any way false then.

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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1 off, sadly: remain unchecked.
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Now he is dead.
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pic. elites about to pull the trigger on war

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Why are a bunch of beaners showing up on West Virginia?
dunno but I am glad they made it
we need more cheap labor and tasty food vendors

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>Pol was once again right
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based, I hope all the cops that arrest White people for hate speech get stabbed by muzzies
>reading comprehension is so bad that he thinks I said I was the lion
>simping for a retard that died because he failed all the basic concepts of self preservation
>simping for a retard that broke the chain of bodies piled up on the attacker and allowed the shitskin to break free
How do you even exist? I bet your mom ties ur shoelaces for u, fuckin loser lol

Reality hates u and the dumbfuck cop
Post body
Had the old man not tried to be a hero and confused police, the officer would not be dead right now. He started beating him, which looked to be like he was the attacker.

Mind your own business, people. The cops had just arrived to the scene, if he ran away instead of tackling and punching him the cops would have put lead in him much sooner. RIP to the cop, that boomer unironically escalated the situation and I am not saying that to defend muslims at all, Im not. He should have to live with this on his conscious
Oh I hate everyone you listed too, friend. I just also hate race traitors and cowards and npc sheep bootlickers. But you're absolutely correct it's been generational and that's why it's so difficult to battle against. We need worlwide anti-ZOG solidarity asap.

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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You obviously dont know how much a new bike or kyak costs.
>poster of high BMI detected
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Why not both?
Nigga I can drive 80 MPH on the freeway. I can travel far in an automobile. If you're on a gay ass motherfucking bicycle you can only go like 20 MPH as a top speed lol.
You can have both bicycles and freeways anon
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>Bikes are more BASED than those STUPID MURDER BOXES you CHUDS drive!!!
>Get a... motorcycle... or a vespa? But those are too dangerous and scary!!!!
I hope a biker takes a pole and knocks you off your gay pedal bike for holding up traffic

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Gets fucked around. His livestream audience immediately deluges the police station demanding accountability. Bwahahahaha..


The real madness begins at around 17:00 min mark...
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>go to funeral
>speak the truth
>get rich
really fucking based
I just wish 1st Amendment auditors would stop speaking so much. Let the people talk and self-immolate, you don't need to run your mouth the moment you press record.
>real madness begins at around 17:00 min mark...
nah the real madness is 1.6M views on this nothingburger, who the fuck watches this?
cops instigate low level problems into bigger ones, don't call the cops unless you are ok with something(potentially even you) getting shot

cops are niggers

so auditors instigating low level problems with the police is based,
>Be cop
>Be trained on the law for scenarios like this
>Make a mistake because you are incompetent
Poor little piggy.

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>Thr last few years were eye-opening to say the least. I went from leaning libertarian to being a Machiavellian authoritarian in no time

This a very good post.

I went from being a libertarian oriented person who wanted to save the world to just wanting these mentally defective self destructive demons as far away from me as possible. Watching people I used to respect not being able to get over the mental hurdle that was BLM protests being okay during the worst global pandemic in history showed me these people are not okay on any level. The sheer infantile lies the kikes shat all over us on every stream of society was one of the most insulting and maddening things. We're living in fucking Jonestown with radicalized self destructive idiots in every strata of society being marched to the tune of the same vile evil that is bringing us Ukraine and Israel now.

Don't forget, the kikes used Ukraine to memory hole the coof and the fucking house niggers bought on it instantly. I live in a 90% white and highly militant community. But regularly drive the 50-60 minutes to a blue utopia shithole. The way these filthy jew cocksuckers shat Ukraine flags all over everything and program their vax niggers is one of the most evil and disgusting things I've ever seen.

I just want these vaxx niggers as far away from me as possible now. And if you took that kike poison, I will likely never trust you fully and will always doubt your intelligence.

