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Will she fix Mexico?
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The Marcos family in PH might as well be jews with how much they steal.
Ese are strange

First they burn down the Israeli Embassy in Mexico
Then they elect a Jewish Woman President

Hysterical behavour tbq.h
they didnt burn down the embassy bro
FPBP. Yeah... Basically an uncontested election it's always synonymous with high political instability, nothing to do with being a woman, really, but i expect that line of discourse very early in her mandate. And basically take the right now seems almost holding a hot potato.
I fucking hate jews with all my heart



>shooting mortars
>avoiding Ukrainian kamikaze drones
>driving very fast not to get spotted
>preparring ammo
>sleeping in a bunker

Let's watch Ukraine's last breath, right before they fall to the Ruskies.
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It was hard to see in the video, but it looked like the road they were traveling in on had a net constructed over it for added drone protection. That's pretty fucking smart if you ask me.
He’s official Ruski propaganda but it’s entertaining
Did coach redpill actually get killed? Also why the fuck didn't he move to Russia instead of Ukraine?

Ud know his russian skills western ivan
Semyon Pegov (Wargonzo) and Lancaster footage is amazing. Should be shown on normie TV.

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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i prefer to look at spain in the year 1492
Then White women Will start quitting soon, women always look at older women and more and more younger women can see IS better to just use those years to better yourself and grab a good husband over studying shit
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A lot of boys lack perspective and have retarded parents who don't bother to teach them anything. They just sit in social media and wallow. I've been there. The only reason I'm even here is because 4chan had continuously been a source of entertainment and community for me since 2005. Doesn't matter that I'm now relatively wealthy and have my own kids; the reason why this place gives me joy is still the same. I have to act a certain way to my employees, investors, family, etc and this is the only place where I'm not stressed about that.

Anyway, one thing I want to tell younger anons here is that I was also a loser who spent all day inside playing vidya, until I wasn't. I have friends who did this into their mid-20s, and then turned shit around and are now married with kids in their early-30s. No, they're not married to single moms and yes, the kids are biologically theirs.

Pretty much every loser I grew up with turned it around. The only person I know who hasn't is a guy that probably has clinical depression and rock bottom self confidence. He's a lost cause. I told him that the best thing he can do right now is to take ayahuasca and factory reset his brain, because whatever outcome that produces can't be worse than what he already has, so there's only upside.

If you still have a semblance of fight left in you, you're gonna make it
at least they try with the tradwife play
oh well, i have my lucid dream GF

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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> Brits need niggers to stand up for them against other niggers
Far right racists fault for provoking the POC who was trying to live a peaceful life
Brits let shitskins do what to their girls?
did the muzzle rat at least die? the media is ignoring this story now
emuZingger, Brits only need the spiritual Hitler. Don't worry, it's coming, only a matter of time.

The singular best country in Europe
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i see. i buy imported Belarussian grechka for 4 euro here (500 grams).
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npc population acting against collective interest
they are worse because they are factually worse
zero contributions to humanity
Here it costs around 3.5 eur for 800g.

Buckwheat are high in minerals. Relatively low on vitamins. And as it requires less pesticides and herbicides, it often are more "clean". More than say wheat. So for persons who got some sensitivity against gluten, they can add buckwheat to their diet to keep situation more in control.

Overall, that thing that you eat buckwheat is good. As it will help to make you stronger. Just add some greens into mix, to get some vitamins.

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Previous: >>469937150
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I wonder what the plan of this all is. They'll likely see that as the peace treaty that gets signed in switzerland with russia being represented. Then what, western intervention to enforce said peace treaty?
Shit like this makes me wonder why king cuck here won't remove us from Nato already.
Those who dare, win.
>no ejection seats
ouch...some (former?) ZOGbots got hurt
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me dodging chicks with dicks
Ayo wypipo don season dey computers looooool

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I actually wish the MIGAturd wins and carves up this retard's country just to make him seethe. But knowing how big of a cuck the Israel lackey is he ain't gonna do anything if he wins.
Also when Ukraine concedes and gets worse peace terms than 1 year ago this manlet clown should get sodomized in public like Gaddafi
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>this guy calls you a loser lol
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How's Zelensky's Summer Troon Offensive going?

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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The police here don't know how to handle situations like this because most of the time they either arrive when everything already happened or they never faced a critical situation like this. They sure like to visit Demonstrations and football games to beat up people. Their training should unironically involve attending situations like this either here or in countries where its much more common. I'd bet that half of them would then end their training to become a part of the police.
so it wad the old guy in blue who came in trying to be a hero, started hitting the wrong guy, caused the terrorist to become free and kill the police officer...
that cop earned his death - blinded by toxic ideology
You don't know the first thing about knife wounds, bro. Stab wounds are some of the most fucked up injuries. He stabbed him in the neck, that's pretty much a death sentence even if he gets immediate medical attention.
There are people who survive this, but there's a fuckload of luck involved.
I know of two German politicians who survived a severe knifing in the neck, but both of them were very, very lucky.
One was Oscar Lafontaine who got jumped by some mentally ill woman, she brutally stabbed him in the neck (happened in 1990 in Cologne).
The other was Henriette Reker, mayor of Cologne (yes, the city is a shithole) who got jumped by a rightoid who slashed her whole neck, no fucking idea how she survived that.