Also, the numbers weren't anywhere close to the 90% the kikes claimed on who shot the jew poison. Maybe 60/40 from what I've seen.
10 unfortunately. Not just during but the aftermath--many people around me still don't see through it even w all of the info coming out that essentially vindicates the skeptics with Facts & Logic.
And my family is those people.
kek true. wild innit
Eh, 4.
Ive never expected much from the masses. All I know is that I just didn't take it is all, and later on that was an unexpected confidence booster so now I'm even more low key smug and cocky af fr fr no cap etc.
Started a $90k/yr tech position in 23 that I had no relatable formal education for. Prior to the mass stupidity event of 20-22 I wouldn't have bothered applying, solely because I'd have expected to not be able to compete with other applicants. No balls etc.
>I didn't realize how stupid people were
don't worry, this can happen when you're retarded

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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burning isn't nearly painful enough for these cunts
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>I think it was a waste of taxpayer money
It has never been more over than it is now for Democrats.
Yeah probably.
Yes. It’s all gay and trans hearting niggers.
at least fags will get a taste of what muslims are actually like

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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you really expect today's sat pic of a US carrier on 4chinz? you don't see the pic is from jewglemaps and has been put together from two different sat pics?
One has no reason to be patriotic when one no longer has a nation
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>ever was a nation
more trustworthy than amerimutts

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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If working more, having stable families and valuing education doesn't lead to stored wealth then what other factors do successful refugee minority groups have in common?
Communists are the biggest parasites of all. Marx never worked a day in his life.
commies are liars that simp for bueracracy and authoritarianism.
You dont want each worker to own the land You want some Jewish committee to decide everything and have authority to kill working class "in interest of working class".

owning the means of production means owning land mineral resources and knowledge to make machines. Commies offer none of it.
Now show me marxism removing the kikes
>Work 180 hours
>Get paid for 80
>Rest goes to "union dues" for some fat faggot
It's literally the same thing as capitalism except with a different set of loopholes to keep your own money.
The only thing better about capitalism is you get to choose where you live and you can work from home. Communism never had that

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COOM is meant for your WIFE. That's it. STOP wasting your life force cooming for pixels and giving energy to (PEOPLE) who hate you.
NEVER GOON and you WILL get a wife if you dont already hae one. THEN you will make her SUPER PREGNANT with FIVE or more SONS.

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The police officer that got stabbed on Friday by an islamist In Germany died today
He was only 29 years old.
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No, no. Germany had colonies so now they must pay
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Good. Zogbots deserve nothing less, fucking traitors.

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Ben Garrison Based Again!
FREE TRUMP! The judiciary is corrupt!
MAGA 2024
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Indeed . . . indeed it is
Also this!
Ben Garrison Based Again!
MAGA 2024
Nixon was still a normal president, as they were later. Nixon was still a normal president, just like these later presidents who were worse and worse. Except Trump of course.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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looks a little like Kot

>I can't sue my employer to give me back my surplus labor.
This is why you sign a contract to start work. You agree on how much you're owed for the amount of labour you put in which includes and 'surplus' labour and you can sue if you're not being provided the agreed amount.

>I keep repeating this: under socialism, workers would own the means of production.
You're not even addressing the question they asked. Repeating a phrase you've heard others say without understanding the meaning of it is pointless. You can't even quantify what the "means of production" are in your own situation.
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>it must be brainwashing for people not to want to be taxed more to provide for useless fucking idiots we don't even need
You know how we don't feed birds, deer etc because it causes a population explosion that isn't sustainable without continued intervention. That is what happens with gibs right now, especially in the 3rd world
>Capitalism = 100% free market in my understanding so bailouts by the FED are not capitalist.
Money brings power, power corrupts the state.
The snake will inevitably eat it's own tail.
Capitalism, like communism is a fatally flawed system, the difference is while communism is doomed to have it's revolution be stolen by the vangaurd party capitalism is doomed to consume itself to further the ends of the the least scrupulous of the ultra-wealthy.
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>You can't even quantify what the "means of production" are in your own situation.
I've got a sneaky suspicion that's because he has never actually worked a day in his worthless life or produced anything of value. I'm getting bored of this shitty LARP so I'm going to go get some work done. If you guys are still giving this faggot (you)s in a couple hours I'll come back and laugh at everyone involved.


Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/


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It's a nice day out today
Should have been 50 million latinx.
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Ah so a erhnic group on their own that had various aryan ethnical ancestry
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yeah, but any idea why they aren't considered nordic? they seem pretty similar if you look at the faces in the first pic

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