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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buying bulk is cheaper, retarded niggers
>married with 3 kids
>wtf why would anybody need to buy big packs of chicken breast?????
>euro can't comprehend buying food for a week worth of meals
>noram can't comprehend eating fresh food
Not long ago they were considered farming equipment

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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We don't think capitalists have any role in the economy.. The factory would be owned and operated by the workers..
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I think most of the people you are talking about are just "indoctrinated" to hate stealing. if it is voluntary socialism then sure, it's 100% compatible with free society. but sadly most of the socialists i've talked to advocate for redistribution of the money with force.
Socialist policies are synonymous with policies that promote dysgenics if great care is not taken to avoid this.
This faggot sits on his ass all day and doesn't do fucking shit but whine about how everything should be free so he doesn't have to do anything because he knows his elderly provider will die someday and he won't survive for long on his inheritance because he's been actively draining it himself this whole time.

Seize the means of production then. Well?
You are attacking a preconceived idea of socialism you have in your head instead of actually understanding anything I say..

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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Top 1 percentile Ubermensch buy Monero, gold and silver.
Yeah, if I get enough money into founds, then my son's will get that when I die. Education is free, the kids are legitimately intelligent, so they'll do fine unless something happens. But I can cosign on loans for houses etc.

I also don't own a car, that's one of the reasons I can save that much. And I got a deal with my fiance where she covers less for the coming 3years, as she did for me when I reeducated to another profession a few years ago. After that I can either get a car, or save even more.
One of the best financial tools you can have is a good partner, that's capable of thinking longtrerm
The mogul only takes 40% :) The other 30% is to fund our genocide and child rape
Living in a van will get you killed/arrested here. Ze pod is the 40% btw
Seethe. He’s done the smart thing instead of falling for nuclear family propaganda. Splitting bills between earners in a shared home benefits everyone under its roof. Moving out on your own is financial suicide for most.
I'm the long term thinker in my relationship, my fiancee is financially illiterate and would stuff her savings into her pillowcase were I not there to advise her. But she is low maintenance (comes from poor family) and doesn't spend much at all. Plus she is resistant to societal bullshit rat race brainwashing so there is that.
Helped her develop an entepreneurial mindset too, she has ways of earning extra money on her own. Women learn by example, much like children.

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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Bold of you to assume anyone has any friends on 4chan.
> British Intelligence
What was the name of their propaganda division again? Bellingcat?
The purpose of intelligence services has never been to inform the public truthfully.
you dogshit genetics cretins repeat same pattern 24/7 in multiple languages on multiple platforms for several years

you are fundamentally inferior to my species for believing your methods work

You want to keep this train going? Fine.
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for sure Putin will go down in history as one of Russia's worst leaders and a bloodthirsty megalomaniac shithead

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Isn't it just a song that talks about the inability to pay rent because people are broke?
Q predicted this!
so is trump
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>Girl gets kidnapped
>Brutally tortured and raped
>guys who captured and tortured her get his buddies to also assault her
>Literally crippled and tortured to death
>when they get caught the worst offender gets at max 20 years in prison
>everyone else involved only gets 5-10 years

What the fuck is this Japan?
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bro. that stuff those "kids" did is so fucking sick and twisted if you honestly think they should ever get out of prison then your culture is truly fucked up.
in america they would have gotten tickets to NBA and have a statue
>What the fuck is this Japan?
They're mostly atheists
Worse miscarriages of justice have happened in the United States.

Robert Richards IV, one of the Du Pont heirs, was convicted of raping his 3 year old daughter and faced no prison time because the judge felt he “would not fare well.” He was also accused of raping his 5 year old son for several years.


Worse than this. 54% of exonerations in the United States are the result of official misconduct. 21 states do not offer compensation for wrongful conviction. Glynn Simmons was recently released after 43 years in prison due to wrongful conviction. The longest in US history.
they were all connected to the yakuza.
crazy they are all still alive today.
rip sweet girl.

i'm not a violent man, i believe in karma.
but this is one of those deep dives that made me completely walk away from any relationship with a loving god.

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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Nooo. Poor girl.

I'm responsible for psyopping zoom zooms into dating older women
Be ashamed, we need these efeminate retarded brocolli haired motherfuckers to go around fucking impregnating women

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How come Japs and Koreans are considered le based and redpilled according to pol, and theyre seen as "honorary Aryans", but non-Ukranian slavs are considered subhuman mongoloids, especially Russians. You also see similar attitude towards southern Europeans like Italians, Greeks, the Balkans, etc. although they don't get quite as much hate as the Russians.

Why does pol endlessly praise the modern, liberal, effeminate, consumeristic societies of South Korea and Japan, but they want to basically eradicate or genocide Russians?

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Great news for global warming - China proves geoengineering is twice as effective as previously thought: China cleans up emissions and global warming accelerates, hence proving that atmospheric aerosols work really well for global cooling. Greta Thunberg can now relax and have babies!!!!

ZAMN greta looks like that now????
I bet she can suck dick like no problem.

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> Trump verdict finally comes in
> ADL, Media & Langley faggots go to override trying to desperately astroturf some counter-Trump Cuckservative movement
> as every non-faggot was able to predict, no one falls for the scam
> Langley faggots & ADL hired shills resort to belittling American patriots

Why are Feds & Langley faggots like this?
Every time bro.
It's been happening since the 60s.

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I missed rice in my diet so god damned much! When will prices of rice drop to the pre-covid levels?
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>That shit is annoying to heat back up, it always turns out dry.
i always just fry some onions and spices in a big cast iron pan then dump the rice in. mix it all through, get it hot, maybe throw some eggs in there and boom, comes out like new.
>can't afford rice

how fucking poor are you
Dunno about Boland, but rice is still affordable here. It's just most people are too stupid and lazy to buy a 10lbs bag and cook it.
basmati rice is one of the few items that I keep track of the price and surprisingly it hasn't changed in 3 years.
It's 3.30 € for 1kg of basmati rice and has been since 02/2021
rice turns straight to acid in your stomach, its not meant for indo european consumption

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